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24776750? ago

This has drug on far too long.

24777035? ago

Yeah.. probably because it doesn't really exist- it's a larp and you guys have been puffing the Hopeium too long.

24777256? ago

I have to consider that possibility. So, being convinced of this possibility, what do you propose we do about the communist invasion? Half of the idiots among us think they're the good guys.

24777770? ago

Be ready for the worse in either scenario, we will either hit a point where Q is proved legit, and there will be mass outrage before things are settled. Or there will be mass outrage and persecution of anyone committing the unthinkable thought crimes.

24778469? ago

I'm afraid it will be the latter. There has been a lot of deception over the last 100 years . Who knows what the truth is after all of these lies.