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24775993? ago

muh arrests or gtfo.....I hope people can see this thing is being dismantled from the bottom up, saving those "name's we know" for last. We've seen the news, pedo networks across the globe shut down and thousands of arrests, MS-13 under roundup by our Federal agencies, and now we have Ghislaine Maxwell as well. For those people like Brennan, Obama, Comey, & the Clintons, this is like herding hogs in a swamp, no pun intended. When the time is right, DJT will have them all in a cage and the "processing" will begin.

24780834? ago

That is a wildly optimistic perspective that cherry picks irrelevant "wins" to support a narrative that just isn't happening. At most, the elites are shuffling and jockeying for power among themselves. They installed Trump for the exact role he's playing right now. Trillions are going into private pockets. He has crashed our, well, our country and our way of life.

The Shock Doctrine would give you some insights into what's been happening in America for awhile now.

24783149? ago

We'll just have to see how this turns out now won't we? If they were in control, Hillary would be POTUS and she isn't, so there's that. If you right, then we're right back where we started and we've had 3 more years to live, if you're wrong, please do us a favor and go climb in the tub with a toaster, you're wasting precious oxygen.

24793234? ago

If they were in control, Hillary would be POTUS

Ah, that old narrative. Another demonstration of how "they thought she couldn't lose" has been so effective. Sorry, but they selected and installed Trump for exactly what's happening now. Do you still believe in the dem vs rep story?

24799625? ago

That makes absolutely no sense at all, and even if it were true, what difference does it make? Do you have an alternative plan? We're all ears.

24809593? ago

That makes absolute sense, although there are truncated world views out there that would fail to account for the basis and logic of such a phenomenon. In the world view that acknowledges the existence of the media-shy trillionaires, the evidence of their control of world affairs and operations explains many mysteries.

To be a person who can credibly run for president of the US, you have a sense of 'how things really work', and which way the wind is blowing. Basically, you some level of understanding of who holds power and what their agenda might be. I'm sure those people do let a number of 'schlubs' toss their hat into the ring, but they hold close to the power of a person playing Sim City over the hapless Sims, and no one is going to become president of the US without their direct approval.

We've seen Trump fulfilling their agenda many times, even if he has his own style and opinions. Experiencing his results after close to 4 years has a lot of conservatives and people on the right wanting an end to all the "winning".

To be clear, I believe the elite/cabal/jews own both sides of US presidential elections, and it was no different in 2016.

Do you have an alternative plan?

Do I have a plan to take control of the world away from the jews and their associates? No, I actually do not. I also don't see a lack of a viable alternative as a valid reason to embrace our slavery. I've seen many followers of Q and Trump essentially make two arguments for their support. The first being that him being attacked by 'the left' is reason enough to support him. So now the left is dictating the positions and values of the right?

The left: "We've been told to call that jewish operative a Nazi, and a white supremacist."

The right: "That gets our cuck dander up, so we're forced to support him and his agenda to show our disapproval." [Goys, don't make eye contact with his finances, or any of that incest stuff with Ivanka. And remember, Israel is our greatest beneficiary.]

And while most of those "proofs" were ridiculous, they did as they were intended to do - Convincingly tie Q to Trump.

The second being, as you seem to allude to, that there's no alternative, so supporting him is forced. "Would you like [bad option] or [worse option]?" Uh, what about neither? Sure, I can see the desire to accept the guy your enemy attacks as 'your guy', but that's an old trick.

Okay, worked outside with the plants for awhile and no longer remember what point I was making. I guess what I'm seeing is people looking for comfortable world views, and being willing to ignore almost anything that prevents them from finding one. If one mentions that they've discovered "It's all a show" and our elections are as controlled as the rest of it, it's like touching the third rail of politics.

Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Insightful, and relevant to this topic.

24812463? ago

So you have no plan, so you are as powerless as the rest of us. lol

As matter of fact you've put forth absolutely nothing but a circular argument. An unsustainable argument at that.

Nobody said there is no alternative, only there are no alternative plans, at least that I am aware of, that is why I ask, do you have one. There are always alternative actions we can all take, but I will speak for myself, I see winning everywhere, I am awake, and as so many others out there, I observe the world events and at any time I can decide to change course, I am in control every day, and every day is a new day.

24815080? ago

You see 'winning' everywhere because you blind yourself to reality.

24816211? ago

No, its because we are on different sides, I am on the side of light, you are on the side of darkness, the sun is rising and illuminating the world.

24834487? ago

You're clearly on the side of low IQ.

24838402? ago

Could be, maybe Mensa International fucked up their scoring, who knows? Could be you're a troll?

24861821? ago

Is it trolling to point out deluded views of the world? If so, I may be guilty.

24862035? ago

No, you keep on keeping on.