"Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons."
~ Tweet by Roger Stone, 5 Aug. 2017
~ Who knows where the bodies are buried? Q
The fear and panic is now palpable. These sick f$cks are now being taken out. Globally.
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Watch the speech.
God bless.
Most-wanted paedophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested
Maxwell's arrest has them all scurrying from their dark hiding places. They know all their comms are compromised. They "know FISA goes both ways". They know that the sheep/cattle are waking up. They know their money will not buy them shelter anywhere on Earth when the early morning tap on their doors come. 2020 has long ago slipped from their boney grasp. Every escape, hope, hiding place, and legal shelter is being removed from them, one after another. Every distraction and false flag they have thrown at Pres Trump has been thwarted and is one less bullet in their clip. The health is literally draining from their bodies before our eyes. They age a year each week that passes - look at their faces. This is the time, when all hope is gone for them, that the birds start to sing.
Chrissy Teigen Blocked Over A Million Twitter Users Who’d Linked Her To Jeffrey Epstein Via A Conspiracy Theory
Over 1 million users blocked huh. You know, her handlers won't have been happy she told us that. Think about it for a moment - there have been ONE MILLION people on Twitter that took the time to tell her she (he/it, whatever) is a pedo and is soon going down. Just on Twitter. Let that sink in. The WORLD is waking up patriots. And all of you played an important part in that.
oh, and before the "arrests or GTFO" shills and concern-fags arrive - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3929072
Keep fighting Patriots.
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24776452? ago
We've been promised shit like this since day one.
Not impressed.
I'm 100% onboard with Trump and Q. There is no alternative that can work, I think. Civil war would accomplish nothing. The same people would infiltrate us and millions of people who had nothing to do with it would die.
No, Q and the NSA are the only way to really way to get to the bottom of how the enemy is organized, who is guilty and who isn't. I believe in the Plan, but I'm not getting excited about it being soon or any fun when it happens.
24781007? ago
It's an obvious psyop, so keep that in mind when you're tempted to enter a state of excited delirium. But really, they keep using the "new guy better than the old guy" pitch because it works.
24779313? ago
I don’t want Civil War because I don’t wanna leave my children without a father, but what in the world makes you think that winning a Civil War against fucking liberals wouldn’t solve everything? I am as non-violent as they get, mostly because I needed to see real violence several times in my life, beyond my control, and I don’t like watching people die. I don’t like war, I don’t like combat, I don’t like violence, even if I’m fucking good at it. What in the world makes you think that the country, our nation, our republic, wouldn’t become instantly better if we rounded up the communists and traitors and eliminated or jailed them? If the FBI was dissolved, the CIA dissolved, the two party system dissolved or altered forever, if patriots were, truly, in charge? What makes you think that would make everything better instantly? I could snap my fingers like that super villain faggot from those faggot movies and make liberals all across the country disappear: how is our country not instantly better? Just curious
24787516? ago
You have accepted a premise - that our civil war would be conservatives verse liberals. The enemy is not Liberals. Insane Liberalism is simply a tool that the globalist elites use to attain their goals. Does Hillary Clinton believe that white people are defective? No. Would she support BLM and Antifa burning down cities and pulling down statues? Yes, if it helps make the Deplorables lose elections in 2020. The GOP is filled with the enemy, posing as patriotic conservatives for my entire lifetime. The GW Bush, HW Bush, Paul Ryan, John McCain etc. And you have the fake conservative pundits like Bill Kristol. None of these people would be considered Liberals, yet they are the enemy of the people.
If you have a war with the idea that you will put all leftists in jail, we are no better off. The country is full of Freemasons who pretend to be mainstream non-political people. You don't know who is a mason and who isn't. IMHO it is the masons that infiltrate our law enforcement/justice system, making sure certain crime goes unpunished.
A civil war will not fix anything. Because our problem is not a Left vs. Right one. It is the patriotic populists against the globalist elites who want to destroy the country so they have have their world government. This is why they are destroying our country - we stand in their way. A civil war weakens us dramatically, which is their goal.
24777140? ago
real change takes work