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24776452? ago

We've been promised shit like this since day one.

Not impressed.

I'm 100% onboard with Trump and Q. There is no alternative that can work, I think. Civil war would accomplish nothing. The same people would infiltrate us and millions of people who had nothing to do with it would die.

No, Q and the NSA are the only way to really way to get to the bottom of how the enemy is organized, who is guilty and who isn't. I believe in the Plan, but I'm not getting excited about it being soon or any fun when it happens.

24781007? ago

I'm 100% onboard with Trump and Q.

It's an obvious psyop, so keep that in mind when you're tempted to enter a state of excited delirium. But really, they keep using the "new guy better than the old guy" pitch because it works.