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24776750? ago

This has drug on far too long.

24777035? ago

Yeah.. probably because it doesn't really exist- it's a larp and you guys have been puffing the Hopeium too long.

24777256? ago

I have to consider that possibility. So, being convinced of this possibility, what do you propose we do about the communist invasion? Half of the idiots among us think they're the good guys.

24779527? ago

I don’t think gullible Q faggots are the bad guys. They are good guys, they are good people. They are misguided.

I’m not even sure that electing Trump is the best thing for us. We might need a wake up call that only a goddamn Democrat communist bullshit can provide. But here’s the thing: it’s not because it will “wake up” any of the people who are on the fence that doesn’t really even exist anymore. The lines have already been drawn and then they are not going to change very much. I am a very peaceful, non-violent person and would never advocate violence or war. Ever. But I don’t think this can be handled at the ballot box, unless we are able to hold the house, the Senate, and the White House all at once, and actually get results. Round up the fucking traitors. No more promises, real action. Unless Trump is really going to do something about all of these problems? Unless he’s really going to drain the swamp, electing him is a complete waste of time. One of the biggest problems is the media. Roughly half the country believes whatever the television tells them. We need to somehow change that. I would fix that before I do anything else. Honestly, they are even worse than the Democrats, higher on my list of our nations greatest enemies. No one is higher than the media-intelligence community industrial complex. No one is worse than them, no one is more destructive. I don’t want them to become right wing, I want them to become fair. Because believe me - Republicans lie, too. Our nation has been robbed of its ability to get unbiased information, if they ever even had it in the first place. Fix that and watch what happens to the electorate.

24786392? ago

They will never be fair. Not until they either win or die. This is war, and they are committed. People need to understand this. They hate us in the way that enemies do. And communists aren't known for their mercy. I don't believe there will be a peaceful resolution to this.