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24775993? ago

muh arrests or gtfo.....I hope people can see this thing is being dismantled from the bottom up, saving those "name's we know" for last. We've seen the news, pedo networks across the globe shut down and thousands of arrests, MS-13 under roundup by our Federal agencies, and now we have Ghislaine Maxwell as well. For those people like Brennan, Obama, Comey, & the Clintons, this is like herding hogs in a swamp, no pun intended. When the time is right, DJT will have them all in a cage and the "processing" will begin.

24780834? ago

That is a wildly optimistic perspective that cherry picks irrelevant "wins" to support a narrative that just isn't happening. At most, the elites are shuffling and jockeying for power among themselves. They installed Trump for the exact role he's playing right now. Trillions are going into private pockets. He has crashed our, well, our country and our way of life.

The Shock Doctrine would give you some insights into what's been happening in America for awhile now.

24781769? ago

He crashed our Country?


Stop watching msm.

24793261? ago

You haven't watched or read any news, have you.