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24775882? ago

3.5 Years in with no appreciable action and you guys are still going strong. If I had faith like yours, I'd be like that guy who killed himself to prove that he could communicate from the dead.

Something you q people need to ask yourself is, what's your deadline? If you don't put a hard line in the sand you'll just keep moving the goal post. When will you say "ok, if X happens, I'll know that I've been fooled this entire time".

24776012? ago

3.5 years in, and you shills are still here. You do realize that you only re-affirm our knowledge that your bosses are going down, right? I mean, if I had faith like you shills I might even believe that Soros is a good guy, kek.

24776073? ago

Anybody who isn't in my cult is a shill.

24777058? ago

Yes, anyone who isn't retarded is a shill. What do you MEAN you want evidence?!? HERESY!