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24776750? ago

This has drug on far too long.

24777035? ago

Yeah.. probably because it doesn't really exist- it's a larp and you guys have been puffing the Hopeium too long.

24777256? ago

I have to consider that possibility. So, being convinced of this possibility, what do you propose we do about the communist invasion? Half of the idiots among us think they're the good guys.

24779457? ago

Shit man, I don't know. That's a fair critique.

Here is what I do know. Have kids and home-school them. Also, don't put your faith in Jesus figures.

24786412? ago

I don't put my faith in Jesus figures. I put my faith in God.

24789897? ago

You may not, but just in the small time I've been here (since front page went down and we have to browse from v/all ) I've seen people here treat trump as a savior. There's a reason why people made fun of calling him the god-emperor.

24791801? ago

There is no God but God.