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24774835? ago

It will never be released. No arrests are coming. The pedos win again because you faggots elected another kike.

24774869? ago

I see Schlomo has joined us. You guys are just boring now.

24775093? ago

I'm not here to entertain you, faggot. I'm just here to trigger you with the truth.

24775301? ago

meh, no you're not. You will fail, and best of all you know it. You might want to re-consider who you work for too - there'll be no free passes later.

24776181? ago

I know right? Fuck all these niggerfaggot shills up in this bitch.

In typical shill fashion, even though the internet is such a huge place, they have to come in here and try to fuck with us.

But I give zero fucks. So many shills for a LARP? Just proves it's not a LARP.

Go ahead shills, spout your shit, I don't give a fuck. You will not silence me.

24777089? ago

Then message @Puttitout and tell him to fix the front page so I don't have to see you 'tards.

24777272? ago

Why don't you just ignore it? Fucking communists, it's not enough for you to ignore someone you don't agree with, you have to actively silence them.

24779561? ago

I'm not trying to silence you, bro, I'm making fun of you.

24780398? ago

How pathetic a person you must be, to feel the need to come and make fun of myself and others.

You should KYS.

24780444? ago

Nu-uhh.... You.