And you drew even more attention to that old alt of yours. The one you claimed was @ESOTERICshade.

Me? Oh am I Srayzie now? You used to claim I was Shizy. Truth is, you don’t know who I am. But what you’re saying makes no sense. Why would she make an alt to share pics with you guys that could later be used against her?

Why do you keep picking on @Gothamgirl and dragging her into your drama? Did she dox you or threaten your kids?

@Gothamgirl is part of my art. She married a pedophile that threatens kids. She has taken part in spreading lies, including yours.

You are her white knight. You got cucked by a swollen up nigger lover. Kek. I never realized what a pussy you were. It makes sense that this is you.

You have lost all credibility. You have proven that you are with them. Did you see what @Madworld said here? You are defending a paid trolls wife. A troll that threatens people’s kids and posts pictures of dead children.

The chances that someone hacked an “outbox” is very slim. The chances that someone from a locked alt sent GG a message is zero. The chances that you are a pathetic coward and had someone else post your screenshots for you is the most likely scenario.

You should step down. You should not be an O of ProtectVoat. Your plot failed. You’ve been exposed in more ways that one.

zyklon_b ago

@clamhurt_legbeard is a paid shill?

Vindicator ago

What's funny though is srayzie admitted to having a sex addiction. YOU are the one who took advantage of that. That must take game, huh? Real player there. A girl who was conditioned since childhood to give sex to men and after getting a look at her boobs you took advantage of that weakness so you could get a few wanks in.

There's really no depths you're unwilling to sink to, is there, Kev?

Srayzie and Crensch barely knew each other at that time. He had no clue about her past, which she only divulged in the weeks after ES tried to get her demodded by sharing her nudes. You know this, because she confided then in you as well.

You've proven you were well aware of their steamy interlude at the time, because both confided in you, yet it's only now you accuse Crensch of taking advantage of her? Where were your concerns then?

Your hypocrisy swells in the sun like an overripe fruit going to rot.

Crensch never exposed srayzie to harm in any way, other than trusting you. You, on the other hand, used Esoteric's disgusting extortion of her to fuel Zyklon and GG's campaign to silence her forever.

You could have used your moral authority to stop this at any time, and yet repeatedly you have failed to do so. Instead, you egged it on, permanently destroying any doubt that peripheral observers like me had about your role here on Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @Gothamgirl.

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SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

You, on the other hand, used Esoteric's disgusting extortion of her to fuel Zyklon and GG's campaign to silence her forever.

I am issuing you a direct challenge @vindicator . You need to get some of those EXOTORTION PMs I sent srayzie so that we can allllll read them. I issue you this challenge because I KNOW for a FACT that nothing like that exists. I know it for a fact. Her paranoia, because i'm not a Qbert, does not equal extortion by me. GO AHEAD. Ask for those PMs and make sure you ping me when you post them. I can't wait. You got played.

Potentially Dozens of people on Voat got pics from her. Right here she is practically begging @kevdude to look at her titties.

But since I fought you like a tiger to keep piece of shit anonymous 4 chan sources out of Voat because OBVIOUSLY Q was a money making scheme or a psyop, because none of Q's horseshit ever happened, it JUST HAD TO BE ME that sent you mods those pics right? Unless you can prove this shit you need to stop running your mouth about me. Its time for you to show up with some damn evidence.

You got played.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh this is so good!

So you got her pics too!

Come on Vin, you are her number 1 white knight. I knew this from before and let her ping and PM me because she knows how much an ass I can be and screwing with me is a total pain in the ass.

Just admit it! You freaked her! It’s ok! Well all know anyways!

Gothamgirl ago

Nobody believes your bullshit anymore you have proven to be the Whore of babylon's supreme chuck.

HollaKost ago

And you're just a stupid whore that everyone laughs at!

ESOTERICshade ago

He had no clue about her past, which she only divulged in the weeks after ES tried to get her demodded by sharing her nudes.

You are a liar because the original ones she sent me have never shown up at Voat as far as I know, unless she sent them to other people too. I never opened my mouth about any of that to anybody. I promised never to say a word about any of it and I kept my promise.

By her own admission she sent pics to "a few people" so don't accuse me of what other people might have done. Just because I didn't want yall polluting v/pizzagate with Qanon does not mean I would stab her in the back like that, and I didn't. If I had done even half the bullshit you have accused me of I would have to be a super villian and live on Voat 24 hours a day. You get shit in your mind, and it becomes real to you.

Just because I am not a Q follower does not mean I am a "deep state" villian. I am not alone in believing that the whole Qanon phenom is a psyop. I have stayed out of all this bullshit because believe it or not, I AM NOT INVOLVED in divulging any of her personal information. Just because she ran around telling a lot of people "Halp! Halp! I gave ES some pics and I am afraid he will use them against me", does not mean that I did. Her paranoia is not my bad actions, and that is what you are accusing me of.

I kept my mouth shut, and, she should have done the same. She pulled herself into the quicksand, not me.

WhiteRonin ago

Fuck ... I believe you.

Why would you suck it up for her? She totally screwed you over.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not sticking up for her. I"m a little bit pissed off about the whole thing to be honest with you. If somebody put her pics out here it damn sure wasn't me. She picked me because I can't stand the Q bullshit, and in her mind, that makes me evil. I'm not happy about it, and YES, she totally fucked me over. Big time.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BraunF14 ago


Thanks, mate. Ya the guy was blowing up my inbox last night and I'm just like, I gotta work in the morning man. He's foaming at the mouth absolutely begging for the pics. So I made a post for him. Hopefully someone will come through. At the very least, that black and white pic in the bathroom, I think she was wearing some type of nightgown or such. I'm sure that would appease @theoldones enough to stop bothering me. The other pic was admittedly just of some terrible sagging tits and what looked like her face sucking on one of the smallest cocks I've ever seen. @theoldones , I'm sure you wish that little cock was yours. Be careful. Once you see it, you might go over the edge with jealousy XD HAHAHAHAHA

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Please, what is a 133t hacker?

gabara ago

@crensch has completely lost it now. I couldn't even snap him out of it on Friday with my strongest Tom Foolery.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh look at this! Crensch knows something that nobody else knows!

Why are you so sure? Please come on! The old Crensch I knew and respected would provide proof and not run around ranting like a liberal!

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

@virge, @molochHunter @vindicator

Flush! He’s swirling so fast now!

gabara ago

Did you reply to the wrong comment?

WhiteRonin ago

Yeah, I did. Sorry!


My advice to you, is next time you want to pull a little stunt, don’t let a dumb bitch that has lost all credibility, lead the operation. This was a big fail. Kek.

Gothamgirl ago

He was not involved and I also have messages sent from others, that don't include Kevindude at all. Where she basically says the same to them. She was running the same scam on just about every male here.

Stop threatening my kid or it will get worse. I have plenty of ammo. I didn't want to go this route but you have been posting my personal info and private messages for weeks.


Who threatened your kid? That’s what you guys do.

Your ammo doesn’t affect me. You are showing what a shitty person you are. But the best part is, your elaborate scheme last night was a big fat fail you stupid cunt.

The PMs between @Crensch and Zyklon were fakes. The ones you posted last night were probably fakes too. If not, we all know your dumb ass isn’t a hacker. We also know that a locked alt didn’t send you a PM.

What you proved is that @Kevdude is a coward who had you do the dirty work for him. You fell for it. You so dumb! Kek! It also shows that Kevdude works with you guys. Just like we thought.

You did us a favor. I’m glad you’re on their team. You’re the dumb one that will get everyone else exposed.

Crensch ago

And you have made 9 threads and counting but have been mostly quiet about the fact that WR may have been set tit pics too.

As if claims about that mean anything. Other pics were circulating. Why not drop them?

WR is all bark, no bite, and doesn't really deserve a response to his horseshit. He's an instigator and doesn't check what he posts. Remember those faked PMs from me to zyklon? He was ALL over that immediately.

Are you actually jealous over your internet squeeze? You know every night she logs off with you and goes to bed IRL with her actual husband, right?

You know my submission shows a pattern of the CP-porn-on-cell-phone GothamGirl protecting you, right?

The only possible sources are me or srayzie.

You mean you.

Srayzie never trusted either of them, but played along with zyklon in shitposting against GG because it was fun.

And now I'm curious about that account. Was it the one used to send you the tits? You never deleted the PM. Around September 22 or so, right?

Didn't we all confirm it was the same username back then? You're the expert on all this.

So were any of these PMs real or is this just more manufactured drama?

Nice try. Only one source of those PM's, dude. Srayzie is gone, and no way would she have shared those out of the blue with GG or Zyklon at any point in time. She never liked zyklon, and didn't even know who GothamGirl was until being accused of putting CP on her phone.

@Vindicator @kestrel9 @IMCHAD @hollakost @MolochHunter

WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie isn’t gone! She still PMs me.

I’m all Bark and no bite but yet, you fucking coward don’t ping me. Hmm, was that cuck boi?

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie never trusted either of them, but played along with zyklon in shitposting against GG because it was fun.

That's a bunch of bullshit she was the obsessed with him and me, just like she did with FLYNNL1VE5.

That's why she got what she got jealous whore.

Are you fucking serious about she didn't know me before the cp in my phone dude? That bitch started harassing me and playing games a year before that happened. I can post those messages to. Since you only did a half assed post the last time

Your are so pathetic and just need to stop.

Crensch ago

That's a bunch of bullshit she was obsessed with him and me, just like she did with my friend FLYNNL1VE5 before zyklon.

No, she wasn't. You were obsessed with her and projected your obsession onto her then as you do now.

That's why she got what she got, she is a jealous whore.

Nobody in their right minds would ever want Zyklon. There's no substance to him - he's an admitted drug addict and claims to have been to jail. He's got a half-zipper-head kid he can't even take care of.

Are you fucking serious about she didn't know me before the cp in my phone dude? That bitch started harassing me and playing games a year before that happened. You used the PM's againist me a year ago, for fucks sake in that half assed post you made.

Horseshit. If you felt you were being gamed, you were too busy being your paranoid schizo self to realize that you were never on anyone's radar as anything more than an annoyance.

Well, you're really not more than that now - a bigger annoyance only because of your husband. Again riding his coattails like you do with your "friends" here.

Your are so pathetic and just need to stop.

You're 70lbs heavier than the girl in that video. You just need to stop eating.

gabara ago

I think you have lost it, friend.

kestrel9 ago

Sent 9 mos ago on 9/19/18

Doesn't say anything about when GG got them, other than what she claimed, which was that "they were hacked" so technically she's not saying directly that she hacked anything, but did say they were not given to her, so it's an indirect confession.

QualityShitposter ago

Still being a drama queen?

V/GreatAwakening deserves better than a drunkposting POS owner, but I’m sure your attentionfagging side justifies it somehow.

WhiteRonin ago

@kestrel9 is srayzie

kestrel9 ago

But that was in February, so posting those today would have nothing to do with fighting fire with fire:

kestrel9 ago

For Chapters 1,2 & 3 of 15 start:

Last Circle

Chapter 4

The history of Wackenhut Corporation is best described from its own literature. An outdated letter of introduction typed on Wackenhut letterhead once sent to prospective clients provided me with the following profile:


"Wackenhut Corporation had its beginnings in 1954, when George R. Wackenhut and three other former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed a company in Miami, Special Agent Investigators, to provide investigative services to business and industry.

"The approach was so well received that a second company was formed in 1955 to apply the same philosophy to physical security problems. In 1958 the companies were combined under the name of Wackenhut Corporation, a Florida company. From the outset, George Wackenhut was President and chief executive officer of the enterprise. Wackenhut established its headquarters in Coral Gables, Florida in 1960, extending its physical security operations to the United States government through formation of a wholly owned subsidiary, Wackenhut Services, Incorporated. This was done in order to comply with federal statute prohibiting the government from contracting with companies which furnish investigative or detective services.

"In 1962, Wackenhut operations extended from Florida to California and Hawaii. On January 1, 1966, the company became international with offices in Caracas, Venezuela, through half ownership of an affiliate.

"The Wackenhut Corporation became public in 1966 with over-the-counter stock sales and joined the American Stock Exchange in 1967. Through acquisitions of subsidiaries and affiliates, now totaling more than 20, and expansion of it contracts into numerous territories and foreign countries, the Wackenhut Corporation has grown into one of the world's largest security and investigative firms.

"In 1978 acquisition of NUSAC, a Virginia company providing technical and consulting services to the nuclear industry, brought Wackenhut into the fields of environment and energy management. In 1979, Wackenhut acquired Stellar Systems, Inc., a California company specializing in outdoor electronic security.

"The executive makeup of the company reflects the stress Mr. Wackenhut placed on professional leadership. The Wackenhut Corporation is guided by executives and managers with extensive backgrounds in the FBI and other military, governmental and private security and investigative fields.

"The principle business of the company is furnishing security and complete investigative services and systems to business, industry and professional clients, and to various agencies of the U.S. Government.

"Through a whollyowned subsidiary, Wackenhut Electronic Systems Corporation, the company develops and produces sophisticated computerized security systems to complement its guard services.

"Major clients of Wackenhut's investigative services are the insurance industry and financial interests. These services include insurance inspections, corporate acquisition surveys, personnel background reports, pre-employment screening, polygraph examinations and general criminal, fraud and arson investigations.

"The wide variety of services offered by Wackenhut Corporation also includes guard and electronic security for banks, office buildings, apartments, industrial complexes and other physical structures; training programs in English and foreign languages to apply Wackenhut procedures to individual clients needs; fire, safety and protective patrols; rescue and first aid services; emergency support programs tailored to labor-management disputes, and pre-departure screening programs widely used by airports and airlines.

"The company now has some 20,000 employees and maintains close to 100 offices and facilities with operations spread across the United States and extending into Canada, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Middle East, Indonesia, Central and South America and the Caribbean."

kestrel9 ago

On the surface, Wackenhut Corporation seemed innocuous enough, but through documents later obtained from Michael Riconosciuto, I learned there was another, darker side to Wackenhut operations, at the Cabazon Indian reservation near Indio, California.

Because Indian reservations are sovereign nations and do not come under federal jurisdiction, Wackenhut International had formed a partnership and entered into a business venture with the Cabazon Indians to produce hightech arms and explosives for export to third-world countries. This maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against U.S. weapons being shipped to the Contras and middle eastern countries.

In the early 1980's, Dr. John Nichols, the Cabazon tribal administrator, obtained a department of Defense secret facility clearance for the reservation to conduct various research projects. Nichols then approached Wackenhut with an elaborate "joint venture" proposal to manufacture 120mm combustible cartridge cases, 9mm machine pistols, laser-sighted assault weapons, sniper rifles and portable rocket systems on the Cabazon reservation and in Latin America. At one point, he even sought to develop biological weapons.

Again, through Michael Riconosciuto's files, I later obtained interoffice memorandums and correspondence relating to biological technology, but more on that in chapter 10. Meanwhile, in 1980, Dr. John Nichols obtained the blueprints to Crown Prince Fahd's palace in Tiaf, Saudi Arabia, and drafted a plan to provide security for the palace.

The Saudis were interested enough to conduct a background check on the Cabazons. Mohammad Jameel Hashem, consul of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C., wrote former South Dakota Senator James Abourezk at his offices in Washington D.C. and noted,

"According to our black list for companies, the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians/Cabazon Trading Company and Wackenhut International are not included."

Translated, that meant that neither the Cabazons or Wackenhut were Jewish-run enterprises.

George Wackenhut's political leanings were once described in a book entitled, "The Age of Surveillance, The Aims and Methods of America's Political Intelligence System," by Frank J. Donner (Knopf, 1980), pp. 424425 as such:

"The agency's [Wackenhut] professional concerns reflect the political values of its director, George Wackenhut. A rightist of the old blood, he selected as his directors an assortment of ultras prominent in the John Birch Society, the ASC, and other rightwing groups. The agency's monthly house organ, the `Wackenhut Security Review,' systematically decried the subversive inspiration in virtually all the protest movements of the sixties, from civil rights to peace. This vigilance earned the publication the accolade of rightwing organizations, including (in 1962) the George Washington Honor Medal and the Freedom Foundation Award at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; and (in 1965 and 1966) the Vigilant Patriots Award from the All American Conference to Combat Communism."

kestrel9 ago


Of all the articles written about Wackenhut Corporation, probably the most provocative was written by John Connolly for SPY magazine, published in September 1992, pp. 4654. Connolly, a former New York police officer turned writer, began his story with the following introduction:

"What? A big private company one with a board of former CIA, FBI and Pentagon officials; one in charge of protecting nuclear weapons facilities, nuclear reactors, the Alaskan oil pipeline and more than a dozen American embassies abroad; one with longstanding ties to a radical rightwing organization; one with 30,000 men and women under arms secretly helped Iraq in its effort to obtain sophisticated weapons? And fueled unrest in Venezuela? This is all the plot of a new bestselling thriller, right? Or the ravings of some overheated conspiracy buff, right? Right? WRONG."

Connolly highlighted George Wackenhut as a "hardline rightwinger" who was able to profit from his beliefs by building dossiers on Americans suspected of being Communists or left-leaning "subversives and sympathizers" and selling the information to interested parties. By 1965 , Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents one in 46 American adults then living.

In 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag, a former staff member of the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America.

Connolly wrote that it was not possible to overstate the special relationship that Wackenhut enjoys with the federal government. Richard Babayan, claiming to be a CIA contract employee, told SPY that "Wackenhut has been used by the CIA and other intelligence agencies for years. When they [the CIA] need cover, Wackenhut is there to provide it for them."

Another CIA agent, Bruce Berckmans, who was assigned to the CIA station in Mexico City, but left the agency in January 1975 (putatively) to become a Wackenhut international operations vice president, told SPY that he had seen a formal proposal submitted by George Wackenhut to the CIA offering Wackenhut offices throughout the world as fronts for CIA activities. In 1981, Berckmans joined with other senior Wackenhut executives to form the company's Special Projects Division. It was this division that linked up with exCIA man Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the Cabazon tribal administrator, in pursuit of a scheme to manufacture explosives, poison gas and biological weapons for export to the contras and other communist fighting rebels worldwide.

SPY also printed testimony from William Corbett, a terrorism expert who spent 18 years as a CIA analyst and is now an ABC News consultant in Europe. Said Corbett,

"For years Wackenhut has been involved with the CIA and other intelligence organizations, including the DEA. Wackenhut would allow the CIA to occupy positions within the company [in order to carry out] clandestine operations."

Additionally, Corbett said that Wackenhut supplied intelligence agencies with information, and it was compensated for this "in a quid pro quo arrangement" with government contracts worth billions of dollars over the years.

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


You ain’t much smarter than Crensch

Crensch ago

Yeah, it's obvious he either leaked them to WR/GG, or he's part of the group. I'm wagering WR is kevdude, actually.

HollaKost ago

I'm wagering WR is kevdude, actually.

I was thinking the same thing.

Gothamgirl ago

Na I will stop pulling your chain this is how I really got them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Oh, that's lovely. Why would he send that to you, I wonder?


LOL. The cunt switched stories when she realized how dumb it was to say she’s a hacker. @Gothamgirl, looks like you’re not a bad ass after all kek. The PM’s are probably fakes as well. I love how @Crensch has a way of wiping the smile off your fat ugly face.

Gothamgirl ago

I did exactly what Srayzie wanted me to, now stop threatening and putting my kid in danger, or I will dig up more. Which I certainly do have

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Hey, @kevdude, your damage control isn't working today.

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


I am smarter than you! Better looking too!

kestrel9 ago

I'm wagering WR is kevdude, actually.

Seems like a sound bet at this point.

WhiteRonin ago

Makes sense doesn’t it?

You and Crensch never knew me, like you thought you did.

kestrel9 ago

I don't know you or @kevdude, but the logic makes sense in as far as your @srayzie obsession and the timing of your srayzie parody in relation to kevdude's statement and before GG's posting the pm. I do know that contrary to it's name, PV is a more of a shitposting sub, if recent history is indicative of anything.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true sorry.

WhiteRonin ago

Did you check my history?

Your timing is way off!

Why do you insist it’s a parody? Did Srayzie try to deny it?

kestrel9 ago

Your timing is way off!

And the longer we talk about it, the more 'off' it will be from when I posted that.

WhiteRonin ago

No shot Sherlock!

Boy aren’t you intelligent! I said to check my post history. This goes way back before that.

kestrel9 ago

not interested in your history, was only relating it to the timing of @kevdude's "fight fire with fire" statement about sharing pm. If you feel the need to prove that you were posting that same parody or quotes of srayzie pm to kevdude long before today, go ahead and post it.

WhiteRonin ago

Nice try. I’m not Crensch or the other white knights you created.

It must suck that I turned you down. Why did you choose pawns? You should have pushed harder to get me who is a King!

You are taking KevDude out of context. That’s so like you.

I have never posted parody or quotes to KevDude. Nope!

I have posted quotes in broad daylight! Across multiple subs and multiple times. Yes, yes I have! It’s fun watching you squirm and shit your pants. Neon Revolt probably is eating this all up too! He’s such a lurker!

A woman like you would say “post it”. Jesus, is your husband that stupid too? I can see Crensch is (it’s already been proven) and his brogade that you white knighted are.

You shouldn’t have pissed off @zyklon_b either! He is a king for sure but you couldn’t control him.

See, I know you. I know your tactics. I did take me a while to bust you again but too bad. I got you. It’s a real shame to see you burn this account too.

Shit happens.

kestrel9 ago

Clearly I'm not as invested in this as you, so you can't imagine that I wouldn't read your posts or history as close as you hang on every word in srayzie's pm. But maybe this will help:


in case she checks her account

Crensch ago

Her account is deleted - she can't log into it again.

WhiteRonin ago

I love how you refer to yourself in the 3rd person!

And as a guy too!


kestrel9 ago

For chapters 1-4 of 15 start here:

Last Circle

Chapter 5

Danny Casolaro's body was found at 12:30 p.m. in a blood-filled bath tub by a hotel maid who called the Martinsburg police. The body contained three deep cuts on the right wrist and seven on the left wrist, made by a single edge razor blade, the kind used to scrape windows or open packages. At the bottom of the bathwater was an empty Milwaukee beer can, a paper glass coaster, the razor blade and two white plastic trash bags, the kind used in wastepaper baskets. On the desk in the hotel room was an empty mead composition notebook with one page torn out and a suicide note which read:

"To those who I love the most, please forgive me for the worst possible thing I could have done. Most of all, I'm sorry to my son. I know deep down inside that God will let me in." There were no other papers, folders, documents of any sort, nor any briefcase found in the room. Danny's wallet was intact, stuffed with credit cards. The body was removed from the tub by Lieutenant Dave Brining from the Martinsburg fire department, and his wife, Sandra, a nurse who works in the hospital emergency room. The couple, who often moonlighted as coroners, took the body to the Brown Funeral Home where they conducted an examination. Charles Brown then decided to embalm the body that night and go home, rather than come back to work the next day, Sunday.

No one in Danny Casolaro's family had been notified of his death at that time, nor had they requested the body be embalmed. When Casolaro's family learned of the death, they insisted it was not a suicide and called for an autopsy and an investigation. Though the body had already been embalmed, an autopsy was performed at the West Virginia University Hospital by a Dr. Frost. The findings indicated that no struggle had taken place because there were no recent bruises on the body. The drugs found in Casolaro's urine, blood and tissue samples were in minute amounts but they were also unexplainable by his brother, Tony, who is a medical doctor.

According to Tony Casolaro, Danny did not take drugs or have any prescriptions for the drug traces of Hydrocodone and Tricyclic antidepressant that were found in the body. No pill boxes or written prescriptions were found. Dr. Casolaro searched through his brother's Blue Cross records and found no record of the prescriptions or doctor visits.

During the autopsy of the body, Dr. Frost had found lesions within the brain which were characteristic of Multiple Sclerosis. It was possible that Danny was having blurring of vision, but Dr. Frost downplayed the possibility that this contributed to any suicide. Of particular interest, was Frost's observation that the deep razor wounds on Danny's wrists were inflicted "without any hesitation marks." However, the lack of hesitation did not indicate one way or the other whether they were or were not self-inflicted. Investigators and police never found Danny's missing briefcase.

On August 6, 1991, Casolaro's housekeeper, Olga, helped Danny pack a black leather tote bag. She remembered he also packed a thick sheaf of papers into a dark brown or black briefcase. She asked him what he had put into the briefcase and he replied, "I have all my papers ..." He had been typing for two days, and as he left the house, he said, "Wish me luck. I'll see you in a couple of days."

By August 9th, Casolaro's friends were alarmed. Noone had heard from him and Olga was receiving threatening phone calls at Danny's home. On Saturday, August 10th, Olga received another call, a man's voice said, "You son of a bitch. You're dead." After learning of Danny's death, Olga recalled seeing Danny sitting in the kitchen on August 5th with a "heavy man ... wearing a dark suit. He was a dark man with black hair he turned towards the door, I saw he was dark skinned. I told police maybe he could be from India."

At 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the day before Danny's death, Bill Turner, a friend and confidante, met Danny in the parking lot of the Sheraton Hotel to deliver some papers to him. The papers allegedly consisted of two sealed packages which Turner had been keeping in his safe at home for Danny, and a packet of Hughes Aircraft papers which belonged to Turner. Danny had appeared exuberant to most of his friends before his death, noting that he was about to "wrap up" his investigation of The Octopus. Casolaro was trying to prove that the alleged theft of the Inslaw computer program, PROMISE, was related to the October Surprise scandal, the Iran-Contra affair and the collapse of BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International).

kestrel9 ago


Turner later admitted to police that he had indeed met with Danny on August 9th, but at that time he refused to specify what time and would not describe what was in the papers he delivered to Danny. I later learned that Turner had been investigating discrepancies involving his former employer, Hughes Aircraft Company. The documents he had delivered from his safe to Danny had been sealed, with Casolaro's name written across the seal, and he claimed not to have known what they contained. Nevertheless, it is feasible to assume that Turner may have known who Danny was preparing to meet that evening at the Martinsburg Hotel because, for reasons of his own, Turner apparently wanted Danny to show the Hughes Aircraft documents to whoever he was meeting with. Turner later noted to reporters that he was "scared shitless" about information he had seen connecting Ollie North and BCCI. "I saw papers from Danny that connected back through the Keating Five and Silverado [the failed Denver S & L where Neil Bush had been an officer]," he said.

To his friend, Ben Mason, Danny showed a 22point outline for his book. Included in the information he shared with Mason were papers referring to Iran-Contra arms deals. Photocopies of checks made out for $1 million and $4 million drawn on BCCI accounts held for Adnan Khashoggi, and international arms merchant and factotum for the House of Saud, and by Manucher Ghorbanifar, an arms dealer and Iran-Contra middleman, were presented.

"The last sheet," noted Mason, "was a passport of some guy named Ibrahim." Casolaro had emphasized that Ibrahim had made a big deal of showing him (Casolaro) his "Egyptian" passport. "Ibrahim" was obviously the informant whom Olga, Casolaro's housekeeper, had seen sitting in the kitchen with Danny on August 5th. Hassan Ali Ibrahim Ali, born in 1928, was later identified as the manager of Sitico, an alleged Iraqi front company for arms purchases. Casolaro had obtained these papers from Bob Bickel, who in turn obtained them from October Surprise source Richard Brenneke.

Ari BenMenasche, a self proclaimed Israeli military intelligence officer, was responsible for the tipoff to an obscure Lebanese magazine about what later became known as the IranContra scandal. After Casolaro's death, Menasche called Bill Hamilton, the president of Inslaw Company and creator of the PROMISE software. (Hamilton had been in daily contact with Casolaro until about a week prior to his death).

Menasche claimed that two FBI agents from Lexington, Kentucky, had embarked on a trip to Martinsburg to meet Casolaro as part of their investigation of the sale of the PROMISE software to Israel and other intelligence agencies.Ben Menasche told Hamilton that one of the FBI agents, E.B. Cartinhour, was disaffected because his superiors had refused to indict high Reagan officials for their role in the October Surprise. Ben Menasche claimed the agents were prepared to give Casolaro proof that the FBI was illegally using PROMISE software.

It is highly unlikely that the two FBI agents were en-route to Martinsburg to GIVE anything to Casolaro, but they may well have been on their way to obtain HIS documents and those belonging to Bill Turner. If, in fact, Danny had disclosed to any one of the many "sources" he had developed during his investigation, that he was turning over his documents to the Lexington FBI, that may well have alarmed a few of them.

Casolaro was also investigating Colonel Bo Gritz's expose of CIA drug trafficking, and had requested to meet with a former police officer who had information on Laotian warlord Kuhn Sa's Golden Triangle drug trade proposal to the U.S. He had learned through a Sacramento Bee newspaper article, dated June 2, 1990 that Patrick Moriarty, the Red Devil fireworks magnate convicted of laundering political contributions and bribing city officials in Sacramento, had been subpoenaed to testify on behalf of Gritz at his trial in Las Vegas where he was tried for using a false passport. Gritz was acquitted of the charges.

Moriarty's lawyer, Jan Lawrence Handzlik, told the Bee that Moriarty had paid Gritz to make business trips to China, Singapore and other parts of Asia. Gritz said his business trip to Asia in July 1989 was for the purpose of negotiating an oil interest that he and Moriarty had set up between the People's Republic of China and Indonesia.

It is noteworthy that Patrick Moriarty is the longtime (30 years) partner of Marshall Riconosciuto, Michael Riconosciuto's father. They owned several California businesses together, two of which were Hercules Research Corporation, of which Michael was a partner, and Pyrotronics Corporation.

kestrel9 ago


Casolaro at one time considered the title of "Indio" for the book he was writing about "The Octopus." His death occurred just days before he planned to visit the Cabazon Indian reservation near Indio, California. Though his notes did not divulge what role the Cabazons may have had in the conspiracy, Casolaro listed Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the Cabazon administrator, as a former CIA agent.

A source of information which Danny may have read is entitled, "DARK VICTORY, Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob," by Dan E. Moldea. Moldea named this unholy alliance "The Octopus" in his book.

Numerous publications reporting on Casolaro's death corroborated that one of his sources included Michael Riconosciuto, a "44yearold former hightech scientist who had connections with Wackenhut Corporation ..." What brought Casolaro to Riconosciuto was an affidavit signed by Riconosciuto claiming that when he worked on the WackenhutCabazon project, he was given a copy of the Inslaw software by Earl Brian for modification. Riconosciuto also swore that Peter Videnieks, a Justice Department official associated with the Inslaw contract, had visited the WackenhutCabazon project with Earl Brian.

Earl Brian was a businessman and Edwin Meese crony who served in Governor Ronald Reagan's cabinet in California. The $6 million in software stolen from William and Nancy Hamilton, coowners of Inslaw Company, was allegedly sold by the Justice Department through Earl Brian to raise off-the-books money for covert government operations.

On May 18, 1990, Riconosciuto had called the Hamiltons and informed them that the Inslaw case was connected to the October Surprise affair. Riconosciuto claimed that he and Earl Brian had traveled to Iran in 1980 and paid $40 million to Iranian officials to persuade them NOT to release the hostages before the presidential election in which Reagan became president of the United States.

Riconosciuto's information created a domino effect in Washington D.C., opening numerous investigations and causing a media blitz. At that time, Casolaro headed the Hamilton's private investigation of the theft of their software and he had regular communication with Riconosciuto.

Former U.S. Attorney General Elliott Richardson, the Hamilton's attorney, subsequently sent Riconosciuto an affidavit to sign, to be filed by Inslaw in federal court in connection with Inslaw's pending Motion for Limited Discovery. The affidavit, Case No. 8500070, entered into court records, resulted in Riconosciuto's arrest within days. It read as follows:

"I Michael J. Riconosciuto, being duly sworn, do hereby state as follows: "

(1) During the early 1980's, I served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of Coral Gables, Florida, and the Cabazon Band of Indians of Indio, California. The joint venture was located on the Cabazon reservation.

"(2) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture sought to develop and/or manufacture certain materials that are used in military and national security operations, including night vision goggles, machine guns, fuelair explosives, and biological and chemical warfare weapons.

"(3) The Cabazon Band of Indians are a sovereign nation. The sovereign immunity that is accorded the Cabazons as a consequence of this fact made it feasible to pursue on the reservation the development and/or manufacture of materials whose development or manufacture would be subject to stringent controls off the reservation. As a minority group, the Cabazon Indians also provided the Wackenhut Corporation with an enhanced ability to obtain federal contracts through the 8A Set Aside Program, and in connection with Government owned contractor operated (GOCO) facilities.

"(4) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture was intended to support the needs of a number of foreign governments and forces, including forces and governments in Central America and the Middle East. The Contras in Nicaragua represented one of the most important priorities for the joint venture.

"(5) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture maintained close liaison with certain elements of the United States Government, including representatives of intelligence, military and law enforcement agencies.

"(6) Among the frequent visitors to the Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture were Peter Videnieks of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and a close associate of Videnieks by the name of Earl W. Brian. Brian is a private businessman who lives in Maryland and who has maintained close ties with the U.S. intelligence community for many years.

"(7) In connection with my work for Wackenhut, I engaged in some software development and modification work in 1983 and 1984 on the proprietary PROMIS computer software product. The copy of PROMIS on which I worked came from the U.S. Department of Justice. Earl W. Brian made it available to me through Wackenhut after acquiring it from Peter Videnieks, who was then a Department of Justice contracting official with responsibility for the PROMISE software. I performed the modifications to PROMIS in Indio, California; Silver Spring, Maryland; and Miami, Florida.

"(8) The purpose of the PROMIS software modifications that I made in 1983 and 1984 was to support a plan for the implementation of PROMIS in law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide. Earl W. Brian was spearheading the plan for this worldwide use of the PROMISE computer software.

"(9) Some of the modifications that I made were specifically designed to facilitate the implementation of PROMIS within two agencies of the Government of Canada; the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). Earl W. Brian would check with me from time to time to make certain that the work would be completed in time to satisfy the schedule for the RCMP and CSIS implementations of PROMIS.

"(10) The proprietary version of PROMIS, as modified by me, was, in fact, implemented in both the RCMP and the CSIS in Canada. It was my understanding that Earl W. Brian had sold this version of PROMIS to the Government of Canada.

"(11) In February 1991, I had a telephone conversation with Peter Videnieks, then still employed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Videnicks attempted during this telephone conversation to persuade me not to cooperate with an independent investigation of the government's piracy of Inslaw's proprietary PROMIS software being conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives.

"(12) Videnieks stated that I would be rewarded for a decision not to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee investigation. Videnieks forecasted an immediate and favorable resolution of a protracted child custody dispute being prosecuted against my wife by her former husband, if I were to decide not to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee investigation.

"(13) Videnieks also outlined specific punishments that I could expect to receive from the U.S. Department of Justice if I cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee's investigation.

"(14) One punishment that Videnieks outlined was the future inclusion of me and my father in a criminal prosecution of certain business associates of mine in Orange County, California, in connection with the operation of a savings and loan institution in Orange County. By way of underscoring his power to influence such decisions at the U.S. Department of Justice, Videnieks informed me of the indictment of these business associates prior to the time when that indictment was unsealed and made public.

"(15) Another punishment that Videnieks threatened against me if I cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee is prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice for perjury. Videnieks warned me that credible witnesses would come forward to contradict any damaging claims that I made in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, and that I would subsequently be prosecuted for perjury by the U.S. Department of Justice for my testimony before the House Judiciary Committee."

It is noteworthy that in January, 1992 when I obtained boxes of Michael Riconosciuto's hidden documents, included in those documents were handwritten pages of telephone numbers belonging to various Washington D.C. dignitaries. One number, "(202) 4260789" was listed as belonging to "PV," but it was no longer in service.

kestrel9 ago

Danny Casolaro was, of course, intent on interviewing Peter Videnieks. A strange coincidence occurred during the week prior to his death. While sitting in a pub, having a beer, a man named Joseph Cuellar approached him and they began talking. At some point during the conversation, Danny disclosed the contents of his investigation and expressed a desire to interview Peter Videnieks.

To Danny's astonishment, Cuellar, claiming to be a Special Forces operative, said he could arrange a rendevous between Peter Videnieks and Casolaro. Cuellar's connection to Peter Videnieks allegedly came through Videnieks' wife, Barbara, who was the executive assistant to the powerful West Virginia Democratic Senator, Robert Byrd. Byrd played a major role in the effort to have the CIA move some of its administrative offices to Charlestown, 20 miles from Martinsburg, on the Virginia border. It was apparently through Barbara Videnieks that Cuellar intended to arrange the interview.

Casolaro confided to friends that he was unnerved by this supposedly chance meeting. He met with Cuellar at other times that week, but it is unknown whether he ever spoke with Videnieks. To date, that question remains unanswered. Significantly, Elliot Richardson, the respected former U.S. Attorney General representing Inslaw, called for the appointment of a special counsel to look into the death of Casolaro.

end Chapter 5

kestrel9 ago

So you're saying that srayzie sent you shot of pm between her and Kevdude, just like GG is also now claiming.

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WhiteRonin ago

No, I have never said that. When have I?

I have quoted though.

Interesting, that you admit that those screen shots are real. Of course you would! Explains why you like to attack me too.

Don’t bother erasing this. It’s now screen captures!

kestrel9 ago

I didn't say they were real you implied they weren't when you questioned me about my calling it a parody. I actually didn't read the ones in GG's original post. (still haven't read them all) so since I haven't even read them all, why would I know or claim that their content is real or not. But I will say they don't appear to be doctored like the ones zyklon or whoever it was posted recently. I don't erase anything, I did edit in 'screen' next to shot FWIW. LOL

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know if the content is real but your adding your 2 cents to give answers.

Srayzie gave them to me prove me wrong.

WhiteRonin ago

Gosh Srayzie, give it up!

Learn grammar while you are at it!

kestrel9 ago

Who's the Sherlock now?

WhiteRonin ago

Not you!

You too dumb! You too controlling! You can’t keep your legs shut.


kestrel9 ago

for Chapters 1-5 Start here

Chapter 6

Last Circle

At Michael Riconosciuto’s trial in Tacoma Washington, Peter Videnieks testified that while working for the Justice Department he had contact with the PROMISE software. He "conducted the competitive contract competitive procurement for acquisition of the services to implement PROMISE.

"Under cross examination he testified that "it required preparation of a request for proposals issuance of that document to industry ... negotiating, selecting, and awarding the contract. Then after award, administering the contract to see that the work that the government paid for was properly performed."

So, essentially, Videnieks administered the Inslaw contract with the government. His employment record included work with the Internal Revenue Service as a revenue officer from 1964 to 1967. From 1967 to 1972 as a contract specialist with NASA. From 1972 to 1973 with Customs as a contract specialist. From 1973 through 1975 back at NASA as a contract specialist. From 1975 through 1981 as a contract specialist with Customs, supervisory at this time. From 1981 through September, 1990, with the Department of Justice as a contract specialist. And from September 1990 through present (January 1992) as a supervisory contract specialist at Customs again.

Thomas Olmstead, Riconosciuto’s attorney, showed Videnieks the Inslaw affidavit signed by Riconosciuto. Videnieks said he had seen the affidavit prior to court, but testified that he’d never heard of the WackenhutCabazon joint venture and never visited the WackenhutCabazon facility in Indio, California. He also testified that he’d never met Earl Brian.

Olmstead asked Videnieks if he knew Robert Chasen [Executive Vice President of Wackenhut]? Videnieks testified that he knew him "by name since he was head of Customs for about a three-year period, from about 1977 through 1980. I met him once in the line of my duties."

Interestingly, according to his resume, Robert Chasen was Commissioner of Customs in Washington D.C. from 1969 to 1977, then Executive Vice President of Wackenhut from 1981 to present (1991). And Peter Videnieks, a contract officer at Customs in Washington D.C. from 1972 to 1974, then again at Customs from 1976 to 1981, said he did not know Robert Chasen. How could that be? Videnieks had worked in the same department with Chasen, off and on, for at least three years.

Videnieks also testified that he met Chasen in the line of his duties sometime between 1977 and 1980. Yet, Chasen no longer worked at Customs between 1977 and 1980?

Olmstead asked Videnieks to reiterate his position with the PROMISE software.

"I worked on the [PROMISE] contract. ... The procurement was assigned to me by a lady named Patricia Rudd. ... My function was to conduct a competitive procurement, negotiate an award of contract, and then administer the contract."

Olmstead: "What time frames are we talking when you were ...?"

Videnieks: "We’re talking about from the day that I reported for duty at Justice, which was in September 1981, through about 1985."

Olmstead: "Are you familiar with Hadron Company?" (This was a loaded question because Earl Brian, who Videnieks testified he did not know, owned Hadron Company at the time of the court proceedings.)

Videnieks responded, "Yes, I am."

Olmstead: "Have you done work for Hadron Corporation in your procurement contract?"

Videnieks: "I supervise currently a contract specialist who is administering a contract with Hadron."

Olmstead: "Prior to supervising someone, did you personally handle that particular contract?"

Videnieks: "I have administered well over a hundred contracts, maybe a couple hundred or several hundred over my career, and I don’t recall whether I have or not."

Olmstead: "And you have never given a deposition in regards to the Inslaw matter?"

Videnieks: "My recall is not that good. Like I said, I have administered hundreds of contracts, and I may or may not have administered one with Hadron."

Again Olmstead asked Videnieks if he knew Earl Brian?Videnieks responded, "No, sir."

Olmstead: "Do you know who owns Hadron?"

Videnieks: "I really don’t. I’ve heard I mean, I don’t want to speculate now. He may be an officer with Hadron. He may be."

Olmstead: "You don’t recall any questions in any depositions at all regarding that?"

Videnieks: "I do recall questions along these same lines. But again, from general knowledge, I think he is an officer or has been an officer with Hadron."

Olmstead: "In fact, in your deposition, you admitted you knew that he was an officer of Hadron, didn’t you?"

Videnieks: "I would like to see my transcript from my deposition as to what I said ..." Olmstead went on to question Videnieks about "Modification No. 12" of the PROMISE software. Videnieks stated that he knew what Modification No. 12 was, but repeatedly refused to discuss it until someone produced the original Inslaw contract. Finally, under pressure to give a general recollection, he said it dealt with the twelfth modification to the PROMISE software.

Olmstead asked, "Were you personally chastised as a result of Modification No. 12 in the way you handled that?" Videnieks: "Please define `chastised.’" Olmstead: "Were you told that you took, converted, and stole six million dollars worth of Inslaw software through the way you handled Modification No. 12?" Videnieks: "A judge in the bankruptcy court ruled that. Since then the record was erased. And that language should not be the way a nonlawyer like me understands, it is no longer in existence ..."

kestrel9 ago


It is necessary to digress here to disclose the magnitude of the apparent government coverup relative to Riconosciuto’s case. About two weeks before Riconosciuto’s trial began, I had received a call from Michael asking me to contact Brian Leighton, a former assistant U.S. Attorney in Fresno, whom Michael claimed to have provided information to. Michael was lining up his ducks. Essentially his defense rested on his ability to prove he worked for the U.S. government in intelligence operations, but his lawyer was behind schedule in making the contacts.

Brian Leighton had been instrumental in prosecuting 29 members of a drug/arms organization called "The Company." The Company had been written up in the San Francisco Chronicle on April 28, 1982 under the heading "Story of Spies, Stolen Arms and Drugs." According to reporter Bill Wallace, The Company consisted of (quote) "about 300 members, many of them former military men or ex-police officers with nearly $30 million worth of assets, including planes, ships and real estate." The article went on to say that "federal drug agents said the organization had imported billions of dollars worth of narcotics from Latin America, and was also involved in gunrunning and mercenary operations." Specialized military equipment consisting of nine infrared sniper-scopes, a television camera for taking pictures in darkness, 1500 rounds of small arms tracer ammunition for night combat, a five foot remote control helicopter, and secret components from the radar unit of a Sidewinder guided missile were stolen from the U.S. Naval Weapons Station at China Lake in the Mojave Desert.

Federal agents said some of the stolen equipment was going to be used to make electronic equipment for drug smugglers and some was traded to drug suppliers in Columbia. Twenty nine members of the Company were indicted by the Fresno federal grand jury in 1981. Amongst those indicated was Andrew "Drew" Thornton, 40, a former narcotics officer.

On September 13, 1985, the Los Angeles Times published the story of Thornton’s death, entitled, "Former Narcotics Officer Parachutes Out of Plane, Dies with 77 Pounds of Cocaine." The article said Thornton was indicted in 1981 for "allegedly flying a plane to South America for a reputed drug ring known as `The Company.’" In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Brian Leighton said, "I’m glad his parachute didn’t open. I hope he got a hell of a high out of that ..."

Thornton’s mysterious death was discussed at length in a book written by Sally Denton entitled, "The Blue Grass Conspiracy." Part of The Company was headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky. Prosecutors in Lexington, Fresno, California (Brian Leighton), and Miami, Florida were working together in a joint effort to bring down The Company.

The San Francisco Chronicle noted that in January, 1982, Gene Berry, a state prosecutor in Charlotte Harbor, Florida, was shot in the face as he answered his door. Police subsequently arrested Bonnie Kelly as Berry’s murderer. Bonnie’s husband, Mike McClure Kelly, was a suspected member of The Company who later pleaded guilty in the Fresno, California case.

In Michael Riconosciuto’s documents, I discovered a letter dated March 24, 1982, written on Cabazon letterhead to Michael McClure at Hercules Corporation from Art Welmas, President of the Cabazon Band of Indians. Copies (cc:) were also noted to Marshall Riconosciuto and Michael Riconosciuto. The letter complimented McClure’s competence in presenting a clear and lucid explanation of a power pack under development at Hercules. (Hercules was owned by Marshall Riconosciuto, Michael Riconosciuto and Patrick Moriarty, the Red Devil fireworks mogul. More on Moriarty later.)

Throughout Michael’s documents, I found references to Michael McClure and Bonnie Lynne G. Kelly. Michael’s code word for Mike McClure was "Gopher."

Journalist Danny Casolaro had been communicating regularly with Michael Riconosciuto and obviously learned about The Company. It is not to be overlooked that coincidentally or not, Ari BenMenashe (a former Israeli intelligence agent who lived in Lexington, Kentucky) told Bill Hamilton that two Lexington FBI agents had been en-route to meet with Danny at the Martinsburg Hotel on the day of his death. The Company was headquartered in Lexington. Danny was not meeting with the FBI relative to PROMIS, he was preparing to turn over drug trafficking information on The Company.

BenMenashe further told Hamilton that one of the agents, E.B. Cartinhour, was angry that the Justice Department was not pursuing Reagan administration officials for their role in the October Surprise.

Crensch ago

Dude comes out of nowhere seemingly having a dog in this fight and info only kevdude should have?

Either kevdude is a coward, or he's an idiot. Won't dox those on his main username? Hacking?


Gothamgirl ago

Crensch I bet your PM's with Srayzie are far more x-rated thats why you have been squealing like a pig.

Crensch ago

I bet you're heavier than 159, too; which, ironically, would make you the pig.

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


kestrel9 ago

so 9.5 hours ago kevdude is ready to fight fire with fire

and 7.1 hours ago WR posts this and in his srayzie parody:

... so I did some FaceTime videos with my iPad....

and just over an hour ago GG"hacker" posts a srayzie to kevdude pm she's been sitting on since February

"Ok. But I don't use a computer. I use an IPAD"

There's a lot on WR's srayzie parody that sounds like he took it out of the pm GG posted.

Probably all a coincidence. /s

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PVTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#48668) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#48661) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

WhiteRonin ago

Wow! What sleuth skills!

Dude, check my post history. It’s more than 9.5 hours ago!

Parody? /s

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


There you go bro!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#48655) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#48652) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

WhiteRonin ago

They have! I ping them all the time!


Lol yep

WhiteRonin ago

Keep feeling smug!

I feel sorry for what you did to ES!

Gothamgirl ago

Metoo they treated ES horrible.

HollaKost ago

#Metoo they treated ES horrible.

So you feel bad for the person who preyed upon and manipulated numerous vulnerable women on pizzagate?

ESOTERICshade ago

HollaKost. My money says there is a high probability this is a @crensch alt. Riddle me this coincidence crensch.

  1. Out of the blue on 9/19/2018 "hey guys I send tits to people sometimes and I sent my tits to ES and I think he might blackmail me.

  2. 9/21/2018 random account shows up, sends tits to @crensch and @vindicator, is NEVER heard from again.

  3. Srayzie, "OMG guize I can't believe he did that."

  4. kev says he deleted and didn't see tits

  5. srayzie sends tits from her own account to try to make sure Kev sees them

Amazing. She predicted it (sic) and in less than two days it "happened." Srayzie sent the pics to @vindicator and @crensch and it couldn't be much more obvious, either that or she is clairvoyant.

And thats a wrap. All I can is that is backfired on her spectacularly.


Are you trying to say she sent them herself? What would that accomplish? After all the shit you pulled on pizzagate, you think you found a way to look innocent now? Kevdude gave you an out? NOT!

ESOTERICshade ago

Srayzie, aka IMCHAD, I replied to you with this once and for some reason deleted it. I"m not sure why. I have decided to restore this comment because I think it deserves to be part of the record.

The answer is yes. You sent nude pics of yourself to Kevdude, Vindicator, And crensch. You blamed it on me. I don't know if your email is still the same but in case it isn't, here a screenshot of an email I sent you about all this.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes you did, you sent them to yourself. Did you get my email? Don't know if your email address is still the same, so here is a copy of it.


I’m not Srayzie. Kevdude got called out last week for failing pizzagate because of you. How convenient that you are now playing innocent.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kevdude got called out last week for failing pizzagate because of you. How convenient that you are now playing innocent.

I saved pizzagate's by driving it to its own subverse. If vin had been allowed land Q in pizzagate there would be nothing left of pizzagate by now but shreads and rags of what pizzagate once was...

Crensch ago

I saved pizzagate's life by driving Qanon to its own subverse. If vin had been allowed land Q in pizzagate there would be nothing left of pizzagate by now but shreads and rags of what pizzagate once was...

Kinda like what it is now?

ESOTERICshade ago

Kinda like what it is now?

It was bound to slow down. Almost nothing maintains the sort of momentum it had. But its on topic and orderly. Q would have dragged it so far into the political arena that there would be not be much left of pizzagate.

Crensch ago

It was bound to slow down. Almost nothing maintains the sort of momentum it had. But its on topic and orderly. Q would have dragged it so far into the political arena that there would be not be much left of pizzagate.

The good users interacting with you all seemed to disappear. Odd (((cohencidence))).

ESOTERICshade ago

That is a combination of natural attrition and some other specific factors. All subject matter loses a certain percentage of its interested parties. I also know that some people left because of the Q stuff. And I know some, that were devout christians, that left because you were calling them "cunts" and all manner of vile names.

Crensch ago

Edited previous comment.

Crensch ago

That is a combination of natural attrition and some other specific factors.

(((other specific factors)))


I also know that some people left because of the Q stuff. And I know some, that were devout christians, that left because you were calling them "cunts" and all manner of vile names.

The ones you gathered to go against me? Kek. I know some that left because of your manipulation and shouting down of anyone that didn't toe the line you wanted them toeing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, you're right. Devout Christians love atmospheres in which someone is calling them and other people cunts, and other names much more vile. How silly of me. As far as the Q people go? The Q Larpage needed its own home.

Crensch ago

Yeah, you're right. Devout Christians love atmospheres in which someone is calling them and other people cunts, and other names much more vile. How silly of me. As far as the Q people go? The Q Larpage needed its own home.

You mean they love atmospheres where going against what you want gets them this kind of treatment?


You lost everything 8 months ago. There's nothing left for you here.

ESOTERICshade ago

You lost everything 8 months ago. There's nothing left for you here.

Thats where you are sadly mistaken. I accomplished exactly what I intended to do. My sense of satisfaction is bigly intact :) Run along now i'm bored with you. I am trying to read about 14th century occult practice and discuss it with another. Go harass somebody else. Goodnite.

Crensch ago

Thats where you are sadly mistaken. I accomplished exactly what I intended to do. My sense of satisfaction is bigly intact :) Run along now i'm bored with you. I am trying to read about 14th century occult practice and discuss it with another. Go harass somebody else. Goodnite.

Is that why you keep throwing a fit over my sticky?

Nigger, you nigger argosciv, you have awakened the dragon. Check your dashboard because your account could go minus zero REAL QUICK.

You said that to another user. Kek.

How does it feel to always be wrong, Jew?

HollaKost ago

Oh ES, I don't play games with you nor do I answer your questions. You're a larp and a liar.

But I am honored you would think I am @crensch.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm honored that you waste hours on end crafting lonnngggg narratives about me wasting your time. It warms my heart to see you burn so many hours on your ego :)

HollaKost ago

Hahahaha! You wish I was! I stopped having any concern with you when you showed yourself to be a complete and utter whack job on pizzagate! Enjoy your 5 minutes of thinking you're some special shit, cause soon enough you'll go back to being an old loon no one pays attention to.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @kestrel9 @SandHog @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

"Look at how pathetically beta I am, trying to suck up to a female that hates my guts. This is how I start grooming women online - lots of compliments and smiley faces and feel-good bullshit. They never know that I'll poison their minds into thinking I'm a good guy and the mods are evil when the opposite is true. I also won't tell them about being a TALMUDIC SCHOLAR JEW or that I have a meth addiction."

"On my alts, I admit to manipulating votes and threatening other users with my doing so, while on my main username, I act like I'm completely unfazed by all of my bullshit being put on display. I'm really just a low IQ Jew that thinks doubling down is always the best move - along with snorting meth; definitely the best move on that last one."

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @kestrel9 @IMCHAD

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

"As a meth head Jew, I will mock you for believing in Trump, and I will WRITE IN ALL CAPS AND TELL YOU TO KEEP Q OUT OF THIS FUCKING SUB. I put on my smugface when I do this because I totally convinced you goyim to do what I wanted you to do!"

"Guize, I finally found MY OWN COMMENT that you've been linking to and referencing, but I somehow just COULD NOT FIND despite the links being RIGHT THERE for me to click on. I TOTALLY was not THREATENING you when I wrote:"

I sent screen shots of it to people you know very well. Be careful before you shoot your mouth off.

"Nope. Not a threat."

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

ridleychozo ago

Hi, Crensch. You pinged me by accident again with your obnoxious copy/pasta.

Also, wtf is going on with the titty pics and so on? This feud has become so degenerate lol.

Crensch ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven liar and fraud. Check out who seems to be on his side.

Kek. <----



Crensch ago

Totally coincidence. @kevdude

Is there any point here when you win even a single battle, dude?

Gothamgirl ago

You can't blame somebody else for her.


Crensch ago

Did your fat get in the way of your neurons figuring out that you lost with your faked PM?

Gothamgirl ago

I have not lost I have you all fired up and you keep posting lies good job. Task accomplished.

Crensch ago


Your bluffs and moves are so elementary. Kafka-trap of me either shutting up and taking it, or I'm "all fired up" and you win? Kek. You lose simply because you're a lard barge, but you also lose when you write, because you're frightfully stupid.

WhiteRonin ago

You haven’t!

You run away from me for days!

HollaKost ago

She's a THOT.

She's a CON.

But she's way too stupid and lazy to be a hacker!

Gothamgirl ago

And? Are you mad bro? Your white knighting pussy pass days are over...

HollaKost ago

You still up GothamGirl? Waiting for dials late night phone call I see!


Gothamgirl ago

No I am married and wouldn't tarnish that for anyone..

HollaKost ago

Oh how big of you. And we all know how big you are. But seriously, when did you decide to start honoring your husband? Yesterday? That's good. You shouldn't be carrying on with his friend dial behind his back anymore.

zyklon_b ago

my my look at what has happened to voat and you... hahahahahahah.

HollaKost ago

Yeah, voats shit. Just like you wanted right faggot?

I'm good though! It's so much fun watching you get cucked because you're too high to be an actual husband! Hahahahahahaha

Crensch ago

Seems to me that your days of having a good night's sleep are over, to me.

Also, you're an obese, 5'3 nigger cumdumpster with 3 shitlets. You married a cuck, pedophile husband.

Kek. You never had a chance.

Gothamgirl ago

Whatever you say Super cuck

Crensch ago

Your husband's art belongs in Podesta's home.

BraunF14 ago

No need to have hacked it. We've all unfortunately seen her nude. And most unfortunately saw her face.

/Cringe for still protecting that slimeball, Crensch.

theoldones ago

bullshit the nudes exist, i see fucking nobody actually posting them, only talking about them

Gothamgirl ago

I have plenty of copies do you want one?

BraunF14 ago

I only saved the pic of her frumpy face in case she decides to show up to Voat again. You weren't paying enough attentions, sorry. They showed up in a few comment chains but got deleted over time. I was lucky/unlucky to have seen em.

Believe me, you aren't missing out on much other than an eyesore.

theoldones ago

so in other words you have no tit pictures.

BraunF14 ago

Dude why would I even want to save them? You're coming in here on your shining stallion and cum stain colored armor. I'm hardly involved with that bout of drama she and Crensch caused. I looked at it all shaking my head in disappointment that this level of bullshit would ever happen on this site. I was a bystander.

You're willing to attack an insignificant user that calls out bullshit when he sees it? For what? Some fat whore that made you feel happy in your pee pee place? Stop being a fucking niceguy. Grow up. They exist. I saw them. You didn't look hard or quick enough. She's disgusting. You should be ashamed. You all should be ashamed.

theoldones ago

faggot, you got nothing. you say nudes exist, you don't have them to post, i've got to assume you're talking bullshit

Gothamgirl ago

They're posted in Beatlestrollarmy and she is fat disgusting human being.

HollaKost ago

Oh GG, you can't really expect people to believe that your face looks like this but you're really in shape and not fat?! Bitch, you look like an old man in a wig! You ain't fooling anyone.

Gothamgirl ago

When you're dealing with a low iq individual who as no valid argument, the only thing they can do is resort to petty personal attacks using a doctored photo 🤣😂

I don't try to fool anyone but I will mind fuck to death.

HollaKost ago

using a doctored photo

So now you're saying that's not how you look? That's not a picture of you from Facebook? Careful now...

I don't try to fool anyone but I can and will mind fuck to death.

Ohhhhh, that's a bold face lie fatty!

Mentally weak schizophrenics shouldn't try to play mind games. It can land you back in the hospital. Hahahaha

Gothamgirl ago

And no one cares...

Do you believe your a doctor? 🤣😂 maybe you can help scrayzie out.

Are you mad because I have food and money, is that it? I don't get it..

You have bad case of derangement syndrome, and everyone can see it.

HollaKost ago

Do you believe youre a doctor?

Uh, no. What a weird comment.

Are you mad because I have food and money, is that it? I don't get it..

Wow, another weird comment. Are you saying you have food in response zero me pointing out that you're fat? I have food too, but I also have self control and don't shove it all in my face at once. You should try that.

Money? You still have money after buying cars, expensive gifts, and houses for men?! That's a surprise!

BraunF14 ago

Let me ask... Do you believe in the flat Earth theory? How about chemtrails poisoning the population?

theoldones ago

why are you trying to distract the topic here?


BraunF14 ago

Jesus christ, you maniac. Did you not here what I said? I don't have it. I use mobile only. I haven't turned my computer on for like a year. I don't want her vile photographs on my phone. It's bad enough that every now n then when I'm scrolling thru downloaded memes from this site I run across her hideous mug, I'm glad I didn't save those.

I could give you a pretty vivid description of the scenery in the photos (2 of them) and unfortunately an equally vivid description of her "body" if you can call it that.

I think, @theoldones , you may be dying inside that a small portion of Voat had the misfortune of seeing that creature naked and you're upset because you want to diddle your floppy little yogurt tube to her photos. You know porn is free online right? And like 99.9% of women are leagues above that disgusting animal you fantasize about...

It's time for people like you to go. You, @crensch , and the rest of the WAGAWAGAWAGA faggots need to just run off this site, stop crowding our corridors with your obeseness, and begin spamming your Q and trump false god worship somewhere else.