Will Voat ever be open to the public to lurk and or read the vast amount of info PG related, without the need to create an account?

Wrong thread to ask I this thread is a cesspool and one of the reasons many good people left this sub.

Crensch ago

Whoah! A whole (maybe) 600 ccp+scp alt!

Scraping the bottom of the barrel, are we?

ESOTERICshade ago

We have new edits and additions! Its been months since I looked at it. Good to know that I still live in your head rent free, and that you still spend hours upon hours working on your Holy masterpiece. Please continue to let me live in your fucking head! Thank you!!

Warmoose76 ago

@crensch and the rest of the PG mods are known faggots, I think PG is real but the mods on that subverse block tons of truth

QanadaHere ago

exactly. The mods here are legit retards.

Crensch ago

And yet, nobody has ever found a narrative that was squashed. Nobody has ever made a post about the mods preventing people from posting specific leads or research.

You're a low-quality user. I pity you.

ESOTERICshade ago

And yet, nobody

There you go speaking for EVERYBODY again you faggot. Speak for yourself biatch, or shut the fuck up.

Warmoose76 ago

Haven't you literally destroyed marriages? I'm no saint myself but you strike me as a kind of bad guy. I know vindicator is a total nigger as well, he pisses me off far more than you.

Crensch ago

Do you have any evidence of that? Or did you just believe what the literal pedophile half-breed niggers kept saying over and over again?

Roughpatch ago

Did it take you all night and a week to type this? You said you whack off to @aged posts but don't tell pizza gaters cuz you a mod. Who are you really? You people been chasing pizzagate people away since you started acting holier than thou. Now youre gonna cry like a little girl? Fucking take your meds.

Crensch ago


Roughpatch ago

That a response?

angelafogo ago

And this has 10 upvoats...

Crensch ago

You mean over 160 between the three?

Get raped by a nigger, pedophile cunt.

thewebofslime ago

It seems clear to me that there is a movement by a small group of people to target those who participate a lot in these topics, but do not believe in Q. I like the Q movement, I just know that Pamphlet Anon is on video showing that he was using Q's tripcode.

For that reason, I consider Q people as a good source of researchers, but they are being led to "prove" things outside of the scope of the standard rules of evidence.

Getting people emotional produces results but it also compromises rational thought. The Pizzagate movement needs rational thinkers who are willing to report leads to law enforcement in enough volume to force them to take a look.

ESOTERICshade ago

I like the Q movement, I just know that Pamphlet Anon is on video showing that he was using Q's tripcode.

Ding! Ding! Ding! I think that video has been around at least a year maybe. I showed it to the Voat Q Headquarters Management in many threads and talked about it a lot. All I got was crickets... They know that the Qanon phenom is a bunch of fake bullshit. That leads me to believe they are either

And lets not forget srayzie's merch sites. and finally went down not too long ago and I don't think I ever took a screen shot of it. But, here is here new site

  1. Merch peddlers
  2. Or getting paid by somebody to sew confusion and disinformation into the info stream.

Either way they are grifters without a care for accurate information. I am proud to have raised the alarm bell about this lot of grifters and disinfo peddlers. I am also glad zyklon b took careful aim, and knocked some of them out of the game, at least for a while....I am sure they are not really gone.

thewebofslime ago

That site gave me a chuckle.

Lansing-Michigan ago

webofslime........if you think this stuff is funny, you are sick.

ESOTERICshade ago

I see you got your own flair. Consider it a badge of honor. He flairs people he can't "destroy" in a conversation because his behavior is so damn horrible he ain't got a leg to stand on. I've never seen him "destroy" anybody anyway, in spite of his many bold claims.

ESOTERICshade ago

The last site she had was selling Rayban sunglassesl and all sorts of other shit. I should have taken a screen shot of it. That site was and its dark now. Its gone.

urbanmoving ago

Pizzagate has been confirmed six ways to sunday

Piscina ago

Op has a sad and pathetic life spending all his time on this.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is probably OP.

The longer @crensch leaves this thread up is just pure evidence of the total butt hurt I put on him. We all laugh at his little internet power madd ass every day. The butt hurtin I put on him is epic. I took him to the dance, slapped him around, and then pull the plug and drained him out.

Oh man, it was fun :) I slapped him around just like little punk internet bully deserved. It was great.

thewebofslime ago

He works for and that is the entity that paid srayzie for GA. She miraculously paid off debts that had been sitting for years, while she, herself, sat on her ass for years and continues to do so. Nothing terrifies these people more than the idea of GA or PG becoming a system sub and, of course, they hate doxx, because it might expose who they really are and who they really work for.

Since this thread is clearly a dishonest presentation to give everyone the illusion that crensch is actually capable of finding a shill, it is a fairly clear telegraph that crensch is, himself, a shill.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizie ago

He works for and that is the entity that paid srayzie for GA. She miraculously paid off debts that had been sitting for years, while she, herself, sat on her ass for years and continues to do so.

You better hope you can back that up.

thewebofslime ago

Like when you falsely accuse people of being a pedophile?

heygeorge ago


theoldones ago

why the fuck did you crawl out of your hole, you doxxer?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @ESOTERICshade.

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horribleperson ago

Pizzagate Whatever 2019 (july 4)

A soul has qualities of life-after-death, consciousness, comprehension and compassion; having memory is optional.

Child-Trafficking and Deepstate have become mainstream-news issues. Abusers are being publicly convicted in real courts. The public should be aware of what the root problem is: SRA (abuse by a culture of abused, typically involving organized cover-up).

This is the real grand info war: over the issue of SRA: wether you are for or against human-abuse and cover-up. One could even lump the people who don't care about abuse in with the perps. And, the people who are ignorant of SRA are lumped in with the people who want SRA exposed.

SRA is an acronym for Satanic Ritual Abuse. SRA has the typical characteristics of organized, horriffic, sexual, covered-up, family-child-abuse, intimidating and often hard to talk about. The crimes of the deepstate, including child-trafficking and the assignation of JFK, are a direct result of SRA.

The hampstead UK cover-up case involves SRA.

The torture based mind control treatments including MKULTRA, and study, are a direct result of SRA.

See SRA Survivor Testimony for more info: The following are some SRA Survivors:

Laura Eisenhower, Jay Parker, Vicky Ash, Michael Whalen, Holly Austin Smith, Marilyn Van Derbur, Richard Kerr, Becki Percy, Katy Groves, Peaceful Warrior, Cathy O'Brien

SRA is a disease, and demands abuse, like alcoholism demands alcohol. We, the People, demand SRA to be exposed and unsuccessful at fear and intimidation. No longer does it look scarey; SRA looks foolish and illegal.

Governments of the world are reforming as problems are exposed and confronted.

Trust in instutitutions, including the President of The USA, will be determed by wether they have the ability to openly acknownledge SRA and MKULTRA as serious current real life problems, that are the roots of the child-trafficking problems and the popular-media/information-corruption problems. (ie: do they appear to be covering-up? like focusing attention on other lesser problems and never addressing SRA?)

The roots of SRA, while theories are known, are not important as the cover-up of SRA: which identifies an agent or agency as being complicit in SRA.

Next to be addressed: - corrupt cops - corrupt courts - 'SRA-gang'-related harrassment, descrimination, or 'individual targeting' -SRA-related 'population-control'/ 'mass-mind-control' schemes - CPS corruption - soros-division - 'new world order' / 'world enslavement' schemes - slave camps - deepstate - human/sex - mkultra-torture - child-sacrifice

SRA is illegal.

If you need to report SRA to the public, please protect your personnal info as best as you can. I don't want to bait people into doxing themselves. I just want to encourage an SRA-aware enviroment. Use your best judgement and self-leadership.

Example: Buy a device 'from the street' or, at least, with cash; tape-over the camera(s); use a fake-name, use a pre-paid phone service or public wifi; use encryption and vpns; never input your personnal info.

Until further notice, I do not recommend reporting SRA to any official authority, cop, or court: because the corruption % is still ??%.

If you need help finding a missing child: I recommend you hire a professional remote viewer(s) and report finding(s) to the public.


'The roots of SRA, while theories are known, are not important as the cover-up of SRA: which identifies an agent or agency as being complicit in SRA'

Once This worlds institutions of power i.e Presidents,Government officials, Military Brass, and Law Enforcement plus medical and science industries are all free of the cults influence then we'll see change.

o wait that's what the Q movement is promising?

Well as OP stated if these people in power positions do not explain the Cults history, world influence and the many crimes they have commited based off their ancient SECRET cults teachings then there will be no true FULL DISCLOSURE and the CULT will just find a new way to decieve.....enter Q.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OldGoatsFamily submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51744) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51743) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

horribleperson ago

Pizzagate Whatever 2019 (june 30)

A soul has qualities of life-after-death, consciousness, comprehension and compassion; having memory is optional.

Child-Trafficking and Deepstate have become mainstream-news issues. Abusers are being publicly convicted in real courts. The public should be aware of what the root problem is: SRA (abuse by a culture of abused, typically involving organized cover-up).

This is the real grand info war: over the issue of SRA: wether you are for or against human-abuse and cover-up. One could even lump the people who don't care about abuse in with the perps. And, the people who are ignorant of SRA are lumped in with the people who want SRA exposed.

SRA is an acronym for Satanic Ritual Abuse. SRA has the typical characteristics of organized, horriffic, sexual, covered-up, family-child-abuse, intimidating and often hard to talk about. The crimes of the deepstate, including child-trafficking and the assignation of JFK, are a direct result of SRA.

The hampstead UK cover-up case involves SRA.

The torture based mind control treatments including MKULTRA, and study, are a direct result of SRA.

See SRA Survivor Testimony for more info: The following are some SRA survivors:

Jay Parker, Vicky Ash, Michael Whalen, Holly Austin Smith, Marilyn Van Derbur, Richard Kerr, Becki Percy, Katy Groves, Peaceful Warrior, Cathy O'Brien

SRA is a disease, and demands abuse, like alcoholics demand alcohol. We, the People, demand SRA to be exposed and unsuccessful at fear and intimidation. No longer does it look scarey; SRA looks foolish and illegal.

Governments of the world are reforming as problems are exposed and confronted.

Trust in instutitutions, including the President of The USA, will be determed by wether they have the ability to openly acknownledge SRA and MKULTRA as serious current real life problems, that are the roots of the child-trafficking problems and the popular-media/information-corruption problems. (ie: do they appear to be covering-up? like focusing attention on other lesser problems and never addressing SRA?)

The roots of SRA, while theories are known, are not important as the cover-up of SRA: which identifies an agent or agency as being complicit in SRA.

Next to be addressed: - corrupt cops - corrupt courts - 'SRA-gang'-related harrassment, descrimination, or 'individual targeting' -SRA-related 'population-control'/ 'mass-mind-control' schemes

SRA is illegal.

If you need to report SRA to the public, please protect your personnal info as best as you can. I don't want to bait people into doxing themselves. I just want to encourage an SRA-aware enviroment. Use your best judgement and self-leadership.

horribleperson ago

Pizzagate Revelations 2019 (jun 26)

A soul is characterized as an agent having life-after-death, comprehension, consciousness and compassion; having memory is optional.

Child-Trafficking and the Deepstate have become a mainstream-news issue(s). Abusers are being publicly convicted in real courts. The public should be aware of what the root problem is: SRA (a culture of abused/abusers, typically involving organized cover-up).

This is the real grand info war division: over the issue of SRA: wether you are for or against covering it up. One could even lump the people who don't care about it in with the perps. And, the people who are ignorant are lumped in with the people who want to see it gone.

SRA is an acronym for Satanic Ritual Abuse. SRA is characterized as being horriffic, sexual, covered-up, typically family-child-abuse, intimidating and often hard to talk about. The crimes of the deepstate, including child-trafficking and the assignation of JFK, are a direct result of SRA.

The hampstead UK cover-up case involves SRA.

The torture based mind control treatments including MKULTRA, and study is a direct result of SRA.

The following are examples of SRA survivor testimonies:

Michael Whalen, Holly Austin Smith, Marilyn Van Derbur, Richard Kerr, Becki Percy, Katy Groves, Peaceful Warrior, Cathy O'brien

SRA is a disease and demands victims like alcoholics demand alcohol. We, the People, demand SRA to be exposed and unsuccessful at fear and intimidation. No longer does it look scarey; it looks stupid, foolish and illegal.

Governments of the world are reforming as problems are exposed and confronted.

Trust in instutitutions, including the President of The USA, will be determed by wether they have the ability to openly acknownledge SRA and MKULTRA as serious current real life problems, that are the roots of the child-trafficking problems and the popular-media/information-corruption problems. (ie: do they appear to be covering-up? like focusing attention on other lesser problems and never addressing SRA?)

The roots of SRA, while theories are known, is not important as the cover-up of SRA: which identifies an agent or agency as being complicit in SRA.

Next to be addressed: - corrupt cops - corrupt courts - 'SRA-gang'-related harrassment, descrimination, or 'undividual targeting' -SRA-related 'population-control' schemes

WalnutSauceGoat ago

What’s a “manipluator”, retard?

The_Savant ago

Oh wow, interesting. Not a single point made and a whole lot of ad hominem; the same tactic donkey has used from day 1.

Congratulations! You are the 1000th donkey alt to be found on this sub!

auralsects ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed I'm gonna start pinging you to shit-disturbers like this whose first comment in 17 days is to bolster the fake and gayest part of OPs narrative (that I'm ES).

Clearly they hoped to get me to ragequit in time for the Qtard influx. Has ANY user ever gotten a special tag when you @ him like ES? Also note the irony of a SAVANT boasting that he "finds" my alts that all differed by 2 letters.

The_Savant ago

Are you shitting me Muhammad? (I am assuming this is your real name but let me know if it isn't and I'll start calling you Abdullah instead.) You tried saying on your walnut sauce account that you'd never heard of donkey? You think I'm gonna buy that at all? I've outsmarted you thousands of times by now and you think you can throw me off by exaggerating your retort beyond realistic proportions? Everyone has heard of you donkey; everyone on the site hates your guts and could watch the life leave your eyes without a flicker of emotion.

Clearly they hoped to get me to ragequit in time for the Qtard influx. Has ANY user ever gotten a special tag when you @ him like ES? Also note the irony of a SAVANT boasting that he "finds" my alts that all differed by 2 letters.

Hmm, why don't you list off all your alts here so everyone knows what you own up to and then we can see how many you are still hopelessly trying to defend. For example are you still claiming not to be DeathTooMasons? How about equineluvr? What about Zyklon-b? Perhaps you'd like to own up to being ImJewish6000000? I hope this proves my point; you keep many alts with names that keep you anonymous and use them multiple times on the same posts to attempt to skew consensus.

shewhomustbeobeyed I'm gonna start pinging you

"Hey I'm just gonna start pinging the brigade to make my job easier." You wanna admit to that alt, donkey? You wanna tell us exactly how many times you usually comment on each qrv post and how many times you upvote yourself? No?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi, do you and I have a problem cuz 'Muhammad' pinged me? He likes to ping women to all sorts of vile things. You know this, right?

Are you accusing me of brigading? I need proof. Or else leave me the fuck out of your juvenile, bullshit, Spy v. Spy games, and fuck off back to GA.

@Crensch fyi

The_Savant ago

You and I will definitely have a problem if you continue to take donkey's side and downvote who he tells you to. I said nothing egregious yet he still pings you to make a power move and get me downvoted. You work in the same building as him by any chance? If you're saying he pings you vile shit that you don't agree with it sure seems odd that you didn't downvote him. It also seems amiss that you would get pissed off at me for bringing you into this when you were pinged by your co-worker and then brigaded me.

Also I fucking hate getting pinged for shit I'm not even slightly a part of and if I were Crensch I'd do one of two things:

1) Ignore you

2) Call you a faggot

Fuck off retard, we didn't have beef but we do now.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Also I fucking hate getting pinged for shit I'm not even slightly a part of

He wrote the submission, dumbass. If he doesn't want to be pinged, he will say so.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Listen up retard, donkey knows that I don't think he is @esotericshade and a bunch of other alts he's been accused of being, a lot of people know that. So because you think you got downvoted because he asked me to instead of using his own alt to do it You got downvoted because you're stupid, that's all.

it sure seems odd that you didn't downvote him.

How I vote is not your concern. I will downvote you if I choose. I will upvote donkey if I choose. I downvote you not for questioning me, but for being wrong.

Are you the voting police?

You accusing me of brigading?

Prove it, you festering piece of excriment.

@Vindicator @Crensch Front row seats.

The_Savant ago

Wow, you're just another fucking retard who doesn't understand any of the points I make. You sure you're not donkey as well? You wanna confess to being GothamGirl? You're on the same sub human level of comprehension.

How I vote is not your concern.

I don't give a fuck if I get downvote brigaded; CCP means absolutely nothing. What does matter is what it then tells me about you. You claimed that he pings you in shit that you disagree with as a way of distancing yourself from his brigading and reputation that comes with it:

Hi, do you and I have a problem cuz 'Muhammad' pinged me? He likes to ping women to all sorts of vile things.

However this argument is totally void if you then take his side despite him making no real point by the end of his comment and being dumb enough to confirm that he is in fact WalnutSauceGoat. He also stopped responding when I asked him to name all his alts that didn't follow the donkey formula. He hasn't made any point other than that brief ad hominem against me, so tell me; what exactly are you upvoting him for and what did I say that warranted a downvote? Oh that's right, you're just another co-worker.

You accusing me of brigading? Prove it, you festering piece of excrement.

I downvote you not for questioning me, but for being wrong.

"I'm not downvoting whoever Donkey tells me to, this was just a coincidence that I upvoted him despite providing no substance and you not getting anything wrong." You realise you would have to disprove it anyway? You so realise that very basic concept that when I accuse you of something that only you can see... you are the one that has to disprove it. I don't have to prove shit. In this case you proved yourself a liar to help me out in this case, yet somehow you're dumb enough to prove that you did it after you admitted to it.

Hello GothamGirl - the wife of Zyklon-b (better known as Donkey.)

He wrote the submission, dumbass. If he doesn't want to be pinged, he will say so.

He can't until after you've pinged him, fag-shit. Since he hasn't responded I can guarantee he doesn't give a fuck; one of the responses I told you he'd give you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It doesn't matter how many words you try to use, you will never be able to make yourself look smart. Not ever.

The_Savant ago

Well it seemed you didn't really understand a single point I made so I had to walk you slowly through from the beginning.

Did you know your husband donkey once How do you do, fellow kids'd me? I just said some colloquial bullshit I always say in normal conversation irl but it didn't fit the persona of the wise old man that he had built for me based upon how often I've outsmarted him. I've had my ego stroked plenty of times by how often you two surrender to me and I know my IQ; FYI I'm smart.

Let me flip this premise on you:

It doesn't matter how many alts you respond with, no one will agree with you.

Oh and I saw the time-lag between downvoting my comment and replying with that short sentence. Smart move - a long reply would only have dug you a larger hole. Also, I now know you read it all and simply have no rebuttal.

Furthermore I would recommend you stop downvoting me twice. If you want proof of your brigading from me I think I've got it now chief.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just downvoted you.

I don't care if you think that I'm somebody else's alt.

But you do look a little foolish accusing the PG archivist of being in cahoots with the same people you are accusing of doing harm to PG.

Show me the bad archives I posted?

Show me how I posted bullshit submissions to forum slide?

You don't like me, I don't care.

You are still a dumbass. Too late to change that now.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

Someone's filthy alt is accusing me of being all sorts of users.

Just because i don't suck floppy v/greatawakening titties. Shameful.

The_Savant ago

No one fucking cares. Stop pinging people.

If you didn't want to get accused of brigading you shouldn't have downvoted me twice. Since you haven't done that this time I'll take that as a confession.

Nothing but ad hominem. Classic Donkey brigade. Can't explain why he downvoted me - in fact repeatedly refusing when asked. Yeah okay, you're an asset.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just downvoted you.

I'll ping whomever i wish. Do you think that the mods and designer of PG shouldn't know that you are attacking?

You haven't proven that I downvoted you twice yet. Here's my alt. @SWMBO show me the downvote. Try this one @hewhomustbeobeyed, made it for self protection, and in case hubby wants to troll me sometime.

@Vindicator has a list of donkey alts I gave him last year, the ones that I could tell anyway. Maybe if you stopped acting so suspiciously by trying to lump me in with the rest of the users you're persecuting, I wouldn't downvote you.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall - Is this the best troll GA can come up with?

The_Savant ago

Obviously you can ping whoever you wish, I'm just telling you no one cares and you now have evidence of that. I'm bored now. I've explained a great many things which you're refusing to disprove. You wont post screenshots of your votes on your other accounts and even if you did, I don't trust at this point that you don't have other secret alts.

You described me as "Somebody's alt" despite the fact that I have no upvotes to my name and am getting an immediate downvote as soon as I comment. Every. Fucking. Time. Now I suspect you're accusing the opposition of the things you're guilty of.

You kind of fucking owned yourself here though. I make many points and you divert attention and say shit like

Show me the bad archives I posted?

This was never about that. I only ever accused you of supporting shills and brigading me. Now you want me to prove something I never even said? That's fishy as fuck. You're a fucking retard. You still - after all these years of losing arguments to me - you think you can outsmart me? Why don't you give me another How do you do, fellow kids? That really made me feel good about myself.

As conversation went by it turns out you disregard many proven facts. It turns out you don't think ES is donkey despite the evidence. It turns out you don't pay attention to Q despite the connections to Trump. It turns out you're using the same dumbfuck catchphrases as GothamGirl (self-admitted Donkey's wife) such as "floppy titties."

You talk like EsotericSHILL, anyone ever told you that? Very few other people ever reply twice to the same comment.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Very few other people ever reply twice to the same comment.

I don't like editing my comments, unless I know I'll do it before the other person has an opportunity to respond. Unlike you SNEAKY FAGGOT.

You wont post screenshots of your votes on your other accounts

@SWMBO @hewhomustbeobeyed no downvotes, ever.

I don't trust at this point that you don't have other secret alts.


It turns out you don't think ES is donkey despite the evidence.

I've seen no "evidence" that they are. You assume that I have read one word you posted prior to donkey pinging me. I think this submission is vile, and therefore wasn't reading any of it.

You prove he is, or leave me alone. It's my opinion, no one has presented me with facts.

It turns out you don't pay attention to Q despite the connections to Trump.

You are correct, first time ever? Show me the rules that state I'm supposed to follow a DJT/2020 campaign larp. I am not required by law to follow Q. Fascist much?

such as "floppy titties."

saggy titties look like they just got released from a milking machine. Better? I can think of more, i was lazy. This is the best you got?

GothamGirl (self-admitted Donkey's wife)

Are you trying to make me jealous of @gothamgirl, @Don-Keyhote are you married?

You talk like EsotericSHILL

You like to talk behind peoples backs @ESOTERICshade this guy thinks we're friends. LOL

That was the last comment. Consider it a mercy.

Bless your heart.

ESOTERICshade ago

You like to talk behind peoples backs, @ESOTERICshadethis guy thinks we're friends. LOL

Well he calls himself a "savant" so what do you expect of him @shewhomustbeobeyed?


a person affected with a developmental disorder (such as autism or intellectual disability) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as mathematics or music)

He has exceptional skills in being a dumbass that thinks he is brilliant. He is a Qtard after all.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, I know.

Bless his heart.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

FYI ^ It keeps editing comments. Very bad shill. Should put on watch list.

The_Savant ago

I wish I didn't hate your guts so I could follow through with my word

@ESOTERICshade this guy thinks we're friends.

No, I think you're the same person. This solves the "behind his back" problem.

I have not changed the meaning behind any of my points, so at this point, based your accusation, I can only conclude that you never read any of my comments properly and have no clue whether or not I altered the overall message? You did just admit to not reading the context of the discussion you were involved in which probably explains why you're losing so badly. If I were you, I'd give up my unconditional allegiance to Donkey as a result of this embarrassment - he gave up a long time ago because he knows how this has turned out ever time prior .

I have not edited the meaning of a single one of my coments or made any new points. It must have been nice once you saw that "edited" text to maybe finally come up with an excuse for losing so badly though. That's okay.

I don't like editing my comments

[–] shewhomustbeobeyed -1 points (+1|-2) 19 hours ago (edited 19 hours ago)

Listen up retard, donkey knows that I don't think he is @esotericshade and a bunch of other alts he's been accused

That was the time you replied twice, you could have just added it in while editing you dumbfuck retard.

As you can see, my edits usually only come immediately after posting as well. If you can notice the difference on the comment I made where I edited it long after I'll give you a BIG medal, however it was such a tiny change I don't think you could. Nice scapegoat though, right?

Did you only just realise how badly you just lost? If I were you I'd be butthurt too.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

See this sentence - "So because you think you got downvoted because he asked me to instead of using his own alt to do it You got downvoted because you're stupid, that's all."

I edited it, and it is still awkward. 10+ HOURS BEFORE YOU RESPONDED

ME = 1 edit.

in your responses to me.

The_Savant -3 points (+1|-4) 7.4 hours ago (edited 2.6 hours ago)

-2 points (+1|-3) 5.6 hours ago (edited 5.6 hours ago)

The_Savant 0 points (+2|-2) 4.2 hours ago (edited 4.2 hours ago)

The_Savant 0 points (+0|-0) 14 minutes ago (edited 13 minutes ago)


Me = 1 edit

You = 4 edts


@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

Definitely GA shill

Bless his heart

The_Savant ago

Editing is only problem if I'm going back and changing the meaning of everything I said and making it look like you weren't answering the points I made when in actual fact you adressed them appropriately. If I fix a spelling error immediately after I post a coment there is no problem. You have no excuse for losing this argument despite how hard you may try.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bless your heart.

Crensch ago

You have already asked me to ban you. Then somehow you don't want to be banned. Then somehow the guy going after the pedophiles is himself a pedophile, just because you said so.

I'm really quite sick of your pings and your drama. I didn't agree with you on the other and I'm not really interested in what else you have to say at this point.

Keep pinging me and you will piss me off.

WhiteRonin ago


Your mum’s lumpia is soggy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

All you had to do is ask, I already stopped since it seems that this guy might be posting's data. I am archiving atm and haven't checked yet but if he is, the data may be flawed. That was going on before I learned to archive, I believe.

Stopped pinging you and left it to your mods and think- to figure out, since she former mod.

I figured since it's your sub and submission, you'd want to know. Won't ping again.

Crensch ago

Okay, then stop responding to me. Stop referencing me. Stop acting like you know me or have anything to do with me.

The_Savant ago

Damn. If only someone could have predicted this and saved you a lot of time.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bless your heart!

heygeorge ago

Bless his heart

I lol’d

The_Savant ago

You laughed at your own joke? Not sure why, not a single good point made and not even a satisfying punchline. But look; just like Smash Ultimate Everybody is here!

So it doesn't matter how witty or even how factual you are, this discussion already ended.

heygeorge ago

You tell jokes that aren’t funny? I can see why @shewhomustbeobeyed is having it out at you. I’m ok with our discussion ending.

You laughed at your own joke? Not sure why, not a single good point made and not even a satisfying punchline. But look; just like Smash Ultimate Everybody is here!

So it doesn't matter how witty or even how factual you are, this discussion already ended.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Do you see what we've been fighting here? This is what makes me need the funny so very badly.

It's heartbreaking. And it feels like no one is listening. All because I don't do Q. Everyone attacked by this creep, don't do Q.

Bless his everlovin' heart.

heygeorge ago

Kids, don’t let grownups touch your privates. And stay off Q!

Seriously, if I can for a moment... I thought you PG people were a bit of a joke, and at first many were. But it was interesting. And then the whole thing merged into researching the global/elite and some really well thought out points were made, and solid information presented. Then... QQ! Here comes the QQ Train! And now instead of thinking for and making connections for themselves, people line up at the feeding trough and fill themselves up with someone else’s bread.

@grace8 how have you been? I thought you might like to read my short rant.

grace8 ago

HeyGeorge, would you look at this link quick and tell me how you explain this if Q is just a LARP. Its short and sweet.

grace8 ago

Stay off Q?? Don't you mean stay off crack or meth pr something dangerous?

If your interested 8chan keeps a database of all arrests of child trafficking, porn etc. It Is pretty shocking how many have been arrested. Kids are like little captives today compared to pre rise of trafficking in US. I really hope they can make America safe for our kids again but there are so many traffickers. If you have never seen the database heres a link.

An Ohio Mayor today plead guilty to 8 county of rape and several counts of other lesser but similar charges. The youngest child he raped was 4 years old. He blamed the children for having initiated their own rapes. Over the past month there have been a lot of arrests for Child porn. Yesterday, charges were filed on a celebrity in Norway who was one of 10 individual involved in a huge Child porn and pedo ring. They were selling CP and they had so many image s of children being molested that after 4 years of investigation they have only viewed 20% of the images.

You may have already seen all this if you are hanging on PG. I have never been on this sub. More for lack of time than anything else.

heygeorge ago

The youngest child he raped was 4 years old. He blamed the children for having initiated their own rapes.


Don't you mean stay off crack or meth pr something dangerous?

Those are also good suggestions! I mean, you probably shouldn’t use them regularly.

grace8 ago

He got life in prison with possible parole in 10 years. We'll see if he survives that long. Did you also see the minister earlier this week who began sleeping with a 14 year old girl and passing her around to his friends fellow pastors. He and his family are outraged because he got 36 years. They act like all he did was sleep with a prostitute or something. He was a psuedo parent to the girl (not sure how.) Not much time to read /do voat past few days. These people really are nuts.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for the link and info.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The names is the only joke. Some people have been waiting a long time for this to all come out. The window of opportunity may be shrinking and these people want to play their political games. Both side are guilty as sin, no one should be expected to tolerate a Q-tard. Not in PG sub.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I learned from the master. I bow to your gentleness.

auralsects ago

Is this faggot u/ThePuppetShow? He was the first to make threads claiming I'm ES. Look at him he thinks I'm half the posters on the site, he's fkn in love with me LOL

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait a minute, are you saying that this faggot is using @ThePuppetShow's work as a basis of his accusations. That guy killed himself because the mods saw through him. If this guy is trying to pass that shit off as genuine then I can see why all the stupidity.

You might have just helped the mods, my love.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think-

auralsects ago

All that guy did was defend Jews and attempt to antagonise me, it was pathetic.

I'm not one to cry alt but this guy referring to the vast "evidence" means he's referring to his OWN "work"

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Too busy archiving to check him out. Too stupid to tell difference, evidently. Hope mods check. It's funny how the people pulling the biggest shenanigans are the ones who scream the loudest about alts and downvoting. I upvote you when your not such a faggot, and downvote you when you piss me off. It's not rocket science.

auralsects ago

I don't up or downvote either, and the mods are the biggest MIGA kikeshills around. This place is dead, call it. And as ever, women were the unwitting footsoldiers of the Jew.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

see how you are, every time I try to be nice. You so high maintenance to talk to.

The_Savant ago

I'm not one to cry alt but this guy referring to the vast "evidence" means he's referring to his OWN "work"

In no way does it mean that. That is a retarded conclusion even for you, Donkey

I tried reaching out to TPS before he left but he deleted his account anyway. As far as I'm aware he left for good. Didn't even reply to me on Twitter.

auralsects ago

LOL, retarded eh? Whereas OPs evidence that I'm ES is so convincing? Replying to a comment addressed to him is what you describe now as "proof"? No wonder you're a fuckin Qtard. Just look at your submissions, nigger. You aren't fit to lick my boots.

The_Savant ago

LOL, retarded eh?

This implies you're going to address the point I just made rather than deflect. You've responded in ES's place innumerable times, I just don't have the link to it. There's plenty of evidence you are one and the same. There is no evidence I am TPS and I don't think you really believe it either.

I told myself I would stop responding to you but holy fuck is it easy to beat to intellectually.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He said you married to GG, say it ain't so.

auralsects ago

Briefly, for the green card

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What happened? Divorce is gross.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You still - after all these years of losing arguments to me - you think you can outsmart me? - This? You are delusional. Just proved that you are a liar, too. - from SEARCHVOAT <3

(Did you know that by typing 'searchvoat' in this response I pinged him. I didn't until he told me.)

Did you know that a bunch of mods had their alts banned, from voat? You should check the banned list before whiteknighting for such sorry excuses for human beings.

You can't force me to suck saggy GA titties

not now, not ever

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I honestly have no idea who this “donkey” is (they used to call me an ES alt, so this is a new twist) but I made my points in the previous thread that was on here for months. When it reappeared with the same “manipluator” thing (which I was sure the OP had been hanging his head in shame over for months) I realized that he’s actually not “quite there”, youknow? We’re supposed to fight elite/satanic abuse of children and instead we get these idiotic distractions. It’s just sad.

The_Savant ago

You loved talking about the Walnut Sauce reference as ES, donkey. Be more subtle and you job will become easier. I know you want to make another dumb joke about how most Savants are retarded without knowing both meanings of the word. Go on, be as predictable as you always are.

auralsects ago

Donkey, ie me, is on record many times saying the pedo food codes were disinfo and thus obviously didn't tout the walnut sauce.

Check it out, now you have PROOF I am @WalnutSauceGoat since I responded to you in your conversation with him about me. I fucked up, a third time.

That's literally the basis that I'm ES according to OP, LOL

WalnutSauceGoat ago

You’re a harmless fool, so I’ll let this slide (for now).

horribleperson ago

The Tell of Captian Walker

horribleperson ago

Pizzagate Wikileak Emails

[] Subject: Last night was fun Still in torture chamber Another question. Do you two wanna have feb 14 valentines day dinner []

[] I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels? [..] If we get the same "waitresses," I'm all for it!!! []

[] if terrorists or unhappy former Clinton/Kerry interns with submachine guns attack the farm during my remarks, we won't all die, because I'll [..] We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be > Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in > that pool for sure. []

[] With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . . Tri []

[] Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. []

[] The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? []

[] Mary not free Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over []

[] Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?[]

Gothamgirl ago

The farm was a Muslim terrorist training camp, and Luzzato was bringing kids there. Besta pizza was owned by muslims, and Steven Paddock was connected to this.

The house where the realtor talks about the handkerchief, was owned by the Awan family, more muslims. Awan also followed elsagate type channels, on youtube.

When it comes to pizzagate the muslims pretty much have gotten a free pass.

horribleperson ago

The most inportant. needs a double flair. lol. Good Work.

Ps4Freedom ago

Every time things start looking organic on the boards this group starts shit... I'm surprised we have normal days at all. The truth is most people won't look anymore because of the almost non stop drama these idiots create.


(((Hi fellow Kids))) I'm @Ps4freedom, and I have an authority opinion on v/pizzagate!

Profile overview for @Ps4Freedom: This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

  • 150 submissions to TheGreatAwakening
  • 20 submissions to whatever
  • 12 submissions to aww
  • 2 submissions to theawakening
  • 1 submissions to help

TLDR: Pro-Q boomer pours fuel on the fire, without contributing to the pizzagate sub.

Hey_Sunshine ago

>MRW Crensch destroys another D&C agent provocateur.

Woe unto ye who would bear false witness against his fellow goat; for this flock is tended by a most vigilant Shepard.

Crensch ago

Made me laugh; thanks, bud.

virge ago

So.. wait. Was this always about Pizzagate?


IMO yep.

pizzagate researchers abandoned/questioned the Q narrative months ago.

Many shills desperately gatekeeped via pro Q posts detracting from genuine independent research

this led to researchers abandoning the platform and serious momentum being lost in the investigation, and probably infighting within the shills and shills vs researchers

Lansing-Michigan ago

There is a lot more to Q than pizzagate.....don't think it is appropriate to continually put a movement down when there are plenty of people who believe in it. Alienates which is exactly what the perpetrators do. So, then one has to wonder....esp. since the phenomenon started with the trump administration. ........which has seen more rapists and pedophiles outed than any time in our history as a country.And I am to the left of liberal ......another group which so many put down here and everywhere....playing into their hands. If we united,it would be game over for the fascists which control US.


never said there wasn't more to Q,

I said Q was a strategy of tension designed to fracture pizzagate.

don't think it is appropriate to continually put a movement down when there are plenty of people who believe in it

fuck off. belief=/=truth. Pedophiles want to fuck kids. According to your logic, we shouldn't put them down...are you afraid of hurting their fee fees?


The idea to use the letter Q may have came from the movie Hackers. Where the bad guy literally says “New World Order”. Just watched it the other day and noticed the big Q. Stretch? Idk

I’ve never bought into that easy info shit. Plus “it’s coming”... but never does.

As for the kill masons account. I can already see that name on fakenews media used to discredit Voat when tjey send a wind up toy into a lodge.

(I do not condone such actions against anyone. The truth is powerful enough.)

grace8 ago

If this is true that Q is a larp designed only to distract formt he Pizzagate narrative answer me this: Why then did Q post on pedophiles and child trafficking multiple times?

If Q is not working with Trump can you explain how this could happen: Its a very short post. Takes 5 minutes to review.

thewebofslime ago

The problem is that Pamphlet Anon was exposed on a live feed as having the trip code. More than once.

grace8 ago

please tell me more

virge ago

I could see the logic here. The Qews are being manipulated like the lemmings they are away from real, legitimate things happening in the world. Their stupidity is being weaponized like a moth to a flame.

grace8 ago

R you smoking crack or just ignorant of the Q community you claim to know enough to judge! Lemmings don't dedicate multiple subs and chans to the collecton of the news and research revealing deeper truths about our government and society. Its like you have never been on any Q subif you think the Q crowd is isolated from the real events in the world, Did you know that yesterday a Portland city office had a bomb scare? That Austin has passed a law making it legal to camp anywhere within the city limits? That Putin has exited the INF treaty with the US. That today is Julian Assange's birthday. That a volcano is under threat of eruption since yesterday in Hawaii. That yesterday there was a Russia sub fire, an Earthquake of 4.0 in Alaska. Gold has spiked to an all time high and the market gained 500 points yesterday. Lee Iococa died yesterday at 94. That Google is not blocking anti-vaxxer, anti Cancer and anti-GMO webstes. How many did you know? Which one of us is cut off from real events?

This is the most grossly inaccurate , no plain out untrue, statement i have seen a user post on the net for some time.

virge ago

Which one of us is cut off from real events?

Click my user account. Look at my submissions. Realize you're barking up the wrong tree.

Fucking Qews. Lemmings.

grace8 ago

Did you not just say Q crowd is cut off from real life events. How do you justify this statement?

virge ago

Did you not just say Q crowd is cut off from real life events. How do you justify this statement?

Your entire movement relies on you staying at home doing nothing and expecting the Government to fix itself.

There is no greater ignorance than that.

grace8 ago

How much more educated can a group get on world events than the q community??? We have learned their comms, we have educated ourselves on a variety of government failures, policies, procedures, and the people who are working to take away our democracy. Learned an entirely new history of the 20th century. We have considered and anticipated work That is more than 80 percent of people walking around in the US today. Q folk could out talk on world events, political scene and politicians. Your wrong.

grace8 ago

Ridiculous. So your point is if we marched in the street and killed people we would Be LESS ignorant?

Or if we had multiple social events with parties every weekend we would be less ignorant. If we went door to door proselytizing we would be less ignorant?

Define Ignorant: destitute of knowledge or education. How do any of those activities make me less ignorant?

Q told us to wait. He did so because people were thinking they needed to do something radical. In a democracy, we wait for our politicians to resolve failures of our gov. How are you doing anything different than just that? Rn't you just waiting? Your posting here. We are posting here? R you in the militias, military, government, press core?

virge ago

Ridiculous. So your point is if we marched in the street and killed people we would Be LESS ignorant?

Of course not. That's insane. Very few people here go so far as to even consider this course of action. Did I say something to give this impression, or were you internalizing that? Be intellectually honest, I'm merely curious.

Define Ignorant: destitute of knowledge or education. How do any of those activities make me less ignorant?

Ignorant. As in generationally. As in a whole lot of American parents fucking lied to their kids. And that generation after them had to learn the truth and decide how to raise their own kids. And so on. So here we are - with a broken family unit, statistically, struggling to wake up.

All I even need to illustrate my point are the last half of Eisenhower's farewell speech when he signed off by giving the biggest middle finger the Military Industrial Complex has ever seen in all recorded human history. JFK after him rode a wave of populism in a post-Eisenhower MIC warning, and look what happened to him.

When I say ignorant, I think you guys are just behind the curve and grasping so badly at someone else doing the hard work that you've simultaneously boxed yourself into a corner of desperation. Ergo it's demonstrably true that Americans were warned, and simply didn't listen.

Q told us to wait. He did so because people were thinking they needed to do something radical.

Consider seriously for a moment the radical possibility that he realized you guys were getting a bit too big of a Freedom boner, and the message was a sharp slap in the face for the extreme. Wouldn't it be up to you, individually, to decide when that silence has gone on long enough?

If you think you are going to remain prepared, I'll share some wisdom. First, it's possible. If so, bravo and congratulations.

With that out of the way, some of us have been on the Internet doing gray-area shit since the 90's, or even before in the ARPANet days. We've seen, quite literally in the truest sense of the world, hundreds of Q's come before this one. It's new to you, and because it's new to you those of us who've been through this roller coaster before know exactly how sweet that taste is, and just how sour it can become.

What you think insult is a mistaken warning. I tell you that if I could share any words of wisdom with myself in the past it would be to not ignore a more experienced warning. Even if it means you desire or simply opt to internalize it, as we humans are oft want to do.


I'll just quote some of the most important things Eisenhower said:

"Only an alert and knowledgeable Citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense, with our peaceful methods and goals - so that Security and Liberty can prosper together."


"As we peer into society's future - we, you and I, and our Government, must avoid the impulse to live only for today.. plundering for our own needs and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our Grandchildren, without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want Democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent famine of tomorrow."

In a democracy, we wait for our politicians to resolve failures of our gov.

Reality check, we're a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. This is pretty important. On top of that, you're wrong. Allow me to quote something else for you:

That to secure these rights [to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

- Declaration of Independence


Who am I, you ask? I am just an individual. I've learned to accept the failures of those who came before me, and appreciate that it took many sacrifices for me to be where I am today. I cannot stand by idly and watch you either allow yourself to be trapped in a delusion of grandeur, or become a victim of something that surrounds you to control you in ways I do not believe you fully comprehend.

I want to free your mind from the prison it's in. I want to remind you the power you wield not in violence, but in common purpose and shared manifest destiny. You don't even need the guns, but if they're taken then it will probably be too late.

grace8 ago

You appear to be trying to throw a lot of words out there without much relation to the point you made. This means you realize your wrong and cant rebut the point directly. Its a rehash of things already knwn well by the Q community.

R you sure your not burned out by previous leakers/movements to have the energy to pursue one more. So you want this experience to be the same as the ewxperience you and others had in the 90's.

The difference is this time q is not a leaker. He is a spokeperson for the war against the DS and he is posting both at the express direction of the President of the United States and the Military commanders who are part of the war on the DS. This has NEVER happened B4. If you go to 8chan and look at the Q proofs that show you where Q posted and then Trump tweeted something similar exactly a set number of minutes later. This happened around a hundred times. In ever smaller minutes apart until they are second apart.

You have my sympathy. You have been disappointed by failed attempts in the past to remove the powers behind the governments who control the world in reality. But there has never been anything like this. Tell me when Saudi Arabia has turned on the DS. Tell me when a president has signed an exec order freezing their assets. Tell me when a president has come out and named them and said they would be locked up. Tell me when a president has stood in front of the press with a large group of generals and said this is the calm before the storm and then the spokesman comes forward talking of taking out the DS and he posts by that same name.

You want us to be wrong because you were wrong in the past and decided not to follow Q because you wrongly assumed he was like the others. He is not. YOur resistance now is about your ego getting bruised if we are right and you failed to figure that out.

virge ago

Anything is possible.

grace8 ago

Please take a look at this link. It's very quick. Tell me if Q is just a LARP how you explain this?

virge ago

I honestly don't think you would believe me if I told you how I came to my experience, so it wouldn't make sense for me to explain the entire process.

I am not trying to convince you of anything. I am merely playing devils advocate for the questions I would ask if I were in your shoes.

grace8 ago

I am confused. R you saying you wont read a 5 minute link? I'm not asking anything about your experience. You have called Q readers stupid lemmings. I am asking you to read a 5 minute link and explain to me how you can explain that in any other way than that Q is working for Trump and posting in co-ordination with him.

This seems to happen when I bring up this point. Suddenly unbelievers want to change the subject.

Let go of the past and evaluate this just based on this link and the present circumstances.

virge ago

This seems to happen when I bring up this point. Suddenly unbelievers want to change the subject.

What you are observing is both of us realizing we have different ideology. Some will try to change your mind. I, on the other hand, am very familiar with being amiable with people of different ideology.

In the end, we still seek the same goals. You don't need to understand mine for me to admit that.

I read your link. I've read it before. I'm familiar with a lot of content. I might surprise you with just how much. I'm a data guy. It's what I do.

grace8 ago

I do not know how many times Trump has posted using words that q just posted minutes before. I know it is greater than 30 and less than 100 times. Is there any explanation other than they are coordinating. The gap between Q's posts and Trumps tweets became less and less until they were posting almost simultaniously. But Q people are just stupid lemmings who are gullible.

virge ago

I think we've already concluded to agree to disagree.

You're putting words in my mouth at this point, and I've been around the block enough to know there isn't much point in having a conversation if you cannot separate individual situations and dialogue from broad blanket statements of the community.

grace8 ago

Your exact words:

I could see the logic here. The Qews are being manipulated like the lemmings they are away from real, legitimate things happening in the world. Their stupidity is being weaponized like a moth to a flame.

Which one of us is cut off from real events?

Click my user account. Look at my submissions. Realize you're barking up the wrong tree.

Fucking Qews. Lemmings.

virge ago

Damn snowflake, let me run to Home Depot I have a safe space to build yah'.

grace8 ago

How many snowflakes do you know who read PIZZAGATE on VOAT! WOW! I dont think you quite thought that one through. Its late. You must be tired! Go and rest.

virge ago

What the hell does Pizzagate and you being easily offended and unoriginally controlling about it have to do with each other?

grace8 ago

You have no argument to support your suppositions. We play at different levels. I'm not interested in your repeated effort to save face by attacking me rather than using any kind of logic to address your original points that Q readers are stupid ignorant, lemmings who are isolated and unaware of events in the real world or your rejection of Q in the face of repeated tweets that mirror Q postings within minutes of Q posting. If you can not [resent any reasonable argument then I'm done here. Id rather sleep!

virge ago

Reasonable. Ha ha ha.


grace8 ago

Snowflake???? Every post you make astounds me. Snowflake, Add it to the list of amiable name calling.

If you are confident in your opinions and beliefs there is no need to resort to name calling. If you have no winning argument to support our beliefs then you try to distract with insults,name calling and such. I suggest you consider why you believe what you believe if you cant win an argument with a fucking stupid lemming. I think were done here unless you have some real argument to present.

virge ago

I think were done here unless you have some real argument to present.

We've been done for the past dozen posts, but not for the reasons you declare. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again.

grace8 ago

Amiable???? you called me a stupid lemming, a fucking Qew. You judged us as if you were the Lord of the land and all wise. But you can not give me any plausible explanation for this link. I have used no swear words and only spoken to you with logic and addressed your believe that because leakers failed to fulfill your dreams that Q isnt real. I have not called you any names.

You seem to have some problems seeing both me and yourself accurately. Let me clear that up. I have not experienced you as amiable.

So you read the link and have no reply.

virge ago

@crensch @kevude @womb_raider

There are much more dangerous predators that have been playing with all of you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

You'll notice no evidence is provided for any of the claims being made.



will you ever unblock me and answer my question as to why Pgaters should support Pro-Trans politicians?

virge ago

It was noted, yes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Haha! If @crensch and @vindicator or @molochHunter really knew you.

You really are a sneaky fucker.

Time to take the challenge bro! But of right you ain’t got enough money. Clean looking truck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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yep against Beaners and Towelheads

just like Bush did.

virge ago

Useful idiots are wild on both sides, then.


mhmm. dont get high off your farts.

virge ago

Now you lost me.

WhiteRonin ago

You’re easy to befuddle!


Democrats Bad became a drug for Conservatives, but they were too sanctimoniously smug to detect the rot in their party.

They got high off of "#winning"

Vindicator ago

Occams Razor

darkknight111 ago

Shall the good news about Donkey getting purged be made public yet (like in a sticky post)?

Vindicator ago

I've tried to keep the focus on research and drama to a minimum. This sticky is obnoxious enough, IMO. Do you see an upside?

virge ago

Well that's worse than I thought. That suggests more Type 1's than I thought possible.

Vindicator ago


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ImJewish6000000 ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

twistedmac11 ago

For the millionth time, I'm not an ES alt.

Crensch ago

Then you have his cock so far down your throat that the toilet water thinks you're him.

twistedmac11 ago

Lol right. Whatever you say bud.


@Crensch are you still pro-Trump now that he's threatening the:

  • 1st Ammendment: talk of banning flag burning
  • 2nd Ammendment: bump stocks, silencers, red flag laws

and pushing the Tranny agenda with LGBTQ and Pride Merch + endorsing Pride Month?

While I'm happy that you're no longer accusing me of being part of this crew, I still disagree with the perpetual stickying of it. Can't you put it in the description or just leave the tags on in his usernames? That way it doesn't push research further down the page?


Complain much?

WhiteRonin ago

Crensch is protecting Srayzie who is still here doing worse shit than Esoteric!

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, Srayzie ... so not edgy.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about you.


idc about me.

I care about Pizzagate Mods implicitly supporting Trump's Trans Promotion.

why dont you denounce it? not him.

WhiteRonin ago

Crensch is supporting Srayzie who still has active alts in PG.

They have a possible plan to control both major subs on voat.

Why else would they attack EsotericShade?


idgaf about EsotericShade. but if they continually sticky a post about user behavior (meta-post). I will use it as an opportunity it to discuss other meta-concerns with the subverse

WhiteRonin ago

Look into who attacks him and consider why. That’s all I’m saying. SrayzieGate is bigger than people are imagining.


I dont need to get caught up in the specifics of the shilling to recognize it as a distraction from energy spent researching/disseminating

you could be right, but why worry about meta drama when kids are getting trafficked?

Hey_Sunshine ago

In what way is any of this related to pg?

Why's it so important that Crensch denounce Trump?

Could it be you are being a massive faggot?


In what way is any of this related to pg?

The Trans ideology is an Elite, Progressive attempt to gradually sexualize children and normalize of the Pedo Agenda

Gay Pride->Trans Kids->Minor Attracted Persons

Trump's globally push of the Homo agenda is more relevant to PG than a group of shills manufacturing consensus on an isolated corner of a social media network.

Why's it so important that Crensch denounce Trump?

I asked him to denounce Trump's LGBTQ agenda, not even Trump....

Could it be you are being a massive faggot?

I'm being a faggot for asking Crensch to Denounce Trump's support of faggots?

Hey_Sunshine ago

>The Trans ideology is an Elite, Progressive attempt to gradually sexualize children and normalize the Pedo Agenda

-Thats an awfully bold claim to make without any evidence.

>I asked him to denounce Trump's LGBTQ agenda

-Which accomplishes... what exactly? In which way does an opinion of some alleged agenda change the purpose of v/pizzagate ?

>I'm being a faggot for asking Crensch to Denounce Trump's support of faggots?

-lol only in a roundabout and convoluted way that only makes sense to me and my sleep deprived brain.

It is possible for me to be mistaken, happens all the time.

I don't see much use in asking for an opinion on a matter that has a tenuous relation to OP's post.

Maybe I just don't see what you're getting at?


Thats an awfully bold claim to make without any evidence

Check my post history for evidence/background: especially this post:

Which accomplishes... what exactly? In which way does an opinion of some alleged agenda change the purpose of v/pizzagate ?

I'm concerned that Mods denounce Democrats for pushing Trans Ideology and consider things like "Drag Queen Story Hour" as part of the Pedo push

Yet they don't criticize Trump for pushing the same faggotry, promoting "Pride", and a crusade against "homophobia"

@Vindicator has now blocked me and refuses to respond, because I asked him to justify why a pizzagater should support a Pro LGBT candidate

Hey_Sunshine ago

>Check my post history for evidence/background: especially this post:

If there were a time to prove one's intentions were pure and without ulterior motive, you just missed it.

Affirmati, non neganti incumbit probatio

"Actore non probante reus absolvitur" If you were approaching this "With clean hands" you'd have brought facts to support your claims.

Quit living a life of sin and you may yet save your soul from eternal damnation.


I linked to the relevant post...

quit quoting Latin and read the damn post

Hey_Sunshine ago

The legal maxims I've cited are based in law and logic. By your own hand, have you shown your ill intentions. I stopped paying attention when you said I should go and seek out your proofs to your claims.


I stopped paying attention when you said I should go and seek out your proofs to your claims.

If you stopped paying attention, you didn't read the Evidence you asked for which I conveniently linked for you in my original response

Check my post history for evidence/background: especially this post:

can you wake up enough to pay attention, or are you willfully ignorant?

Blacksmith21 ago

At least I know we despise the same -alts.

WhiteRonin ago

You do realize that Srayzie has several major alts on this sub too, don’t you?

She is still here. Hence why Crensch is targeting Esoteric.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey! That’s the dildo I programmed for you that you used in the webcam video to @vindicator but not for @crensch or @ESOTERICshade.

So is it the JIDF that you got to try to find Voat?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

WhiteRonin ago

Checkout @IMCHAD @hollakost there’s a few more. I’m too lazy to list them all. Just go through my posts and other peoples posts. Their is evidence.

Claims about lacking evidence is a sign of lacking due diligence.

Putt could prove it by running an IP check against Alts. But then some people use VPN. So his inorganic voting algorithm isn’t perfect.

Hey_Sunshine ago

I believe we can find some common ground on this matter. I've no want to read your posts, nor am I obligated to provide evidence to support your claims.

We are both too lazy to look it up. Since we can both agree that we are too lazy to cite sources, how about some first hand testimony instead?

If you're too lazy to provide factual support for your assertions, then why are you making any assertions ab initio?

Why are you shitting up the boards with your low energy posts?

What is the impetus behind your posts?

virge ago

What is the impetus behind your posts?

Type 4's only objective is to put you on the defensive. Forcing you to defend yourself through insinuation, summoning, subversion, manipulation, and outright lying makes you give further information for which to use to put you on the defensive.

Since their objective is never to come to an agreement or consensus with you, but instead to keep you constantly feeding them something for which they can continue to engage you on - the easiest way to deal with a Type 4 is to ignore it.

It's a "don't feed the animals" type methodology. Type 4's are harmless if you don't let them put you on a defensive cycle. They're only trying to keep the circle going, and you control when it ends.

@Vindicator @kestrel9 Just more examples of this method in action.


@virge could you do a post or link a comment with a breakdown of your online personality types

also what do you consider me?

Finally, what do you consider this exchange? I feel like both Vin and myself consider each other possible type 4's

ESOTERICshade ago

He is a sneaky lying snake is what he is. If you say something he doesn't like he will immediately demand "evidence" and then turn around and spout a bunch of bilge about you without providing that precious "evidence" he will always demand from you.

When he wants to censor your free speech he will accuse you of shit like "demoralizing others" and denying them their free speech. So, your opinion is denying others a right to speak according to him.

He will lie like a mother fucker too. zyklon is not a credible source according to him, unless that, whatever zyklon is saying goes in his favor, and then it becomes "evidence."

He is a sneaky lying weasel.

EricKaliberhall ago

Excuse me miss, excuse me miss, @ESOTERICshade.

You've got red all over... Did you stabbed yourself again?

I think you should take this to the next level... It's called 'Amputee Identity Disorder'. The cool people are all over this... Do it ES, just cut it all off. You will be the person you were always meant to be. A meat package.

ESOTERICshade ago

You think I can't see that big red flair and badge of honor? I knew it was there. If it were not for me v/pizzagate would have morphed into v/pizzqanon and v/pizzagate would be dust in the wind. You should be glad I had the guts to stand up and defend v/pizzagate. I didn't see your weak ass helping me do it.

WhiteRonin ago

You started off good and agreeable but then you want me to be not lazy. Dude!

I provide 2 alts. Several others have been provided by several other people. I made a post in SBBH calling for people to list her alts and we have about 6-8 active ones at the moment. New ones pop up almost daily.

Shitting up boards is to provide light on certain topics. That is what this type of site all about. It’s only when people don’t like the topics the bitch and moan and call them shit. I do the same so I’m not point fingers but stating a fact.

My goal? To dig up some juicy agendas. When you pound on somebody for days they eventually start slipping up and provide truths. It’s human nature. I have also figured out that lots of people act like liberals by just making blanket statements but that’s off topic and I have called you one since you haven’t done that in this thread.

My spider sense gets triggered at times and I got into active attack mode. This SrayzieGate is very complex. So many levels of intrigue and subterfuge that it’s way deeper than I first imagined. Because I’m a prolific shit poster and troll at times (on purpose) that people started wondering what set me off. (I do post lots of serious content besides shitting up subs as you claimed. ) after people realized that @Crensch, @MolochHunter, @vindicator, @Virge aren’t attacking me (I don’t know why yet, I just say they are chicken) people became brave enough to speak up. It’s like a #metoo movement. I challenged Virge to buy me out - after that he has been ghosting me. Oh I do comment left and right against him. He like the others just talk shit about me with out pinging me. I ping them and I end up with minus imaginary points. Lol. I don’t even ping my buddies on this site. Yeah, I’m friends with some of them who are massive trolls. I do this on my own and people seem to subscribe to my channel.

I’m not intending to white knight or fight some one else’s battles. If their problems match my agenda I will use their claims as battle gear. I don’t find it cool that Crensch brigades women - I guess that’s white knighting but it’s more to me a very fucked up beta thing to do. I don’t like that Crensch power mods GA. I proved it with one post. I called him out on it and the Moloch banned me for talking about “people” or whatever he called it. I used to respect Crensch because he could in a way say he was wrong. He never would outright admit it but his words came close enough.

So yeah, I go around grinding my ax. However I like dropping it on people who have a brigade team. It’s a challenge to take on several strong opponents, it makes me sharper and stronger. While the Crensch bro-game attacks in packs on those who don’t have an imaginary point build up like me. Those who are easy prey. Those who will back down because it’s too bothersome. They then claim victory. Me? I become a bigger ass. I don’t back down and just keep plugging away at them until the ghost me. Lol.

Nobody wins though in reality.

I offered Virge the chance to buy me out. Lock stock and barrel. He gets my accounts and special permission for putt to pull all my data. He just needs to sign an NDA protecting my real life identity and those who may be exposed in PM. I will even meet him in person at his lawyer office who he has on retainer. I will walk away from Voat forever as my part of the bargain. The data that I will give away, is free to be used as Virge seems fit. He thinks I have multiple alts and I brogade people and all kinds of other conspiracies. He will prove himself something which I won’t care anymore about. I just want his shekels! People think I’m a Jew, so I’ll let Virge pay me and I’ll be that greedy Jew.

So, I hope this wall of text provides some insight and information about me. I like transparency (Virge doesn’t he deletes posts and comments that show him in a bad light, and he records everything in an excel spreadsheet — he’s probably working on something else too).

Low energy? Bingo! I am not even trying.


I like what you say.

EricKaliberhall ago

Important flair is activated. As always, great job @Crensch.


Krassenstein Brother 2 has entered the chat

WhiteRonin ago

Oh? Are we taking sides? Or, are you will to flair shit instigators that I have caught too?

Crensch ago

Thank you, and thanks for the backup.

Crensch ago

For anyone reading this, look at the proven liar, vote manipulator, and consensus-cracker. Check out the company he keeps, (Or rather the company that keeps him.) Any questions?