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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

Crensch ago

Dear god you are fucking stupid.

Nice faked PMs. Now you and your crew have lost all credibility with PMs, too.

Gothamgirl ago

Nothing is fake, your busted for your bs, and your extremely retarded, and carry on all whiny. You could've just apologized πŸ€” I gave you many opportunities. Super cuck.

Crensch ago

I've got nothing to apologize for. Your screenshot is fake, you fat hog. It couldn't have possibly come from that username YESTERDAY if the account has been locked since Putt locked them all.

Are you really this stupid? Do you not see how insanely dishonest this makes you look? Or are you Jewish, too?

WhiteRonin ago

Oh look at this! Crensch knows something that nobody else knows!

Why are you so sure? Please come on! The old Crensch I knew and respected would provide proof and not run around ranting like a liberal!

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

@virge, @molochHunter @vindicator

Gothamgirl ago

The account couldn't be locked if it was used just yesterday. It's not fake.

Not one once of my blood comes from a Jew. Why are you so dishonest, munipulitive, and gutter trash?

You should know everything about me, after the way your gang has stalked me.

This doesn't make me look dishonest, it shows what a despicable POS you really are.

Those messages are real.

ZyklonsNiggerCelly ago

You have Jew eyes

Crensch ago

The account couldn't be locked if it was used just yesterday. It's not fake.

You dumbass. Putt didn't lock it in the past 24h. Not a soul would believe that shit.

Not one ounce of my blood comes from a Jew. Why are you so dishonest, munipulitive, and gutter trash?

You argue like a Jew and have nigger kids.

You should know everything about me, after the way your gang has stalked me.

Not yet, fatty. I'm sure they'll continue while you continue to cause your side irreparable harm with your nonsense.

This doesn't make me look dishonest, it shows what a despicable POS you really are.

Putt just happened to take a request and security-lock that account? Kek.

Those messages are real.

Keep telling yourself that. Nobody else will believe it. Putt wouldn't just happen to ban that within the last 24h. How stupid do you think we are?

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

She has nigger kids? Hahaha! Zyklon is quite the nazi then, haha! Fucking a bitch who has been with a nigger.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Her own husband said...

β€œher kids are spic niggers, dna tests confirmed their dad is Puerto rican and 10% African (1 drop rule)”

Crensch ago

Yeah, he TOTALLY has tats and everything, but has a half-zipperhead offspring himself, too.

Oh, and he does drugs a lot. TOTALLY NAZI.

WhiteRonin ago

Come on Crensch explain why you are so sure!

Gothamgirl ago

Dude have you seen Srayzie's pics she is a big boar πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ and a whore.

Crensch ago

You are 70lbs heavier than that girl in the gun video. 70. Fucking. Pounds.

Whatever srayzie may or may not be, you're a couch bison by your own admission.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh? So Putt lets you in on special information.

You are full of shit!

Either you own that account or the answer is too obvious!

Oh look at this! Crensch knows something that nobody else knows!

Why are you so sure? Please come on! The old Crensch I knew and respected would provide proof and not run around ranting like a liberal!

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

@virge, @molochHunter @vindicator

Srayzie, we got you again!