I did not send those to her. What does she mean here?

It looks to me like she is saying she has more. In other words, Kevdude has more to share with her, which is why you are pointing it out. So? That doesn’t affect me. She’s gone and you guys look worse by the day. Gothamgirl ruined your first attempt.

Srayzie broke confidentiality by sharing private PMs and then got mad when people did it back to her.

To expose shills. Not friends secrets.

You can just say "I". You don't think I know you?

I think you “think” you know who I am.

If I remember recent events correctly, the people who decided to censor comments for speech content and ban users without citing rules (a functionality that @PuttItOut built for the kind of transparency he wants on this site) decided to discredit me. I haven't "lost credibility" with anyone other than those who were already against me when you started using out of context PMs to slander me.

You’re lying to yourself


It’s rich coming from you too. My point is that everyone is a sinner, including you. I don’t even think Crensch is religious. Since when are you?

Crensch ago

What does she mean here?

What does she mean here? She's too stupid to pull off anything, but what that DOES show is that she will try to excuse her having those any way at all as long as you aren't implicated.

How has this not sunk in with you fuckbags yet? The only way she would have ever said she got them from you is after I pointed it out - and she still has yet to do so.

If she didn't care what happened to your account, she wouldn't be arguing about where she got them, would she?


kestrel9 ago

Interesting. I don't remember you getting active until right after she deleted. AND you were modding subs with Lumus before the "rift" between him and srayzie. Maybe the people suggesting you are an alt are correct.

I was not modding subs with Lumus, he posted to have people participate in providing research info for certain Q drops, and then he relayed that research to QMap. There were no subs to mod. It was after that that I became friends with @srayzie.

After he left I started QRSP as a sub, before that it was just an effort to get users involved in submitting specific types of info for QMap. The trolling issue was a problem then too, having carried over from PG etc. It's difficult to have research happen effectively when shitposters are the elite on Voat, not beholden to PV's policy rules within their own subs.

I became frustrated that PV handling of the shitposting on QA (as well as their participation in it) caused @srayzie to drop the sub. You yourself posting a 'trollfab' conference on PV to discuss what happened. I don't appreciate you feeding the trolls by insinuating that I'm an alt of anyone's. Ask @puttitout and he can verify without doxing me that I have one account. Yes until recently my record has been as a researcher on Voat. Once I realized that PV played such a large part in instigating and perpetuating the shitposting on the research sites, yes I did become frustrated because no one was looking out for those sites. @srayzie tried, but being part of your group on PV didn't help. Shitposting is the one thing that is given protected status on Voat above all else, they are accountable to no one and you use them harass people. That in of itself is a form of censorship, the maggoty liberal kind.

Wow. A lot of anger there. And false statements. I don't see anyone "standing with me".

Wow. Thanks for noticing. fwiw zyklon_b said he and his troll army stand by you. I guess you don't recall you're "pox on both houses" dismissal of GA users. But you have admitted that PV is not concerned with users so I should stop expecting that to be different I suppose.

HollaKost ago

Well said! You nailed it on all points. Kevdude is a slimey POS who always tries to wigggle out of any accountability for himself!

kestrel9 ago

Did I ask them to shitpost qrv?

You told/condoned @srayzie attacking zyklon_b on QRV and advised her to ignore him on GA. (didn't even want to have new rules that would be effective against rampant malignant shitposting because you were disgusted with the users on GA. They didn't downvote the way you wanted them too.) Did you not know that would escalate everything? Feed the troll there and not here? That way you could continue to pretend that mod logs somehow reflect some pipedream reality that you perpetuate to create façade of PV? Or was it an exercise of yours to try to force GA users to participate in the futility of downvoting the trolls that currently "stand with Kevdude"? Was it an exercise aimed to make @srayzie 'stronger', under your guidance?


He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone


No, that was srayzie who was best friends with zyklon for a while. At least that's what zyklon claimed

Like Zyklon can be believed you stupid fuck. Just like GothamGirl says Srayzie sent the screenshots of PM’s between you and her. You were too much of a coward to post them yourself. Do you actually think anyone besides “your troll group” believes you?

She was hoping to get qrv.

Srayzie didn’t want QRV. Why would she? She had her own sub. She made posts about it. She just wanted the porn to stop being posted there.

You’re trying so hard to discredit the ones that went against “your rules” that you have discredited yourself in the process.


Crensch ago

So no defense of what you posted as if it was true because he claimed it. Just personal attacks on people. Got it

Crensch ago

At least that's what zyklon claimed.

Mr. "Art" & "satire"?


@kosherhivekicker @vindicator @sandhog @kestrel9 @imchad

Gothamgirl ago

So now you don't believe what he says? 😂🤣😂 You're unbelievable..

Crensch ago

No matter what he says or doesn't say, his art includes dead children. And you married him. His art. His art.


Gothamgirl ago

So does your sub Pizzagate doesn't it?

Crensch ago

There's a difference between something posted to a research subverse and posting it as your art. Your husband claimed it as his art when he posted it.

Sick fuck.

KosherHiveKicker ago

That may be true but it still doesn't change the sustained reddit-eqsue level of faggotry you, and your reach around crew are pulling on Voat.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You and your ass-nuggets led by @zyklown-douchebag are the leading drama queens pushing the theater of faggotry on Voat... while Crensch is simply calling it out in public.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I only know about this drama because you ping me for it, I doubt @kevdude himself would even notice your poss without the @. I have a job interview and an 8 hour shift today I don't have the time or energy to investigate llegations of doxxing. But just o humor you, what private info? was it a name or address? did anyone lose their job, get swatted, or attacked? because you're really going to need to be convincing if you want me to care

Crensch ago

Have you won even a single thing in all of this? You're losing every which way you turn.

That link proves pretty much all of what I said it did.

If that doesn't. This will.

SearchVoatBot ago

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I'm confused. Nothing in those PMs constitutes dox. I did not provide GG with those. So since I didn't give them to her and nothing in there is dox, you are wrong on both counts.

Of course your cowardly ass dindu nuffins. The problem is, the stupid cunt @Gothamgirl says..

“These were hacked by me, and not given to me by anyone”

Your reaction is very telling. You sure don’t seem to care about protecting Voat from hackers. A user is claiming they hacked someone’s outbox. That’s not even concerning to you huh? Especially since it involves a conversation that involved you?

@MadWorld @Crensch @Vindicator @Peaceseeker @Argosciv

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Crensch you believe anything so I am just going to tell you the truth, so you not twiddling your thumbs. Srayzie shared them with me get over it. Your a fraud, and your new nickname is super cuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

l33t hacker.

She didn't share those with you, either. You're just a liar from beginning to end, aren't you?

But that's normal with fats. You should hang out on FPH and learn about your whale-kin kind.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha are you fucking kidding after what you did to cover for the WHORE OF BABLYON?

Crensch ago

I don't need to cover for anything. You got those PMs leaked to you, and kevdude is going to pay the price for you using them like a stupid fat would.

Also, your husband's art belongs in a Podesta gallery, you "pizzagate researcher".

Crensch ago


How does it feel to lose?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Yeah, @Gothamgirl has been here for 2.5 years. If you search her submission post, and comment history, there is only one time that she called herself a hacker. That was today.

@Kevdude is a little PUSSY if he goes along with this story. Kek!

@Madworld @Cynabuns @Peaceseeker, if Kevdude is innocent, then that means GothamWhore should be banned for hacking into Kevdude’s inbox. What’s going to be done about this?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Hell no I told Srayzie in PM's in February, and also told her many times my kid is a IT professional/gamer/hacker.

SearchVoatBot ago

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You told her that you were a hacker? You’re admitting that you hacked into @Srayzie’s account?

@Puttitout @Cynabuns...

This bitch says that she hacked Srayzie’s “outbox”, and says there is more to come.

Gothamgirl ago

Maybe, maybe not or maybe you've been mind fucked.


I’ll tell you who’s mind fucked. You have such low self esteem that you use your money to keep men. That’s all you’ve got. You married a man that doxxed you. Because of that, your information is public.

Planned ahead and executed He even pinged the pedos for you. He named your kid and said he was being abused.

He encourages people to post gore and loli. Your excuse is to say he didn’t post any himself. It was posted all over QRV and he was part of it. You even admit to have child porn on your phone. You’re a pedo sympathizer.

If that’s not pathetic enough, let’s look at Shawn. Shall we?

Your dumb ass bought him a 2011 Kawasaki motorcycle, chain lock, alarm, helmet and gloves. You spent $7,200 on a guy!

A little over a month later, you withdrew $20,000 out of your savings and bought an H2 Hummer for $17,100 and put the title in his name! On the SAME DAY, your desperate ass spent an additional $600 to buy the dude a motorcycle jacket and insurance. That’s not even all of it. You lost $36,000 to a man.

If you felt so good about yourself, you wouldn’t let men use you. You’re a weak pathetic jealous bitch. Your own man said you were schizophrenic. Now, you’re doing @Kevdude’s dirty work for him. You do realize that if it were not for Zyklon, you are nothing to them right? You would be dropped like a dead fly. Maybe you should think about that before talking to Dial all night while your husbands asleep.

Shawn said you were a cheating whore too. You don’t have a moral bone in your body. Get the plank out of your own eye before you judge someone else.

Gothamgirl ago

Wait so when he named my kid, and doxed me, said my kid was being abused, you obviously have all my personal info. Why didn't you call the police, child services or even make a post? You were a Pizzagate mod Srayzie?

So is it that you were to busy with every guy on the internet to care?

You don't care about my kids or yours or anyone else's.

You actually wrote me a pm stating the exact opposite of what you are saying now..

Your like a fucking flea.

You are fucking stupid.


Wait so when he named my kid, and doxed me, said my kid was being abused, you obviously have all my personal info. Why didn't you call the police, child services

What makes you think I didn't? They attempted to locate you and your child but you had fled the state already. You got lucky on that one.

Is he still being abused? Should I call again now that we all know where you're living now?

Gothamgirl ago

Those PM's about sexual addiction is mind fucked 😆 use the link, and run to Christ.|trg_kwd-471178493894|grp_54610433942|crt_282139250325|kwmt_e|ps_1t1|srct_g|trgt|src|devt_m|devm_|cid_1473029708|lcl_9026105|fdi|mrlid_0s|dop&gclid=CjwKCAjwuqfoBRAEEiwAZErCsvyJh2-jZOriZ2HtitE1RcroJadlwIoQGqU26wTFCCezO7z2c0Q-ARoCcYQQAvD_BwE

HollaKost ago

and run to Christ and repent skank.

Says the whore who bore four children out of wedlock!

But hey, GothamGirl, can you go get my laptop out of the car and ask if the floor mats will be included? Hahahahaha

Sad stupid cunt!


If those PM’s are even real and she does have a sex addiction because she is a child rape survivor, then a true pizzagate researcher would show compassion. You seem to accept people that are admitted drug addicts. Your husband does drugs daily and admits it. He said you do too.

What’s your excuse for being a whore? Because you have low self esteem and nobody wants a used up swollen limbed bed ridden Schizophrenic fatty? You use your holes stretched out holes and money to keep men.

You’ve always been jealous of Srayzie. Zyklon tells her himself. He also admits your Schizophrenic. Kek.

You were also going to pay for FlynnL1ve5’s legal fees. What a desperate piece of shit. You are being used now and don’t even care because you’re getting attention.

@HollaKost @Cerealbrain @Alcoholics_R_Us @Argosciv @Scrubbinoutoldblue

Gothamgirl ago

You need to present evidence of your accusations first of all if you want people to believe you.

Second I know nothing about Srayzie being raped.

Third zyklon_b is a troll, and the best on the internet I might add.

I have never been jealous of Srayzie ever! Please give 1 reason why I would?

She has always been a trouble making drama queen, and skank since day 1, and I always felt something was off. She accused every good researcher of being someone named Sara, with no proof. She is probably Sara herself, and also acted quite skitzo.

Yes I would help a friend pay his legal fees if needed, that's what friends are for. Why does this upset you? 😂

I am not uncapable of getting a man 🤣 I just married the one I love remember?

I don't use drugs or drink. Zyklon drinks and nothing more. You are using his performance art, and posting it like its supposed to be facts.

Are you really trying to tell Voat, that your crew got its ass handed to them by some drug addicts? Really?

Zyklon and I are forever get over it, sounds like you the one who is jealous.

By the way most drug addicts aren't fat, you can't have it both ways...


You need to present evidence of your accusations first of all if you want people to believe you.

These screenshots from your man are evidence. Just like you shared screenshots.

Third zyklon_b is a troll, and the best on the internet I might add.

Your “troll” excuse is pathetic. He doxxed your ass bitch. That wasn’t funny was it?

I have never been jealous of Srayzie ever! Please give 1 reason why I would?

She’s not a Jew. She’s a hell of a lot prettier and smarter than you are. Kek. She’s been married for over 20 years. She has a man to take care of her. She doesn’t have to support one. Her kids have a daddy that stuck around. Your man flirted with her. That’s what it boils down to.

Are you really trying to tell Voat, that your crew got its ass handed to them by some drug addicts? Really?

When was that dumb ass? You guys failed!

Zyklon and I are forever get over it, sounds like you the one who is jealous.

I bet this doesn’t age well. Lol.

By the way most drug addicts aren't fat, you can't have it both ways...

Bed ridden ones can be. Especially if it’s not uppers you stupid cunt.

Btw, your bank account records show you guys regularly ate McDonald’s twice a day! Fucking LOL

Gothamgirl ago

I don't know about drugs as I have never done any.

PROVE THIS: Don't use a bank except to store gold, and cash checks😂🤣

PROVE THIS: I don't eat fucking McDonald's, I hardly eat but once or twice a day.

My man is a troll for years before me.

I am not obese as you claim.

My man never liked Srayzie he always knew she was a whore, and only used him for HALP HALP..

Her husband must be a loser to stick around that long, if he thinks he can keep the WHORE OF BABYLON HAPPY 😂🤣 Why does he take care of her is she a Bum?

We know and her nose knows she's a Jew, pushing Jew shit..

Ask her if she remembers this though. I do..

I am so glad you and zyklon have worked it out. I am happy we are friends again. When you have a chance can you ask him to step up attacks on Esoteric. This is the reason why I have not shared this with many people. Please keep this between us.

HollaKost ago

PROVE THIS: Don't use a bank except to store gold, and cash checks😂🤣

Yet later down this thread you admit you do.

Why do you feel the need to lie about everything degenerate?

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't she is using information from 8 or 9 years ago dumbass, that's not currently.


Are you saying you want the pdf of your court case with Shawn to be posted here? That has your bank account information.

Gothamgirl ago

So your psycho self paid to get a copy of a deposition that shows a bank account from what 8 to 10 years ago? Do you realize my bf kids and mother had bank cards for the same account?

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know him.


I know he played you like a fiddle. KEK


It’s your bank account hoe. You guys ate at McDonald’s twice a day fat ass. Shawn used you. Lmao

Gothamgirl ago

No shit Sherlock and more I was naive, scammed, and mind controlled. Why do you care?

HollaKost ago

I was naive, scammed, and mind controlled.

You were in your mid thirties with three children, how dumb do you have to be to still be naieve about men at that point?

No, you're just a needy and insecure woman who was thankful that a man paid attention to her.

Gothamgirl ago

No I have had many men pay attention to me, but unlike Srayzie I am faithful and turned them.

Why are you so curious about me? Is it that your needy and insecure, who just needs someone to pay attention, at all that refereeing? I wasn't the one using and seeking attention from alot of men dear. I think we are up to 6 or 7 now..

You know once I stop talking to you, your account becomes useless.

HollaKost ago

Why are you so curious about me?

You wish I was lesbian slut! I can't stand you and it's beyond entertaining to me to see you act like a stupid twat all the time. I get a good laugh at your expense! Oh the shit Shawn wrote about it is funnier than anything zyklon_b wrote! But the real lolz come from seeing how your stupid ass defends men who treat you like shit! Ohhhh, funny!



HollaKost ago

Whatever happened to your old partner U/psychanaut?

Gothamgirl ago

Mods of pizzagate happened to Psychanaut.

Who ever said psychanaut had any affiliations with ciicada? Cicada was Q in the beginning.

I think Q is Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin is mark of the beast technology.

HollaKost ago

Who ever said psychanaut had any affiliations with cicada?

Your pal JEM777 did:

I find it very strange that people who trust you end up dead, in jail (and shot), or disappear because of threats like psychanaut.

What are the odds that bad fortune would befall so many who closely associate with you?


You admitted you have been bed ridden for years you fat skank. You ain’t fooling anyone.


Fucking Kek. Look @HollaKost

Gothamgirl ago

Yes 8 years ago. 2008-2011.

HollaKost ago

Oh wow, I had that same dress in 1997!

theoldones ago

-you look like you're over the hill

-you look like a fat pig in a dress

-those stretch marks on your arms must be from when your limbs swelled up like whale flippers, yeah?

Gothamgirl ago

Of course you would say that your a fucking pedophile, attracted to children.

theoldones ago

you're a lying bitch and those allegations are false and you damn well know it

Gothamgirl ago

Your a lying disease carrying cuck don't tell me your problems loser.

theoldones ago

projection much?

Gothamgirl ago

You are being placed on the Beatlestrollarmy watch list for pedo and cuck possibilities. @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

we will kill

theoldones ago

i heard you're a crazy schizo bitch in certain places and every reply you make proves that claim right

Gothamgirl ago

You heard from a bunch of liars. I am nice person to nice people.

theoldones ago

you just called me a disease-ridden cuck.

this is you acting "nice"?

Gothamgirl ago

You have been calling me names since our first conversation.. You are not a nice person.

theoldones ago

You have been calling me names since our first conversation.. You are not a nice person.

that must been becuase you were actively harassing another user off the damn website. listen here you crazy fucking whore.

you can either

A. participate, in which you're going to get called things


B. not participate, and stay the fuck out of this

Gothamgirl ago

Listen whore? Do you think your talking to your wife or mother. This isn't a trailer park it's the wild west and we have lots of ammo.

I wasn't harassing anyone I was finally fighting back, and the whore of Babylon exposed and lost, so it was a victory, actually 2. You forget we got rid of shitzy too. Glad too She/He was a pedophile.

I am not nuts. Inhilator in verbal contest it's in my blood, and don't tell me what I should do. Zyklon and I are forever fuck off.

theoldones ago

you're like an onion, so made of layers, except all the layers are the same and made of crazy.

Gothamgirl ago

No you're the one who is nuts, you protected a cheating whore who was scamming for other people's pics

theoldones ago

what the fuck even are you talking about at this point?

theoldones ago

Why your nuts to protect this?

bitch, you can't even English right now

HollaKost ago

bitch, you can't even English right now

She has the literary skills of a 5th grader.

Gothamgirl ago

Go eat a bag of dicks faggot.


You’re trailer trash bitch


I can’t wait until Zyklon leaves your fat ass. You’re getting too cocky. You’re nothing on Voat without him. I think he should slap you around a little like your baby daddy.

HollaKost ago

Did you notice the finger bruise on her arm in the pic she posted today? Looks like an arm grab.

Zyklon's already had enough of her shit and is starting to put the bitch in her place.

Gothamgirl ago

Hell no it came from my dog or hard work around my house.

HollaKost ago

Why is your dog on top of you? Are you molesting your dog you foul bitch?

Call animal control and save the poor animal @IMCHAD

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I know. Terrible. Their house was infested with bed bugs too. Very unhealthy living conditions!

Gothamgirl ago

You fucking wish.

Gothamgirl ago

On top of me? Where the fuck did you get that from.

The only animal on here is IMCHAD the cheatah

HollaKost ago

How else would it bruise your inner arm?

I knew you were desperate for male attention, but to fuck the dog? That's just beyon revolting!

Gothamgirl ago

We play Frisbee, fetch, tug of war, I lift them in and out of the car. You're gutter trash

HollaKost ago

Dog fucker!

Crensch ago

Gives Zyklon a break from chugging viagra so he can get it up for that cave troll.

HollaKost ago

If I was married to that thing I do drugs and drink all day too! At least when he makes himself pass out he doesn't have to conjugate with that cave troll!

Crensch ago

For a moment there the grammar Nazi in me overpowered the biologist in me and I wondered what the fuck they were doing conjugating verbs together.

HollaKost ago

Hahaha! They don't know much about verbs!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You weren’t playing frisbee you fat bed ridden hog. Your swollen up limbs wouldn’t allow that.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I do dumbass.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

That was from us having sex last night

  • dial

HollaKost ago

It takes a big person to be able to admit they have sex with that cow.


Kek. I think she’s one bitch that deserves it

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick

Gothamgirl ago

What the best cause that's what I provide my self 🤣😂

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I’m starting to think you and Zyklon aren’t even together. You post pics of him, pics of you, but none are of you two together and he never defends you.

Gothamgirl ago

He has all you losers blocked he doesn't see any of this. Do you want me to show him?

Crensch ago

You mean he just doesn't want to defend you. His supposed wife?

He never does. Did you notice that?

DarkRaven ago

Hey Jew fag boi

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Prove you are together


I'm gonna be real honest with you.... your house is a dinky, low end shithole, you drive an old 2 wheel drive mom car, and you eat way too much fast food.

But hey, you deserve it!

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick .

Gothamgirl ago

This coming from someone who leaches off a man, as per Vindicator cheats on him, fails to take care of her family because she is acting like a Jew pushing porn, and a psyop on the internet.

Yeah your a real winner!


This coming from someone who leaches off a man

Married women who stay at home to raise children and care for the home are leeches now? Do your friends at v/tradwives know you have such hateful views of the wonderful things mothers bring to a husband and family?

I understand you probably lynjave some deep seeded animosity towards stay at home mothers since you weren't able to have a real family. You were used by a brown man who didn't want to marry you but still allowed you to shit out four of his kids (allegedly they were his). How sad! I'd be angry too.

How can we blame the guy for not wanting to have a real family with you though when you yourself look like a man

Men like to be proud of their wife, not embarrassed for their friends to see where their haggard cum dumpster.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Kek. Can’t prove any of that either. It must suck to be such a jealous fat bitch that has to pay for a man’s love. Zyklon will some day do what Shawn did to you. Funnnneee

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick ..

WhiteRonin ago

Not me @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick ..


She thinks it cute trying to taunt me by using someone who mk ultra'd me, and then robbed from me and my children

It's not really robbing when you buy him a hummer, gun parts, a helmet, and other expensive gifts! Just because he took those gifts with him when he left your nasty ass you want to pretend that's robbery?

How did the judge rule in that case btw? Did the court feel it was also robbery? Or find that it was a sad, lonely, middle aged man faced woman who was showering expensive gifts on a man to bribe him not to leave her?

HollaKost ago

Yeah, and if it was robbery did he get prosecuted criminally for it?

I wonder if he would like to know @gothamgirl is slandering him like this on the internet!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Says the Registered Democrat lol

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick ...

Gothamgirl ago

No that's false I voted for Trump, I am not affiliated with any party. Didn't even vote when that showed up online like 8 years ago.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick ....

HollaKost ago

Hahahahahaha! Caught. What a bitch!

WhiteRonin ago

Hi @crensch

You haven’t learned to play this game so i’ll Play along for a bit until I’m bored.

@kestrel9 suck @crensch dick .......

InSaneGoatPosse ago

She keeps being caught lol

Trollstomper ago

Weird seems quite juvenile the way you carry on.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You’re a registered Democrat in Florida cunt

Gothamgirl ago

No I am not. That is over 8 years old and they falsify everybodies shit in Florida, and also what difference would it make they're basically the same sellouts with different labels.

Trump was never one of them.

HollaKost ago

So once again, someone else is the liar not you?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

So we’re supposed to believe that Florida falsified the fact that you’re a democrat, but believe YOU when you produce screenshots of Private Messages between Srayzie and @Kevdude, that you first claimed you got by hacking? Then you changed the story and produced a fake screenshot with the links to the screenshots. Crensch busted you, because that was from a locked account. Now you claim Srayzie sent them to you. @Crensch asked her. FALSE.

You are a known LIAR. Nobody should believe a word you say.

HollaKost ago

I understand how a man could lose patience with a stupid cow like her.


Hahaha me too


Fucking kek. Look @HollaKost

HollaKost ago

I'm surprised it took her this long to post another picture of herself. She's so starving for our approval!

HollaKost ago

That can't be her! That fatty is feeding her kid!

Gothamgirl ago

Be honest I haven't seen a child or anyone that dark since I left Florida. My kids are lighter then me 😂🤣 and always feed. They want for nothing ever.


Relax. I’m not sharing your pdf


You’re still mind controlled you dumb bitch!


I didn’t pay for shit. It’s public

Gothamgirl ago

Well I could careless your just making yourself look like a jealous stalker. I have nothing to hide.

Not only did 4 others have my bank card, I was so rich I used to randomly by food, clothing and much more for the homeless. I have done lots of Charity in my life. One time a tornado hit a school in Oklahoma and I replaced all their books, pens and pencils.

Another time I donated huge tubs with thousands of yards of yarn to a hospital, so the nurses could knit neonatal babies and cancer patients caps.

HollaKost ago

Another time I donated huge tubs with thousands of yards of yarn to a hospital, so the nurses could knitneonatal babies and cancer patients caps.

OMG you seriously are so stupid that you think we'd all believe that NICU nurses have nothing better to do than sit around knitting caps for babies!

Can you believe this dumb lying butch @IMCHAD!?

And did you see how she admits her boyfriend had a card with free access to her bank account? Yeah, you weren't buying his affection idiot!

Gothamgirl ago

On Oct 3, 2012 2:08 PM, "Diana Moore" wrote this:

HollaKost ago

Yeah I can type up that same thing in under two minutes! Why no letterhead? Lazy!

And even if anyone were to believe that is real, no where on there does it say nurses are crocheting hats! You twist and lie so much that nothing you claim has any credibility


I know! Fucking kek


“Was” LOL

Yeah sure. You’re so compassionate and have moral and values. NOT.

Gothamgirl ago

No one loves a hoe..

HollaKost ago

I’ll tell you who’s mind fucked. You have such low self esteem that you use your money to keep men.

And then when they break up with her and move out, she sues them!

Poor Shawn! She bought him a truck and all kinds of shit hoping he'd overlook her disgusting body and annoying personality. When he left her despite the freebies, is seem she tried to get some of her investment back from him!


Kek. This is what she says to losing all that money.

“it was almost the best 36k I ever spent in a day to get rid of him although i would have much rather have given it to a real disabled veteran not a working mechanic.”

Dumb cunt lol.

HollaKost ago

Ohh, so she lost the lawsuit! Hahahahahaha!

I bet that Shawn guys laughs everyday about the dumb bitch who gave him all that free shit!


I bet Zyklon laughs about it all the time too lol. Druggie living da high life

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Hey @gothamgirl, can I get a hummer too? Hahahaha! Stupid slut!

Gothamgirl ago

Sure go see your whore friend she probably makes a fuck ton of money on all John's she meets and cams for.

WhiteRonin ago

Srayzies story doesn’t pan out she sent me this:


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter

WhiteRonin ago

Hi Srayzie!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#48656) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@IMCHAD: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

WhiteRonin ago

Hey Power Mod!

You have no fucking clue what a dox is by this post. You are such a retard.

Because you are such a retard I’m gonna explain this to you and your dumb fuck brogade!

  1. Hack - basically really super hard to do. Putt is using a CDN so mass atatcks are blocked. Which leaves an exploit but code has been on Github for a while and a few people have provided help to Putt to block those. Honestly, I can’t be bothered to check.

  2. Social engineering. This is the easy way to get access to an account. Ask for the password! Or get lucky and guess it.

  3. The simplest answer which you dumb fuck won’t believe! See dumb ass, I ain’t butt hurt, but you are! I just like tearing your shot apart left and right, upside down. You are putty in my hands. You make me giggle like a girl! Virge is scared shirtless of me too, that fag doesn’t want to challenge me. Another pussy just like YOU!

See number 3 is the answer. Because you are a mentally weak dumb ass. A cyber stalking power mod on top of it. Your ability is only useful against weak fuckery or those who just ignore you and move on. Voat isn’t everything like it is to you and Srayzie. It’s why I’m will to accept @virge’s shekels. I want him to prove how tough and right he was! Fucker is too chicken shit to do that though.

See, dumb ass. The answer is right in front of your neck bearded face.

She chose me before you!

Crensch ago

ProtectVoat head mod for 3.5 years got his start knowingly using brigading, vote manipulation, and an outside group of users that wanted to ensure Voat had weak moderators - that head mod's name is @kevdude

Kek. The guy is just showing how qualified he really is to be [O] on a subverse called "ProtectVoat". Kek. Doxxing a woman because she gave me the screenshots of PMs months ago that show he's not legit.­

QualityShitposter ago

Y'all still good with your [O] doxxing private info because his own shady political/forum-tier stuff was revealed? Kek. Faggot must really be butthurt to make this personal.

You seem to be taking this personally...

WhiteRonin ago

He is!

He’s pissed that Srayzie came to me first!

Crensch ago

ProtectVoat head mod for 3.5 years got his start knowingly using brigading, vote manipulation, and an outside group of users that wanted to ensure Voat had weak moderators - that head mod's name is @kevdude

Kek. The guy is just showing how qualified he really is to be [O] on a subverse called "ProtectVoat". Kek. Doxxing a woman because she gave me the screenshots of PMs months ago that show he's not legit.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, you don’t know what doxxing means!

Crensch ago

I don't care what you believe. You seem to believe a random account would "dox" her boobs to you and then NEVER contact you again?

Why is that suspicious? Not from a username anyone knows or cares about. ES doesn't get to have it up there on the sticky with the rest of his bullshit.

Kek. You're kinda stupid.

Some day you'll wake up. Probably when her husband grows a set of balls and grounds her from the internet.

Some day you'll have the balls to post the private dox of someone yourself.

ESOTERICshade ago

ES doesn't get to have it up there on the sticky with the rest of his bullshit.

The original pics she sent me have never shown up at Voat, as far as I know. Know why? Because I kept my word when I said I would never tell anybody or show anybody. So stop dragging me through your endless attempts to use me in your drama. She got herself into this mess by running around saying "halp! halp! I gave ES some pics and i'm afraid he will use them against me."

I kept my mouth shut, and, if she would have done the same she would not be in this mess in the first place. Just because I was adamant that I didn't want Qanon polluting v/pizzagate does not mean I would stab her in the back like that.

I NEVER told anybody about any of that. She should have done the same. She pulled herself into the quicksand. Not me.

HollaKost ago

So just to confirm, none of those pictures that GothamGirl and zyklon are spamming around voat are of Srayzie according to your knowledge of what she looks like from her actual photos?

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter


Jealous much?

HollaKost ago

There's no proof that Srayzie sent you that comment.

Post a screenshot of it!

Crensch ago

As if anyone believes she doxxed her PMs to you to GG and Zyklon.

WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter

WhiteRonin ago

Check that link!


WhiteRonin ago


Hi! Stop being such a tease. You know I’m flirting with you and yet I’m tempted by you too. My husband used to be a freak and we had some good times but he found religion. He knows I haven’t stopped. I have messed up a few times. I can’t get past not having a freak time.

He is really sweet and silly. Sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that. Please don’t judge him or me. It just happens in a marriage. I don’t use a computer, I use my iPad so he doesn’t know everything. It’s ok! I promise if you promise.

ES told me you are pretty smart. He also said to say that to Vindicator. I am still worried about ES. You can be a famous troll and aren’t as unpredictable as ZB. I know he’s your friend but I came to you first really. Trust me. I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship but I need your help. Can you take out ES?

Can you promise me those 2 things? Does it change your view of me?

💕 ❤️ 💕

Here are Srayzie alts.

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

Ping time!

@Crensch, @virge, @molochHunter
