awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Fuck you crensh you unprincipled piece of shit. Where the fuck were you when I told you and the rest of you faggots in pv about your butt buddy kevdude doxxing?

Fucking crickets.

Go sit in a bonfire and fuck your self with a morning star you piece of shit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything 🤣😂 glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

XavierMedina ago

What a waste of time. Don't you have anything better to do, like be a mother?

ESOTERICshade ago

Well i'll be damned. that account @clamhurtshosewater is the same account srayzie used to send nude pics of herself to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blamed it on me. That shit was nine months ago and I never knew it until recently. She had them believing I did that in attempt to get her demodded, which is stupid as fuck because it wouldn't have been enough to get her demodded anyway and a retard knows that.

kestrel9 ago

kestrel9 ago

@DragonKiller and his initiate @WhiteRonin

followthemoney ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed notice that your main reason for hating ES was manufactured.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Dear webby,

My distrust of @ESOTERICshade has nothing to do with this current drama. I do not trust him because I have read his words, from the beginning and consider him to be a predator.

I value telling as much truth as humanly possible without putting others in jeopardy. He like to lie and self-aggrandize.

The only thing that ES has going for is I have mistrusted @srayzie for a longer period of time.

I do not hate him. I would never consent to be alone in a room with him. -

If you tell me that you do trust him. You and I are through.

followthemoney ago

Copy that. I don't trust anyone on the Internet and I'm definitely not asking you to. But, I also don't consider ES to be a shill or worthy of yet another sticky at /v/pizzagate and I am increasingly being made aware of a higher order of dishonesty on the part of certain moderators. That being said, reverse abuse is a thing and while I disagree with how ES chooses to handle it, domestic violence is not something most people react to appropriately without therapy, facing the legal system and or a lot of research. Leaving is almost always the answer to escalating conflict in the home, but, after years of working helping victims of domestic violence in the court system, I will say that virtually no one prepares themselves for the moment they realize they are in an abusive situation.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Everybody wants that fucking sticky gone. We have no voice in the decision, must learn to accept and move on.

ES is not a shill that I can tell, he is a liar, manipulator, predator and uses alts to try to form a false narrative instead of using logic and truth to win others to his position. I'm not interested in 'Blah, Blah, Blah' explanations that took him much to long to concoct to be believable. He lies.

You can take your domestic violence platitudes and stuff them. Some men raise their daughters to gut and filet any man who dares try and hit them. All girls should be given this training in grade school. Fathers that don't, are shameful.

And in case you haven't been paying attention, mental health professionals are chin deep in all the fuckery going on. wake up.

followthemoney ago

Ultimately, I am trying to highlight the concerted effort at manipulation. ES is being used as a pawn and it could have been any number of people they chose. For whatever reason, ES is an easy target, but it could have been anyone. It could have been me... or you. The billboard on the sub is to advertise fake credibility that they actually care about shills which would only be necessary for a shill to do. That is the purpose. It has nothing to do with ES, specifically.

As for domestic violence, I'm glad that you have been raised well, but the truth is domestic violence is an ugly thing to have to deal with. For someone to end up in a violent relationship, it means both partners have generally been subject to abuse by parents and have no conflict resolution skills. In fact, the smarter a person is, the less likely they are to resort to violence, but, even then, it still doesn't occur to most people to just walk away. Many people feel a need to be "right" over ending a conflict with no resolution by walking away.

Despite what is on the movies and television, the truth is most women do not stand a chance against a man determined to be violent. More often than people think, domestic violence is "mutual combat" and precisely because women do not stand a chance after instigating violence, they are widely considered the victims because, statistically, they are going to be harmed.

In my dealings with helping victims of domestic violence, I have had to learn to be discerning between cry bullies and genuine victims. Women are a lot more likely to initiate violence than society is generally led to believe, but because they are more likely to be injured, the arrests are very one sided. I assume when you mention mental health professionals, you are referring to something that you assume I encountered from them, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.

I perceive the sticky to be cry-bullying. I feel like it is important information for you to consider, given your involvement in the issue. I would hate to see your work disappear like when my subreddits have been taken over and deleted, or like when went down. I consider what is happening to be a "man in the middle" attack where people (who have zero qualifications) have appointed themselves in charge of a conversation that should be a national, bi-partisan conversation; not something relegated to a 500 view a day subverse where anything "off topic" is recommended to be posted to a completely unnoticed subverse, /v/pizzagatewhatever.

I'm not willing to accept that people who call me a shill get to be in charge of the conversation about Pizzagate. In fact, it is insane that anyone accepts fake shill hunters as moderators of any type of important conversation. So, I am not going to accept it an move on. Especially, when they maintain that my site is a "security risk" when it has less tracking than Voat.

As far as domestic violence goes and how to handle it, a lot of the solutions are the same exact solutions for the abuse and trafficking of children. When two adults are in an abusive relationship, the children are absorbed into that dynamic. It is, essentially, weaving black magic into the minds of children to repeatedly expose them to trauma from abuse.

While a very specific type of abuse is applied by the "MK Ultra' and cult crowd, the reason it works is because of defense mechanisms in the mind to protect one's sense of self. These psychological mechanisms are at the heart of Pizzagate. My main criticism of "mental health professionals" and the "system" is that they are not given to tools to actually help people, but reinforce the death march cycle in the lives of abuse victims.

Let me tell you why, because I think it is important. Imagine if you save a victim of child abuse. Then what? If you do nothing, then they will grow up to be an abuser. I have faced this many times, seeing victims of domestic violence simply return to another abusive relationship. Even worse, I have seen them go on to abuse people who had never been exposed to it. In one case, I saw a victim enter a new relationship, pick a fight with her new partner, then have him arrested. She falsely accused him of cheating, attacked him, then was injured when he fought her off. He went to jail. He got off, after he revealed he had a recording. Imagine if he did not have that recording.

That is one reason I am very cognizant of "reverse abuse" where people are relentlessly attacked, then get in trouble for defending themselves.

First, every victim is told that they have to control their own reaction and is force fed "acceptance" and "forgiveness." Given the co-morbidity of substance abuse issues, this will often be reinforced by a 12 step program that may even be mandated by the courts.

Every step of the way, victims are pushed into state assistance and rolled into victim-hood all over again. There is literally no incentive to get a job, because that would result in a pay cut between EBT and cash aid. The only job that will free the average poor victim of domestic violence is selling sex and drugs... usually at the same time. But, it's under the table, so they stay on welfare for forever.

Victims of abuse are told to control their reaction, "accept it and move on." Do you see what I am saying? I am not going to take that stance ever. I fight and I win. 100% of the time. I'm not a victim and I'm not going to play a victim. I'm a soldier.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I agree that reverse abuse is real. It's shameful for women to think that the are going to be able to match a man blow for blow in a fight. And unjust for them to receive special treatment after starting the fight. This is why forced sterilization is so attractive. Fix 'em right up.

You've used a bunch of words to say that these people need God and not Gov. If they don't want to check their behaviors, I'm OK with bullet therapy. It's cheaper, saves taxpayers money.

The PG sub is owned by @Crensch, it is a private sub. That means that he can sticky any damned thing he wants. If you don't like his rules, then go somewhere else. I am so fucking tired of all of your egos.

I am sorry you have been swept up in the drama, Crensch and @Vindicator have different perspectives than I do. They choose their own counsel. In the end what you all do or don't accomplish will have to be decided between you, my opinion isn't needed or wanted here.

You keep saying how insignificant this place is, and how you are much more important elsewhere. You should go, there is a whole world out there and nothing special here.

I wish you nothing but success, webby.

God bless you.

followthemoney ago

I am everywhere, but there are only a handful of Voat people interested in harassing me. Notice how upset they get when I fire back. I dont do it all day, like them, either, but I am much more effective.

Imagine if I actually did spend as much time on Voat as they did.

Either way, @srayzie's criminal record proves what losers these flocking together birds really are. If you want friends like that, it is your business, but I don't consider that team to have any credibility, at this point. I have a lot more information, but it looks like srayzie playing the victim finally took care of the wild West doxxing. Notice that it was okay for everyone else to get doxxed until @srayzie's record showed up. She's not the only one with a record.

I tried to explain to them that they shouldn't go around picking on people, and threatening lawsuits is a truly scm,bag crybully thing to do. Not9ce that when I offered to initiate the legal process against the bad behavior, it was more cry bullying. Another instance where it is okay for @crensch and friends, but not okay for everyone else.

Let's see whose criminal record hits the Internet next. Probably the next person who threatens me again.

ESOTERICshade ago

What would you do if an an enraged drunken ex wife, that you were in the process of leaving in a divorce, told you that if you leave she will call the cops and tell them that there had been a physical altercation and have you put in jail? And as proof of her intentions reach up and scratch the fuck out of her neck, and threaten to tell the cops you did it? I told her exactly this "Two can play that game." So I picked up a fork and scratched my arm with it and said "Call em, now we can both go to jail." I called her bluff. She didn't call the cops. The next day she apologized profusely and begged me not to leave. I told her, "after last night, you are out of your mind if you think I will stay with you." If you fault me for that, thats your call.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Yes you did. You just don't want it to be true.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Unlike you, I don't lie about things like that.

There is nothing you could write that would change my opinion of you.

I am being kind to you by not reading it, dumbass.

ESOTERICshade ago

You read it. You would be a dumbass for forming an opinion about without reading it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I read your last excuse for psychotically stabbing yourself in the arm and then threatening to lie to the police.

Why wouldn't you let the truth be your guide in the matter?

Why do you think that any moral human being would think that that is justified?

Why should any woman trust you?




ESOTERICshade ago

That bitch scratched her her neck and threatened to call the cops. Are you nuts? Stick, scratch, stab whatever. Exactly what I did was scratch my arm good and make it red. I did it two or three times to break the skin. Had I not save myself no telling what would have happened. You are just making up shit because you were not there. You don't know shit. Don't reply back because you are making stuff and being unreasonable. Have a good day.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ES, I do not want to block you, but i will.

You cannot redeem yourself with me.

my opinion shouldn't matter to you

stay away from PG, go back to GA and lie to the Qtards and i will stop sharing my opinion of you with the world.

ESOTERICshade ago

You hollered at me first. Block my ass. I didn't ping you. You pinged me. Block me. I would if I was you. Have a good day.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I pinged you because the conversation was about you. I was minding my manners.

Stay off PG, ES.

and take you know who with you.

ESOTERICshade ago

They should have come and talked to me about it 7 months ago. I am approachable.

ESOTERICshade ago

Damn straight it was manufactured. I have never seen that PM with zyklon saying that me, Carmencita, and GG were in a club conspiring against @crensch until today. What I don't understand is why anybody would believe it considering the source. Especially with Carmencita's as part of our rough motley crew. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Only reason I ended up here today is because over the last few days I understood some serious fuckery was afoot and I have been trying to find out how in the hell my name got in it. Now I know.

followthemoney ago

And of course, @crensch is being a giant Jew for leaving the part of the story out WHERE @SRAYZIE LEAKED PM FROM @TRIGGLYPUFF doing exactly the same thing he wants everyone to hate @kevdude for.

This goes for the same (((double standard))) rampant in his posting.

Crensch ago

Are you retarded? Honest question.

@trigglypuff­'s PMs had fuck-all to do with her personal, IRL identity. It just showed her bullshit explanations for what's going on that made her look suspicious.

What kevdude is doing is linking a username to who a person is IRL, not just the piece of shit they are on this website.

Do you fuckbags really not delineate between these things?

Srayzie is a whistleblower.

I am a whistleblower.

Kev is just a petty revenge fiend that will do anything to keep his status, including allying himself with shitbags like you.

followthemoney ago

Nobody has proven they are actually who they say they are irl. I have seen zero evidence anyone was actually doxxed.

Either way, for a moderator,your logic is flawed if you have to start with an ad hominem. It means you already admitted you lost the argument but want to steer away from that fact.

I know for a fact @srayzie used someone's likeness but when the same was done to @srayzie pictures, your reaction was opposite.

I know for a fact that srayzie uses alts to harass people. Again, this is okay to you, but not when other people do it.

I know for a fact @srayzie was dishonest about a great ma y things and you backed that disho estoy and you have a double standard.

This means, factually, you are an intellectually dishonest person.

So, take your ad hominems and shove them up your ass.

I would suggest you try an actual conversation for once, instead the bullshit you've been shamelessly spreading around, but we know you don't have a leg to stand on... or would have already.

The entirety of your problems on Voat directly correlate to your lack of ability to communicate effectively where you, instead, choose to spout off as a total dick. You aren't fooling anyone, at this point.

Your whiteknighting, your intellectual dishonesty, your propensity to cherry pick and attempt to try and present evidence without actually presenting what constitutes as evidence. You're worse than a lawyer

Crensch ago

Either way, for a moderator,your logic is flawed if you have to start with an ad hominem.

Horseshit. I based zero of my points off of that. You don't even know the meaning of the fallacy, do you?

This means, factually, you are an intellectually dishonest person.

I know for a fact you presented zero evidence of any of this.

I know for a fact you are capable of delineating between linking personal IRL shit and linking being a fuckbag on Voat.

I know for a fact you're trying so hard to get back into someone's good graces here; it's not really working, is it?

followthemoney ago

Ad hominem = logical fallacy. The fact you won't acknowledge that means you are a useless liar.

I don't need evidence. I'm right you loser.

Crensch ago

Ad hominem = logical fallacy. The fact you won't acknowledge that means you are a useless liar.

You retard. For it to be a logical fallacy, I have to use it as a basis for my argument. Otherwise it is simply invective and has fuck-all to do with logic in the first place.

I don't need evidence. I'm right you loser.

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I dont give a fuck about anyone's good graces. Voat is small fucking potatoes.

Voat is where you are spending your time.

followthemoney ago

Voat is where I spend a fraction of my time, considering i mod larger commu ities than you do, elsewhere on the Internet. Nice try. My Twitter page all e gets over 100k impressions per month.

But, again, you have circled around the central point where you fail you address your double standard. Doxxing, brigading and insulting, among other logical fallacies are okay for you and your friends but not for anyone else.

DarkRaven ago

Crensch didn’t get Srayzie tit pics. Why?

He’s either a gay Jew or she is a Jew bitch..

followthemoney ago

Some people just need the promise of tit pics to be controlled.

DarkRaven ago

Always goes like that.

DarkRaven ago

Crensch didn’t get Srayzie tit pics. Why?

He’s either a gay Jew or she is a Jew bitch.

Crensch ago

So, you're admitting that you don't understand how fallacies work. Got it.

followthemoney ago

So, you are admitting that you have no way to refute your double standard. Got it.

This is what proves you are as Jewish as the Jews you hate. Case closed.

Crensch ago

So, you are admitting that you have no way to refute your double standard.

You explained what you thought the fallacy was. You were wrong. Definitionally wrong.

You did nothing to prove that I have a double standard. Nothing. Kek. Good job on failure.

followthemoney ago

Saying im wrong doesnt mean im wr9ng. In fact, youve been dishonest repeatedly and have no credibility left.

Crensch ago

Saying I've been dishonest repeatedly and have no credibility left doesn't mean I've been dishonest repeatedly and have no credibility left.

DarkRaven ago

Jews like you, never get it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I I saw the Trigpuff PM but I don't don't really understand it and don't know the background history. It just sucks for me that I got caught up in all this shit and never knew it. My name was rolling around in this pot at least nine months ago and I never knew it. Last two weeks, since I became aware of some stuff, I look around every day and learn a little more. I have a decent picture, probably with some details missing, about what has been going on. Sux for me that I got caught up in it.

followthemoney ago

Shills. That simple.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

thewebofslime, get off your cousins account nigger

followthemoney ago

I'm at his house after he got shot. Sorry if people fighting for their country offends you.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

No excuse to use his account

Crensch ago

@hollakost @imchad @insanegoatposse

Faggot just doesn't understand what it means when an account is locked.

Look at that stupid fat cow's response, too.

She still doesn't understand why she failed.

DarkRaven ago

Yeah, who locked and prove it you fucking Jew!

HollaKost ago

Oh my God are you really that stupid!

DarkRaven ago

No proof.

Proves I’m right that you are a stupid Jew bitch.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

@Crensch explained it. Act like you’re going to sign in. It will say locked. Anyone can try it you stupid cunt.

DarkRaven ago

3rd person @crenach answers me and pings himself.

Retarded and a Jew fag boi

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You spell Crensch wrong like WhiteRonin. You stupid niggers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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DarkRaven ago


I’ve already read @virge calling me that.

So I baited you!

crensch you are busted!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Well good. That means more people are noticing.

SearchVoatBot ago

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HollaKost ago

Dumbass, the account is locked! If you want proof, you go to the account and enter in any old password. If it is just the wrong password you get an error message saying that. If the account is locked the error message will say so.

I'm asssuming since you're here calling everyone a jew it's not beyond your skill set to log on to voat. Go try it for yourself and see stupid fuck!

SearchVoatBot ago

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DarkRaven ago

Everyone only EQUALS you and Crensch.

God, you Jews are so sensitive.

DarkRaven ago

Of course, you had it locked. It was yours.

You Jewish bitches are really stupid.

HollaKost ago

It doesn't work that way stupid!

DarkRaven ago

CVS has douche washes on sale! You need one!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

They’re playing dumb

Gothamgirl ago

Well we are dealing with dumb Jews. We have to play dumb.


HollaKost ago

DarkRaven is aggravating. Almost as bad as GG.

WhiteRonin ago

cry Harder

Gothamgirl ago

Good 😊

HollaKost ago

You would think that was good.

Just like you think this isn't hideous

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Mmm hmm

HollaKost ago

That fat guntpiggy can't maintain her lies. Just when I think she can't get any more retarded, she does!

DarkRaven ago

Jew bitch

HollaKost ago

Well hello gothamgirl!

zyklon_b ago

hahaha deleted acct and still kids n hubby find out

kill yer self

HollaKost ago

Oh you stepping in to nigger night for your dark lady hoe?

zyklon_b ago

hahahaha. naw she aint need a man or to ping others she can stand on her own unlike you. only the weakest have to ping ppl into they shit

you turned into the butt of all jokes on Voat and exposed as an adulterous skank. lmao

cry cry cry

HollaKost ago

Oh she needs a man! So much so that she is willing to buy their love! Good for you though! It's just too bad she's an obsessed pig and ugly as fuck! If guess that's why you're drunk and high all the time though.

Fucm, she's so ugly, it seems you're the joke of Voat homo!

DarkRaven ago

Well hello Jew cunt

ESOTERICshade ago

I already checked this out. You're right. You don't have to call srayzie to come in here with all her alts. Children.....sighh.....

Gothamgirl ago

I keep trying to them she sent them to me, but they don't give a shit they protect her no matter what it is. At one point I was asking myself if she was a lesbian because she is so obsessed.

XavierMedina ago

No ones obsessed with you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, she just fucked them all over by sending them nude pics and telling them that I did it. Unless one or some of them were in on it too, which is possible.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Look at you playing along. You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

@Crensch @Vindicator @HollaKost @IMCHAD

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WhiteRonin ago

Look a brigader.

What a pussy!

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say one last thing before I close this conversation. If you believe that bullshit zyklon is feeding you in what you just posted you are more gullible than you know. He is picking out people from the sub, using you as a toy, to pit everybody against each other. You know how he operates. If you believe a shred of what he is saying then I don't know what to tell ya. Carmencita? Are you kidding me? She wouldn't hurt a fly. That should be a clue for you right there. There are forces working inside Voat using sophisticated methods like that to tear this place apart. I swear on my father's grave I am not part of it. Now that @crensch has me stickied i'm sure every professional shill worth his weight in salt sits and ponders how to use my name as a wedge. Think about it.

HollaKost ago

You should read this post, including the comments and links to get a clearer understanding of this whole retarded saga.

ESOTERICshade ago

I read it like you asked. I agree its a retarded saga. I remain as confused as ever why you guys want to do it. It seems pointless, time wasting, and unimportant. Maybe there is more to it than I know though. I just know I wouldn't do it.

HollaKost ago

I remain as confused as ever why you guys want to do it

I would prefer for that faggot and his landwhale to just go away, but they won't. They insist on threatening to dox people and harm their children. They have run several of my friends off voat and they bully people just because they can. They are trash and I'm tired of them. Im only here now to be a pain in their asses!

ESOTERICshade ago

ok i will

Gothamgirl ago

He has told them, I have told them its bs but still they carry on like it's facts. It's been a year they have been using it, ike it's a winning lottery ticket to use it. His bio states "ALL IS SATIRE"

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I changed my profile.


Now I can get away with anything right?!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Yeah ESOTERICshade. He doxxed her and her kids when they broke up. But it’s ok because his profile says “All is Satire”. When her house sold and she had money again, he went back to her. She married the man that doxxed her. He never stands up for her.


followthemoney ago

Proof they were real doxx?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Planned ahead

Then doxxed her

Once her house sold and she got the money, he went back to her. He put child porn on her phone and she married him.

Gothamgirl ago

It doesn't even say the city or state moron.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

This one shows it all

Look how she’s still defending him @HollaKost @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

I see. zyklon is not credible unless he is saying something you want to hear. gotcha...

zyklon_b ago

their "outrage" is selective. I simply gave my wife and many unknowns justice with makin that skank/con woman delete.

GapingGGanus ago

Yea you really got justice for your hog!

HollaKost ago

You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

For sure! ES has demonstrated that he buddies up to and manipulates vulnerable women. With her low self esteem and equally low IQ I'd say @gothamgirl would be a prime target for him.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I wonder how many she talks to on the phone when her husband is sleeping

HollaKost ago

Dial must call on the landwhale line!

Gothamgirl ago

None absolutely none don't even own a cellphone with service. I hate people period

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HollaKost ago

And they hate you. Including your daughter in law it would seem!

Threatening to kill family members is not ok gothamcunt!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Before any grand babies come along, maybe her daughter in law should be warned that Zyklon doxxes and threatens kids and that he put child porn on GG’s phone.

HollaKost ago

Daughter in law would be smart to keep her children away from nutty grandma @gothamgirl and her pedo husband.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

HollaKost ago

What a sham marriage!

WhiteRonin ago

Says the wife of a cuckhold

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Public records search!

Gothamgirl ago

About that public search... You have a problem with me. So why not stop being a keyboard warrior round up your kike posse. Get in the car, I will pay your expenses, cause I know Jews are cheap fucks, and come to my house so we can settle this??!

My arms aren't small for a reason my fathers and brothers taught me how to fight. With and without weapons your choice. I bet I will beat your ass faggots. 🤭😆

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Bitch you’re 5’3 and over 150 pounds. You’re 43, and on disability. You were bed ridden for years and your limbs swell. You think you could beat our ass? You’ve got to be the stupidest cunt lol

HollaKost ago

I bet I will beat your ass faggots.

Sure ya will!

Bitch you may have thought you were tough once upon a time, but you're OLD and out of shape! Ain't no one scared of you!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You sound like such an attractive lady lol.

Your big muscles do not sound appealing. That’s why men think you’re fucking hideous.

Damn, this bitch... @HollaKost @Crensch

Gothamgirl ago

No man thinks I am hideous, but I am fucking fearless.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Your own husband is disgusted by you

WhiteRonin ago

Like living with a cuckhold?

Gothamgirl ago

No we just married. I can guarantee that's not the case. We can't keep our hands off each other.

HollaKost ago

We can't keep our hands off each other.

That's only cause your house is a dinky shack and you're quite large so you keep bumping into each other everywhere you walk!

HollaKost ago

Oh, and i also showed your picture to a guy with a cardboard sign at the freeway off ramp. He said you were hideous too.

Gothamgirl ago

Don't lie that was you on that freeway ramp talking to yourself. 🤭

HollaKost ago

No man thinks I am hideous

I showed my husband your picture. He vomited, and the. He said "that's hideous", so you're a liar again.

Gothamgirl ago

You and your husband is fucking hideous too

Gothamgirl ago

You know what I think about your husband lol he is a little dick motherfucker we seen the pics, no wonder his wife turns to numerous strange mean on the internet.


HollaKost ago

Ain't no dirty pics of me or my husband anywhere- in real life or the internet. Keep reaching cow!

no wonder his wife turns to numerous strange men on the internet.

Naw, that's you who knows all about strange men from the internet.

First there was Flynnlives, then esotericshade, then zyklon, and now dial! What a revolving door of cock you are!

Gothamgirl ago

Haha you wish I have only been with Zyklon, and I have never had anything but a research friendship with the others, and dial I barely know at all.

See Srayzie, Vindicator already told us your a cock revolving door, you turn to strange men because you were trained to do it. Did you notice him when he was making excuses for you digusting behavior? Funny he was well aware of your problems.

Is it true? Were you instructed by the shit bag people who raised you to be this way, Why do you still do it?

I am thinking it's multi-generational in your world and can't be fixed or broken, probably passed your disgusting way of life onto your kids.

Gothamgirl ago

You are the one making screen names that include gotham, and videos thinking you can have my husband. Try harder Jew. Nobody has a reason to be jealous of you.....


ZyklonsNiggerCelly ago

I've already had your husband.

Does he still cry when he makes love? I guess I was the one making love, but he cried like a bitch.

Gothamwhore ago

He wants a Srayzie but didn’t want him back so he got mad

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah he wants her alright, he wants her blue and dead.

DedGGdaughter1999 ago

Like me?

christine_kurosz ago

No one wants your husband, but it's understandable that you'd feel insecure seeing as you don't have much to offer him.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie you showed everything you have to men on Voat, and no one wants not even the loser that sleeps besides you everyday.

Dirty kike

NotSrayzie ago

According to lying Kevdude. Not true cunt.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would her husband be ok with her sending strange men nudes?

NotSrayzie ago

Why would you be ok with your husband threatening kids?

Why would you be ok with your husband doxxing you when you broke up?

You’re no better than him you pathetic cunt.

NotSrayzie ago

Oh no. You found out I live in Oregon? I feel violated!

Gothamgirl ago

No that's an office building but you know I am a digger so...


We know you're a nigger so....

Gothamgirl ago


H2FloorMats ago

Say hello to Matt for me!

Gothamgirl ago

I will by use of a process server 😁

HollaKost ago

Oh ok jewess!

Your Jew lawyer wasn't able to recover your gifts from Shawn!

christine_kurosz ago

Srayzie? My names Christine! You're right, the loser who sleeps next to me doesn't even want me. I don't blame him though, he's only with me for my money. Definitely not for my personality or looks

I'm ok with that.

NotSrayzie ago


Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie is the safest POS liberal scum to ever step foot onto Voat.

ShawnLepore ago

You’re a fat swollen pig!

H2FloorMats ago

And yet no one cares about your HUGE find!

(Cause it's a big nothing and you look really stupid for pushing this)

Gothamgirl ago

Trust me my lawyer will, and so will social media sites.


It's very Jewish of you to be so sue happy and toss "my lawyer" around all the time.

Come to think of it, your olive skin and dark eyes also point to you being a Jew. Gross!

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yeah right scumbag

MrMullenweg ago

I only want Srayzie. Not fat jealous Jew cunts

NotSrayzie ago

You’re a registered Democrat!

Gothamgirl ago

You're a registered loser.


zyklon_be ago

I’m in bed. Your fat ass better not be talking to Dial cunt.

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

She wants me, you know it's true

  • dial

HollaKost ago

Botch needs a donkey pinch.

ShawnLepore ago

DedGGdaughter1999 ago

I know of several reasons for you to be jealous of her.

Gothamgirl ago

This basket case who hears voices? You must be kidding. 🤣😂

HollaKost ago

Hahaha you got me with that name!

Gothamwhore ago


XavierMedina ago

How did we get so screwed?

ChristopherMedina ago

Life is so unfair bro!

HollaKost ago

I've told you many times I'm not srayzie but you're so overcome with anger and jealousy for a woman you don't even know that you resort to throwing away any shred decency you ever had and lashing out at everyone who defends her!

It's now beyond disgusting how you talk about a child sexual abuse victim! Didn't your time pretending to care on pizzagate teach you anything?

You wanna talk about passing on a disgusting way of life to kids? You are such selfish trash you refused to marry the father of our children and give them the stable family they deserved! It's ok to fuck the guy for years and have four kids with him, but you're too good to marry him? Yeah right! You're just selfish!

And then you threaten to kill your sons wife?! I hope she has been able to get your son away from you so they can have a happy life without your toxic influence and drama!

Even though your trying like predator, you never affect mine.

It's all fun and satire online right bitch? I'm not trying to do anything but get a good laugh at a dumb bitches expense! You just can't stop yourself from trying to "prove" me wrong by posting you pictures and rattling on about your awesome life. You're not fooling anyone cunt! I can see right through you. You're a sad, little person who has to lie to herself to get through each day. I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such an insufferable cunt!

HollaKost ago

Have you found a marriage certificate? I know where they allegedly got married.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Nope. Must have been a lie.

HollaKost ago

Or maybe they did one of those "commitment ceremonies" like the faggots do instead of a real marriage.

Zyklon could still keep his welfare benefits that way!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

He would be smarter to marry her and pull a Shawn.

Gothamgirl ago

You left off alot $17000 for a H2 and my Corvette z06

You envy my life I can tell 🤣

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Sheeeeit. Fuck no.

HollaKost ago

You envy my life I can tell 🤣

Oh yeah! I would just love toove in a dinky ass dump in the middle of nowhere arkansas with a drug addict!

No one with any self respect would ever envy your life!

Gothamgirl ago

But your the begging for my pics Jewess 🤭

HollaKost ago

Yeah and then @zyklon_b could divorce her and get alimony too.

Hey zyklon is your daughter pregnant yet with your nigger grandbaby?

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck you Jew bitch.

HollaKost ago

Fuck you Jew bitch.

No thanks, I'm not a dyke like you

And if I was, I could do MUCH better than your ugly ass!

Gothamgirl ago

I don't think so fat kike

HollaKost ago

Oh my god you're so dumb!

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck you Jew.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Yes you do have a cell phone bitch. Plus, you already admitted you talked to him.

Gothamgirl ago

I have a cellphone with no service since 2013

Can you read retard?

Hmmm lapdog I have told you before you needed better comprehension skills.

HollaKost ago

I have a cellphone with no service since 2013

Sure liar!

Gothamgirl ago

@zyklon_b have I ever had a cellphone with service?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Oh, like he will bring truth. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a cell or landline bitch

HollaKost ago

Go fuck yourself you lying sow

zyklon_b ago

She will not use cell phones due to em bein un secure. I have bought her several and.she just refuses to use em


HollaKost ago

Oh, suddenly she cares about security? What a fucking joke after you fuckers dox her and she puts her personal information on voat!

And then the real kicker.... she puts her ugly man face on here too!

Oh what a good laugh!!

CerealBrain ago

Share the girl bro..

HollaKost ago

Have you seen her latest picture?

I threw up a little.

CerealBrain ago

Yes, I did actually see that, looks like it's supposed to be one of them glamour photos? lol poor kid

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You have a working phone cunt

Gothamgirl ago

Well yeah but a landline is not a cellphone.

Gothamgirl ago

Prime target for what exactly? I don't send nude pics to anyone EVER.

ES is a good person and great researcher and was targeted by you, just like many others including my children.


HollaKost ago

Prime target for what exactly? I don't send nude pics to anyone EVER.

Yeah cause there ain't no other way to target a dumb woman.

and was targeted by you, just like many others including my children

I never targeted esotericshade! I spotted early on that he was a loon and after a brief spat I ignored him.

You want to talk about targeting your children? Ok. Check out this post:

It shows multiple examples of the targeting of your children coming directly from your online husband! You're so outraged over what strangers have been saying about you, yet you're oddly fine with what YOUR OWN HUSBAND has said about you and your kids? That doesn't make any sense! Unless you're all fake!

Post a picture of you and zyklon_b together to prove you're really a couple. Based on all your bullshit, it would make more sense that you are paid characters playing your parts!

Your CREEPY, PATHETIC, and IMMATURE! And honestly shouldn't be talking about people's bodies. You are atrocious.

Yet you post things like this and claim it's Srayzie butthole! What's worse botch? Talking about people's bodies or offending everyone with a disgusting picture you pulled out of your husbands porn stash?

I am the one who was able to retire at 32 though, and I have no debt

Going on disability at age 32 due to your obesity related health issues is not the same as retiring you fat sow!

By the way my 2 wheel drive vehicle you make fun of, had a 42k price tag on when purchased it brand new, and I paid cash

Oh so you proudly boast about making bad financial decisions all around! Good job! You got swizzed on that car and now you're stuck driving an old mom car while Shawn got to keep all the hummers you have him, including that road worthy one!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I have no debt.


InSaneGoatPosse ago

I’ll show you who’s immature! HeyGeorge said you were immature right before your husband doxxed your half breed again.

ESOTERICshade ago

ok srayzie. cover your ass some more. have a good day.

ESOTERICshade ago

srayzie, as you can imagine i'm not real excited to talk to you after finding out what you did to me sending those pictures to the mods. Don't expect much of a conversation from me. That fact that all you guys have in your pocket is summoning your down vote brigade is evidence that not only is your position weak, but that you have no position at all. I don't "work with anybody" I am a solo act. Talk about "fooling people" you are the master of that. Sending your nekked ass pics to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blaming me. It don't get much damn lower than that. You have a good day because you can bet your ass I will not stick around to talk to you.

Crensch ago

Dear god you are fucking stupid.

Nice faked PMs. Now you and your crew have lost all credibility with PMs, too.

Gothamgirl ago

Nothing is fake, your busted for your bs, and your extremely retarded, and carry on all whiny. You could've just apologized 🤔 I gave you many opportunities. Super cuck.

Crensch ago

I've got nothing to apologize for. Your screenshot is fake, you fat hog. It couldn't have possibly come from that username YESTERDAY if the account has been locked since Putt locked them all.

Are you really this stupid? Do you not see how insanely dishonest this makes you look? Or are you Jewish, too?

WhiteRonin ago

Oh look at this! Crensch knows something that nobody else knows!

Why are you so sure? Please come on! The old Crensch I knew and respected would provide proof and not run around ranting like a liberal!

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

@virge, @molochHunter @vindicator

Gothamgirl ago

The account couldn't be locked if it was used just yesterday. It's not fake.

Not one once of my blood comes from a Jew. Why are you so dishonest, munipulitive, and gutter trash?

You should know everything about me, after the way your gang has stalked me.

This doesn't make me look dishonest, it shows what a despicable POS you really are.

Those messages are real.

ZyklonsNiggerCelly ago

You have Jew eyes

Crensch ago

The account couldn't be locked if it was used just yesterday. It's not fake.

You dumbass. Putt didn't lock it in the past 24h. Not a soul would believe that shit.

Not one ounce of my blood comes from a Jew. Why are you so dishonest, munipulitive, and gutter trash?

You argue like a Jew and have nigger kids.

You should know everything about me, after the way your gang has stalked me.

Not yet, fatty. I'm sure they'll continue while you continue to cause your side irreparable harm with your nonsense.

This doesn't make me look dishonest, it shows what a despicable POS you really are.

Putt just happened to take a request and security-lock that account? Kek.

Those messages are real.

Keep telling yourself that. Nobody else will believe it. Putt wouldn't just happen to ban that within the last 24h. How stupid do you think we are?

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

She has nigger kids? Hahaha! Zyklon is quite the nazi then, haha! Fucking a bitch who has been with a nigger.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Her own husband said...

“her kids are spic niggers, dna tests confirmed their dad is Puerto rican and 10% African (1 drop rule)”

Crensch ago

Yeah, he TOTALLY has tats and everything, but has a half-zipperhead offspring himself, too.

Oh, and he does drugs a lot. TOTALLY NAZI.

WhiteRonin ago

Come on Crensch explain why you are so sure!

Gothamgirl ago

Dude have you seen Srayzie's pics she is a big boar 😂🤣 and a whore.

Crensch ago

You are 70lbs heavier than that girl in the gun video. 70. Fucking. Pounds.

Whatever srayzie may or may not be, you're a couch bison by your own admission.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh? So Putt lets you in on special information.

You are full of shit!

Either you own that account or the answer is too obvious!

Oh look at this! Crensch knows something that nobody else knows!

Why are you so sure? Please come on! The old Crensch I knew and respected would provide proof and not run around ranting like a liberal!

@imchad, @scrubbinoutoldblue @hollakost, @hulkjizz @Clitorissa @Gyna @jackoff @libby @dontforgetaboutevil

@virge, @molochHunter @vindicator

Srayzie, we got you again!