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freshmeat ago

not happy about it at all, i wish @puttitout did something about the people fucking up his website. I've talked to other website owners and im convinced something fishy is going on here, because no one speaks up or makes the right actions.

I enjoyed Voat but im not going to miss it thanks to faggots like yourself, expert.

ExpertShitposter ago

The door to the other cooler top sekrit forums are right there ------->

freshmeat ago

where do you see yourself a year from now

zyklon_b ago

dude check this out shit I comment on voat is sending me targeted advertisements on web.

In a year voat will for certain be here as has been bought and paid till at least 2022. you just are not privileged to this info but could be had you taken me n @heygeorge up when we offered a peaceful truce. the truce ofer is still on the table mighty

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, because adults offer each other truces on websites

zyklon_b ago

take you and I for example we trolled it out and are now friends

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, after you figured out my only objective was to make you all make everyone hate you.

zyklon_b ago

dude I ddint realize shit I felt sorry for you and didn't think it was cool that everyone was picking on you

heygeorge ago

SBBH is pretty good at annoying people without my additional help!

zyklon_b ago


heygeorge ago

Why are you fighting with @gothamgirl?

zyklon_b ago

im not I dumped her and left florida and she is constantly cyber stalking and sent me cruel messages making fun of dead lisa. also check the removed submission I v/shitpostlitterbox so for no reason she messed up @katharzso sub, she is blocked so I cannot control what others do but it makes me laugh

heygeorge ago

Wow, I didn’t realise that’s where you were in FL, and I missed where @gothamgirl did that to SPLB. ...Really doesn’t make any sense and is super immature.

I hope she stops sending you cruel messages. What is wrong with people?

Gothamgirl ago

Cruel messages. I don't send him messages at all. He called my kids "niggers" which they aren't, and put my child's name and our address on here, and called for pedos to go after us. He is lucky I am so nice.

I am not immature, I could stoop down to his level of pettiness with the name calling all day too, but I am not. I have moved on.

heygeorge ago

@zyklon_b this is true? At least some of it? Obviously not this part:

I am not immature

Because I have already seen @gothamgirl behave in a very immature fashion, and I don’t mean just for lulz or being playful.

zyklon_b ago

  1. she is an obese liar. whose daughterin law had to have cops come to her house for her threatening to murder her

  2. her kids are spic niggers, dna tests confirmed their dad is Puerto rican and 10% African (1 drop rule)

  3. look at the youtube channel black ops 3 the best and scroll down till you see the little nigger kid in the "I am Hameson" video

case closed none of it true she is not only a liar but nigger lover too.

I am extremely mature and very hurt that the pig will not stop following me online and others I love around on here. talking ill of dead lisa just shows how she will say or do anything to try to hurt me more and further her agenda of smearing muh gud name,

she has been blocked every since she spoke ill of her better dead lisa so I just ignore and "power through" as any other white man would


#me too

Gothamgirl ago

My children have no African in them and I have never in my life been with one. You are a liar. Please go away now. You are obsessed with black people for some odd reason but leave me out of it.