Trollstomper ago

Why are you making a huge deal if it wasn't a hack? Who cares.

DarkRaven ago

Crensch didn’t get Srayzie tit pics. Why?

He’s either a gay Jew or she is a Jew bitch. .

Gothamgirl ago

No I honestly didn't , I was joking around. Srayzie really gave me copies.

Crensch ago

Srayzie really didn't give you anything. I still contact her about some GA posts that might need removed.

She never liked either of you enough to share anything like that.

@vindicator @molochhunter @IMCHAD

Gothamgirl ago

More lies super cuck.

Crensch ago

Kek. Your team is the one that lies.

Keep trying, super fat.

Gothamgirl ago

I am fine with my body, Sancho. Your morals are disgusting. You didnt do your friend any favors by intruding upon here marriage super cuck.

HollaKost ago

Is it moral to sue a man just because he doesn't want to live in sin with you any longer?

Gothamgirl ago

Why does Srayzie plan to do that to her poor husband after all this? For fucks sake that poor guy.


Lol. He also gave her HERPES

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Srayzies husband gave her herpes yuck. So was she trying to pass it onto others here on Voat? Fucking gross...


No. Shawn gave you herpes hoe. Before you gifted him back with $36,000! LOL

Gothamgirl ago

Hell fucking no! You confirmed it was Srayzie and husband already. Nice try.


You confirmed it was Srayzie and husband already with herpes.

Whoever said that manface?

HollaKost ago

Hopefully she at least got her disability parking permit back from him! Fat ass can't walk too far.

Crensch ago

Morals? You pay your pedophile husband to stay with you. His ART belongs in Podesta's gallery.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude I don't pay anyone to be with me, nor am I homewrecker like yourself, super cuck.

@zyklon is not a pedo. Wasn't this you:

For the record, I, like @srayzie, like zyklon_b... or did. But he has the motive, the same words, and the shitposting plausible deniability badge for being a shitposter. If you were framed, Zyklon, my apologies.

No one gives a fuck about you think of his art, whimpy, it was used to defeat the WHORE OF BABYLON, its just a picture that used on Voat before.

Crensch ago

Kek. You're fat. You married a pedo that has ART that belongs in Podesta's home.

You DO pay men to be with you. What other woman would spend 36,000 on a man she isn't married to?

That's all you have; of course it is! You're at least 70lbs overweight, and you're stupid, to boot. Who would ever willingly be around you without some kind of financial payoff?

Gothamgirl ago

Don't nobody on Voat respect you. You same group people have issues with everyone 😏


Don't nobody on voat respect you.

When your entire life is some fantasy lived out online I guess that would matter! In the real world, what happens on voat is meaningless.

Nobody in real life respects you. That is what is really sad you dumb cunt!

Crensch ago

Plenty on Voat respect me. The best users on here respect me.

You don't even know what respect looks like, because you've never once tried to earn anything in your life.

Gothamgirl ago

"Never once tried to earn anything in your life."

The reason I don't have to work now is because I earned all my life... I literally started working at 7 years old, and was out on my own by 17. Retired by 32. Built my mom a house and brought her a Mercedes by 36, bought my dad a house as well.

My last job was one of the top rated engineering companies in the world -Arcadis where I was 1 of the top paid females in the entire international company.

I made so much money in my life, and I invested pretty fucking good, and retired at 32. Go eat a bag of dicks.

You sound like a traveling salesman at best.

Crensch ago

Not a single person here believes any of that, and I still get to look in the mirror and see something worth looking at outside of a freak Show.

HollaKost ago

Ain't no one hiring you ever again dumbass! Once they google your name and see you connected to this voat behavior of yours, its back to hand jobs at the truck stop for you!

Crensch ago

2 fagbook links and a generic page with the name of someone you claim to know.

You reek of desperation.

Gothamgirl ago

Its fb account where your whore stole my photos from. It's not like I haven't told you Chist is in my first name and cyrus is in my 2nd either. (Before I got married)

Here I made it easy for you.

HollaKost ago

So our middle name is cicada?

All this time I thought it was fat dumb slut!

Crensch ago

You want me to believe somehow you weren't a pathological liar 6 years ago like you are today?

Your own claims about what you were, or what you are, are laughable given your penchant for being dishonest.

Gothamgirl ago

No I don't . I really could not care a bit about your opinion you're a homewrecking loser who pretends not to be a kike. Who fabricates and lies endlessly.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You care. That’s why you always try to defend yourself stupid.

Gothamgirl ago

No I am giving you a pulse, which I shouldn't, cause no one here likes you people.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You’re in a troll group. They have a lot of alts. You get their support. Other than that, nobody likes you. When Zyklon dumps your ass, you will see that you are nothing to even the trolls. I will laugh my ass off the day you realize that you’ve been being used yet again!

Crensch ago

You're so ugly you couldn't pay a man to be your husband that wasn't a pedophile.

I bet you have an art gallery in your house of dead children just for him to jack off to.

DarkRaven ago

Fag Jew boi

HollaKost ago

GothamGirl alt ^^^^

DarkRaven ago

Defending your Jewish gay friend?

Gothamgirl ago

You are sick.

Hey that whore ran the biggest larp Voat has ever seen, why aren't you doing a big expose on it?

Oh that's right you were part of it.

HollaKost ago

the biggest larp Voat has ever seen,

No bitch, that would be your larping loser husband and his band of made up characters!

Gothamgirl ago

You know when a child gets raped sometimes they grow up and have split personalities, and end up doing exactly the same to other victims.

You and yours alts @scrubbinoutblue have been writting about my children for 30 days. #TacoGate

You were sending your nasty smut photos to every Tom, dick and Harry. Your marriage and morals is a Larp.

HollaKost ago

You and yours alts @scrubbinoutoldblue have been writting about my children for 30 days.

No one gives a fuck about your kids, least of all you or ou wouldn't have married someone who doxed them and called them niggers!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Prove it bitch

Gothamgirl ago

I already did dig for it bitch 🤣🤭

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Yet you have provided no REAL PICS!

Crensch ago

I'm not the one whose art includes dead kids.

A woman sending out tit pics is not even remotely on the same level as what your husband has in his art gallery.

Honestly, people should be more offended by you sharing your face with the world than Srayzie sharing her tits.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol you back someone who is a rape victim turned child predator and stalker. You have no credibility sicko.

HollaKost ago

You back someone who called your own children niggers and retards.

How can you live with yourself?

Crensch ago

Your current husband put CP on your phone and you accused some random person on the internet of doing it instead of the only logical explanation.

As usual, your fat is getting in the way of your ability to think.

Gothamgirl ago

Yet the person I accused is the one still stalking and talking about my kids today.

HollaKost ago

Awwww, is someone still talking about your kids?

Sucks doesn't it BITCH!

Crensch ago

Your pedo husband went after hers. Kinda normal for a mon to gight back any way she can from a pedo whose "art" includes threats to her kids.

DarkRaven ago

And you attack women

HollaKost ago

Bitch please!

If you're concerned about a man who attacks women, here are some fine examples of the piece of shit zyklon_b making multiple disparaging comments about his lovey!

I won't hold my breath waiting for you to go after zyklon though! You seem to excuse his behavior and even married him dumb twat!

DarkRaven ago

Oh? Why you defending Crensch?

That’s right because you are that cheating Jew bitch Srayzie!

You didn’t send crensch your tits and snatch because he’s gay. But you buddy buddy because he’s a Jew.

So Crensch is a Jew Fag.

Keep coming at me you cheating cunt!

HollaKost ago

Why you defending Crensch?

I like crensch. He's not a piece of shit like you and your alts.

That’s right because you are that cheating Jew bitch Srayzie!

Nope! But I just love seeing you faggots sperg out and see Srayzie everywhere!

You didn’t send crensch your tits and snatch because he’s gay. But you buddy buddy because he’s a Jew.

But wait, I thought I was Srayzie? I thought Srayzie was a cheating Jew whore who sent snatch shots to crensch? You're a shitty troll who can't even keep your own fake story straight!

DarkRaven ago

No, story is straight.

You are a cheating Jew bitch.

Crenach is a fag Jew boi.

I’m sorry for switching up the adjectives. Do I need to keep them in same order for you?

Gothamgirl ago

My husband isn't a pedo. He is a wonderful father and stepdad.

So your saying it's right for her to go after my kids, cause he went after hers? By the way, you's did it to me first, a year ago, after you got your information from my husband after he feed you a load of bullshit did you forget?

Holy fuck I am dealing with a bunch of retarded mother fuckers...

So what does that say about you Sancho?

HollaKost ago

So your saying it's right for her to go after my kids, cause he went after hers?

Going after your kids? Oh wow, she made one comment on the same sick level as the comments your husband had been making for weeks, and suddenly you're outraged and offended over such talk? Why is it ok for him to cal for killing other people's kids? You don't says word about that. Someone gets pissed off and makes a comment back though and they better watch out!

You're a hypocrite and an enabler!

DarkRaven ago

Jew bitch!

HollaKost ago

How creative!

DarkRaven ago

It’s more than enough for a bitch Jew like you!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

So it’s ok for your husband to threaten other people’s kids? Why didn’t you put your foot down and say enough is enough? He did all this and you STILL married him.

According to you, you married a troll that doxxed your kids less than a year ago. He gave your address, one of your kids names, and pinged the pedos. You are the worse mother of the year. Your pathetic ass put your own kids in danger.

He’s a wonderful father? That’s why his mom has custody of his little girl instead of him. Girls that grow up without daddies become whores. She’ll be on the pole in no time.

DarkRaven ago

Fuck off crensch

HollaKost ago

Fuck off gothamgirl!

DarkRaven ago

Did you actually suck Vindicator’s skinny dick in front of your husband or did you just film. It?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Maybe because you guys started it and haven’t stopped

Gothamgirl ago

No you dumb fuck I stayed out of it, until a post by Crensch made about zyklon, where in the comments lapdog started in on my kids again, calling my kids niggers.

I tried to prevent it in the beginning moron.

So you think it's ok to dox somebodies kids?

Fuck You and them

HollaKost ago

So you think it's ok to dox somebodies kids anyways?

No, it's not ok to dox someone's kids!

But let's refresh. Who was is again who doxed your kid? Oh yeah your husband!

The person you should be mad at is the person who actually did the doxing in the first place.

But wait, there's more. Didn't you say that was a really funny joke that you were in on? What kind of crazy lunatic do you have to be to dox yourself and your kid? Doesn't make sense hoe, and that's because you're lying!

Fuck You and them go kill yourself.

The world would be a better place if you took your own advice. You're scum!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Srayzie can’t control what Shizy does.

Where has anyone doxxed your kids besides your own husband? Your kids have been called niggers. What else? That’s not doxxing kids. I don’t wish harm on anyone’s kids. Not even yours bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

She is Shizy you dumb cunt and @scrubbinouttheoldblue don't act dumb.

HollaKost ago

Well since you're a habitual liar, and have been proven so many times, no one can believe anything you say!

Tell us all again how you we're "in on" this big joke with zyklon saying such terrible things about you and your kids?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

If you think Shizy and Srayzie are the same person, you’re even dumber than I thought.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey @crensch, you forgot to change your alts.


Well then that means @Kevdude is a coward and gave them to her to post instead of doing it himself, she’s a hacker that’s dumb in every other area of life, or the PM’s are fake and Kevdude is fine with spreading lies.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh stop it Imchad, Kevindude absolutely didnt give me anything, that's just your worthless opinion, show some proof of those accusations or stfu.

HollaKost ago

show some proof of those accusations or stfu.

You never do either cunt!

So we're the floor mats included or not?

Gothamgirl ago

I am not the one making accusations though, you are.

HollaKost ago

I am not the one making accusations though, you are.

Hahahaha! Oh please!


He sent her out to get him a drink and signed for her KEK

Crensch ago

Yeah, they're not sending their best; then again, their best isn't really all that good.

Gothamgirl ago

You thought you was the best right 🤣 but you're equivalent to whining toddler at nap time.

Crensch ago

Kek. And you're still on team Zyklon/Kevdude. Meaning you lost everything for them. Their credibility is completely shot as of last night. You can't even stop eating long enough to not look like you have an over-inflated tire of lard around you.

It doesn't really matter who is gone and who isn't. My team is better than yours.

And yours has your pedophile husband in it.

Gothamgirl ago

Come on dude like you didn't know zyklon was a shitposter for a long time.

You never said a word good or bad when Srayzie was asking him for HALP HALP 🤣🤣🤣

Crensch ago

You're married because you pay him to stick around. Watch what happens when the money dries up, stupid cunt.

Seriously. Tell him the money flow stops now; see what happens.

Nobody would ever be with someone like you for free.