EricKaliberhall ago

Spam. Deleted,

WhiteRonin ago

Spam as you may say.

But this still affects the Q community.

EricKaliberhall ago

But this still affects the Q community.

This is the most organized and professional v/pizzagate subverse that exists on the World Wide Web... Our investigation started over a year before Q came on the scene. The original PizzaGate researchers are also prominent Q decoders. You @WhiteRonin (white slave with no master) spam drama mixed in with horseshit... I recommend you take "your drama and horseshit" mix it around a bit, then you take that useless mix and slowly insert it all up your anus. Are we on the same page here?

WhiteRonin ago

Nope we aren’t on the same page because:

A: Srayzie has infiltrated the PG community on more levels you can imagine. Sure she started with you all before cashing in on Q. But it’s not at that level.

B: as you said PG people are also Q captain crunch ring decoders. Come on, SB2 was given the key to decode that and Q anons just dig for what Q has delivered on a silver plater.

C: it’s the TSA lover that you are. Just because it doesn’t effect you now doesn’t mean it won’t later.

Yeah, I remember PG first days on Voat. A group that was swarming Ping Pongs while missing the target. Just because shit has started to break doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a news cycle to deflect. Don’t get me wrong! I hate pedos and think they deserve to loose their dicks!

I broke news about the real cabal but nobody listened until Q months later talks about it. I mentioned the Payseurs and people had no clue what the fuck I was talking about. I talked about static rituals and everyone was oh ho hum. Q brings it up and boom.

PG and GA has the same head on your ass problem. No original research. You gotta dog deep into books and crannies to see what really is up.

Think about why some people do things. You specialize in “research” and I do the same. You cover google searches trying to find the demon out there yet I rather start in my own neighborhood. The amount of shit stirring I did over the last week was planned out. Agitate, irritate and piss off until people splerge out and release diamonds of information. The amount of hate has caused your infiltrators to target me from those accounts to cover their Q tracks.

Q spams drama 15-30-45 and no deadline. That’s drama. Q drops horse shit so the DS gets confused. But because he does it, he’s good and I’m bad. Yeah, I’m an asshole but you don’t see me pinging you or fucking with your sub. Think! No it’s not a threat, I had PG blocked since day 3. Not my problem. But SrayzieGate is your problem.

And look at your response to me, full of hate and spite and you judge me based on what you think I’m doing. That’s a “researcher”? No, it’s you just picking sides and having a predetermined concept of who I am. Zero investigation done on your part.

Yes, I’m an ass and many X GFs will confirm.

I’m not planning on winning any war here. It’s not my goal. Winning is not much better than loosing. However, I am gonna get a lot of interesting shit to be exposed. This is shit-instigating investigation.

However, if you wanna continue being a shitty Christian, it’s not my problem.