PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

So how easy is it for a cop to pull up to a kid on the street, tell them to get into the car, they are police after all, and NO ONE bats an eye because it is the police. They dont take the kids to the station but a drop off. Think about how easy that would be, crazy simple, way to simple.....

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. The stories in this post show that a third police officer aided Marc Washington, tipping him off that they were going after him. This is how they work. The tip allowed Washington to start deleting incriminating photos, and the story shows that this happened. Yet, 10 months after the initial arrests and story, they are "still investigating" this other officer. The fact that Washington ended up dead soon after posting bail fits the pattern (eliminate dangerous witnesses), yet the idea of murder was not even mentioned in the articles. The pedo rings work to protect themselves, and the unquestioning mockingbird media will only report what they are told...with no initiative to investigate further or ask the obvious questions.

Cleareyes ago

I saw some guy posting yesterday from DC, a black activist type, and he said everyones talking about the girls but no one has noticed there are 28 boys missing in the same time period. Haven't checked it out yet though

reasonedandinformed ago

Interesting. I had the same question. For some reason people tend to get more disgusted when the victims are girls, so if it takes awareness of that element to get more people to join us, we will take it .

daddysdarlin ago

Wow, looks like you did more investagating than the dc police! Thanks for a very informative story, God bless!!!

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. We are literally in a fight of good versus evil.

44NJ9 ago

You expect Newsham to help these kids? He locked up an 11yr old girl that said she was gang raped, medical evaluation showed abuse. He never went after perps even with DNA evidence. Then he makes police chief. He's in thick with dirty people.

ChelseasCunt ago DC Police Found to be Kidnapping Children off the streets of DC and Supplying them to CIA/Saudi Arabia for Sex & Slavery Worldwide

reasonedandinformed ago

He accused this poor victim, who had semen stains from multiple sources because she was gang raped, of filing a false report. I do not know the outcome of the case. Can you please send a link to build on this as this would be very helpful?

44NJ9 ago

I will keeping digging for outcome but form I've heard she was put in a juvenile for months while her parents fought to get her back because he said she lied about the attack.

reasonedandinformed ago

I will take some time to dig on this later.

44NJ9 ago

excellent collection of info. Show this to everyone in your family. There is so much shadowbanning and shills this movement needs to be grassroots. Get your family, your church, organization into those. I woke at least four family to this craziness in the last few weeks. This display of evidence is very compelling. Its obvious the media will not show this and the DC police are not going to investigate.

Mellowmountain ago

this is massive, great post

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. Please help to socialize this as Twitter is not allowing my tweets to show to anyone other than myself. Just tweet this:

#missingdcgirls Strong evidence of pedo conspiracy/cover up w/in DC Police. Please check this out:

banenya ago

Done! This fits including meme below:

Strong evidence of pedo conspiracy/cover up w/in DC Police. Please check this out: #Pizzagate #MAGA #missingdcgirls

along with this meme which you can grab here:

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Very good post. I have come to the realization that the DC police are a big part of the "elite" pedo ring. Now who will arrest a police department? FBI? They have a pedophile as director. DOJ? Again pedos all up in that shit. It leaves people who seek justice and truth with nothing to fight back with. Well almost nothing.

GeorgeT ago

We must educate public on Freemasonry & Dark Lodges. This is their network. They have to be exposed.

Tossoff ago

and what actually have you uncovered as it relates to comet? "weird" and "creepy" art? "tunnels" that aren't there? "CODE WORDS" not a single piece of legit evidence has been produced by you twats. not a single victim or parent. not a single witness, on site or anywhere else. All you have is a bunch of retarded theories. THAT's why there has been no investigation. The whole Comet angle is a a total farce. Meanwhile kids are being trafficked across the ohio and indiana turnpike at truck stops by INDIVIDUALS. up and down the east coast corridor by INDIVIDUALS and MS-13. dumbasses.

reasonedandinformed ago

So the finding of child porn on the CPP website, behind the protected login section, does not qualify as evidence? How about the fact that the little girl with bags under her eyes, who was repeatedly tagged as #carisjames in instagram posts that depicted her being taped to a table, in a room that has all kinds of evidence of abuse (, the last image posted of her on 1/31/15), and with many questionable posts and comments (#hotard, #chickenlover)? Where is she now and is she alive and healthy...unanswered questions. What was meant by the "killroom" post (, tagged with #murder and "just rinse if off when your done"...all normal seeming and not concerning in the least? Why do the "kid-friendly" bands ( and that play at CPP "welcome all ages" when they have heavy pedo messages and imagery throughout their musicYouTube, posters, and communicationsJPG? Your are right...noone of this warrants an investigation. Oh, by the way, it is kind of hard to bring out legit evidence in the form of a victim when the victims are children who are still trapped...or worse (dead/eaten). We should all just move along.

Tossoff ago

So the finding of child porn on the CPP website, (FALSE STATEMENT) behind the protected login section, does not qualify as evidence? How about the fact that the little girl with bags under her eyes, who was repeatedly tagged as #carisjames in instagram posts that depicted her being taped to a table, in a room that has all kinds of evidence of abuse (, the last image posted of her on 1/31/15),(PARENT OF THIS CHILD HAS COME FORWARD REFUTING CLAIM AND OBJECTING TO MISUSE OF HER IMAGE) and with many questionable posts and comments (#hotard, #chickenlover)? (SUBJECTIVE INTERPETATION NOT ACTUAL EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING) Where is she now and is she alive and healthy...unanswered questions. (NOT TRUE) What was meant by the "killroom" post (, tagged with #murder and "just rinse if off when your done"...(FRIENDS JOKING PRIVATELY, INNAPPROPRIATE, YES BUT NOT EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY) all normal seeming and not concerning in the least? Why do the "kid-friendly" bands (THIS IS A LABEL THAT PG "INVESTIGATORS" HAVE APPLIED TO THAT BAND. THE WHOLE "KID FRIENDLY" THING WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. CPP IS A DAY TIME KID FRIENDLY RESTAURANT THAT TURNS INTO A ROCK CLUB AT 10PM BUT STILL HAS ALL AGES SHOWS MEANING IF YOU HAVE A DL OR STATE ID OR ARE WITH AN ADULT YOU CAN ATTEND THE SHOW ( and CREEPY ART YOU DO NOT LIKE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF A SEX CRIME) that play at CPP "welcome all ages" AGAIN YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT AN ALL AGES SHOW IS APPARENTLY when they have heavy pedo messages and imagery throughout their musicYouTube, posters, and communicationsJPG? (THE "HEAVY PEDO MESSAGES AND IMAGES" ARE YOUR SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION,YOUR PROJECTIONS, NOT FACT, AND ARE NOT EVIDENCE OF A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. Your are right...noone of this warrants an investigation. (NO, IT DOES NOT CERTAINLY NOT BY PROFESSIONALS) Oh, by the way, it is kind of hard to bring out legit evidence in the form of a victim when the victims are children who are still trapped...(HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? HOW ABOUT EVEN NAMING A SINGLE VICTIM, OR HOW ABOUT A SINGLE PARENT COMING FORWARD AND MAKING THESE CLAIMS? IT HASN'T HAPPENED. or worse (dead/eaten). (NIGGA PLEASE) We should all just move along. (CORRECT)

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Calling people twats won't get you far here but I essentially agree here and understand the frustration. Everyone is talking about this "hack" of CPP as if we have proof that it actually uncovered something. All we have is someone's word and some screenshots of a cop emailing him. And I'll say it again and again... Illegally obtained "evidence" will not be permitted in a court of law. IF it exists and was turned over to LE, it was probably thrown into a big folder marked "inadmissible". How can they possibly accept it? How can they know the person who hacked in didn't plant the CP there? Not that I'm convinced the hack even happened at this point, but I digress.

Focusing on CPP is doing this community no favors that's for sure. Truck stops could definitely turn something up though. I'd be willing to bet money that it does. You specifically mention the Ohio and Indiana Turnpike. Got any leads? My guess is wherever you see heavy drug trafficking you'll see human trafficking since it's often gang related. Our time would be better spent on investigating these places most local to us and gathering and comparing info on here.

Aaronkin ago

Job well done.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

The friendly chief of police can bury missing person reports, he needs some more attention.

reasonedandinformed ago

His handling of the 11-year old victim of gang rape should have been more than enough to disqualify him for the position, let alone even being a cop. He should have lost his shield from that case.

GeorgeT ago

Expose the madness, then draw up petitions to introduce anti corruption laws. Demand that Trump reads them and Sessions enforces them. This will prove if Trump is for us or for the swamp!

sugarskull ago

I absolutely agree...calling missing children runaways isn't freaking police work! Its to me weak sauce and a possible coverup. Stay on this VOAT family I know yall have the skillzzz.

crystalclear ago

Wonderful. I also think as we look into DC police it will dawn on people to look more closely at how their own local police might be involved in human trafficking and/or pedogate. Franklin coverup outlines how it really only takes a few compromised key people to keep the lid on the ring and keep pedogate going for decades. I have always kept this thought in mind as I research pedogate "If you control the media, if you control the Department of Justice, if you control the police, you own the system." - John DeCamp

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. It is systematic. They often have their inside protectors. Sometimes, they can be blatant in sending the message that "we have you covered if you are a pedo," as evidenced when the actual police badge has the universally-recognized pedo or boy-lover symbol: The irony is not lost that LA County, which has the pedo logo on the Sheriff's badge, is home to Hollywood.

GeorgeT ago

After all, Hollywood the pedo haven has to be protected by those wearing boy lover badges! They sure do like to rub into our face don't they! - But something tells me, they will soon change the design!

Pisstubes0351 ago

Excellent post, thanks!

reasonedandinformed ago

Depending on when you search, sometimes #missingdcgirls will produce results from today (not mine) and others it will show the most-recent tweet being two days ago!! I just tested this and replicated that the results vary, favoring not showing anything for the last two days.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks. I am literally being censored on Twitter in the effort to socialize this post. First, they blocked me and asked for my phone number (has happened before). I then noticed that I had zero response to my tweets. I searched the hashtag (#missingdcgirls) and was not surprised to see that none of my tweets showed in results, and the last tweet showing is from two days ago. You WILL NOT find me there despite many tweets about an hour ago. Please help spread the word as Twitter is actively stopping me from trying. It also looks like they are blocking this tag overall in an effort to keep it from trending.

44NJ9 ago

you can get around this by replying to other people's posts and putting in the # or simply replying to people with huge followings with things like, have they found the #DCGirls. Things to stir up interest, where lots of people look. It's time to go rogue and manipulate the system.

FindingTruth ago

EXACTLY - Overwhelm them. We CAN make a BIG difference by spreading the word (to the proper people). Thanks for the great suggestion!

44NJ9 ago

Change your tactics often. Get creative, imagine this is the greatest marketing plan ever put into place. Some are posting pics with quotes on pinterst. Try instagram. Show evidence, not loony remarks. This tsunami is just taking off.

GeorgeT ago

Same thing happened to me yesterday, 0 results on my tweets. When I checked it became clear.

reasonedandinformed ago

It is pretty subtle. I had to log out to really see what the public was [NOT] seeing.

GeorgeT ago

Same here! They are sensoring it big time and given what we saw from Vault7 - we know their capabilities - yet on same twitter pedophilia content is rampant! Nice going. Makes you wander whether we should book tickets to another planet - wait, there might be pizza lovers too.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle /v/pizzagate #PizzaGate #PedoGate Smoking Gun Evidence: "Cheese Pizza" Child Porn on Comet's Site Hacker finds child porn on Comet Pizza website, turns over to DC Police Dec 1; no arrests but he is now being gang stalked Man with assault rifle at Comet, now you know why the camera was removed TODAY /v/Pizzagate no longer appearing on /v/all - we're being reddited COMET PING PONG SHOOTER DEBUNKED! Details Inside. I FOUND A REAL SMOKING GUN: 240,000,000 MONEY LAUNDERING CONNECTED TO PIZZA With the incident today Documentation of major deniers of pizzagate and those who propagate fake news (with links to prove their history of denial without substantiation) Where is the video clip of Alefantis at computer room with shot computer? Why is no one talking about the computer tower at CPP? DC Police Chief Stands By James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong ... 3 years ago Washington DC police were threatening to kill advocates exposing child ritual abuse & trafficking - testimony at council hearing DC Interim Police Chief solacing Alefantis Mishandles 11 y/o Child Rape Case Alefantis And DC Police Party Together Compiling a list of all reporters Anti-Pizzagate DC Police Chief Stands By James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong ... DC Police Chief allowed 11-yr-old child to be charged after child was raped by multiple men? He is seen here defending Comet Ping Pong Pizza Peter Newsham, interim head of Washington DC Police Dept, friend and supporter of Comet Ping Pong, has deeply troubling past including accusations of mishandling the rape case of a minor FBI: 500 Missing Children Since 2017 May Be Part Of Elite Pedo Ring DC false statements on Comet Ping Pong Investigation

ChelseasCunt ago

DC Police Found to be Kidnapping Children off the streets of DC and Supplying them to CIA/Saudi Arabia for Sex & Slavery Worldwide