crystalclearme ago

How close or involved are Newsham, mayor Muriel Bowser (city council members) , and the police on police report of Seth Rich? Wives ? and family connections we can discover?

Ocelot ago

I'm guessing the goings-on and shady dealings between CPP and the DC Police then seem quite plausible and unsurprising to you.

catslovejustice ago

Do you know the truth about Miriam Carey and why she was killed?

Jem777 ago

That is a story that will blow everything into the open.

catslovejustice ago

Do you have any scoop? I think it is big also, but have only speculation.

Rusdy ago

Archived: The guy is another big piece to the whole puzzle: He is down with Alefantis and is the Police Chief of DC...nothing more to say.

The fact he is being pictured with JA after the whole Comet thing broke loose speaks volumes. Add his questionable past and you get a I scratch your back, you scratch mine-Scenario! I am hyped for what happens when jeff Sessions is approved.

witch_doctor1 ago

The playbook never changes with these people. The same thing happened in the Franklin scandal.

crystalclearme ago

THIS - exactly and what do we know from Franklin? and Sandusky?and The Finders and etc --- The Police, the media/newspapers, The universities- Makes me rageful but it also means WE ARE ON TO THEM --- How close or involved are Newsham, mayor Muriel Bowser (city council members) , and the police on police report of Seth Rich?

RobIrish ago

it's like we're living in a big bad corrupt pedo nightmare, i just want to wake up at this stage, every time you read about more links and politicians and other tptb, it just doesn't seem possible to stop this, never mind bringing the bastards to justice.

Am i the only one feeling like this?

thatguyiam ago

Pedophiles in positions of power should face the full wrath of the citisenry

DustyRadio ago

This article appears to say CPP is "a beloved family friendly" restaurant, without irony. Wtf.

The author states-"Of course, we must remember that just because a police chief might be corrupt, that does not mean that the department itself is being hindered from doing good police work.

As an example, many people remember the controversy that arose in December regarding “pizzagate.”" ...continuing to state..."DC police declared that the theory was false, which may have saved the restaurant from any pesky and tedious physical inspections. Such inspections could have interrupted business if they were allowed. The restaurant is known for being a beloved kid friendly establishment, so in this case the DC police may have protected the restaurant’s children against outsiders who wanted to pry.

It just serves as a reminder that despite the existence of corrupt cops, there are many who will ensure that justice is served."

So this author thinks the police did a great job with the CPP investigation???

Fateswebb ago

I don't know, it comes off as sarcasm to me, and not sure if it was joe rogan episode 911 they linked but if so, they're definitely trying to raise awareness... but yeah maybe in a sarcastic sorta way?

altreptiles ago

Definitely, they first show that he is a liar (and that he lied about child rape), then they say that 'The DC police looked into this said there was nothing wrong, my god they do good police work' . seemed very tongue in cheek to me. Also I think thats the only way they can report it, show the two next to eachother, that way they wont be labelled 'conspiracy theorists'

Fateswebb ago

Yeah, it's actually pretty genius because really they're just pointing out the official story, but doing so in a way that it almost debunks itself.

wankatanka ago

tar and feather him followed by a gang rape, and then run him out of town, if you don't want to burn him

DevilintheDetails ago

Castrated then drawn and quartered.

DevilintheDetails ago

Or if we aren't killing, then castrate and brand on face so they can never hide.

wankatanka ago


SturdyGal ago

This is very disturbing as this appears to be a pattern of Chief Newsham refusing to investigate cases of child sexual abuse. This one was a direct complaint and he charged the poor little girl with filing a false complaint.

remedy4reality ago

I really wish some of these sites with great information would get rid of all the sexually charged ad content...

It would make it much easier for me to share links with people I know.

Ocelot ago

Just use the source article.

remedy4reality ago

thanks... but that FOX link excludes the pic of the Chief with Jimmy Comet

Ocelot ago

Well, just send them the image itself I suppose. As long as that imgur link lasts.