bdmthrfkr ago

As I read your post on the front page of v/all. Maybe you accidentally blocked v/pizzagate?

LostandFound ago

omfing G, need to find a rock to go hide under while this shame passes over me

bdmthrfkr ago

Meh. It happens.

sentryseven ago

You're wrong, thankfully.

MillionthThrowaway ago

I'm not subbed and i see posts from here all the time on v/all.

This one for example.

LostandFound ago

If I am wrong I will delete the post, can you verify ?

JJNova ago

How do you want your verification? I am not subbed and came across this on /v/all

LostandFound ago

Screen cap or the like would be great if possible, thanks

JJNova ago

Second from the bottom -

jangles ago

I laugh because v/peptidegate ends up on front page and v/pizzagate doesn't. Has been this way for months.

LostandFound ago

PG has been on /v/all until at least the last day or two - I have been in and out of articles personally without going via the sub

jangles ago

that is a good change :)

TruthTrumps ago

Am I the only one who upvoted this?

LostandFound ago

I was wondering looks same, thought I had been shadow banned or something, like the job to aggregate the voats was not running or delayed for a bit there. *adjusts tin foil hat slightly

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Epstein... U.S. State Department and DYNCORP all together in underage female trafficking. VOAT thread with 622 up/ picture IMAGE NOT FOUND Subscribe to New Sticky 25/11/2016 - What to focus on, and guidelines/background for newbies Voat is Compromised - Moderator defends Pedo Symbols Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6) [META] - I am concerned with censorship from Crensch - They deleted 9 post in 3 hours [META] - I am concerned with censorship from Crensch - They deleted 9 post in 3 hours New Sticky 25/11/2016 - What to focus on, and guidelines/background for newbies Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6) Man with assault rifle at Comet, now you know why the camera was removed TODAY Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6) I FOUND A REAL SMOKING GUN: 240,000,000 MONEY LAUNDERING CONNECTED TO PIZZA Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings Man with assault rifle at Comet, now you know why the camera was removed TODAY

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My frustration is the constant reposts. Sometimes the same post 3+ times in a row. I know, the posts move or get removed.

LostandFound ago

This is how it started on reddit - if this is the case time to start dumping the research elsewhere

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree, but then if it's not invite only, we will have the same issue as here. No way really to vet people. It's very frustrating.

LostandFound ago

I guess its time for the ol reality check, never thought it was going to be easy............ someone just turned the difficulty up

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Just like being a Trump supporter, we have had to battle every step of the way. Now, even winning WH, we are having to fight even harder. Stick to our convictions on pizzagate, we will succeed! We have to for the kids.

Conspiracy_Outpost ago


OzarkMountainMan ago

I landed on this thread from v/all.

LostandFound ago

unless it was /v/all/new then no theres not even one upvoat on this so it would not appear on /v/all

OzarkMountainMan ago

As of right now there are no downvoats on it either. I would be more worried about cancer mods deleting posts.

sensitive ago

checking ...

LostandFound ago

Did you find any? - if im wrong I'l delete I dont do fear larping and this was not intended as such

sensitive ago

there are pg posts on "hot", so I think you can delete your post. But we will all watch this.

LostandFound ago

Theres actually two PG on that list - so I cant argue with that. Strange that no matter how far I go in posts I dont see them anymore .. I will take this up elsewhere appreciated.

sensitive ago

I didn't, but submissions from other subverses don't show either in "new", so it may have something to do with the programming of the site that is currently / still going on.