TheSpeaker2 ago

Thanks for the compliment!

TheSpeaker2 ago

Not to mention the following:

Remember the guy who went into CPP and tried to periscope but was kicked out by an ARMED SECURITY GUARD? We were told the security was there because of all the death threats they were receiving.

So anybody want to guess where this security guard was when a guy walked right in with an assault rifle? Was he asleep, or stuffing his face with pizza? Did he do anything? Say anything to the guy, like maybe "Hey bro, you can't bring fully automatic assault weapons in here...or is that a shotgun?"

Did he do anything that , you know, security guards do?

Or did they give him the day off?

rivalin ago

Absolutely incredible, talk about fake news!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It was said by the several people who visited... I should not have said on the reg... It just happened to be when people researching, went there.

starseedlover ago

I was looking for a "before" shot of the traffic camera that was said to have been moved. Found the traffic camera across the street from Comet Ping Pong & Pizza. If you look at what the camera is recording now, it is recording the opposite side, including the pole that it is mounted on.

chrimony ago

Yeah, I meant of the actual incident.

To be fair, if some guy came barging in with a gun to a pizza shop you were eating at, would you take the time to pull out your mobile and record, or would you just get the fuck out of there? It makes sense that there would be recordings of the tail end from the outside.

altpizza ago

Remember the WACO biker shoot out, the cops cordoned off the area and confiscated all phones. Easy to use FBI tech to ban live-stream. Recall that witnesses said the area was lock downed and corralled before shooting began. There was a live witness that tweeted, but probably fake. Note in the past how few pizzagate investigators have actually been on the scene? Zilch The fact that in a highly watched area nobody pulled their camera, ... but then again its DC everybody there is on the FUCKING GOV PAYROLL.

Everybody there already took the BLUE PILL

Mr_Wolf ago

so someone with a gun showed up at comet pizza? could I get a sbort run down of what happened?

Phobos_Mothership ago

"Oh I just KNOW it was them dirty pizzagaters what done it! I could see it in their BLOODCRAZED EYES!" -Poor defenseless old woman whose husband was killed during 9/11

2gut2befree ago

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha

stickittotheman ago

A SorosTM Production

origkatinsac ago

Does DC have a list of people who have registered a gun with photo?

GoldMoose16 ago

More on Edgar Welch, Salisbury NC man named by DC Police. Check this out


13-year-old struck by vehicle in Salisbury, airlifted to hospital

Monday, October 24th 2016, 8:03 pm EST

SALISBURY, NC (WBTV) - A teenager was airlifted to a local hospital after being struck by a vehicle in Rowan County Monday evening.

The incident happened just after 7:30 p.m. on the 1800 block of Harrison Road in Salisbury. Officials said 13-year-old Kenyatta Belton suffered head, torso and leg injuries.

Belton was flown to an area hospital. There is no word on his condition.

Police said Edgar Welch, 28, was driving a Buick LeSabre that struck the teen. Welch stayed at the scene of the crash and waited for police.

“We got concerned and came outside, seen a bunch of people down in the road, couldn’t tell what was going on," said neighbor Charlene Swing.

Investigators have not said how the wreck may have happened or if any charges are being filed.

Police say Welch was driving 45 miles an hour, which they say is the speed limit on that stretch of road.

---More at the article link

private-i ago

"The suspect entered the restaurant and pointed a gun at a restaurant employee, who fled and notified authorities, police said. The man then discharged the weapon inside the restaurant. There were no injuries. Two weapons were found inside the restaurant and a third one was recovered from the man's vehicle, police added. They said the suspect during an interview with investigators "revealed that he came to the establishment to self-investigate 'Pizza Gate' (a fictitious online conspiracy theory)," the police statement said." .

private-i ago

Edgar Welch, 28, driving a Buick LeSabre struck a 13-year-old in Salisbury on 10-24-16; teen airlifted to hospital Has anyone seen the gunmans' vehicle ?

Edgar Maddison Welch's North Carolina Voter Registration (R)

His grandfather's obit:

Freemasonsrus ago

Why would someone decide to go in, during regular business hours if they were armed and "looking for the basement"? Common sense would be to wait until night when there is one of their bizarre shows and use the cover of darkness to work in your advantage. I mean seriously? During the middle of a Sunday afternoon someone actually thinks they'll get somewhere with that? And there just so happens to be absolutely NO video of some crazy person walking down Connecticut Ave with either a shotgun or assault rifle?! They even suck at their own bird dogging.

sentryseven ago

Easy to do with cellphone as well. That hasn't stopped them before. In fact I expect to see more out of them.

GoldMoose16 ago

Not that far fetched. I know one guy from a small town in New England that does actor gigs. Not everyone moves to hollywood. His writing might be interestng. Sometimes you can see the unraveling of a brain tale place before your very eyes. Not sayig he is a crackpot. But really, walking around with a rifle in DC? You'd have to be at least half nuts.

GoldMoose16 ago

Just found man's ID per DC Police

DC police: Comet Ping Pong suspect is Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, NC who said he came to investigate "pizzagate."

via this tweet

Tweet from Byron Tau says man was arrested and charged. Man said he came to "self investigate" pizzagate which is of course a fictitious online conspiracy theory.

noworldorder ago

I thought the camera was re-positioned away from CPP yesterday?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

There has also been a cop stationed outside the resturant pretty much on the reg.

Chance903 ago

here is the video of the event.

darnforgotmypassword ago

Wait, so that happened with the Comet thing?

Is it related to Pizzagate somehow? Sorry if I sound dumb, I'm just out of the loop.

dickface8 ago

I just woke up to this news, then walked out into the lounge and saw on TV that they have new leads into the killers of Maddie Mcann!!! WTF!!!

dickface8 ago

This is fucking really real now and it ain't gonna stop.

mjmoore ago

Soetoro on YouTube was right. This whole thing is a plan to try to crack down on free speech. Only problem is, they were dumb enough to pull this precisely when people said they would.

dFrog ago

You think all those Instagram photos were put up and the comments on the made over a year in advance for this? That these pieces of circumstantial evidence were all put there for people to connect the dots?

SoManyQuestions ago

This FF was meant for us. The real FF will come eventually.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, I saw the OP a day or two ago. I read it and thought it was a rabbit hole. This is some weird shit. I'll have a better understanding in the morning and may be able to provide more insight. Will advise.

IlluminatiKing ago

I remember that post. Didn't think about that. Just a "coincidence" right?

fuckmyreddit ago

That made me laugh when you pointed out that no one had a cell phone.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Nobody ever has cell phones when they need them! :/ Ya...

BirdLaw ago

Is the cellphone thing in some source for this happening? I haven't seen anything on any news about a shooter in DC.

guwopthegod ago

I saw a twitter video of the ass end of the incident a few minutes ago? It was with him in the street with his hands in the air, backin up to cops, and him getting cuffed.

Not sure if you meant more than that, but there is something floating around.

Gothamcity ago

There has to be a paper trail about who requested it to be moved with their name on it and a date. That person needs to be looked at. Things like moving a camera dont happen overnight IMO.

MolochIsAFag ago

There would be an official paper trail if local authorities actually decided to so so and did the paper work, some random fixer could easily tamper with the camera positioning/software without any trace.

Truthology ago

Plus someone on twitter posted this. (mainstream media posting an article 4 hours before the incident happened)

pizzahthrowaway ago

Archived this for posterity

TheAwakening ago

It that's true then that is amazing false flag evidence. Do we know the approx time the gunman was there?

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

The city would not be doing something like "removing a traffic camera" on a rainy sunday unless they had good reason to.

kingforpres ago

That's what I thought. This seems like it shouldn't be legal though.

rp5x5 ago

There was a photo of a Prius on one of the threads or twitter a couple days ago. What was that about, I forgot. Not the same Prius was it?

soitxx ago

that will justify imminent 'solution' in their dialectics technique.

The_Kuru ago

I don't see how not having a camera focused there helps them. Wouldn't you think they'd want to have an even clearer focus on the door if they are false flagging an armed intrusion?

CandyPanda ago

Add this earlier article to the list of wtf: “There have been no hostile situations at the venue, and we do not anticipate any altercations as much of the harassment has occurred online, but as a precaution we now have security and police present at every show.”

Chance903 ago

Well that is an interesting and convenient coincidence .

quantokitty ago


I think not ...

totesgoats908234 ago

Yep, they moved it, for whatever reason, to watch the other street. -

Closest traffic is now moving north, instead of south -

This is exactly where its watching right now -

krisspykriss ago

OK, why was it moved. Wouldn't you want the traffic cam to be pointed in CPP's direction in case... I don't know... someone walks in with a gun? It makes no sense at all why they would move it AWAY from CPP. It was odd yesterday and it is even odder today. It tells me the DON"T want it covering the street in front of CPP. That is the only logical answer.

starseedlover ago

Does anyone have an image of what it was looking at before? I can't seem to find the "before" shot.

Tsuishika ago

Makes me despise the DNC more and more.

srayzie ago

I knew a false flag was coming. MSM will love this

DarkOne ago

Christ! saw that post 3 hours ago, goddammit!

michelonwheels ago

Oh shit, you're right.

kingforpres ago

I sometimes wonder if there are more false flag events than actual ones.

Lobotomy ago

Let's put it this way, ever since the death of JFK, history wasn't so... theatrical. All of these news stories I see of lone wolf gunmen killing 16 kids and then himself seems dramatized to such an extent that I don't really believe them anymore. It's like bad daytime TV writing.

kingforpres ago

Or reality TV writing?

Lobotomy ago

It's on the same level.

kingforpres ago

I don't watch either but I'm sure you're right. Cut the cord years ago and read with music now. Much happier for it.

Lobotomy ago

Honestly, 90% of TV has about the quality of writing you'd see in a pharmaceutical commercial.

noworldorder ago

Former CIA Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack” -

kingforpres ago

I realize it's not a mission focused comment, but all the waisted time and energy in the name of manipulation, is sad.

bigDanold ago

Hmm try this... Google: washingtonian

About 4 links down, there is a link to the article, in the "In the News" section

For me it says it was posted 9 hours ago, the current time in DC is 7:57 pm. That would mean the article was posted around 10:57pm. Inside the article, it says the gunman went into CPP at 3pm. Not sure if I'm interpreting this right, so asking for another opinion.

Edit: This will change to "1 day ago" at some point, so the ability to verify the early date/time may be lost. Maybe a video of a screen capture of showing the google results, and then searching the current time would be sufficient to repost as its own thread.

kingforpres ago

Looks like you were right.

kingforpres ago

You're going to need to shoot me a link. I don't use Google anymore, as long as I can avoid it. I tried but I'm sure I have a setting different because nothing came up regarding the, standoff... Is that what they're calling it?

Lag-wagon ago


bigDanold ago

The point is that google cached it, with a time stamp, so you would need to go to google. Sorry.

Lag-wagon ago

I see I see... I understand now. However, if they cache it, it may be cached with Greenwich time and that is why it is all weird. Just a thought.

IceDagger316 ago

Bing pops up 6 hours ago, so it would be around 4:30 edt.

Around 4:30 GMT was 11 hours ago, which is when Google says it was posted.

bigDanold ago

I don't think so. I think the article was published early.

What probably happens is Google stores it with their own time zone when they crawl/find it. Then they simply calculate how old it is based on their own (same) time zone, and present it to you as N number of hours old.

bigDanold ago

Just google: washingtonian

Here is a link:

kingforpres ago

Mine says four hours ago, so they would have had it typed and up on the site quick but not impossible. I wonder, are you looking it up on a mobile browser or desktop? Maybe giving different information depending.

bigDanold ago

I'm on a PC

kingforpres ago

Believing it to be a false flag, it doesn't seem surprising they would have the coverage prepared. They need to be first to better control the narrative.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

This was a few days ago. Somebody called it the day before, with a link for proof.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude.... 99% of the stuff uncovered, I think is evidence. However, this post seems so sketch... What are the odds of this never been seen before? I mean a craigslist add for that...

The government might be retarded when it comes to a lot of shit, But you can't just hire random people for craigslist adds for false flags.... RIght?

Wouldn't you assume it's a fake?

Could do some wishful thinking and say the person that made this post was looking for past crisis actors to apply and then see if they were involved in any other gigs like this.

I don't know. I just know my gut has been surprisingly accurate lately, and this one just doesn't seem right.

alliecapone ago

Always, always trust the gut. Mine never fails me either, thank heavens for it.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I don't know that it's proof of a FF, but I saw the original post the day before it happened, then the next day it happened. Very strange.

Chance903 ago

You know they sign ironclad non-disclosures .

ByTheBook ago

In infant blood I'm sure.

kingforpres ago

That's some crazy shit right there. I'm surprised any of it is even legal.

ByTheBook ago

What is #legal when you can change the law?

kingforpres ago

Like I said before they've created the banking, political, social, and religious laws and then follow none of them themselves.

oresd ago

Here comes the corporate media...

Jumpstarter ago
