pizzagateinvestigate ago

For future reference these can be archived. Right click on the camera feed and open it in a new tab. Here is the current feed archived:

totesgoats908234 ago

That is from 22 hours ago. We already knew the shit in that picture the day that it was posted, 3 days ago. Did you not read the rest of this comment chain? The guy you are linking to is not very bright.

OccamsTaser ago

This was an amazing find. Be proud of yourself, this means a lot to this investigation.

Drunkenmoba ago

Congrats on the spot. You found the precursor for the false flag attack.

0000000001 ago

how can i get into the US ? anyone want to host me ? i'm down to stake out comet ping pongs

Fishy-business ago

Fuck off

standalone ago

Aaaannnnd ... we get a false flag! Good call OP and thanks Hillary for the additional compelling evidence that this affair is being covered up :D

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This really is extremely suspicious timing. <-- link to thread about today's curious "lone gunman" event

DarkOne ago

(Might be a stupid question but) is their any record keeping with these cameras? if so, some weaponized autism might be a appropriate respons. any takers?

spacebob ago

Maybe you can find other cams through

EndThePizza ago

home security cameras are pretty cheap. hardest part would be power and internet connection.

OriginalReaper ago

Flowers By Irene

MichaelWesten ago

You will not be flying any drones inside the DC ADIZ for any extended period of time, that I can assure you.

Pizzatemp420 ago

Uh...$30 raspberry pi with camera, plenty of free code online to set something like this up. Money is not a necessity, they just want you to think it is.

TomFord ago

searched pizza party on duck&go and came accross this rather suspicious site, and this is just from the first result page. The links are the big gave away.!!!! Hope this helps and keep up the good work

slickleg64 ago

fuck off shill

CredAndBercuses ago

Yeah I can see that it'd be removed from Google, especially if it was located in Russia.

CredAndBercuses ago

Are you thinking of this Google search? Maybe the database you're referring to scrapes the web for IP cameras, geolocates them by IP, and provides links to each one in a nicely browsable format?

totesgoats908234 ago

Google dorks ftw.

Shuffleonover4now ago

Terasol Italian across the street is also suspect. Hillary frequents there and just looked at Google maps , then their reviews. Someone this past week reviewed as Alefontis and admitted to everything. Somebody is laughing at this, whoever posted it. Will be interesting to see how long it stays on there.

VieBleu ago

post a link when you find something like this please.

HomeboyChris ago

Remember the Dutroux case where they only had the cameras running during business hours?

totesgoats908234 ago

You might be thinking of shodan, but youd need to know the IP of that camera.

totesgoats908234 ago

It takes a lot to get caught breaking that. Like if you repeatedly were doing it and someone noticed, youd probably have cops watching you to catch you. You also aren't supposed to fly out of line of sight but SWIM has flown 60 mile round trip autonomous flights over busy cities with a hobby drone and ardupilot.

If you do get caught, the FAA fines are fucking massive.

totesgoats908234 ago

Picture of the camera and the camera view for those who don't want to visit the page.

It is literally now facing the opposite direction of what it was mounted to record for. Facing the pole....

Selnee ago

ok nevermind it's still in same spot just one of the manholes is behind the pole. It is now pointed towards Nebraska street facing south whereas it was pointed towards connecticut st facing south. I think!

Selnee ago

I am trying to match up the lines and the manhole? in the shot to the lines/manhole on google maps and can't match them up. Can you? I think it's in a completely different place now. I am probably wrong but right now I can't match anything up.

totesgoats908234 ago

Made me second guess myself :P

I drew some scribbly lines to show what objects I think are lined up in the picutres

You're gonna need to open this one in a new window and zoom in.

Selnee ago

Ok so for some slight proof it was in a different direction you can go to and click on same cam and in the box it says "Connecticut Ave @ Nebraska Ave Traffic closest to the camera is traveling south". Well now that doesn't make sense right? Could be illegal or something that this has been moved or tampered with.

totesgoats908234 ago

It is weird. The traffic closest to the camera view is headed north - - however I think to make that statement valid the camera would have to be on the other side of the street, right? Even if it was turned around facing the restaurants, the closest traffic would be heading north as well.

The only way I see that statement making sense if it was originally turned around and recording Connecticut ave. Then the traffic closest to the camera would be headed south.

Selnee ago

LOL I don't know let me think about this for a second. My brain is scrambled from all these directions.

totesgoats908234 ago

Yeah it's the only thing that makes sense because I just realized thats where CPP is located, on connectucut ave. I kinda derped with that map not having the business names on there. The red circle here is what the camera is currently looking at -

And if they were recording that street originally, why would they list it as a Connectcuit and Nebraska cam, wouldnt it be Nebraska and Connectcuit? Not sure about that really.

I am 99% convinced the camera has been panned so that the businesses (CPP) are out of view.

Selnee ago

Yes thank you! I just replied this same thing. Helps with pics though! It's pointing down a completely different street as what it was.

totesgoats908234 ago

No problem, plus the google maps shown here is 2 years old so I don't except everything to always match up perfectly.

Selnee ago

That manhole behind the pole was really messing me. lol

Bomberman ago

can someone go and put it back?

Blacksmith21 ago

I am curious. How can we tell what changed?

Selnee ago

I didn't. Maybe someone else did!

totesgoats908234 ago

Someone help check if they can see the camera from google map street view and tell what position it was pointing originally.

starseedlover ago

I took a screenshot from Google Streetview of the Camera and it's position relative to Comet Pizza.

totesgoats908234 ago

Thanks, we figured it out yesterday. Even the traffic website stating the direction of the traffic closet to the camera indicates that it was originally pointing at CPP. It is only way for traffic closest to the camera to be heading south.

Selnee ago

Originally or for the last 3 days anyway or so since I first saw it it had been pointing towards the businesses just down the block from CPP. You could see the paint place and whatever businesses next to that.

totesgoats908234 ago

I appreciate the recollection, but even after finding a comment 2 weeks ago that suggest it was pointed at the business, I am still not convinced what you are saying is true. Finding it on google maps would be actual verifiable proof, not just hearsay or someones potentially foggy/malicious memory.

totesgoats908234 ago

Someone should call up their local city and ask if they would adjust a traffic camera on request if you did not want your business to be in sight.

totesgoats908234 ago

I am leaning toward believing you because I found this in another thread

Just FYI, There is a DC Traffic Camera directly outside of this establishment, that need a little angle adjustment to catch the front door... Connecticut and Nebraska Ave...

I take that as it was pointing at the businesses general direction and needed only slight adjustment to get a view of the door.

Nice find OP.

Selnee ago

Ok thanks I figured someone had already found this camera, but couldn't find any posts on it. I posted on here about it just a few days ago and now bam it's moved.

totesgoats908234 ago

Looking at gmaps, the camera is a dome camera, so you can't see what direction its looking at. It is also the type of camera that can be controlled remotely in terms of pan and tilt. I am well familiar with surveillance cameras, specifically IP Cameras.

The direction it is turned at doesn't really make sense to me because almost half of the screen is now recording just the post that is holding the camera up. If they wanted to record whatever that direction is originally, they wouldn't have mounted it so that the view is so obscured.

Really fishy.

totesgoats908234 ago

Also seen 3 cop cars go past in the course of 5 minutes.

EndThePizza ago

an explanation for that could be that CPP is concerned about harassment

grlldcheese ago

Stop it. Please no. I already watched the planes all night that time. I don't have time for this(i do). I'm not gonna click it. I'm not gonna start.

Fuck you, buddy.

MAGABoomer ago

ok, that's just creepy....setting up something..that streams direct...they moved the camera...3d chess.

stickittotheman ago

Just to show us their "connections" ...pretty cheesy!

AdVict0riam ago

My, how convenient.

We need a tech-savvy person to set up a clandestine camera on the down-low aimed at that cesspool.

Norm85 ago

  1. Setup first camera aimed at Comet

  2. Setup second camera aimed at first

  3. Post details of first camera

  4. Record who comes and moves it

  5. Post video

Komissar ago

Pretty easy to do. Just get a hard hat and reflective vest on, and any sort of "Utility" looking truck. No one will even really question what you're doing.

I_only_sex_cougars ago

No one will question what you're doing.

Almost no one. The right city worker/inspector would definitely notice. All someone would have to do is do this after hours.

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

Would be awsome if someone managed to do this inbetween this post and todays false flag

EndThePizza ago

White pickup

maybe wear some gloves and boots

Flaaffy ago

I wonder if someone has a drone or could purchase a drone kit to use and observe the area?

Selnee ago

I forgot to mention that I posted the link to this just yesterday or the day before. So it just seems crazy that now it's a completely different and much worse view. Somebody is really having a laugh right now I suspect.

ThePuppetShow ago

Those fools are all over this forum doing damage control.

VieBleu ago

To them - Be scared jerks! Anyone who lives on an emotional and maybe literal diet of victims is weak, and that is YOU. You all will turn on each other in a heartbeat, so you better do what you can do save your individual hides now, right now. You thought you were untouchable right? How'd that turn out - not so much! Don't wait, The lower down you are, the harder you are going to pay. Your life as you knew it is already over. THE HEAVY HAND OF JUSTICE is coming right down on you right now and they don't treat pedos well in lawless areas like prisons. Your hour is over and that means bankruptcy, isolation, and total loss of what you value most. Maybe for some small percentage of you, there may be some kind of purgatory and redemption and that comes with confession and exposure of your bretheren's crimes.

Flaaffy ago

Good. Then they're scared and obviously worried if they're all over this subverse.

It gave me a chuckle thinking about it.

KingKongisCTR ago

Uhhhhh... If this is true I don't know how it can be argued the level of involvement in this.

artis ago

I only found out about pizzagate last week. I did not pay much attention to the elections, or trump, or Hillary. I thought Bernie was the best of them. Everywhere online told me Hillary was WINNING / had already won.

but holy motherfucking shit, the level of DENIAL and CENSORSHIP going on in Reddit, the "main" mainstream news sites

and they say we're quick to jump to conclusions without conclusive evidence....

OriginalReaper ago

I live in liberal NYC. I saw waaay more Trump bumper stickers and stuff than hillary during the primaries. But bernie stuff? the motherfucker still has murals. His shit was everywhere. Nobody gave a fuck about hillary. Only the people too busy working their 9-5 and raising kids who watch TV and get their news from facebook and voted party lines voted hillary. No enthusiasm. They did what TV said.

Fishy-business ago

Nothing seems coincidental anymore

stickittotheman ago

Yep... I dont believe in coincidences, especially this one!

Balour ago

Username checks out