Flat_Truth ago

My observations on yesterday's event.........These are all eastern times: The local news outlet, "The Washingtonian" posted the news story online of the gunman at comet pizza at about 11:40 am; complete with statements made to police by the gunman. The pizza place doesn't open until 11:30 am on Sundays. Tweets were made at around 1:00 pm. Police stated their first call came in "shortly before 3:00". Timeline doesn't make sense. Likely a false flag....staged event. How could a news story have been published at 11:40 if the shop didn't open until 11:30 and the event wasn't said to happen until near 3:00?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They do this shit every time whenever they want the public to feel a certain way.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Oddly my breaking news app reported this. Not a word about any of this before but suddenly a man having a fun in a restaurant gets a push alert? How many people go into a restaurant with a gun,maybe even harm people or rob the place on a daily basis all over the country and I don't get an alert on it but this one does. I know lots of people that use the same app and have no idea what pizzagate is and seeing that alert would have made no sense to them. Even stranger is that the follow up reports were not push alerts and people would not see the Claims about the self investigation. I think the low level editors at breaking news agree with us.

voatcaesarpizza ago

The pizza restaurant on Connecticut Avenue recently became the target of harassment and negative reviews on social media after it became a victim of fake news stories that went viral just before the presidential election.

But all of the claims against the popular Northwest D.C. pizzeria are false and unfounded.


WewLaddy ago


SoullessTechnocrat ago

False Flag.

2gut2befree ago

https://i.sli.mg/eoWIeB.jpg repost everywhere

Freemasonsrus ago

This is awesome

Skanda ago

Msm is propaganda but it's absurd to think every single thing they report must be false just because they're MSM. They news tend to be factual but they misrepresent or misinterpret those facts to present a false narrative. That is how propaganda works today. They don't just make stuff up, at least it's not common. If Reuters tells you X happened, you can be 99.9pct sure it did. What it means though , how to interpret what happened , that is another thing altogether.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're pushing bullshit threads as a main topic of conversation, people are going to assume things. It definately raises concern because everyone doing the REAL investigating has been begging people not to contact anyone. Why would you push the bullshit instead of that?

mosswitch ago

No, but being full of shit does.

ThePuppetShow ago

I have no idea, he could be some idiot who saw the investigation and went all vigilante. What I do know is everyone doing the work in the investigation are begging people not to contact anyone. Shills will be shills.

Commonwombat ago

Did this surprise anyone, it was bound to be the next move of the elite? They are so predictable. Get the message out via Twitter.

shaboyi999 ago

meme should focus on Podesta brother's "art collections", it will immediately catch eyes. Sth. like "this is Child rape, not arts".

Chance903 ago

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

I can only hope that this does not lead back to any online sites who are hot on the trail of these bastards. Our work is not done, and we do not condone any actions.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Just read a report that the Metropolitan Police claim the incident had "nothing to do with the conspiracy theory". What's the likelihood of that? Maybe it wasn't a false flag and they're trying to cover it up now.

Queen_Puabi ago

That was faster then reporting on the fires last few days...

CredAndBercuses ago

Yeah, routine camera change that blocks its view by 30%, makes sense. Gotta give that pole some attentions too.

I used to be a coincidence theorist too.

CredAndBercuses ago

There are tweets saying "fired more than one shot inside" and "possible gunmen" as well as the weapon identification troubles.

SoManyQuestions ago

Well fuck. Was is a shotgun and more than one shot fired or assault and no shots fired?!

retractableclaws ago

Why were reports about this incident written hours before it happened? https://twitter.com/DispelShadows/status/805555954527981568

I am skeptical of that link. Anyone can alter an image. The link in question was archived at 4:21 pm EST (https://archive.fo/l3LKV)) . A more current article is archived here. A lot of the articles I'm reading say the guy was arrested a little before 4. So writing an article between 4 and 4:20 is plausible, especially considering that the guy originally appeared around 3. According to the page's info, it was originally published at 4:10.

Someone moving the CCV 1 day before is really sketchy. I mean, who does something like that on a Saturday?

SpikyAube ago

There were people on the WP article in the comments saying things like 'If pizza gate is true, then how come NO reputable news source has covered it? Give me ONE that has given it any credence' etc. ARGHH! It's like these people are merrily sawing away at the branch they're sitting on.

dontkillmehillary ago

This is a pretty good way to mask popularity of comit ping pong on twitter. CPP can claim the twitter traffic is related to the gunman.

Gothamcity ago

I would imagine it would take a long time for a request to move a camera would take quite awhile in a city like DC. If it wasnt made over a month ago people need to start looking at who requested the move if it happened within the last two weeks. find that person and work from there.

28leinad82 ago

Next step - they will burn the place down, blame it on crazy pizzagate witchhunters, destroy all the evidence and make us look bad all at the same time. Expect it.

Truthology ago

Ha, if so, this must be the quickest debunking of a false flag ever.

mosswitch ago

We aint as dumbed down as we used to be. Many are now fully redpilled.

Kayzza ago

This screams false flag. The news will fucking jump at this, prepare yourselves guys. I'd also start backing shit up on here a lot, just in case. Make it clear no one here was involved or condoned the actions of said potential shooter.

SoManyQuestions ago

On all of the other posts it says, "robbery" or "attempted robbery". On this one they went straight to "Police activity" with no mention of a potential crime. How soon did they realize it wasn't a robbery?

LostandFound ago

24 hours after its decided the basement is in Bucks someone demands the basement of comet be searched, reducing any request on bucks basement harassment.

Ling_Ling ago

He didn't even shoot anyone?

standalone ago

The good thing with that kind of braindead statement is that anyone educated will see that this is a baseless generalisation and smell a cover up. I start to wonder if that's not journalists way of signalling to everyone that they are under a gag order.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You are 100% correct about the baseless generalization. It's a dead giveaway. The only question is the target of the signal. If it isn't what you're guessing, it could be a case of "open complicity" (look it up, but basically means a signal that "I'm in" with the perps). I hope you're right, but don't hold your breath.

Time will tell. There must be some non-babyrapists in journo ranks, and some of them must be quietly posting here, but afraid to speak out publicly.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It's not just people like us looking into this shit now... I mean, you know there has to be AT LEAST ONE powerful person that has seen this and believes it, and hopefully wont let it be buried. Can't we assume there are multiple peope like this?

Queen_Puabi ago

If they haven't been blackmailed yet...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. Not everyone has blackmail that can be used against them.... Right? Or at least not damaging enough to prevent them from doing anything.

I mean. being gay is the black mail used against some people, right? What a good time this would be to come out, as a gay man who helped bring down the D.C pedo ring? That'd do good with common man republican who still has mixed feelings about the gays..

one can hope.

Queen_Puabi ago

We can only hope, yes. This stuff has been going on all the way back to Reagan/Bush Sr.

devnulll ago

This is perfect pretext now for the police now to crack on all the pizzagate posts. They will call it hate crime or something. Now the MSM has a pretext to talk about comet pizza and debunk it as fake etc... definitely false flag op.

standalone ago

Admire how they had 10 police cars ready to dispatch as soon as the incident happened.

AliensInParis ago

Has there been media coverage? If not, doubtful this was a paid-for attempt by HC campaign or CPP.

Rskr202 ago

Another article with witness video. Didn't see it posted yet.


weezwag ago

They look noticeably shaken up having just witnessed a man run into a restaurant with a rifle, while with your kids and wife no doubt? Naat. Cool as a cucumber that guy on the left.

srayzie ago

I think that was a False Flag. It was done to make us look like Conspiracy theorists calling for violence. The media will love this. I knew something would happen to try to make the pizzagate communities look like fricken lunatics. It's also a way to get us to shut up and not allow this discussion anywhere.

HelpingChildren ago

I found this Lucien Zeigle (works for SGSTG writer research), who was in Comet Pizza he has a weird banner at twitter with reptilians, masonic writings, etc on it. https://twitter.com/lucienzeigler/status/805532951001894912/video/1 Then I found these two weirdo's laughing about it who were in there eating. One had a wife and child being held in Politics and Prose by the police for safety. Had not been released when the supposed reporter questioned them. Just to happy, and the wife and child not with them I would be freaking wanting my family. Not sure where the video is from, it was on a post by Faiz Siddiqui https://twitter.com/faizsays/status/805517518689488897/video/1

AreWeSure ago

His family had got out too and were in the bookstore down the street. So they had gotten to safety. Could be happy about that.

HelpingChildren ago

My husband would never let me go any where with out him in a bad situation, he is a real man.

HelpingChildren ago

In weirdo Comet Pizza I doubt that. Been in to many stressful situations, and if you really love some one especially a man you do not act that way. He wants to be the one taking care of his woman and child.

standalone ago

UPDATE 2: CONFIRMED https://twitter.com/DCPoliceDept/status/805514556751708160

J. Random Smith is an obvious shill. He spent his last hour spamming the hashtag with FUD about cyberbullies, false-news and terrorism. Someone can call him out for what he is (I'm not a twitter user)?

Samer ago

Or he closed up the basement.

jml1201 ago


hir0ce1ine ago

This kind of thing happens all the time and doesn’t make the news. The traffic camera outside the shop was moved a day before. MSM is ready to go with their stories of the danger of 'fake news'. Looks like false flag to me. Hopefully there will be people on twitter that can give us a better insight into what happened.

mosswitch ago

Yup, everything points to FF

HarveyKlinger ago

No gun recovered? No ID of suspect.

Seems legit.

2impendingdoom ago

So does anybody think that this guy with gun could have been a child abuse victim?

Meta_Self ago

Has a name been released yet?

AreWeSure ago

Edgar Maddison Welch of NC

waxdino ago

Suggestion: when we call this out for what it is in comment sections, avoid walls of text. Just a suggestion- but people do tend to see walls of texts (even when it's all truth) as "this guy's nuts, I'm not reading it." I think we will get more people's attention with succinct good points.

CandyPanda ago

If you want to surrender the moral high ground to the media, feel free. I know what actually did happen after they bombarded the country with stories about Muslims and others being deported, and that was Ohio State. I don't remember them apologizing?

Skanda ago

The way media interprets facts is often pure propaganda. But that doesn't mean everything on mainstream media is false. If they report something happened, it most likely happened. Now, the way they present it (their interpretation), is another question.

CandyPanda ago

When did I say it was false? That was a pointed response. I said, I don't give a sh*t about their moral concern because they have shown none historically about average citizens.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I kind of agree with the false flag narrative, Elites want to make it as though James "I Love Kiddies" is just a victim of harassment in all this mess, but don't shy away from actual people not connected to the elites might do this, all this makes our bloods boil the deeper we go through it. Very importantly control the media response, find as much info on the person you can to see if they have any connections to the elite circle, dismiss anything MSM might come up with, with actual facts about either James "I love Kiddies" or the man with the rifle.

Freemasonsrus ago

Classic bird dogging.

weezwag ago

If it's true that the place has to be swept thoroughly now for bombs, does that sort of stuff end up in public records? Worth keeping an eye on for sure

nitro169 ago

LOL...But all of the claims against the popular Northwest D.C. pizzeria are false and unfounded.

The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees.

hanknut42 ago

False Flag to make us look even more crazy! of course this happens after weeks of having time to get rid of all evidence ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Gorillion ago

"The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees."

The cops are in on it.

mosswitch ago

Typically yes, they are, but i am interested to see what develops here. Are all DC police co-conspirators in child trafficking? Only time will tell.

standalone ago

This is a false flag. The guy is going to claim that he decided to act after he read so many horrible things on this site and other "fake-news" sites. This will give a justification for the DHS to bury this investigation by making pressure on Voat and other websites who relay the progress to drop the investigation or be forced to shutdown. The guy will be released after an expedited trial that will find that he has been a victim of Russian propaganda.

It's nicely ironic that they didn't even bother to make it realistic. Since when are normal people able to get assault riffles? And since when some guy who has an assault riffle and decides to raid a place doesn't even shoot anyone?

If you didn't pay attention, bill HR 6393 was silently passed in congressed two days ago. It gives to secret services full power to do all actions necessary to prevent the Russian Federation from influencing domestique affairs, including shutting down websites, throwing people in jail etc. Whether something is done by Russia isnt' decided by a judge, and the secret services do not have the burden of proof. In other words, with the HR 6393, they have a license to violate fundamental constitutional rights of anyone at their discretion upon deciding that they know the person is an agent of the Russian Federation. History repeats itself. During the dark age, they would call you a witch. During the cold war, they would call you a communist. Now they'll call you a Russian agent.


Queen_Puabi ago

I was just beginning to get used to Voat after a week of getting aquanted with Reddit before #PizzaGate disappeared. Please link to Steemit so we know what it is. I don't think I've ever been this tech savvy in my life Hahaa

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Can you make a post explaining steemit, and givie people somewhere to go in case this place gets shut down?

LostandFound ago

100% agree do you know a robust backup strategy for this sites content?

ThePuppetShow ago

Bullshit. Everyone here, but you shills, have been pushing "don't contact ANY suspects". It's you CTR idiots that come in here and post bullshit threads like that.

Gorillion ago

The pizza restaurant on Connecticut Avenue recently became the target of harassment and negative reviews on social media after it became a victim of fake news stories that went viral just before the presidential election.

Using the hashtag #PizzaGate, many on social media slammed Comet Ping Pong after floating conspiracy theories claimed the pizza shop along with Hillary Clinton and her campaign were involved in child trafficking and satanic rituals.

I have been briefed on the Comet incident. Suspect is in custody; no injuries were sustained. @DCPoliceDept will provide an update to media— MurielBowser (@MurielBowser) December 4, 2016

But all of the claims against the popular Northwest D.C. pizzeria are false and unfounded.

The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees.

#Breaking: New Video from #cometpizza #dc @fox5dc #fox5dc pic.twitter.com/Sji5Ed8jUS— jeffgep (@jeffgep) December 4, 2016

This story is developing, stay with FOX5DC.com for the latest.

JFC, you weren't kidding. All the standard language like "Harrssment" and the presumptive definitive statement of all claims being false and unfounded.

Didn't even give an author's name on the article "Fox Staff". It was pre-written and passed down from further up the chain is my bet.

TheAwakening ago

Plus they just moved the traffic camera according to this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459306

How convenient...

jml1201 ago

WOW! Get this guys comment to the top. It's is important for people to know.

KingKongisCTR ago

That does seem super fishy...

SlackeryTurnBull ago

We shouldn't let the lying mainstream media portray Alefantis as an "innocent" victim. The "chickenlover" comment alone would be enough to tarnish the reputation of his business.

waxdino ago

That and "hotard." And the pedo idol statute avatar.

reasonedandinformed ago

Article posted at 323 pm...19 minutes after...seems pre-written

Wage_Slave217 ago

Two questions we need to ask about this. How much coverage would we expect of such an incident if this wasn't related to pizza gate? And is it normal for police to do a sweep of the place looking for a bomb after such an incident? If this gets more coverage than is warranted for such a situation this confirms it as a false flag. If the police sweep of the place is unusual conduct for police, this also confirms it as unusual. (The sweep would be a "There's nothing to see here folks." message.)

Freemasonsrus ago

Agreed. No bomb. Just a reason to say there was no basement or suspicious activity.

tobor ago

I agree with the posters stating that this is the time to take to the Internets and airwaves and spread the word and control the narrative. The rest of you pantywaists who get defeated at the first sign of trouble can go fys.

inspectordutch ago

Any publicity is good publicity, ask yourselves this.. did TPTB really have to carry this out?

Truthology ago

"The pizza restaurant on Connecticut Avenue recently became the target of harassment and negative reviews on social media after it became a victim of fake news stories that went viral just before the presidential election.

But all of the claims against the popular Northwest D.C. pizzeria are false and unfounded".

Why are the MSM running with this narrative? They haven't done an ounce of research. This is what makes me the most suspicious about this whole #pizzagate, and that is how the MSM are reacting. They are not directly disputing "claims", instead they are just dismissing out of hand. That is not journalism.

standalone ago

There is no blackswan. There is no flying teapot orbiting planet earth.

You think journalists would know about logic fallacies and not to make baseless generalizations...

technetium82 ago

This is 100% a false flag event. Designed to paint everyone looking into pizzagate as a psychopath and criminal. It looks terrible for everyone involved in investigating this, like we are already saying they are guilty before its proven and taking the law into our own hands.

Which ever way you look at this it looks bad, it gives the MSN liars the perfect chance to go with the "fake news" angle again which they are pushing, the article says everything they are accused of is false and unfounded, and anyone not into conspiracies or aware of what is really going on will just think damn conspiracy nuts taking things into their own hands and never believe any of it again.

So obvious yet it works perfectly for them, fighting this is going to be such a hard and difficult battle, they have control of everything, and the things they don't have control over like alternative news, they are labelling it fake and taking steps to ban that too. So frustrating.

RedGreenAlliance ago


We must use this opportunity to spread the word. Hijack their narrative with ours. Hit every single social media news tweet about this event with memes and links. Hit them so hard any casual person will think WHOA!

Same for all media comment sections. Blast them, if they are forced to close comments that very action also wakes up others to look deeper.

I've already started tweeting on the DC police twitter announcements. Can u believe they had a press conference e in the street with the head of police and the mayor, over an event which ended peacefully?! They'd be busy in Chicago that's all I'm saying

LA_Trump ago

BINGO. Please repost in separate thread and mods please sticky!

Warnos44 ago

Don't drink the kool aid, or you too, will end up like this...

waxdino ago

This is a false flag through and through. How are we gonna stop this?!
The connections are getting too close, people are making too many discoveries. They will get the public behind censoring and criminalizing this investigation. They will find the posts (probably by plants) saying we should raid CCP, that idiot that periscoped himself there (sorry, people seemed to like him, but I always thought that was a dumb move at best, bullshit shillary at worst), and say, "see, these crazy people..."
I and many of you see what's happening and say, ha ha! this makes it obvious we're on to something! But the brainwashed, soros-ed over, blue pilled cattle are going to demonize us....
Maybe we can shift their focus to the real, obvious, verifiable problem of human trafficking, child abuse. And pedophilia rampant in our government. That is one approach to redpilling some folks... one idea. I'm just disheartened by this. Edit: I'm disheartened, not defeated. Let's call them on bullshit, on blast.

LtSilverFox ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459306 look at this then tell me there isn't something goin on here

Prepper_Jack ago

Well, with the area taped off and no foot traffic, it's the perfect time to remove any remaining evidence.

TheAwakening ago

Agreed, I just posted this too, but lets get your post to the top.

Pllatinum ago

This---this is a thing---I would think...

nitro169 ago

I'm telling you that Hawaii was too close for comfort and they had to make the next move, this was all planned.

Queen_Puabi ago


ZunarJ5 ago

Or are they? The intelligence agencies want people to research and educate themselves so they're somewhat prepared before the SHTF. There's a lot of reverse psychology going on here.

save_thechildren ago

Just a guess.....the boy that was raped by Alefantis?? His mother was part owner?? Maybe someone contacted him and he freaked out.

AreWeSure ago

Are you claiming a false flag? Or some new category of fake news?

It seems pretty clear something happened.

tobor ago

BIG WHOOP. We all knew this was coming.

TheAwakening ago

Did he literally just walk in and just look around? And is open carry legal there... if it is then he did nothing wrong?

Warnos44 ago

open carry isnt, concealed with a permit is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_District_of_Columbia

TheAwakening ago

Yea just saw that too, thanks for info

The_Schattenjager ago

When the police sweep that building and they find there to be "nothing" wrong or out of place it will be used to vindicate Comet Ping Pong. This could be bad.

Secondarily, the police could find troubling stuff and give credence to our efforts.

Double edged sword here.

MolochIsAFag ago

Wapo, CBS, and other national media outlets are reporting and running with the "fake news" narrative. At this point it is confirmed to be a psyop/false flag, and they wouldn't risk it if Jimmy hadn't destroyed any evidence at least at CPP. They have been aware of the pizzagate digs for several weeks and have had ample time to cover tracks. Its not like a bomb sweep would find subtle things like DNA evidence and such, unless there was a fucking corpse or HDD full of evidence in plain sight the swat investigation will not yield anything.

Warnos44 ago

There's no way they would find anything at all. They've had a long head start to clean up.

jordankelly ago

Ppl scrolling will see it. You make an impact, trust me. Even if it's just one person it's worth it

VinceFostersGhost ago

Man, all those people in the Reddic DC thread that are shitting on pizzagate...like, wouldn't you want to have at least a little bit of an open mind about all this, instead of calling people who believe it 'crazy'? Wouldn't you at least want to not shit on the idea that there might be some sort of pedo ring going on, just in case it turns out to be true?

For the sake of the kids, don't shit on people who are just trying to protect innocent children.

Warnos44 ago

Yea I was a bit baffled at the comments under the one site that actually allowed comments. It was "oh the trump ppls are trying to make hilary look bad"

DarkOne ago

then we will at least have it confirmed that they have no entry point there. if their is evidence of "basement remodeling"; means they have stopped operation. all good things, no kids being plowed at comet ping pong anymore.

RedGreenAlliance ago

<<<< this

The_Schattenjager ago

Aw snap. You could very well be right about that

LargePizzaWithGate ago

What an absurd world we live in. Fake news protecting a fake ping pong restaurant.

pizzathrowaway ago

I mean, whatever else you think about Comet, it's not a fake restaurant. Hundreds of people eat there every day.

LargePizzaWithGate ago

I know, I'm not being literal.

sugarray ago

Maybe now the police might have a reason to further investigate the place...

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I briefly misread your statement as:

"Maybe now the police might have a reason to further investigate the police..."

RedGreenAlliance ago

So sick, Mockingbird Media.

The whole way it is written is complete biased garbage, how can they possibly know any of the 101 things u covered are "completely false" if they refuse to investigate it?

This IS something, or the media and powers that he would not seek to be so blatant in their covering up. Why the concern to protect a pizza restaurant owner? Like they care about wild allegations and shocking stories any other time but apparently not when it's kids and DC elites involved.

KingKongisCTR ago

Maybe they finally fully cleaned the place up and did this so that they can come out and say, "see, they searched the entire place and there was nothing". Many possibilities.

mosswitch ago

Definitely a possibility

LtSilverFox ago

Kinda wierd how the camera was moved not so long ago either. O_o holy fk they are making this to obvious.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Was just going to type that myself

NoRagrets ago

None of it was true, but the fake stories and threats persisted

Fuck, my bad!
I hadn't realised this whole debacle had been squared away. Oh well, time to go home now boys.

h2d ago

Yup the McMartin preschool case out in Manhattan Beach CA

SpikyAube ago

Maybe he did it to try to bring media attention to the whole thing? Alternatively, it's staged so that they can push the whole 'look how dangerous fake news is, anyone involved in this fake news will be hunted down and arrested' thing. I don't know what I'd do if they did that, it would be so horrific.

llm2016 ago


Skanda ago

Yeah because every single thing reported by MSM must be false, even the weather reports, right?

Go be edgy somewhere else, edgelord.

llm2016 ago


Skanda ago

Yeah you got me red handed! I'm a CTR-employed Jewish Spirit Cook. But I'm a pretty chill dude, you can trust me, goy!

LionParty ago

http://www.fox5dc.com/news/221479396-story News stories are already making this look like some conspiracy nut attacking the restaurant.

Warnos44 ago

Funny how it's considered an attack.

IAmJohnBarron ago

They literally deleted all comments regarding any info and fact about pizzagate then locked the fucking thread

ThePuppetShow ago

Isn't it ridiculously obvious?

llm2016 ago


waxdino ago

Someone called this sort of false flag happening three days ago!

Rskr202 ago

That's what I thought as soon as I saw the tweets about something going on!

LtSilverFox ago

Research the fuck out of this guy !!!!!! We aren't going to let them start a fake news story again. This is another attempt to shhhoooo us away.

jordankelly ago

No, i think we will gain a lot of new followers!

We can use this to our advantage!!

Everyone get on social media we must control the narrative here




infographic from sidebar: https://i.sli.mg/eoWIeB.jpg

RedGreenAlliance ago

I was worried that a false flag event might be staged there, to use that old standby "victimhood", and weaponise the state / media to stamp out PizzaGate. Any objections would be "heartless" and condoning a witch hunt which puts lives at risk (aka the poor staff).

Early says we will wait and see but that's my first thought: false flag. We will know it's a false flag because the media will finally cover PizzaGate but only from the context of attacking "conspiracy theorist nut jobs and cyber bullies"

h2d ago

This isn't at ALL surprising! This is EXACTLY the type of false flag bullshit psyop behind this whole "fake news" crap that's clearly meant to try and lend credibility to their attempts to silence and censor people.

This is exactly what a great YouTuber, Barry Soetoro pointed out in his video at least a few weeks ago [linked form newest to oldest]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wmVLvazRUc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf48D4dHgKg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKfuyfa1bk

tobor ago

Barry Soetoro? LOL. He's laughable.

chaos16 ago

Yeah, this is controlled from Pedos side. Trying to make it sound like we are dangerous. We are watching a periscope that Jack Posobiec shared on his periscope.

openthegates ago

Something doesn't add up here. This is damage control. The New York Times article portrayed Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong as victims. As the heat dials up on them, the measures become more drastic. The public buy into the victim angle further.

Whether this has been concocted or is the work of a lunatic, it does not help our cause either way.

jordankelly ago

not if we dont let them!! we are powerful too!

get this infographic all over the relevant social media posts!!


there will be tonnes of new eyes on this

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'm out of upvoats, so consider this another one for your link to the helpful infographic.

I think the Epstein connection needs to be featured from now on, to bypass people's "outrage card" defense mechanism and show them that it's not a question of IF the Clintons are connected to this sort of stuff.

Lobotomy ago

Hey, I don't know if this is just my computer, but your image seems to be having problems. EDIT: Never mind, it came back.

RexAxisMundi ago

That image is a nice summary. Thabks for sharing.

SpikyAube ago

The comments on the reddit thread made me feel sick, so many people saying it's some nutso conspiracy and how we have to 'ban fake news now' - I can't believe how dumb people are, they clearly just read an MSM article about it and didn't look into it at all. It makes me feel so frustrated and helpless. How can you convince people of the truth, that you're not crazy, when they are just so blind and dumb and stuck?

CredAndBercuses ago

top comment just links to three MSM fake news stories "debunking" pizzagate: BBC, Snopes, NYT.

"for those not familiar with pizzagate, it was a conspiracy theory"


jordankelly ago

Don't give any attention to the negative. Steer toward the positive with all of your being. People are smart, people are waking up. Focus on the smart ppl not the sheep because once we start winning the infowar, the sheep will follow us.

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is either one dumb-fuck ruining a good investigation by letting his fee-fees take control, or it is a false flag meant to make us all look violent and irrational.

Although, I think if they were going to false flag, they may have actually shot some people considering the pedo elites have no regard for human life.

TheAwakening ago

The main thing that makes me think false flag is that the Washington Post already put an article up linking it to "fake news".

Skanda ago

The article appeared almost immediately after ...

madmanpg ago

I see four possibilities here.

1) Actual random coincidence. Not like DC is the safest town.

2) Pizzagater went nuts. Not everyone checking this out is going to be stable.

3) False flag either to discredit pizzagate or allow for shutdown and cleaning of CPP to avoid investigators.

4) Clever pizzagate way of getting LE looking at CPP.

stickittotheman ago

another possibility is since the guys dad is a foster parent perhaps this guy was one of the abused since childhood, or another possibility is it was not even him and are just blaming it on him because maybe he was talking and they need to lock him up..

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

"The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees."


mosswitch ago


Gorillion ago

Well, at least now we know the DC Police Dept is in on it and likely know exactly what goes down on that block.

Don't expect them to be helpful in following any leads. Avoid contacting them with information etc.

TheAwakening ago

That's probably their threat to all of us, next thing they will do is label the pizzagate people terrorists so they can mass arrest or something.

Skanda ago


LostandFound ago

Perhaps it's time to rebrand under #pedogate and distance ourselves from comet where media and police are controlling the narrative entirely. Let's face it not even the most deranged would have walked in with an shotgun, no plan, do nothing and walk out again. This was their move we must make ours.

mosswitch ago

I like #PedoFiles

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

This is exactly what should happen.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I agree.

AreWeSure ago

I think you can change the subject now. Not a possible incident.

Skanda ago

I don't think I can edit thread titles.

ababcb ago

Very possibly a false flag designed to paint us as violent.

jc2017 ago

What a complete setup, it will be reported on all MSM now. This is the excuse they were looking for and now they can really attack. On the positive side, they must be getting scared and you must be getting near to a result.

nitro169 ago

They are scared, you can only get too close to the truth before they are forced to make a move, this was their move...

Silence is not buying them what they need, we need to throw everything we know back at the sheep so they can see it too!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

They've been making moves far before the research started, and many times since. This A MOVE, and by the looks of it, a minimal one, no one's even dead. I'm willing to bet that this call was made by James himself.

Fuck, I have no good reason to say that, other than my gut. My gut also tells me anyone higher up, such as podesta, would have told him NOT to do all of the stupid shit he's been doing.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I wonder if Alefantis is starting to feel like Joe Pesci in "Goodfellas" yet.

...nahhhhh. I'm sure everything is fine and everyone still loves his #spiritcooking pizza oven.

jbooba ago

"The restaurant’s owner and employees were threatened on social media in the days before the election, the New York Times reported, after fake news stories circulated claiming that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief were running a child sex ring from the restaurant’s back rooms. None of it was true, but the fake stories and threats persisted, some even aimed at the employees’ children."

There we have it.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

i'm curoius, are you still holed up in the redfox? do you go there often? Do you always do exactly what police tell you?

YingYangMom ago

False flag detected. Here is the part that everybody obviously missed which is the motive behind it. "None of it was true, but the fake stories and threats persisted, some even aimed at the employees’ children. The restaurant’s owner was forced to contact the FBI, local police, Facebook and other social media platforms in an effort to remove the articles."

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Aren't you allowed to carry guns in America? How does simply having one, immediately lead to swat teams and closed off streets?

Warnos44 ago

DC doesn't allow open carry, only conceal carry with a permit.

stickittotheman ago

Im on the fence,... could be a false flag but could also be someone that has had fucking enough of these evil fucks raping and killing children. The fact he didnt get any shots off leans me to false flag, the media liars will have fun with this. False flag psyops are one of their favorites. They have tons of crisis actors, and high paid conspirators to pull this off as they did sandy hook, boston bombing, 911 etc. I would like to note, if you are a conspirator in these crimes against children you will be put in jail! We will see to it. If you are a crisis actor or other co-conspirator involved in the coverup of the rape and murder of thousands of children there will be no mercy on you once you are dragged in. The time to talk is now.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I'm surprised they did not fake some injuries. Oh well, give them time. They might decide to, after all.

jordankelly ago

Tweet the DC police about pizzagate https://twitter.com/DCPoliceDept

I already tweeted them the up to date infographic here! https://twitter.com/jordances1/status/805524401315680256

If we are quick we can use this to help get more attention on pizzagate!!

Everyone get that graphic on every single related post on social media.


MAGABoomer ago

Could also be a person who was abused there, or knows someone who was...or suspected...need to run the man's name when the put it out. If they don't the story has no legs.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

what do you mean, holed up in red fox! fucking go outside. What are you a slave? What are you doing in red fox any way? that is a pedophile front!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

definitely fake. by washinton post, who have proven themselves pedophile protectors. they use the "fake news" line. they have a full article prepared, yet it just happened. fake! please look for signs of false flag! these idiots think people are stupid, and will not try very hard. easy to catch them out. I can already see they closed off the street. A typical thing to do, in false flags. and what they wont let you out? Go out! do not be fucking sheep. Film what is happening. Every person involved in this, is a person of interest.

AreWeSure ago

Article appeared hours after first police report.

Correction: Actually just checked twitter. They use West Coast time.

The article cites a reference on twitter. Posted as 12:04 PM. Article was written at 4:21. 12:04 twitter time would be 3:04 PM.

So about 75 minutes after other references. This is not unreasonable.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

that is much too soon.

AreWeSure ago

Correction: Actually just checked twitter. They use West Coast time.

The article cites a reference on twitter. Posted as 12:04 PM. Article was written at 4:21. 12:04 twitter time would be 3:04 PM.

So about 75 minutes after other references. This is not unreasonable.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

the news sources are both saying pizzagate is "fake news" and even having an article the same day, is a red flag. Writing is hard, and takes a while. most reputable news, will wait till they have the details too. but thank you, i appreciate your point

AreWeSure ago

Writing is hard? For daily reporters. Daily journalism requires you to be good at getting story on paper. Local metro reporters cover breaking events are known for banging out a story pretty quick. Have been for decades. This is nearly 100 years old.

There is nothing wrong or disreputable about writing a story about breaking event with the known facts and revising and enlarging the story as you go. Just the fact that police blocked off CT Ave on reports of a gunman is enough for an article.

ThePuppetShow ago

that is much too soon.

AreWeSure ago

it's routine that reporters bang out a story like this within an hour. Then update it as more reporting comes in.

Genuinely nothing suspicious about this. The DC police had this on twitter at 3:23 Local reporters routinely follow police twitter, police scanners, etc.

ThePuppetShow ago

I wont argue that, but how often does a man walking into a business with a gun and nothing happening get national media attention? Not to mention, you repeated the same exact thing twice, so I had to do a bot check.

jordankelly ago

This will put more attention on comet ping pong!! Armed gunman in DC, maybe mainstream news will cover it too. We'll see what happens I guess

WewLaddy ago


Queen_Puabi ago

Used up all my up votes so 👍

stickittotheman ago

I tend to agree... watch what happens next week, all the blame will be on this investigation. Fuck them! Dont back down.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Smells of false flag to me. I do not condone violence, and think it will only get in the way of us finding out the truth. The real concern, is the safety of any children still in danger. Alefantis has a whole life time to pay for what he has done. I am glad no one was shot. I think there are children right now, who are in the care of people who should not be anywhere near children, and there are others, we do not even know the identity of yet . That needs to be the focus, I believe. As emotional as we can feel about this, which I have been feeling, we need to channel our emotions into doing airtight work, that will lead to real results.

mosswitch ago

If this was real somebody would be dead. False Flag.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

they are saying in the story that was written before it even happened, that he fired a shot into the ground. i do not recall hearing anyone reporting a shot.

pizzathrowaway ago

murdering someone when there is no direct evidence that a crime has even been committed does not make someone a hero. It makes them an idiot.

llm2016 ago

This person is a SHILL. I caught him/her pulling the exact same craps over and over again.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Thank you. I have had the same feeling. I heard him saying that there is no basement at comet pizza also. Based on what, I would like to know? ...All the same, I did get a bit carried away this morning, and have decide to tone down my comments.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

There is direct evidence. Just his photos warrant being on trial. We still do not know who they are. Do you not think someone would have come forward by now, and said something?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude regardless of my opinion. You can not be talking like this in this forum. No excuses to get this shut down.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

True. I apologise. I hope no one will go and hurt anyone. it would get in the way of real justice. That is about finding out if the children are safe. thank you for pointing out my mistake.

rail606 ago

Yeah but a smarter person would wait for trump to be in office. Either way its better these people rot in jail forever.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

you have been caught defending them a number of times now..

Chance903 ago

There iis NOWAY for anyone to know at this point if this is unfounded...Fucking investigations take time. I should know.

nitro169 ago

The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees.

r3dtr1x ago

Heather Podesta (Tony's ex-wife) is on the Washington DC Police Foundation Board

Queen_Puabi ago

Ohhh seriously? These people are well protected

ScottKnight ago

In my opinion this is great as it brings even more attention to what's going on there.

We know it's shady. We have the evidence to prove it. We've won.

stickittotheman ago

I agree, more focus by the public, most people (with a brain) already know the government are pathological liars. Also more cops on the scene, maybe one of them will poke around and look for a basement, we already know there are some good folks on the NYPD.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

But this is not New york. This is washington D.C. A MUCH smaller area, which means its MUCH easier to keep everyone inline.

stickittotheman ago

Yea... sorry i keep confusing one infested rat-hole with another. Youre probably right about that.

Chance903 ago

Now the Fake Media will say we are stirring this up and we all will get the blame , watch and see if I am not right...it was problely set-up by the Pedo's

Gab001 ago

Smells of #FalseFlag in order to to continue to delegitimize investigation and to eventually CRIMINALIZE investigators in my view. This walk in makes no sense whatsoever in any other way. Anyone?

ScottKnight ago

Personally I think we have far too much evidence

jml1201 ago

Always think of every scenario. This could have been Comet Ping Pong behind this to make this investigation look bad. I hate to bring up politics but let's not forget HC and her campaign paid people to incite violence at trumps rallies. Now if this was a researcher that was pissed off than he clearly wasn't smart on approaching this situation.

Flaaffy ago

This is exactly what I was thinking while reading this. I wouldn't doubt this was staged to give those involved with the restaurant a chance to look like a victim, obtain pity from the public and also a chance to get total media coverage in a sympathetic light.

blackguard19 ago

First thing that came to my mind also, could easily be a staged cover-up attempt. They'll say that internet conspiracy theorists caused this and state that during the arrest the premises were searched and no kiddie rape dungeons were found.

Wage_Slave217 ago

Yeah, I wouldn't put it passed these ppl to do something like that. I know that most ppl on this subverse would outright condemn such stupidity. It doesn't rule it out but this really works in favor of Comet Ping-Pong.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Hopefully it is one of us taking one for the team, maybe a father who lost a child to abduction and reacted by storming the place in an attempt to wake up the world. If that be the case, he may get off with little to no charges as he did no harm. Hopefully he touched and moved everything he saw from rugs on the floor to pantry cabinets and shelves, so bomb squad is forced to do forensic examination and move each and every item he moved and touched.

Wage_Slave217 ago

This looks like possible thread shift to me.

Wage_Slave217 ago

No, this is a bad, bad idea, it makes us look bad. This is emotional thinking, it's a strategically stupid idea. Very stupid. You a shill bro?

jordankelly ago

Or he's brilliant and just trying to get more attention on the place.

We can use this to our advantage!!

Everyone get on social media we must control the narrative here




infographic from sidebar: https://i.sli.mg/eoWIeB.jpg

drain-o ago

This is what should happen immediately. The news story has major stank on it. I don't trust it. I remember seeing a video recently predicting something like this might happen. I'll see if I can dig it up later.

ThorTheWonderful ago

If the police have to sweep with the bomb squad, that means forensics, that means if there is any thing that could be found within the perimeter of that sweep, we will know. Hopefully that will include trace DNA and discovery of the basement and or tunnel.


this is actualy a genius idea to get police on the scene if that is the case

Ling_Ling ago

That's assuming the DC Police aren't crooked as fuck...

ThorTheWonderful ago

I'm sure there are good ones but you are right there, the hierarchy of the police is most likely corrupt as fuck!

Meta_Self ago

why would they test for DNA in a bomb sweep.

But this can be advantageous as it's like any other surprise search.

ThorTheWonderful ago

If they do residue search and find trace bio agents, that would force them to expand the search. Anything can become reasonable cause. If they want it to.

Meta_Self ago

They've already finished the search and found nothing :|

l23r ago

"nothing" is exactly what the pedo masters want the MSM to report was found. This was totally an inside job and not a random nutjob.

Meta_Self ago

Yeah, no one in this community is advocating violence.

ThorTheWonderful ago

It is now confirmed the place has a basement, how could they finish the search already... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1461247

Meta_Self ago

They probably did a lousy job.

memegod420 ago

I think you're being a bit hopeful. First and foremost, the entire premise here is that millionaire and billionaire politicians use this as some type of pedophile sex ring. To think they wouldn't have gotten rid of all the evidence when this started catching speed a few months ago is naive.

Secondly, even if what I said above was not the case, these things tend to be contained. What I mean by that is, they aren't going to be looking for blood samples if they are looking for bombs. Of course if they find something out in the open, that's one thing, but as I said in number 1, this is a group of millionaires and billionaires, and to think they wouldn't have cleaned up by now is extremely naive.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Another post found more photos and we now have photographic evidence of a basement, so.. They are liars. As for billionaires, they have been doing this in the shadows a long time and the more power and comfort they feel, the more mistakes they make. Their network has grown and they have been trying to normalize pedophilia, so they get careless and they might actually think they have taken over the world. Except the fact that Trump screwed that up for them.

So yes, it looks like they are in panic mode trying to cover things up while still fighting to get their prize, power over the US, disarm US civilians and kill free speech.

We have them from all angles now, they are fighting for power, fighting free speech, fighting #pizzagate and the whole nine yards. They are hurting bad and as long as we do not give up, we do not stop, they will soon crumble.

These photos give us absolute proof that Comet Ping Pong has a basement..

Here is the main floor, you can see the rafter above. https://www.flickr.com/photos/expo86/2818439733/in/faves-76789827@N03/ Also if you look at the outside of the building you can clearly see there is no room for any upper level, not even a crawl space.

Now here is the basement where you can clearly see FLOOR JOISTS.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/metalchris/5710493003/in/faves-76789827@N03/

Somebody archive these photos before they take them down please.. These are proof of a basement!!


SpikyAube ago

Could that be the back room that they talk about, instead of a basement? I remember them saying there is a back room where they have gigs. So we should make sure it's not that.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I guess I didn't link the picture that shows the heavy floor joists, you are right that the pic I did link to shows light joists.

ThorTheWonderful ago

The floor joists are the issue for a "single story" building even the back room wouldn't have floor joist above them unless they were in a basement. You should see rafters.

l23r ago

MirrorMan ago

We'll know for sure about the existence of the basement hopefully. Just that lie alone will win over a lot of people.

brokencookie ago

Guys let's slow down and think for a moment. If this was a planned FF,designed to stop "fake news" and clamp down on the internet, with a side "benefit" of chipping away at the 2nd amendment, don't you think the guy would have "shot" and "killed" a bunch of people?

standalone ago

Why bother doing good quality stuff when cheap stuff works equally well? So long as they get to do whatever they want and people move on to next news of the day without asking questions, it's all good. See, the pentagone lost USD 20 Trillion and people couldn't even be bothered to care. Must be irritating to have made so much efforts for decades to pull masterful moves in the art of deceit only to realise that in fact no-one really cares.

SpikyAube ago

No, because the people in there are part of their gang. They only don't care about killing nice normal people.

drain-o ago

Either way, the only thing we can do about it at the moment is research the perp and get the word out to combat the "pizzagate is totes debunked" narrative. Normies reading this story are probably already searching google about it right now.

anonmoose ago

Has a case where someone walks into a business with a weapon, takes no hostages, then surrenders without firing, made it to MSM this quickly before? Then to try and debunk Pizzagate in the 2nd paragraph seems very suspicious IMO.

nitro169 ago

If this is a FF it was a failure because he was most assuredly suppose to open fire and be killed to limit investigation.

PizzaAccount ago

It's hard to convince someone to do a job for you when you killed the last guy.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

those take more preparataion. this had to be done quick

Phobos_Mothership ago

My thoughts exactly. The pedo elite would not have any problem with actually killing a few people to make the point.

LA_Trump ago

It's one of us. He went straight to the back to look for the tunnels or a basement. Also, SWAT is forced to do a bomb sweep now...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. What the fuck. Speak for your fucking self. I would never do something this retarded, and I'm willing to be the majority of people on this sub wouldn't either.

Think before you speak in a thread that's being watched by people who strong motive to bury this.

connornm777 ago

Yeah, if SWAT isn't compromised this could be a +. Looks like no-one was hurt.

jml1201 ago

We need to get this guys name and what he looks like. I want to research who this guy is and if he has connections to Alefantis.

EDIT: Traffic cam at CPP was removed as of yesterday. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459306

sheer-con ago

Right. Was thinking the same thing. Related to the cam being moved first to prevent info on this false flag.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

How convenient...They are so dumb. I'm not saying the people at the top. But this jame fuck.

This will not work.

This will hurt his case because one of you autisiic cunts are going to prove this was a false flag. Moving the camera yestarday, Is a good start.

Just like everything else he's attempted to do since this broke... Not to mention all the shit he's done stupidly in the past that is now a big factor.

That being said, Back up everything always, Regardless of what's happening. The only way this story goes away, Is if the people that have already been talking about it, stop talking about it.

Lets not do that.

philomath ago

justforthissubverse ago

Probably not far from the truth

Wage_Slave217 ago

http://sli.mg/4Y5AVb He drives a Prius w/ NC tags.

Ling_Ling ago

A Prius.... and he presumably had an AR15?

That doesn't add up.

Wage_Slave217 ago

That was my thinking exactly. Why did someone downvote you? Wtf?

TheAwakening ago

I hope someone can come up with something before it spreads like wildfire to the uninformed masses =/

lawfag123 ago

The NYT said it was fake news and you guys didn't believe them. Now look what you all did!

Shut it down.


mosswitch ago

the Goyim know... oy vey

YouaremeandIamyou ago

what do you mean?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Using /s means "sarcasm"

YouaremeandIamyou ago

cheers. i learn something new each day

Shadybozza ago

how much are u being paid ?

lawfag123 ago

I was being sarcastic :)

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Sarcasm is hard on the internet......i think I am gonna try to stay away from it for now on.

Shadybozza ago

My bad

lawfag123 ago

All good. Thanks for being here

looking4truth ago

We predicted this a long time ago. They arent event trying to be creative with their cover ups and false flags.

jml1201 ago

What if that was planned by Comet ping pong?

nitro169 ago

No MSM is reporting on this yet...hmnnnn....

quantokitty ago

False flag to shut us down.


mosswitch ago

Definitely a FF and coordinated headlines across multiple MSM all saying the word "FAKE" is their headline, blaming the FAKE CONSPIRACY THEORY for this... Too convenient.

jordankelly ago

Or he's brilliant and just trying to get more attention on the place.

We can use this to our advantage!!

Everyone get on social media we must control the narrative here




infographic from sidebar: https://i.sli.mg/eoWIeB.jpg

SteveSilvestri ago

Is it really that unbelievable that it could just be a crazy guy who wanted to be a vigilante? Is that impossible?

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

This is exactly why I have been protesting to get this fucking video taken down since it was put up. All it does is inspire the crazies, through false information (that document was debunked a month ago), and not even originally supposedly obtained from comet), to do something violent under the guise of smoking gun evidence. I'm so fucking pissed right now. The amount of pizzagate youtube videos with blatantly false information is fuel to discredit the real info, and fuel to inspire public outrage. If we want to prove this as real, we have to remain truthful, and this video is not that. I have been pleading with SGTReport to take this down, since the day he put it up....


llm2016 ago

Member for 23 minutes. Shill Alert.

SteveSilvestri ago

Yeah no, my name's Steve Silvestri, I just registered. I heard about PizzaGate moving here when yall got banned from Reddit, and I've been kinda fascinated by this whole movement. I could link you to my reddit account, that goes all the way back to my high school years, or you can look me up on Facebook, but I'm not a shill

cyks ago

Prove it. Post a photo of yourself, your home w/ address, your car w/ license plate. Lets see your photo ID and where you work.

SteveSilvestri ago

Well I'm not gonna do that, because that's insane. If you wanna assume I'm a shill just because I registered very recently, then by all means, please believe so.

moreAkin ago

Could be. If it was a crazy vigilante, why didn't he shoot someone?

ababcb ago

I'd say both scenarios are equally possible.

ZunarJ5 ago

Either scenario will get the attention of more people. I don't think Alefantis and co. want that so I'm inclined to go with the FBI sting scenario.

quantokitty ago

Nothing is impossible. But if he were crazy, he would have done something crazier than walk in brandishing a weapon. I mean, WTH would that do? Get you arrested.

To me, it sounds like a false flag.

Queen_Puabi ago

I agree. Especially if it was a shotgun. Dumb...

YouaremeandIamyou ago

what do you mean, confirmed? that is a sign of fakery!

KnowThyself ago

What kind of fakery? Can you elaborate?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

the articles were prewritten. all by outlets that have been protecting the pedophiles. It is not a crime to carry a gun, anyway.

Warnos44 ago

YouaremeandIamyou ago

thanks. didn't know

YouaremeandIamyou ago

too soon to have an article ready, and it is by washington post, which has called pizzagate "fake news"

YouaremeandIamyou ago

so it's in the news, within ten minutes, and you call that confirmed? I call it highly suspicious.

AreWeSure ago

Where are you getting ten minutes from?

D.C. Police detain suspect with a weapon at Comet Ping Pong restaurant December 4 at 4:21 PM

That's 4 hours after this tweet

‏@alanhenney MAN W/RIFLE AT COMET PIZZA, Connecticut Av and Nebraska Av NW-DC. MPD surrounding restaurant and may be calling SWAT-ERT.

12:04 PM - 4 Dec 2016

**Correction: Twitter time is west coast time, so that should be 3:04 PM So over an hour, not four hours.

KnowThyself ago

I call it confirmed that the story happened. I'm not making any statements beyond that.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

wrong! it is a red flag. Now fox already has an article prepared too. Open your eyes. You are allowed to carry fucking guns there!

KaliPhobos ago

only confirms what we already knew: guards inside for every public event and cops ready to strike at any moment.

But sure, why arrest the pedos when you can also let copy protect them? :P

DarkOne ago

a perfect pretext for police to investigate... interesting.

(edit) False flag proven: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459306

(edit2) article before incident happens: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1461923

Godwillwin ago

But if they don't find the basement freezer room then they will just close the investigation :(

Maybe the basement is at bucks or maybe it's at goat hill or maybe in Hawaii. The thing is that these people are definitely up to something they're hiding but law enforcement is choosing to look the other way

DarkOne ago

yea, but we got blindsided by this; https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459306

Don't really know what the intention of this is or if the police are directly involved but this screams look false flag. have no clue how this is going to play out.

Godwillwin ago

The video disinfo has been taken down. What was in it?

DarkOne ago

hahaha. "fake news" probably.

brokencookie ago

I'm hopeful some good cops pulled this. The event was not violent enough or flashy enough for MSM to be a FF in my opinion.

KnowThyself ago

"... bomb techs will sweep Comet and man’s car parked outside."


Edit: Either that, or it's another excuse to demonize #pizzagate

nitro169 ago

I think we got a little to close with the Hawaii connection and they needed control of the narrative...

Queen_Puabi ago

Yes, was just reading about the Hawaii connection.

Chance903 ago

I agree with you 100 % this could be set-up like a false flag in order to shut us down.

TheJesusDude ago

No way. He would have shot people if it was a false flag. Him bringing in a weapon (was it even loaded? we don't know) into a public space is the fastest way to get police attention to a place.

Chance903 ago

I just don't buy it, feels convenient .

NakatomiBaby ago

CPP, alone, is only a small piece of the puzzle. Regardless of the type of investigation, if this is a legitimate incident, it will only shed light on this topic. Any publicity is good publicity. Imo.

Flaaffy ago

I hope you're right... I wouldn't be surprised if they used this tactic to paint the Voaters as the bad guys in this.

Looks like we have to wait for the articles to start being published to find out.

DarkOne ago

or the reverse; someone did it to force the police to go thru comet ping pong. it is definitively a false flag, but for what purpose remains to be seen.

Chance903 ago

When we get information on the actor lets see who he is, I call False flag to discredit us, using fear mongering as an excuse.

DarkOne ago

time will tell.

derram ago

https://archive.is/vmLZJ :

Possible incident at Comet Ping pong DC : washingtondc

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