xmen ago

How prophetic is this ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1461221

I just hope you are wrong and that they will use this event to investigate... hope... well

llm2016 ago

It just happened. They are desperate.

Skanda ago

anon123 ago

Well Pizzagate started with WikiLeaks emails. That means Assange was faked and spent 10 years of building credibility just for the sole purpose of leaking emails with pizza and hotdog and handkerchief code word in it. All while risking and losing an inevitable presidential campaign by purposefully putting her emails on a private server. They also find a pawn to run a random pizza parlor for 8 years and change his name to "I love children" in french and tell him to put up creepy Instagram photos and book creepy bands for events. All in the sake of hoping some random suspicious internet users can find the code in their email and keep connecting dots on clues just so they can ramp up censorship. Idk, seems pretty unrealistic to me.

bangbang ago

A false flag here would be used as a cover up. Also to discredit the organizations that jumped on #pizzagate and scrutinized CPP as libel and defamation. It's obvious that MSM networks are losing the trust they used to have, they're being revealed as the propaganda machines they are. They're losing viewership to alt-media and the internet, so they'd poison the well, as a way to staunch the bleeding, as it were.

anon123 ago

But risk losing the presidency in the process? Doesn't sound like a logical risk/reward to me.

0rion ago

I agree with your assessment. But consider this: wouldn't losing the Presidency for 1-2 terms be worth it if it meant total censorship of the internet, thus resulting in a return to old media that the elite have total control of?

anon123 ago

I don't think they could gain total censorship with Trump in office. Plus there's also risk of public catching on to "corrupt Hillary in general" but not to "Pizzagate specifically". Also risk of backlash. But yes, if they could somehow pull that off, total censorship while Trump in office, it would probably be worth it.

Kwijibo ago

"Fake News" was invented because of PizzaGate.

PurelyCoincidental ago

They wouldn't try to censor it if it wasn't something very dodgy! There's been rumours for years now we just need to get them to start cleaning up their operations as such!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I'm thinking the whole thing might be a Psyop for this reason. Either the "fake news" story was created to divert from Pizzagate, or Pizzagate was created to justify the "fake news" story. In the latter case, the whole Pizzagate might be a false flag, concocted to justify internet censorship.

looking4truth ago

I thought that was too. But then the pizzagate scandal was not something the elite had control of in the first place . it was exposed by wikileaks so I doubt this is false flag .

0rion ago

That's of course assuming that WikiLeaks itself is not a false flag. I don't think that it is, but we should at least consider it.

ababcb ago

I think any information released by wikileaks after Assanges disappearance on October 18th should be treated with suspicion .

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


TheAwakening ago

Sadly this seems true, they come here for ideas because they have none of their own.

LostandFound ago

I think short of actually proving something that's exactly what this has the potential to turn out as. Forget the shooting etc. any news source that carries this ... if this ultimately goes nowhere is probably in a world of hurt.

ababcb ago

I think the 'grand conspiracy' is unlikely to come out in full unfortunately (FBI anon made it clear they aren't going to risk taking down our entire government) but I think the evidence uncovered has provided enough ammunition for taking down some of the offenders (like these creepy adoption agencies), one at a time.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So the FBI considers actual mass ritual child sacrifice an acceptable cost of doing business? Is that really what FBI Anon is telling us?

ThinCrust ago

Which is BS. I want those who are involved to be held accountable.

gangstabee ago

There ain't really shit here.