redberries ago

Yes, make a new thread with the suggested title please, this has to hit headlines.

Oh my god, this just keeps getting worse and worse... The cop's a fucking pedoprotector, possibly a pedo himself.

Veronica Best’s 11-year-old daughter was raped in 2008. She says Peter Newsham, then an assistant chief, played a role in the mishandling of her daughter’s case. She spoke to reporter Marina Marraco.

Marina Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham lie to you?”

Veronica Best: “In my opinion he did.”

Marraco: “Is Peter Newsham a liar?”

Best: “In my opinion he is.”

Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham ruin your daughter’s life?”

Best: “He did more than ruin my daughter’s life—my husband, myself, family members, close friends. It’s been eight, nine years and we’re not over it.”

Best’s daughter was raped by multiple men at just 11 years old. Her daughter, who is still emotionally recovering from the 2008 aggression, was charged with filing a false report after her account of events were found to be inconsistent-- despite several medical accounts detailing her sexual injuries and the findings of multiple samples of semen on her underwear. Best says it was Newsham who allowed investigators to charge her 11-year-old daughter over locking up the men who raped her.

ProbablyHoly ago

That's the one, thank you. "Veronica Best’s 11-year-old daughter was raped in 2008. She says Peter Newsham, then an assistant chief, played a role in the mishandling of her daughter’s case. She spoke to reporter Marina Marraco."

ProbablyHoly ago

Image not there?