pmichel ago


wizlord ago

Amazing find. Thank you everyone. Keep digging!!!

ProbablyHoly ago

That sounds like the constitutional way forward to catch the criminals, then the citizens must form a grand jury of their peers in order to review and judge the masses of evidence being compiled by researchers.

I think given the repugnancy of secrecy within Government, all members of fraternities must no longer serve two masters and be made to declare all allegiances to agencies outside of the Government itself, which should serve as a beacon of truth and justice.

Each state must identify key corporate players in the devil's rigmarole and extract their powerbase. Send out a message not only do we as a citizenry take law and order very seriously, we are committed to Gods plan for our bodies to heal through nourishment and and cessation of chemical bombardment and psychological bombardment. Look at our own lives as a microcosm of the universe. Society lead by the best amongst us and not the least. Privileges reserved for those most in service to their fellow man and not in a mechanism of false philanthropy dualism.

MolochHunter ago

This young lady, if she is up to it - and it would be perfectly understandable if she weren't - could be the posterchild for this movement

Yuke ago

I've got two things on this: 1. I think it's imperative that we stay a collective force and we do not promote anyone to figurehead/poster-child status. One person can be worked on/debunked/ a mass like this cannot. 2. The article provided tells us that she is a bit of a mess (not her fault, but still), not someone we would want as a figurehead.

FriesischShipping ago

The new guy they bring in has the name "New Sham". That's not obvious.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Has anyone posted this story to the FB "Stand with Comet" bull shit that's going on? I fucking will right now actually. What a circle jerk.

FuckTheseSickos ago

And done. Fuck it. Few drinks and anonymity goes out the window.

eiggaMAD ago

Follow up on how it went?

FuckTheseSickos ago

No reply or acknowledgement back yet.

ProbablyHoly ago

Don't worry, we are all with you.

redditsuckz ago

This is why no Law Inforcement Agency will EVER look into Pizzagate - You are now the ONLY investigators

nitro169 ago

Thats a messed up story, wtf...

micha_ ago

A monster well suited to cover the pedos and satanists.

ProbablyHoly ago

Veronica Best’s 11-year-old daughter was raped in 2008. She says Peter Newsham, then an assistant chief, played a role in the mishandling of her daughter’s case. She spoke to reporter Marina Marraco. Marina Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham lie to you?” Veronica Best: “In my opinion he did.” Marraco: “Is Peter Newsham a liar?” Best: “In my opinion he is.” Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham ruin your daughter’s life?” Best: “He did more than ruin my daughter’s life—my husband, myself, family members, close friends. It’s been eight, nine years and we’re not over it.” Best’s daughter was raped by multiple men at just 11 years old. Her daughter, who is still emotionally recovering from the 2008 aggression, was charged with filing a false report after her account of events were found to be inconsistent-- despite several medical accounts detailing her sexual injuries and the findings of multiple samples of semen on her underwear. Best says it was Newsham who allowed investigators to charge her 11-year-old daughter over locking up the men who raped her.

Millenial_fuckboy ago

Think about this, ALEFANTIS is in a relationship with John Podesta,

We just did an OP and the fuckheads MODS deleted it

Phobos_Mothership removed 32 minutes ago on 12/14/2016 4:52:17 AM

"rule 3"


FLASH: Brock Say's he 'Broke Up' with Alefantis 5 years ago, and NOW Alefantis has a "Relationship with Podesta" - Get that Folks Alefantis is NOW Podesta's FUCK BOY (v/pizzagate)

submitted 38 minutes ago by [deleted] to pizzagate


yabbadoody ago

I'm just entering this convo, and Brock saying that Podesta is "in a relationship" with Alefantis is CLEARLY what that means.

He's not talking about bridge partners on Wednesday evenings, and Alefantis himself has been reluctant to name anyone, but claims in articles that his current beau lives "in New York", so that would certainly not rule of PODESTA, whom has probably been HQ'd in NY for much of the year with Hillary's campaign and other business.

Occam's razor. 2+2. Not brain surgery.

NOT THAT IT MATTERS< but if someone wants to label me a shill for pointing out the obvious, then it falls back to you. Sorry.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Shill fuck

derram ago :

An 11-year-old reported being raped twice, wound up with a conviction - The Washington Post

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