wh0care ago

if they have real proof of the hacking why just not show them and let others hackers/techies verify it for themselves, and not just posting randoms screenshot that will not convinve anybody serious in this kind of investigations... Also , that the supposed hacked data cant be use on court, ok, but they should be able to check in the computer ! they should be able to investigate them !

and why want to stayanonymous? he should go public now its his best security IF his story is true..."they" supposedly know where he live now, he told the police about the hack (supposedly) so what the hell is he scare about now? go public, show us some proofs and not only randoms screenshot and claims on a youtuber channel !

Again, i really hope to be true, but i highly doubt of it....IF they are LARPers they should be ashamed to LARP about this...just my opinion...everything is paid in life...Karma will get them one day, i hope...

Here an other thread speak about this video already (some good comments, check it) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1640039

VieBleu ago

I don't care to argue much about this, but your comments were so obviously wrong I had to. Sorry! maybe you haven't seen more info, not trying to be rude. It isn't possible to keep up with everything all the time. And maybe i've got something wrong, are you talking about Titus Frost, the CPP computer hack and the CP found there? If so, then:

  1. He has not distributed it yet because the evidence is in the hands of the police. Like it or not, they told him to sit on it. There are boundaries involved.
  2. The computer had a bullet put through it supposedly remember? the local police for this guy (or the hacker) are prob not DC police and have no jurisdiction to take the CPP computer.
  3. He is not anonymous, his name is out there I have seen it and he did a debate yesterday where he said his first name,.and his first and last name are on threads I've seen today. Dean somebody.

so those are your arguments. i hope you will consider the very real counterarguments and get some hope back.

wh0care ago

thanks for answering me ,i am all for proove me wrong anyway, it make us all "win" at the end ! ;) and yes i didnt know what u say here , i didnt follow this enough, u are right...IF he not lie and police have already some stuff, if i was him i told at where police station i went so people can verify if true or not just by a phone call.. (easy to do...)

any link maybe for this debate ? iam interested to watch it ! Thanks

Anyway i hope he is not Larping here..cose if its for real ,THIS is a serious smoking gun obviously... but i still keep doubts for moment..

VieBleu ago

No prob - yes we have to help each other, be kind and not fight together. I can use that lesson as much as anyone. We are here because our good hearts love children after all. So here is the link to debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiPFVquRnlI

He shows some evidence of emails to the police department. the debate was yesterday, he made the video showing the CPP website today. It is interesting to hear how the person dismisses some of the circumstantial evidence. I agree a piece here or there could be explained, but then it gets to be too much. Someone said his full real name somewhere but I don't know where now. I still have skepticism at all times, so I think maybe there is 20% chance somehow this is not real, he is LARPing or someone fooled him. but it would be a pretty stupid tactic to "fool" everyone by saying there is a bunch of cheese porn on CPP website, if there really was some! I would think they would try to attack his character and attack him online, and he is getting plenty of that. Curious what you think after you take a look and think about it.

Dawnflight ago


iamthepizzanow ago

I'd take his word over yours. Just sayin.

Dawnflight ago

I know that you think its the old titus frost video but this was made a few days ago. Theres child porn on the comet pizza website. What do have to say now?

wh0care ago

he claim there is CP on comet pizza website, big difference, those claims was made in december too, and people still waiting for proof, and here all i see "new" is the screenshot supposedly for proove that he had some emails with some Police..(its can be easily faked)...

i would love this to be true, cose its could mean that "somewhere" there is proof against CometPizza..but i highly doubt of it...why not sharing some real proofs about the hack ? its should not be that hard to do ,especially since he claims to have shared it to police...something dont add up with this whole story....

edit: according to other comments on the proof for the hack, its seems that the police told him to "sit on it" and kept it...its understandable, even if its also convenient for an eventual LARPing... So, well, who know ?...not me xD.. lets hope its true and it will go out soon !

Long_Knife ago

nothing says bullshit like SMOKING GUN

Dawnflight ago

How is it bullshit? All the police have to do is make arrests

Dawnflight ago

This is evidence on the comet pizza website, this wasn't shown before.