Mommyplayer571 ago

Saudis were in pic on We The Pizza Instagram. 8chan got taken down a few days after I mentioned it was posted there. Sad if some files are missing. Maybe the worst of D.C. Pedo rings is something we don't even know about yet.

MattHelm ago

True. We should have gone to war in 1973 against Saudi Arabia and taken their oil fields and killed all of them. You can thank Henry Kissinger for us never doing that. Henry told Nixon not to do it and ever since we have been giving those disgusting assholes everything they want including our kids. Disgusting.

IamCuriousGoat ago

Saudi Arabia owns the pizza-blocks

/v/pizzagate has always banned mention of saudi ties to pizzagate, because #1 customer of Dyncorp/Palantir (Peter Theil ) who owns Voat/YC will not tolerate mention of their #1 customer.

Saudi Arabia is the destination of all child sex slaves since 1972, when the US Dollar went off GOLD and went PEDO.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago


Phenomenonanon ago

With is this

IamCuriousGoat ago

Saudi Arabia / Israel is owner of the entire PEDO-Gate operation, after all it was MOSSAD some 50+ years ago that started the co-opt of politicians with child-sex, and in 1972 when the USA went off the gold standard, the only collateral of interest to Saudi to accept US-DOLLARS was unlimited supply of children forever.

DonKeyhote ago

So Saudi elites are insatiable pedophiles? What evidence is there for that (and don't give me muhammmad)? The dollars value is derived from the confidence people have in the u.s. governments ability to maintain it btw

Fightforright ago

What 'confidence' do the people have in our government today?