Sermo_Ludere ago

Never Believe Anything Until Officially Denied

Always remember that.

anoneko ago

hahaha ageists BTFO

told you you were nothing but expendables used as a leverage to sink Hillary during the elections

now that the goal is achieved nobody needs you anymore, go to sleep

RaspberryPi ago

Controlled opposition is everywhere. Let it steel your mind but don't let it discourage you. Its possible Infowars, wikileaks, Seaman, Trump are all controlled opposition. Never forget how much resources the deep state has, how much time this has been going on. Just remember critical thinking, not jumping to conclusions, make your own mind up about everything.

stellarcorpse ago

Not an issue for me,. I am a misanthrope.

RaspberryPi ago

And motivations. Motive is not that important in court and is hard to prove. But why someone might want to do or say something, is a good clue to the truth.

TheSpeaker2 ago

We don't need to dig into the past to determine that Jones is compromised. Simply look at his website, where you get a regular dose of neoconservative lunacy on a daily basis. Pictures of Kim-Jong Un's face in front of mushroom cloud is sensationalist fearmongering at its worst.

North Korea and Iran are often used as diversionary reporting whenever its needed, and Jones is right in the middle of this. When there is something out there they don't want you to see, this is what they go to.

Infowars is no longer libertarian or focused on actual conspiracies; it's a sideshow circus designed to instill fear in people.

Jones is an asshole. Turn him off!

Scablifter ago

I believe he was given some lethal arguments as to what to say.

nnfx ago

Yes, probably 10 years ago. -.-

VieBleu ago

Ha ha I'm going to get crucified for this -

Alex Jones makes a lot of off the cuff speechs about liking being a good human being and doing what you know is right and fighting for it if you have to. He may rub a lot of people the wrong way but he has taught me more about fighting squarely for my beliefs and standing my ground than any parent, school or religious group. I don't agree with maybe a quarter or so of what he says at any one time but I really value that fighting spirit he has. He is in many ways a dazzling speaker and sometimes makes me laugh out loud while delivering the worst ideas.

I believe the argument that he saw a threat coming that his lawyers and he decided was going to distract and possibly destroy him. He loves life and wants to live and he saw what happened to Breitbart and Hastings. While still alive he thinks he can do more good disarming a lawsuit than becoming absorbed in one.

ok c'mon and bash away at me, or better yet surprise everyone and just yawn and leave me be.

stellarcorpse ago

this is not about a law suit and this is the last time I will ever type these words here or anywhere.

VieBleu ago

you can erase the comment. it's ok. but I've never seen him read out a printed statement like that, it looked and sounded like an agreed upon statement to stop a legal action to me. How can you be so sure? you can pm if you like.

are you saying it is not a law suit it is worse - a death threat. I agree I said that too.

stellarcorpse ago

Death threat to his family. I say this because I have listened to AJ for over 11 years. He has encountered all sorts of nefarious & shady people and exposed them and received multiple death threats and I have never , ever seen him grovel like this. He would have taken a bullet to the head rather than do what he just did. At least the AJ I thought I knew.

VieBleu ago

I totally agree. I do think there were lawyers involved drafting that statement though. Worded to exactly appease.

kekistocrat ago

What a fat piece of Israeli puppet shite. Fuck him and the 'witness'-Mossad-cointel-actor-fuck horse he rode in on. This smells of a setup right from the gate: Have AJ include Pizzagate in his normal diatribe long enough to gain a tonne of views only to (become the strawman) outwardly apologize and confess that it's not true and therefore become the burden that everyone wants to hate. Sort of an intellectual version of the Comet 'shooter'/patsy/actor/hoax.

samhara ago

Cooper Called him out as the liar he is. FWIW.

And I don't trust "Cooper" either.

Really people are emotionally invested and don't want to believe the worst of this guy. It's too twisted. I sympathize.

But the longer people refuse to see it, the more damage "Jones" will do; and the more he can string people out and dead - end the movement. Maybe "Jones'" rating will crash and he will pull a "Howard Beale"

I don't know what will ever Damn up his stupid mouth; He needs to Stop and Shut Up.

stellarcorpse ago

I will have to look into that. I did read the book Behold a Pale Horse. Great one.

samhara ago

Nope. "He" was dirty from the start. The original Alex Jones is not the same man. - -

ASolo ago

He always was!

Fuck him!

It's because of Jones big mouth and irrational fashion altogether, over time, and taken together that has finally come back to haunt him. His bloated style, right leaning good old boy gun toting conservatism is what is being used as a catalyst for the motivations of pizzagate shooter Edgar Welch. All of it is being squarely blamed on the incendiary notions of Alex Jones. This is because Alex Jones hopped on the story too quickly and didn't do his own research on the matter and passed on the allegation of sensationalism current at the time from disinfo agents and hyperbolists.

I've never agreed with the overblown premise that Alefantis was trafficking children out of his space on Connecticut Ave. But through subsequent investigations into the artistic preferences of the establishment's patrons, its late hours, and no age limit events most discerning adults would agree that this is not the safest place for children, night or day. To suggest he ran a sacrificial ring there and in his basement was ludicrous, to a degree, but certain authors and myself were cautious about over interpreting what WikiLeaks was implying. I tried many times to try and quell certain voices that were continuously trying to push fantastical and overwhelming imaginings to the front of the line. Of course the MSM condensed version made it even worse. Now we can say, with much certainty, that both these issues outlined above now effecting pizzagate, have counterintelligence aspects working in concert with each other. Shills and disinformation plant superfluous information, like underground tunnels, baby coffins and kill rooms instead of the relevant issues like artistic pursuits, influence lobbies and corporate social engineering, the likes of the ten essays by Yoichi Shimatsu. Then Jones apologizes and pulls all your asses down with him and makes us ALL look like idiots. Nice one Jones, I would say you owe some people their money back.

Unlike Alex Jones authors like myself and others we have not advocated impulsive, incendiary or even confrontational approaches to the pizzagate scandal. While I know that Jones does not either, his temperament and stance dictates otherwise, and I can see how easy it would be to stir up one of his more unstable fans. We've all been saying this about you for years now Alex, along with your current alignment with the 'far right' and your 'roger'ized trumptards I would say that you have done your job right and a good portion of your fans are mentally and governmentally 'vetted'.

Some of us were smart enough to avoid the sensationalism. And some of us are not out for profit (which is another reason we know you're a cointell shill is that you don't want to risk your huge member funded bank account to back up your fat ass) and your incorrect hurried claims, at least what Shimatsu writes about can be backed up by affidavit by simple internet sourcing.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Mostly well said, but "#killroom" was a term used by Alefantis & co. on Instagram before PG ever started, so complain to them if you don't like the term being used.

VieBleu ago

I do think children were brought into that "kids party room" with the black curtains and sick bands. There was a video of a guy caught herding 5 boys out the back door early on. Besta Pizza takes up a lot of square footage for the size of the actual pizza space - I think there could have been Heavy Breathing music and pedo parties in Besta's unseen area, in the kids party room late at night and there is a basement at his other restaurant Buck's Fishing and Hunting which just oozes pedo sleaze. There is the alleged victim of sexual assault in the kitchen thing, the son of the partner, and there are major tunnels very close underground that show the same kind of tile on the walls as that weird T Podesta owned art with children tied up. Some parties could have been held a couple of times at least in those tunnels with the kids staged at CPP first. Was the Pegasus Museum which nobody in the neighborhood realized was a museum a safe house? with kids held there then walked over to CPP to be viewed and chosen, then used later in nearby tunnels or back at Pegasus?

These are legitimate questions about the Alefantis operation that have been raised by what has been found here. And many many more.

ASolo ago

I DO agree on those points, the environment is set up as a grooming facility for young'er' exploitation, that much is even evident with alefantis' German experiment as well. I'm also not saying some of the darker things don't occur either, what I'm saying is that a very concerned but not completely knowledgeable portion of population trying to grasp the enormity of the beast before them grabbed on by the head, made sensationalistic claims that were used by the mainstream as reasons for it's absurdity.

VieBleu ago

I'm actually shocked at how many people who were lied to during the election regarding Clinton just go right back to listening to those same outlets afterwards.

stellarcorpse ago

James Alefantis is no innocent.

privatepizza ago

Fuck fuck fuck Alex Jones. I loved him!!! Thought he was on our side! He said to them last week to 'bring it on!' Fuck fuck fuck.

Towards_The_Truth ago

I've been thinking the same thing. There will be a lot of people who see through mainstream media, so they have to give out a little more information on the next level(Alex Jones, Wikileaks, etc.), but they still control it. I'm not saying that is the case, but it's nice to have a good amount of skepticism.

privatepizza ago

I cannot believe AJ has done this....

stellarcorpse ago

you an me both.

samhara ago

He's a liar and 100% Actor and owned. He can't even keep his stories straight.

Jones got palatably frightened when Dr. Steve P . told him what was coming down - because he's dirty as rancid vomit.

I try to only have sweet words for people, but the man is an odious hoaxer.

stellarcorpse ago

tell me when the Dr. Steve P interview was you are referring to was I'd love to see it.

samhara ago

  • - I have to look at it at double speed so "Jones" gets blurred. He speaks faster than Dr. P. And you can see him constantly interrupting. Especially when something is being said which "Jones" doesn't like nor want to hear.. We are stuck with him [though I don't watch] Somebody high up likes him and has placed him there. No matter how bad he does, he will never change, except for the worse; and they will never relieve him with someone better; He has to be the leader so he can lead everyone astray... These jokers love to hoax and have absolutely zero respect for their audience. No matter how they pretend otherwise.

That's why they put an embarrassment up there to lead the "conspiracy theorists" It's suppose to be a joke. And believe me they [and he, "Jones" ] are laughing about it and laughing at you.

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you. I am going to watch it now.

samhara ago

I think I pointed to the wrong one. I thought about it as I fell asleep, but was too tired to get back up and change it. It maybe have been this one. - - I maybe will review all the interviews to find it, but not today.

It looks like they are talking to each other in the same room. Dr. P assures "Jones" that he will be alright because of all the good work he has done in the alt. Media.

Dr. P . says the mainstream Media is finished and the alt Media will be taking over.

Goldenshowergirl ago

I could definitely buy this theory, but where does it leave PJW and the rest of the Info wars team? I tend to think that while it's believable that Jones is a psy-op, PJW is too effective to be one.

Alex Jones just drags Info wars down, honestly.

stellarcorpse ago

the thing is, maybe he is an unsuspecting psyop/ Meaning, due to threats and all , he has become compromised. Or a willing one. I just don't know but he is a liability at this point to this investigation.

greyhat399321 ago

This is why anon marches in masks.

greyhat399321 ago

My thought is that if he is controlled opposition, that he may not actually be aware. He crows all the time about these sources he has in high places. I wonder if he's ever considered they're feeding him horse shit mixed with truth when they need to work over public perception?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

For 20 years?

greyhat399321 ago

Well it either started with him being an agent like Anderson Cooper, and knowingly doing it and being funded, or he's been thinking he's real and still does, but is pupeteered by people feeding him info.

banenya ago

This is timed perfectly so that on the day of our protests the media can do wall-to-wall stories on how Alex Jones has debunked pizzagate, called it a hoax, and AJ has apologized to JA.

But the Elite Pedo Mafia didn't count on rapper LLCOOLJ @llcoolj with FIVE AND A QUARTER MILLION FOLLOWERS picking up our cause on Twitter the day before. He got #missingdcgirls trending at #3 (before PedoTwitter removed it) by putting out tweets like "This shit bothers me. #missingdcgirls". Dang!

stellarcorpse ago

good to hear about llcoolj.

toobaditworks ago

Look another member for 1 month trying to discredit Jones. Are you another ALT of Bystander and DeathToMasons

Caught this guy replying to me without realizing he signed out of his other ALT. Notice he says I'm driving down his post. But his name isn't anywhere on there.

stellarcorpse ago

i am a 3 month member here and have been a follower of AJ what I suspect is much monger than you. About 11 years now. This frankly breaks my heart.

samhara ago

That sux and I'm sorry to hear that. It really hurts. He's hurt a lot of people, including me. And he's hurt our country.

toobaditworks ago

I've been listening to Jones for just as long. All it is a legal statement to avoid being sued and losing his business. Not sure why this means he's a psyop... That's just stupid.

There's a thing called libel and slander in American law. And Judges award people damages causes by such. And people can lose everything because of it.

samhara ago

"Jones" is a fraud. He's a liar. He lied. You can't be sued for libel nor slander if you speak the truth. He didn't have to apologize. I know it hurts but your leader is a two - faced liar.

toobaditworks ago

4 month old account... you're the fraud. If he was in a position to lose a court case and that was the agreement then yes he did have to apologize.

If you have concrete evidence then bring it forward. Otherwise shut the fuck up. You can be sued and lose everything you have for libel and slander you dumb shit. Speaking truth means jack shit without real evidence.

samhara ago

Jones is a liar. Easily proved. - -

toobaditworks ago

That's your proof of what? He is imitating the retarded people like yourself. That's how you sound in real life. That's no lie. That's truth.

samhara ago

I'm unsure of why you don't regard the substance of the material and instead comment on the smoke and mirrors.

"Jones" really has people by the balls.

samhara ago

In general, there are four defenses to libel or slander: truth, consent, accident, and privilege. The fact that the allegedly defamatory communication is essentially true is usually an absolute defense; the defendant need not verify every detail of the communication, as long as its substance can be established

So if Jones went to Court after being sued, everyone in the community would support him, Millions. And also all the evidence would be able to be brought up in open court.

So a person who has the truth on their side would welcome such a lawsuit .

The fact "Jones" backed off make it look like the evidence that has surfaced and been analyzed, is bad evidence; And it is not.

toobaditworks ago

So if Jones went to Court after being sued, everyone in the community would support him, Millions.

That's not how it works.

The fact "Jones" backed off make it look like the evidence that has surfaced and been analyzed, is bad evidence; And it is not.

So go and take them to court yourself if you have the evidence. Why does Alex Jones have to? Are you scared? If you have the proof and millions of people backing you then do it yourself.

samhara ago

You seem to lack familiarity with the legal system.

If Alephanis sues me for whatever, I'll have him in court and can counter-sue.

toobaditworks ago

You have the evidence... bring him to court. Do it.

samhara ago

No I wait for him to sue me for libel. You obviously have no lawyers in your family.

toobaditworks ago

You would wait and allow someone to continue the evils they are doing just because they aren't suing you? And yet you call AJ the fraud and liar? If you have evidence then bring it forward.

samhara ago

It's much easier to counter-sue than to institute a lawsuit.

If "AJ" was really being sued by Alephantis, and if he, "Jones" / "AJ' was for real, he would've taken it as a major gift.

Suing someone is a total different situation [from counter - suing].

What would I sue Alephatis for? Being a Pedo?

(I have to block you now because I just realized I'm being trolled)

toobaditworks ago

Ah block me...

I said if you have evidence of some crime then bring it forward. But you don't.

samhara ago

I have no idea what you are talking about. The two situations you present are nonequivalent .

"AJ" claimed he was being sued [BTW, "Where's the evidence?" ]

And people say, "AJ" couldn't back up his statements about Alephanits as could other journalists / investigators. EXCLUSIVE: Pizzagate the Greatest Scandal in American Political History- James Fetzer Ph.D.

I am unaware if you are doing the sophistry on purpose, or if you really just want to troll me and make any excuse you can to do that.

But the two situations are different. Suing and Being Sued.. .

So you are trying to bait me with a fallacy.

Please stop. And if you are innocent of trolling me - study a bit of logic and law so you can, in the future, make more sense.

samhara ago

Like I said , You are ignorant of law. Prove that "AJ" is for real.

toobaditworks ago

Prove you aren't CTR and Shareblue. Member for 4 months. Coming here to post negative stories about Infowars just as Trump is elected President and Shareblue is formed to combat online discussions mainly Infowars and Breitbart. Prove you aren't just another attack dog of the leftist agenda to overthrow the newly elected President.

samhara ago

Shot in the Dark.

Missed me.

Go back to "Mr. Jones" Maybe he will tell you someday what happened to his original face.

Go back to your angerholic freak.

Maybe someday he'll just go off the rails, from all the electroshock, drugs and surgery - which is the price he had to pay for his contract?

"Alex Jones" is less than the complete truth movement, as much as you would delude yourself to imagine otherwise.

Much as how his body and face and mind are less than the complete original man.

You hand in your ticket And you go watch the geek Who immediately walks up to you When he hears you speak And says, "How does it feel To be such a freak ?" And you say, "Impossible" As he hands you a bone.

And something is happening here But you don't know what it is Do you, Mister Jones ?

You have many contacts Among the lumberjacks To get you facts When someone attacks your imagination But nobody has any respect Anyway they already expect you To all give a check To tax-deductible charity organizations. [] It's well known.

But something is happening here And you don't know what it is Do you, Mister Jones ?

Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you And then he kneels He crosses himself And then he clicks his high heels And without further notice He asks you how it feels And he says, "Here is your throat back Thanks for the loan".

"Jones" is fake as "Bob Dylan" and he's "Ballad of a Fat Man"

samhara ago

Not if what you say is True.. ! This is U.S.A , not England.

20Justice4All17 ago

Man, do I hope tomorrow's protest goes well! Interesting that Jones is discrediting pizza gate, but not pedogate. This has something to do with the shooter taking the rap earlier...that might give Alefantis some kind of legal leverage?

samhara ago

No. It's much simpler than that. People twist their logic to a pretzel to make excuses for Jones.

Same illness which infects the general population. If it's unpleasant to know, they want to avoid knowing it. So they lie to themselves.

DeathToMasons ago

One again, and no doubt again and again, Alex Jones is controlled opposition, cointelpro gatekkeper. He is a bad actor as well. Stop reporting what he does and does not think about anything. He is not part of the truth community, his job is to infiltrate and disperse it. Old old news. Too many in here refuse to look into what others have pointed out.

stellarcorpse ago

ya, I posted about this about one moth ago and got shilled and down voated out of existence.

srayzie ago

Since he disabled comments for that video, the video posted after that one is full of comments ripping him a new one for what he did

2b1ask1 ago

Wow... looks like Alex Jones' YouTube sub count is taking a hit after that video:

Yes. Alex Jones is the dictionary definition of controlled opposition.

What Alex Jones did at this peaceful protest in 2010 sealed the deal for me:

srayzie ago

Really? I don't understand how all that works

stellarcorpse ago


dontmindthemess ago

Fuck him. He wants to apologize to CPP and JA. Fuck you you sellout. Unsubscribed. Anyone else care to join me?

samhara ago

Don't watch him anyway. He destroyed the 9/11 Truth movement. But that's a good Idea - start a boycott. His ratings need to tank.

They lie about ratings anyway, so they could just keep him on as Propaganda value, even if only 10 people watched him.

As long as everyone "Thinks" he has millions of viewers - for times like this when he can High - Profile bodyguard people who should be under investigation by the police - they will keep him running.

It's all smoke and mirrors. Friends should not let friends listen to, nor have respect for "Alex Jones"

ZalesMcMuffin ago


Now apply that same logic to use of the phrase "mainstream media" in describing enemy propaganda.

stellarcorpse ago

I already did one month ago.

davemcgowanwasright ago

The reason why this is happening is precisely because Alefantis is guilty of this shit. The deep state will allow people to talk about this stuff when you are criticizing a vague label like "globalists" or "elite". But when you have come up with specific names of actual people who are involved in this shit and the locations where they traffic children, and these people turn out to be the most powerful in Washington D.C., that's when certain topics become off limits. That is what has occurred here.

Ample4th ago

Great username, I trust Dave's research 100%

Deplorable-MAGA ago

Infowars never did much on pizzagate anyway. They are probably threatening to sue him and put him out of business.

catslovejustice ago

Timing IS everything. Remember the actor who created that false flag incident at Comet and he said he was an Alex Jones listener? It was right after that AJ started pulling everything pizzagate off of his youtube channel. AJ has been saying for weeks they are after him. Could it be that he issued this statement ahead of time so that he has deniability in case some dumb butt causes trouble at Comet and says they are an Alex Jones listener? Or if they have another actor say they are an Alex Jones fan (like the last guy) and they stage some other false flag to try to get AJ off air or sued.

Alex DID NOT apologize to Podesta nor did he deny sex trafficking in DC & US or pizzagate/pedogate. He specifically wanted to separate himself from any negative press regarding JA and pizzagate, period. And honestly it was probably the smart thing to do. JA is a private citizen. If we think he is guilty of a crime then why not protest at the DC police station or at the justice dept and demand investigations? I am totally against harassing him or his restaurant. Looks bad on us and it is fodder for them to use against us. And personally I don't think we should be calling John Pod3sta a pedophile. We have no proof, no witnesses. At this time we have a lot of circumstantial evidence. Antagonizing these guys only gets people booted off social media. How does that help the cause to get people to look into pizzagate, pedogate? We all know that this thing is WAY bigger than Comet or Podesta. This crap has been going on for years. The goal should be to get as many people red pilled as possible so that when the victims start coming forward (I'm praying for a FLOOD of them) that people will believe them and there can be justice for them, unlike what happened in the past.

tapsnapornap ago

100 percent controlled opposition.

He's comprimised by three ways

1) Lawsuit/cease and desist 2) Threats to his or his families life 3) Was controlled for the last 15 years or brought out

They're getting rid of any links to Comet Pizza. David Brock. Shutting up Alex Jones. Only Alefantis is left.

DeathToMasons ago

Alefantis is CIA finder, he is untouchable to them more than Brock or more known DC elite IMO. Because of that, I want Alefantis head as much as Shillary.

Oil_shill ago

I figure he just got threatened with a law suit he was going to lose. This is him covering his ass.

huhWHAThuh ago

Alex is not stupid. And Alex knows this is suicide - the irreversible kind. And connect a few dots. This is the same day the repeal of Obamacare failed to materialize. Look back 2 days to see Steve Pieczenik announcing on AJ's show that Trump's SC nominee Neil Gorsuch is a Bush/Cheney/Jesuit/Neocon who was highly instrumental in the NDAA implementation of torture and illegal surveillance of the American public. that means Trump's inner circle, with the possible exception of Sessions (time for me to look more closely at Sessions apparently) is around....uhh.....100% Neocon/Jesuit/Zionist NWO characters. Is something wrong with this picture? I could continue with Trump's decades long sleezy connections to people like convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, and his Freemasonry connections, and his Vatican/Jesuit connections, etc. etc. on and on. But space here doesn't allow a full discourse on that subject. So what am i saying? Look up Alice Bailey's "The Externalization of The Hierarchy" to understand all that we are just beginning to see come into focus. She says that will be accomplished by means of Freemasonry. I assume she is referring to degree by degree. So one by one we can expect every well known anti NWO shill to degree by degree expose himself. And i expect that to be every one of the well known names. AJ was easy to spot. Most people have known for years this was coming. And he's been dropping hints more and more frequently. I recently heard him say that he's taken part in "those rituals"...."drinking blood"....things like that. What he recounted was drinking deer's blood after taking his first deer. Well i've been hunting, but i've never celebrated with a glass of blood from the game taken. There's more to be said about AJ but space doesn't permit. I'll just close by saying that i've known for many years that these creeps degree by degree are unveiling their sick and perverse "new normal," and at the moment that it is too out in the open to deny, every one of the well known names "resisting" all this sickness will FLIP and show their true colors. Beck and AJ and a few lesser known names are leading the way. But expect every one of them to flip - EVERY ONE. This is supposed to result in all of us feeling abandoned and hopeless unable to resist.
So how come i don't feel abandoned and hopeless and unable to resist? I guess because they are all to a man wormy little creeps that only have smoke and mirrors and deceit to work with. And they are few. Their task is to use us to destroy us. They have no other way. And i don't see that happening. Too many people are awake. And too many more people will become awake as it gets even more obvious. Maybe i'm overly optimistic but i really don't see their "new normal" working out for them. The rape and murder and cannibalism of children has to be a bridge too far. If that's not a bridge too far, I'll go down fighting. Either way i won't be around that stuff happening. This planet ain't big enough for me and people like that. One of us will depart.

sentryseven ago

WHAT?! I've never heard him say that he's drinking blood and taking part in those rituals and I listen everyday.

huhWHAThuh ago

I've heard him say at least twice he has taken part in "those rituals." The last time a couple of months ago he said the part about deer hunting and drinking the blood. He's dropped breadcrumbs about his family connections for years. One time he mentioned his family's "original land grant from the King of Spain." I think his wife is even a Spanish (bloodline) jew. There's more I've picked up on over the years, but i never bothered to even look into it. He's was very obvious to me from the start.

stellarcorpse ago

Some good points in your comment. I am a Trump supporter but I'm very disenchanted with his Neo Con war monger pics. I always leave an open mind. Seems all our heroes eventually fall.

ps: never heard that about drinking deer's blood and AJ, that is sick.

huhWHAThuh ago

I still have slim hopes about Trump. It could be that he as President doesn't have the power to resist and actually accomplish any real change. He might have good intentions but not the ability to implement anything. Who knows. But i really don't like the snakes he has surrounded himself with (or been surrounded by). On some level i am convinced that we are witnessing Grand Opera. This is the big unveiling.

stellarcorpse ago

Me too.

pby1000 ago

Michael Aquino!!! Do not forget about him.

nitro169 ago

Seriously, if anyone saw the interview with the comet shooting eyewitness and alex you would know this is all fake! I have seen some fake news, but this was really really fake news.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That was some of the lamest interviewing I've ever seen, right up there with Megyn Kelly's blatant, shameless shilling for Alefantis.

stellarcorpse ago

I saw ir, it was pathetic. Thanks for link. I think I will include it in my sub if you don't mind,.

SuperShilly ago

NYPD should release Weiners laptop info tomorrow lol. Done deal and all you pussys crying about Alex won't give a shit anymore.

pby1000 ago

It is Luciferianism, not Satanism... Make sure you discuss the differences, too.

DeathToMasons ago

Six of one half dozen of the other. Sick occult bullshit.

pby1000 ago

There is a difference between Lucifer and Satan. It is important when interpreting symbology and behavior.

PakisLove2GetShot ago

He's being sued or threatened with it.

DeathToMasons ago

They would never sue, the defendent would get to make their case. And they wouldn't have to proove it, just show they had reason ti make such claims. And the news would be forced to cover the evidence. Or forced to blatantly ignore the evidence shown in court while others showed it. Thus the corporate propaganda press would lose even more of the idiots who use them to inform themselves.

stellarcorpse ago

the latter.

Towards_The_Truth ago

Posting this from earlier, I've seen this guy's blog being spread around. I don't believe everything he says, but he has an interesting article on how to look at famous people.

basedputin ago

Alex Jones has always been an Israeli agent. Everything that comes out of his lying mouth is a lie.

micha_ ago

If AJ is trustworthy enough for Larry Klayman with the probably biggest whistleblowing about illegal surveillance (47 HDs, 600 million pages, illegal supreme court surveillance, surveillance of 167 judges, ...) - because laywers from top whistleblowers trusting him - and AJ has the courage to bring it - then he is good enough for me to watch and listen carefully, what he says.

After the first disappointment about Alex's apology, I must say, that this is probably even the prove, how powerful Alefantis, the "little pizzashopowner" is. Indirectly it could also be seen as affirmation of #pizzagate. These are probably the Rothschilds and the top of the global pedosatanicblackmail-power structure, he is messing with! These forces send countries and continents into wars. So an apology of something that he cannot win, is something everyone should be able to understand. It's easy to condemn others, while not being in the line of fire!

samhara ago

Dunno about the Israel connection, more like CIA IMO. But he is a big fat liar.

basedputin ago

watch this

he shills hardcore for israel and jewish interests. you think the media just randomly drops alex jones name from time to time for no reason. jones calls the young fellow in the video 'mentally ill'. yea im sure no one else has figured out that jones works for the same jews that the (((media))) owns. a lot of people are waking up

edit: zionists are terrorists who do everything to keep israel safe and expand israel for 'greater israel' no matter how many people are killed in the process. israel will survive no matter the consequences as long these neocons and media are in power of our government.

DeathToMasons ago

Almost everything. He has to get your trust, so like all disinfo gatekeepers, he has to give some truth. And then turn you astray.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This. So important to keep in mind that a liar has to tell the truth to get you hooked. Gotta set the hook before you can begin reeling in...

asdfe34 ago


pby1000 ago

I think he just got some push back, but time will tell. Something is clearly going on, and it has been going on for a long time.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Become? LOL!

Sermo_Ludere ago

Alex Jones, David Icke, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Poof, Zap, Cobra, Alfred Labremont Webre, Karen Hudes, Russell Brand, Mark Dice, etc etc etc.

greyhat399321 ago

Icke is batshit crazy, they don't need to pay him to be like that.

DeathToMasons ago

YES. You get it.

stellarcorpse ago

Who is that? Forgive my ignorance and I am to lazy to google.

meowski ago

Lately the IW operation has gotten so big that it's been front and center on the radar of the NWO globalists. It's definitely taken a more Zionist tone. Apologizing about pizzagate issue is due to legal threats. He also stopped criticizing CPS and the family courts, due to his divorce. I'm not surprised nor do I blame him for dropping those issues, since he's at their mercy if his ex wife wants to use that against him. However he has also shifted the geopolitical narrative to a more Zionisit, hawkish position on the wars in the middle east. This is my main problem with IW now. Same with PJW's reports. Not sure what the underlying motivation is.

We don't need him to investigate pizzagate. He's already done a lot to expose SRA and elite pedophilia over the years. I'v been listening to his show for a long, long time and nobody can deny he's had a huge impact on exposing their crimes. The issue with Comet Ping Pong is just a small part of that

stellarcorpse ago

I look at it different. If you talk the talk better walk the walk. Children's lives are potentially at stake here.

meowski ago

We can prove without any doubt that tens, even hundreds of thousands of children are being murdered in the middle east by US bombs. He has no direct proof that Podesta and Alefantis are pedos. A creepy artwork, and a mountain of circumstantial evidence, but not direct proof. This is where they can bring out the lawyers and shut him up. Same reason Davd Seamen deleted a bunch of his videos where he was calling Podesta a pedo.

With a law suit of this magnitude, a judge could seal the case, order everyone to shut up or go to jail for contempt. It would destroy his operation and his life. Really difficult decision to make. I know what it's like to have your life ruined by secret civil court proceedings and be faced with a contempt charge.

artfullyours ago

I tend to trust Alex Jones. Until it is proven different. Could you lose millions in support and stay in business?

DeathToMasons ago

You tend to be gullible.

toobaditworks ago

How is it proof when she worked in the back end of Infowars shipping newspapers. She probably did try to infiltrate but was FIRED when she was found out about. LOL SHE WORKED THERE FOR LIKE A WEEK BEFORE BEING CAUGHT.

To say Jones works for Stratfor because a girl got hired there without telling him she worked for Stratfor is ridiculous. And you look like a disinfo shill when you post shit like this. Fucking it's always a 1 month old account spreading this lame shit too.

How the fuck is that PROOF in your eyes. Are you fucking dumb or just a disinfo establishment whore? So if I get a a job with you ... then all of a sudden any work I've done in the past now makes you a apart of that???? HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU?

You have to be a shill because nobody is that fucking dumb.

V____Z ago

Do you know that his father is CIA? And he has admitted half his family is CIA?

toobaditworks ago

His father was a dentist who had friends in the CIA. Guess what? I have friends who have family and friends in the CIA too. Guess what else? I don't know any CIA myself and I'm not CIA.

V____Z ago

Well alright then. Alex is on the up and up. OBVIOUSLY.

44NJ9 ago

It's not a coincidence that the march is tomorrow. MM is going crazy about this apology. I'm sure people will be fired up tomorrow on both sides of this. I hope everyone stay civil tomorrow. They are baiting people.

stellarcorpse ago

I am worried about the event.

equineluvr ago

It's so good to see some finally "getting" it.

uuuuuuuuuus ago

both established in austin, tx in 1996 iirc

freeagent37 ago

Totally! Right on the money you are.

nomorepepperoni ago

I think Alex genuinely believes what he spews, BUT wussed out at JAlapedo's threat. The guy who was threatened by Maccoby slips my mind right now, but he actually replied, in essence, by calling the bluff. That's what needs to happen, as there's no way these creeps want to be in court. If they had a good case, they'd just sue and settle, not "threaten" to sue like LARPy imbeciles.

Aprilrain ago

I believe it was Jake Morphonios who was threatened by Maccoby.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Morphonios seems legit to me (unironically), from the few vids of his I've watched so far.

nomorepepperoni ago

Yup, that's the guy.

stellarcorpse ago


V____Z ago

He was COVERING for Alefantis a month ago. BULLSHIT that he is getting sued. He's knowingly working alongside Alefantis and ACTING so that we are scared off due to a bullshit lawsuit. James is NOT going near a courtroom willingly. Alex never reported on pizzagate in any way that would get him sued. This is a lie.

micha_ ago

Look, if AJ is trustworthy enough for Larry Klayman with the probably biggest whistleblowing about illegal surveillance (47 HDs, 600 million pages, illegal supreme court surveillance, surveillance of 167 judges, ...) - because laywers from top whistleblowers trusting him - and AJ has the courage to bring it - then he is good enough for me to watch and listen carefully, what he says.

After the first disappointment about Alex's apology, I must say, that this is probably even the prove, how powerful Alefantis, the "little pizzashopowner" is. Indirectly it could also be seen as affirmation of #pizzagate. These are probably the Rothschilds and the top of the global pedosatanicblackmail-power structure, he is messing with! These forces send countries and continents into wars. So an apology of something that he cannot win, is something everyone should be able to understand. It's easy to condemn others, while not being in the line of fire!

stellarcorpse ago

So true!! This is a pretty good video I just saw on the subject.

V____Z ago

Thanks Stellar! I love this guy's intro. I follow him.

stellarcorpse ago

Ya, I liked the video.

V____Z ago

<3 love this

lorlipone ago

I've always looked at Alex Jones as "Controlled Opposition." He's way too prone to become dismissably crazy. I think he's meant to draw conspiracy minded people in to share in his lack of credibility.

TotallyNotCTR ago

Part 1: evidence of a massive pizzagate disinformation campaign (Includes Alex Jones)

The Flynns are part of the pizzagate controlled opposition network

The King of Pizzagate Shills (William Craddick / PleadingTheYiff / Disobedient Media) was interviewed on RT

Pizzagategear = DisobedientMedia - Ran in part by amCassandraAMA &PleadingtheYiff

David Seaman is now sharing Pizzagate Misinformation - Abortionburger Victim AMA is a HOAX

The Pettibone Sisters are Pizzagate Disinfo shills

V/pizzagate Mods are Pizzagate Disinfo Shills

Opinion: Cassandra Fairbanks is "undercover MSM" who has played a role in the pizzagate cover-up

MSM article that mentions pizzagate, alt-right, white nationalism, trolling, memes & making money

The Millenium Report conspiracy blog is a PleadingtheYiff enterprise. How many operatives are behind this account?

Nov 2016 - pizzagate investigator accuses pizzagate_private of being "yes-men" - Was BANNED for critical thinking skills and attempting to debunk BAD LEADS

The Podesta Skippy Video is another example of a pizzagate disinformation false flag attack

YouTube Truther Pizzagate Disinfo Agents - Titus Frost / New World Agenda & Others

R/pedogate was seeded with hundreds of bot posts that include massive amounts of disinformation.

Part 2: Why Russians were not behind the massive pizzagate disinformation campaign:

  1. Russians would not use white nationalists

  2. Russians would not call attention to a successful OP after the election. See here

  3. Russians are not nearly as incompetent as the pizzagate shills.

  4. Russians would not have their shills display a pattern of discrediting themselves - participating in fringe conspiracy theories such as Flat Earth/Mandela effect, begging for donations, displaying "memetard" behavior (TOP KEK).

  5. Russians would not have been so fixated on spreading disinformation in r/the_donald (in order to blame Trump supporters - see here)

  6. The creator of the r/the_donald subreddit (one of the primary vector for spreading pizzagate disinfo) was a shill for the establishment. The subreddit continues to be operated by those who are actually in opposition to Trump.

samhara ago

Also, he is a liar.

Truthseeker101 ago

Or maybe he is playing 4 D chess??? IDK. To discredit his years of bravery, research, and commitment over this 1 video is a knee jerk reaction IMO. Either way, we don't need him for this fight. I ate the red pill after his JRE episode. So I am going to give him the benefit of doubt for the moment.

greyhat399321 ago

Well, he and the Donald apparently talk on the phone some...

lude ago

Let's get real, he didn't explain the evidence that has been gathered here coherently enough to give them a real ~rundown~ of what is going on on the JRE. This isn't 4D chess its a fucking blown load on the opposition side because now we can see Alex for what he really is. I had a hard time believing that he was controlled OP but now I see it clear as day. I wont tell anyone else what to do but personally I am staying far away from infowars... What have they shown me in the past YEAR that I didn't already know myself? Their titles are pretty much all click bait anyways. I am now going off on a tangent. I am upset that he caved. On the bright side I can see clearly now.

lorlipone ago

There's also the possibility that he's luring Alefantis into a trap. . . We'll just have to wait and see.

20Justice4All17 ago

How so? Seems lik Alefantis forced this before the protest.

lorlipone ago

I can't speak to any of that. I'm just spitballing.

fetuspizza ago

This. He is a bit too out there to be credible. He make talk about relevant shit, that may be true, but I'd rather hear it from a different source. If him and CNN were to share the same headline, and same article, i'd link CNN to whoever I was talking to, because Infowars is seen by a lot of people as a less legitimate propaganda than CNN.


Amino69 ago

It was congenital, there was no becoming!

V____Z ago

Oh yeah, wasn't father CIA, according to him?

samhara ago

Always was.

PizzaDestroyer ago

Has Alex Jones always been a psyop? Lots of people have been saying this for a while. He's got some splaining to do.

DeathToMasons ago

Yes, you have the interwebs. Please research it so we can stop having him asociated with PG or anything in the truth movement. Too many in here report his every word despite the fact that he is a known anti-truth agent.

equineluvr ago

Yes, of course.

Otherwise he would have been yanked off the air years ago.

ababcb ago

He always focuses on the most extreme aspect of whatever he's talking about. It's like his job is to discredit whatever he's reporting on.

micha_ ago

Look, if AJ is trustworthy enough for Larry Klayman with the probably biggest whistleblowing about illegal surveillance (47 HDs, 600 million pages, illegal supreme court surveillance, surveillance of 167 judges, ...) - because laywers from top whistleblowers trusting him - and AJ has the courage to bring it - then he is good enough for me to watch and listen carefully, what he says.

After the first disappointment about Alex's apology, I must say, that this is probably even the prove, how powerful Alefantis, the "little pizzashopowner" is. Indirectly it could also be seen as affirmation of #pizzagate. These are probably the Rothschilds and the top of the global pedosatanicblackmail-power structure, he is messing with! These forces send countries and continents into wars. So an apology of something that he cannot win, is something everyone should be able to understand. It's easy to condemn others, while not being in the line of fire!

anonOpenPress ago

Great to point out the timing issue. Well, if they think that CPP was the only issue we're demanding investigation on, they've missed something. Tomorrow they'll try to use msm again, if the march will have enough of ppl. They have probably prepared with several different kind of news already, but they can't slow down the spreading of awareness. Child trafficking will get a hit.

palmitespo910 ago

Well that's the thing, I don't think he said that he wasn't in support of the thing as a whole, he knows about satanism and pedophilia in DC. But we don't need alex to support the CPP part of it, the evidence is already there. I'd like to see if Alefantis shows up to see what questions Alex actually asks. Alex is not shy to blindsiding the elite with a question they weren't prepared for.

stellarcorpse ago

I am very afraid of a false flag type event.

V____Z ago

Time to pray, for real.

FreeThem ago

We should know by now to not trust any person who's famous or influential.

Only trust yourself...

bikergang_accountant ago

This is why I want a new standard for believing media or a politician. Open source facts or we don't listen to you. There are too many people saying the exact opposite with hidden sources.

For all we know both sides are fake news and we should just stop listening. Unless they give us real facts.