ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yeah, I think the video still seems like a real abuse vid. The rest of what people have tried to get from it is questionable, but it does sound like a man with a voice at least similar to Podesta's torturing a child. I've never heard "Skippy" either, and "John" sounds to me more like "Darren" most of the times I've heard it but it also sounds like "John" occasionally.

I think the vid is real abuse, but I don't know who/when/where. Could be Podesta. I would like the person who released it to bring the whole story forward, no matter what it is.

Ang68 ago

If this is all you have to discredit that video then I'm not biting. It did not come from the We the Pizza hack nor any Comet Pizza hack. It came directly from the WorldCorp site. Someone copied that video later and used in in an artistic piece adding in a second part where a child sits in a chair and then shows a guy in the woods. The artistic version was supposedly done by another group. As far as hearing the child call out any names,it does sound like he says the name John. I never heard any Skippy though. You already got the bit about Skippy wrong in another thread as you aren't versed enough with the evidence to know that Skippy came directly from Wikileaks. So, everything I've seen coming from you so far screams disinfo to me. Plus calling so many researchers shills has a "stir the pot" effect used by many disinformation pushers. So, I'm not biting anything you write. Sorry.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Hey man I think you got alot of things right, but you should reconsider this one.

Somewhere between 51-54 just keep watching youll see a head pop up and dip down. Do you think that it vagely looks like John Podesta? Like the glasses and head shape?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I looked at it again after your second graphic with the 2 circles, and I still can't make out anything that even looks clearly like a head, far less one which could be identified as a particular person. It does appear that there are objects in front of the light; maybe an arm? But I can't make out anyone's head.

MostPostersAreShills ago

I think you lack autism. Maybe you arent focusing enough. To me it is 100 percent obviously a head. Its not obviously Podesta, but you can tell by the shape and glasses that it really is him since hes the one speaking in the video. Just try to slow down your eyes when you look at it. I know it happens to fast the guys head just goes up and its gone within a second. Try to look at it and slow time down.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I went through it frame by frame earlier, and I watched it again just now at .5 speed. There are shapes moving around, but I don't see any glasses or anything that is clearly a head. There's one shadow that looks kind of head-shaped, but it's not clear enough to be of any use IMO.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't see the head. Can you post a screen cap with it pointed out?

MostPostersAreShills ago


It doesnt look like him in this image. You would have to watch this video, and keep your focus on that figure. There is just something in the motion when you watch it that will truly appear as him. I think you can vaguely see his distinct head shape, and his glasses. Let me know what you think.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I have no idea what in that image looks like a head to you, or which angle you think we're seeing it from. It looks like a slice of glowstone pizza to me. Can you guide me a bit more specifically?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Just watch that figure. It is a head that clearly goes up and dips down during the video in the time slot I mentioned. It isnt so clear, but you can recognize some distinct details about him.

derram ago :

HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT - In alleged 'Pizzgate' footage of John Podesta, the man literally sings "I'M JOHN PODESTA" at 0:37 - FUCKING YUGE : The_Donald :

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