toobaditworks ago

I did prove it. The picture is right there. You replied to me with your ALT. You big dummy.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Never Believe Anything Until Officially Denied

This is very clear here.

Vanscribe1 ago

More proof that this shit is real I have already had people spying on stalking and trying to bar me from employment because of my research of this and it wont stop I will soon be leaving america to get away from it. If it continues my plans to leave will accelerate. America is lost there is no reclaiming it if this shit is global then it is to late.

quantokitty ago

David Seaman is still criticizing everyone. After everything that's been done to him, including being a called a shill and worse by pizzagaters, he's telling it like it is:


Bojangles ago

That isn't a Voltaire quote, you fucking idiots.

unbiased_researcher ago

He made the wrong move. The right move was to sacrifice your show for the good of humanity.

druhill007 ago


Fuckingcucks ago

James alefantis is a demented inbred Rothschild. He thinks he's fucking Satan- but he's just a fucking loser with a pig nose. He still needs his parents and legal team(nannies) to clean up his degeneracy. He is not a victim- he is a predator. Don't forget.

FriesischShipping ago

Midget gremlin predator. He's the GB Jr. of the family.

ASolo ago

Fuck Alex Jones!

It's because of Jones big mouth and irrational fashion altogether, over time, and taken together that has finally come back to haunt him. His bloated style, right leaning good old boy gun toting conservatism is what is being used as a catalyst for the motivations of pizzagate shooter Edgar Welch. All of it is being squarely blamed on the incendiary notions of Alex Jones. This is because Alex Jones hopped on the story too quickly and didn't do his own research on the matter and passed on the allegation of sensationalism current at the time from disinfo agents and hyperbolists.

I've never agreed with the overblown premise that Alefantis was trafficking children out of his space on Connecticut Ave. But through subsequent investigations into the artistic preferences of the establishment's patrons, its late hours, and no age limit events most discerning adults would agree that this is not the safest place for children, night or day. To suggest he ran a sacrificial ring there and in his basement was ludicrous, to a degree, but certain authors and myself were cautious about over interpreting what WikiLeaks was implying. I tried many times to try and quell certain voices that were continuously trying to push fantastical and overwhelming imaginings to the front of the line. Of course the MSM condensed version made it even worse. Now we can say, with much certainty, that both these issues outlined above now effecting pizzagate, have counterintelligence aspects working in concert with each other. Shills and disinformation plant superfluous information, like underground tunnels, baby coffins and kill rooms instead of the relevant issues like artistic pursuits, influence lobbies and corporate social engineering, the likes of the ten essays by Yoichi Shimatsu.

Unlike Alex Jones authors like myself and others we have not advocated impulsive, incendiary or even confrontational approaches to the pizzagate scandal. While I know that Jones does not either, his temperament and stance dictates otherwise, and I can see how easy it would be to stir up one of his more unstable fans. We've all been saying this about you for years now Alex, along with your current alignment with the 'far right' and your 'roger'ized trumptards I would say that you have done your job right and a good portion of your fans are mentally and governmentally 'vetted'.

Some of us were smart enough to avoid the sensationalism. And some of us are not out for profit (which is another reason we know you're a cointell shill is that you don't want to risk your huge member funded bank account to back up your fat ass) and your incorrect hurried claims, at least what Shimatsu writes about can be backed up by affidavit by simple internet sourcing.

toobaditworks ago

Replying to you're own post eh....

toobaditworks ago

Says the 2 month member shill.

V____Z ago

The Rothschilds rule the world.

toobaditworks ago

Was this today? I want to hear the lead up to him reading the statement. It looks like they are taking some sort of legal action against Jones so his lawyers drew up a statement.

tapsnapornap ago

I hope you get cancer.

nomorepepperoni ago

"But ALEX JONES said this was fake!"

This goes to show we NEED more protests in public (be careful about shills wanting your info for "good causes" related or unrelated though, or infiltrators), armed with only the coldest sourced FACTS. Of course the MSM will claim we're crazy because "even Alex Jones debunked this" but he had little to do with sounding the PG alarm.

If we play this right, we can even turn this to our advantage in 5D chess. Use the media attention being generated to our advantage, by calling out the FACTS of this thing. Hit comments sections of posts and sites reporting this, make posts of your own, get outside with signs. Post redpilling posters in your neighborhoods. Talk to your friends and neighbors.

Now is our chance to raise awareness and turn this discredit op into a giant Streisand effect. Let's wake some people up.

stellarcorpse ago

good points.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It is the Jews....Alex Jones never crosses the Jews. Always defends the Jews and now he is bowing down to Alefanits......who has very close connections to the Rothschilds. The Rothschild tactic is to get ahead of the coming revolution and make sure no one names them as the problem...they want their stolen money. And Alex wont cross the all.

vacvape ago

Rothschilds are the problem. Fuck with them and the cops will show up to bugger you, take your fucking organs, or put you in a 'real' game show. I wonder if anyone has ever won, though? Perhaps for thinking they were simply stagnating humanity?

BloodGod1337 ago

In my opinion, the Rothschilds' blightful existence and astounding world destroying corruption brings a great argument that there should be no monetary system. They're only this powerful because they have the greatest amount of wealth within this monetary system. Their money would be enough to get people to literally rape their own daughters.

vacvape ago

Completely agree. Every cop in the world will harvest their own kids/parents' organs for a wrong opinion that offends the Rothschilds' world's fucking ugliest cow faced tranny who is also btw too fucking fat, stupid and fucking lazy to ever hit the goddam treadmill so it's not so fucking ugly. They all answer to them through DARPA and they murder at will for them.

This is what it looks like when Rotchschilds get offended by a quality troll:

Poor dude clearly had a good sense of humor or a keen political view. That's all it takes. Everyone is a nigger to the dollar. You sure got it. I know cuz I sure got it.

Earlier I was thinking global suicide was one solution. Let them farm their own fields and we'll see if they do it in a fucking skirt. Niggers are their currency. They don't deal in dollars.

toobaditworks ago

Looks more like one lawyer talking to another. Alefanits' lawyers probably sent a letter to Jones and Jones' lawyers wrote up a letter to keep them from having to go to court. Fucked up thing is that two reporters were canned because of this. So was it looks like Biggs and maybe Jakari Jackson possibly were let go from threats of this.

DeathToMasons ago

You are still not getting it. It is his job to push disinfo in the first place. He isn't a cowardly truther who backed down. He is cointelpro with Stratfor employees on his staff. He attempts to represent the truth movement to the mainstream community, then when he has their trust, he leads them astray. He has always done this. He is acting a character as well and it is obvious. If you think he is a truther who sold out, you are still in the manistream. Look at the research others have done on him. Years ago we knew what AJ was. Do the research and don't bring him up anymore.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

In this world you might be right. I hold out hope he is getting the dick jammed in his ass and he is worried....but if he is a plant from years ago it is bad news. I wont be looking for him for any info anymore regardless.

I have always been worried about this Steve Piezenik dude that is Alex Jones's buddy. Dude is CFR and a CIA shrink.....he likely is MKULTRA himself.....Steve has run black ops before. Seems he might of been the leader of the CiA teams that fucking killed Italian Politicans in the 70's. This has the feel of a battle between two sides of the damn Illuminati and one side wants the wealth in America and the other wants Israel to be Greater Israel and become the world leader. Alex never names the Jew or crosses the Jew. He might just be controlled op. It makes me sad.

The Rothschild game plan is to see the coming crisis in society....if they havent started it themselves they want to make damn sure they dont get named and their main interest is to keep their stolen money from the last three hundred and more years.....that is their goal....steer the debate away from them.....always blame china or Russia or Iran......never never let the people realize the ultimate enemy is the Rothschild Banking Family which with their satanic butt fucking and kid killing cult that has taken over the Masons and the royal familes of europe and the politicians.........hide that at all cost.

stellarcorpse ago

I had always heard this before but It was circumstantial rather like PG. But now I know.

toobaditworks ago

The Stratfor employee was let go when he found out about her. She wasn't in the news room or anything like that. She was helping with back end shit like mailing out newspapers. LOL You guys stretch the truth so much ... It's just beyond belief. You have no proof of any Strafor relationship except one person got a job there and possibly tried to infiltrate.

Where's the proof of your claims? At least Jones can admit when he doesn't have proof and read a script on air, but you... you just spread lies with no consequence.

But maybe you're part of that plan to discredit Jones by always bringing this up with no other proof but just to keep stirring up fake news. Good job. You are fake news. You are Strafor aren't you? You have the motive.

Do the research and don't bring him up anymore.

Just like a Strafor/Dis-Info agent/NWO/establishment whore scum would say.

newworldahead ago

Except for the Stratfor employees on his staff, what else people have discovered about him? If it's only the Stratfor connection, it is a bit weak to discredit his whole character. It might even be possible that the Stratfor employees on his staff are good guys fighting with us.. some kind of whistleblowers if you will. I'm definitely not saying that it's the case but it's a possibility.

I'm not defending AJ. I'm mad at him actually. But I still want to be fair.

ThePuppetShow ago

You sure have a LOT of time to spend here...

Antiracist2 ago

Bojangles ago

Ah yes, this great Voltaire quote. It's one of my favorites, along with Einstein's quote about a fish climbing a tree.

stellarcorpse ago

Good advice for tomorrows event.

equineluvr ago

Hear, hear!

Criticize any Jews and you are immediately hit with an "anti-Semite" charge.

SaneGoatiSwear6 ago

well in that case!

test that: @kevdude @expertshitposter @fuzzywords @puttitout and @mick are confirmed shills here to silence dissent on voat and control the record.

Mick ago

I lol'd

nomorepepperoni ago

Are you referring to criticizing someone who happens to be Jew, or bitching about the fact that they are a Jew?

Because I agree with you on the former (ie. when that's chucked out because you don't blindly agree with the Israeli gov) but respectfully disagree on the latter (unless they follow some extra-creepy cult corruption of Judaism and you can prove it).

druhill007 ago

Yeah the semantics of differentiation need to be created before providing an easy escape for guilty parties

Edit - spells, plus Zionist instead of Jew could work

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah Sabbetean Rothschild Zionist would be more accurate. But if we cannot talk about the problem in the Jewish culture we will never get to the bottom of it.