PizzaHunter ago

Did Sharif Silmi have a gun on AJ? How the fuck can he say anything about innuendo without saying anything about the instagram pictures? The whole thing looked scripted. As much as he kept stressing that everyone was nice and normal at CPP was really odd.

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

The guy did come off as Scripted. Atleast from my perspective. He came on without an argument. He has no empirical facts other than his 60 min sitdown inside the place.

PizzaHunter ago

He didn't hear the shot? He was in the building and he didn't hear the shot? If it was an AR or a shotgun I'm pretty sure you would hear it from anywhere inside.

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

That raised flags to me as well. No shots heard.

Nicefind ago

Those wanting to investigate pedogate are getting blitzed hard. We need to be stronger than them. We will weather this PR storm. They are planning on us slinking away in fear and shame. History will prove the shame on them. Alex Jones just got caught unprepared and shit his pants. This lawyer nailed him with a weak argument. Jones could have undercut the lawyers whole argument by merely stating we are scrutinizing the 49th most powerful man in Washington, not some line cook or server. Jones is now backtracking hard on pizzagate. His lawyers probably scared the shit of him. Too bad.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I'm of similar conclusion. I mean, I'm willing to admit that there is a chance that nothing is taking place at Comet Ping Pong. BUT, how can this guy make this assessment after visiting for one hour on one day? Has he been to any private parties there? What if these weird events are only once a month, or once every few months and very late at night? What if these events happen at times when no other regular employees are there? I don't know. Maybe nothing ever happens there, but you can't make that assessment after going during the day one time. Also, like you mentioned, wtf is he doing taking his kids there if he's never been there before? I mean, I'd at least scope the place out a few times during the day, and a few times at night to see what kind of stuff happens with the allegations of what's going on. Maybe he had friends that vouched for the place, I dunno. It does seem a bit off, but so does this whole thing. Everything about pizzagate is just very strange. Just my immediate reaction anyway, and my brain isn't quite working at full speed. Pretty tired. All of that said, what happened yesterday should not have happened, real or faked. Violence is not the answer. Nothing good will come from it.

Thanks for sharing the video though, hadn't seen it.

Found this in the comments:

Outspoken Comet Ping Pong gunman incident witness Sharif Silmi works as an attorney for Shah Peerally who has been "highly spoken of by Congress women Nancy Pelosi.",0627-Peerally.shtm

Found this in the comments as well:

On his (Shah Peerally) youtube channel he has a video claiming he predicted the gun man 9 days ago.... and he still went with his kids....

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

Very good input. I didn't think about maybe a friend gave him a heads up on it.

Anouther thing. I have heard people said the pizza taste like crap, But heard on the radio and this guy said it tasted good. Idk. Just wierd.

BugSmasher2016 ago

Alex Jones has lost credibility ages ago. He's either sold out some time around 2008-2009, or has been a turncoat "plant" from the very beginning. He invites way too many EXTREMELY SKETCHY people on his show and treats them like they are legit. My personal favorites are when he brings "former CIA agents" on, the level of disinfo in each of those instances is so bad, it's laughable! Please look into a well-documented links between Infowars and Stratfor/Zionist mafia.

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

I don't buy into any of that. No Arguments to really back anything up.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Welcome, friend. If you'd like a great, detailed summary of the facts and investigation check out this infographic.