doubletake ago

Might be that Alex was threatened with a libel suit?

hookednosedjoooo ago

No, he has been confirmed controlled opposition for a long time. I thought he would be forced to cover pizzagate because it would be suspect if he didn't. He's backing off from this because his boss told him to.

dickface8 ago

I don't give a fuck if you're anti semetic. I care about faggots getting into squabbles with faggots about using the word jew. Everytime I stumble upon that conversation I exit the page. Stop being faggots the lot of you.

pizzaScience ago

The Arab lawyer (Sharif) just happens to take his family to CPP for early dinner on sunday. Let's be clear here is the real deal

ARAB: Alex so pleased to see you again, it was only two days ago I talk about you with one of your fans

Alex Jones: Mr Sharif we're hearing you Arabs own DC? I thought the Jews owned DC?

ARAB: Mr Jones who do you think owns the Jews? We own everything, this is not news. Mr Jones we own you.

Alex Jones: Thanks Sharif I too thought this was old news.

r3dtr1x ago

I watched the video earlier today. I think he had this guy on because he's got a good point. So many people are focusing on COMET PING PONG as the problem here. I don't know if it was a "false flag" or not, but my gut instinct tells me that it's not. False flags typically include some sort of violence, and there wasn't any. Nobody got hurt.

While my gut instinct tells me there is something going on with Podesta and Alefantis, I don't thing the restaurant has anything to do with it - and all this focus on the restaurant may have actually caused this guy to do what people are claiming he did. It's not impossible, in fact I find it likely and am surprised that it's the only incident so far.

Yes, the shooter has an IMDB profile. Yes, his dad fits the profile that we've discussed so many times as one of the good-guy by day, bad-guy by night types, but that's all conjecture. Every bit of it.

For those of us who are conspiracy-minded, but also retain critical thinking skills, I think this incident was an "oh shit!" moment where we did, in fact, realize that there can be consequences to conspiracy-minded mass hysteria.

I'm not a shill - believe what you want - but actions DO have consequences, and this could very well be some unintended consequences of all the focus on Comet Ping Pong. I don't blame Alex one bit for seemingly backing off the investigation into the restaurant. Hillary, Podesta, and Alefantis are not chopping up babies in the back room somewhere. Come on.


Nonsense. Comet deserves all the scrutiny it can get. The more people connected with Alefantis and Comet (e.g, his business partners and supporters), the fuller the picture we have. After all, Comet received a considerable amount of money from George Soros. How much more connected with the world of the really big players could Comet be?

cosmicmind ago

Yes it does. Under the circumstances it's impossible for people to access private data, and difficult to protest at their homes, but a public Family restaurant demands at least an investigation based on xrated art in the bathroom (man ejaculating with the caption Shut Up and Fuck).
He's buddies with T podesta, has been to the whitehouse numerous times. (no catering is allowed in to the whitehouse). Police haven't bothered to investigate pictures of his chickenlover photo, and other photos that indicate at least an investigation for potential pedophilia, especially when he's photographed with T Podesta.

Alefantis is a public figure, (49th most powerful man in Washington) and I think it's more than fair that citizens demand investigation because it's a family restaurant if for no other reason. It's irrelevant whether or not there's any actual child rape or torture going on AT the restaurant.
ALL of his books in all his businesses and portolios should be inspected by the police.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I'm not a shill

Yes you are

OtisFirefly ago

Chill with the antisemitism and delete your profile you're making everyone look bad.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I think you're a faggot and need to stop defending kikes on the internet

pizzaScience ago

Arab lawyer (Sharif) just happens to take his family to CPP for early dinner on sunday.

At 3:30pm a AlexJones BROMANCER walks in the door with an AR-15 and two hand-guns and tells everyone to leave,

The last person to leave was our ARAB lawyer ( who probably represents the ARABS who own the block )

Our lawyer has a private talk with shooter ( alex jones lover )

Shooter doesn't find children leaves right after lawyer.

Two days later this lawyer shows up on Alex Jones show.


Let's be clear here is the real deal

ARAB: Alex so pleased to see you again, it was only two days ago I talk about you with one of your fans

Alex Jones: Mr Sharif we're hearing you arabs own DC? I thought the narrative was that the Jews on Wash-DC?

ARAB: Mr Jones who do you think owns the Jews? We own everything, this is not news. Mr Jones we own you.

Alex Jones: Thanks Sharif I too thought this was old news.

OtisFirefly ago

And I think you're a shill to help frame us as the mythical alt-right, so I'm glad everyone is happy here.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I see how you would be concerned about that but I'm a genuine antisemite and idgaf

OtisFirefly ago

Well do you care about the success or failure of this investigation?


Your real concern seems to be antisemitism, not the investigation. is censorship-free and should also remain self-censorship free. If people think Jews are implicated in this fine, although the evidence at the moment seems IMHO to be pointing chiefly to the Saudis.

OtisFirefly ago

Does not mean it's free of criticism, which this. Investigate as many Jews as you like I do not care.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Yes, my post was screencapped and hit over 5000+ on reddit's r/the_donald. I literally predicted the falseflag. I hope you know that this sub is full of those who would be called "fringe racists" This shit originated on 4chan's /pol/, do you know what that means?

OtisFirefly ago

I am well aware of that fact bud and I can live with it. But that means if you change your name to something a little more kosher you would help us more than you would hurt us and you don't even have to compromise your integrity or beliefs.

crazy_eyes ago

What makes you think that you have the right to tell others what to say

OtisFirefly ago

Because anything that makes us seem illegitimate hinders us. He could have the same post minus labeling the Jews and David Seamen shilling his jew gold and I'd take no issue. I don't complain about the anti-Zionists here but a username of hookednosejooooo you have got to be fucking kidding me, in the middle of a constant fight to not seem like a hate filled campaign. One good way of dispelling stereotypes and labels put on pizzagate by the media is not to fit their exact profile.


'anything that makes us seem illegitimate hinders us.'

No, it doesn't. Seem illegitimate to whom? To some people, a willingness to look into Jewish/Zionist criminality makes the writer seem more legitimate.

People really have to think for themselves about the Jewish question. We don't need to conform our ideas to any standardised concept of what is 'legitimate' and what isn't.

OtisFirefly ago

Trying to convince the world, some of which is Jewish and some of which sympathetic to Jews, hell not once have I told anyone not to check out Jews cause I've already vetted them myself. But say someone was interested in the investigation came here and the first thing they saw was this fucking kike shilling his jew gold they probably have a greater chance of pissing right off, than more neutral manner in which facts are presented.

Well that's great man, I forgot that pizzagate was focused on the Jewish Question, I just got confused is all man I won't let it happen again.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

I think they are wanting this story to die quickly without anyone questioning it. Because it's so easy to poke holes in it, has anyone seen if the DC police have put out any more statements? People on the payroll wont touch it, and the other folks will figure it out soon enough.. but I don't think a major deal will come of this.

They want it to die quickly so in the future they can say "member the shooter?" "do ya,? Member?" and use it to discredit us.