GiantMillipino ago

does this still stand?

GiantMillipino ago

I see, thank you. I don't doubt informants or shills could infiltrate to that depth, but sometimes I wonder if it's just someone who unintentionally helps discredit this investigation by association of his more 'out there' beliefs

GiantMillipino ago

I was also banned from r/The_Donald for saying he hasn't done anything yet and is weird toward his daughter. reasons they gave were '(concern) trolling and not being a follower of donald'

GiantMillipino ago

how can we verify that you don't just post comments and then delete them yourself?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"KILLROOM" is the name given to the fridge room by Alefantis, et al. Why do you and/or others keep acting like PGers are doing something wrong by using that nickname for it? How else should they refer to it?

If you don't like the nickname, complain to the pizza cookers.

tt7 ago

Also, was your subverse closed? What is it?

tt7 ago

Something is definitely up, my recent posts in this sub have not been showing up on my comment history when I check. Lots of e-fuckery once you start bringing this stuff up for sure.

tt7 ago

Good post. May I ask (without wanting to be a hostile dick), were you a mod? Did you have a website? I have not heard of "armyseer"

tt7 ago

People have placed false hope in Trump. His insiders are just as complicit, and the man himself is kind of a wild card.

The involvement of Thorn and the other implicated kids agencies should make it clear. Trump is a limited hangout. People may have placed their hopes in him, but these massive arrests going on since his taking office -- many of them are clearly coverrups. I was shadowbanned instantly from t_d for mentioning Thorn and the Polk County brushfire.

People need to stop sending their stories to Milo, etc, the citizen's research thing needs to continue without offloading it to cults of personality who are clearly shills (Seaman, etc)

EDIT: To OP, when people slowly came to terms with this, there were things that were hard to accept. Now a second go around, I think the thing we all might have to accept is that Trump is not the hero going to fix all this. I don't know his character or motivations, but it's pretty clear new admin is doing some amount of damage control on this. Shadowbanned for mentioning anything about Thorn on the_donald? They let pizzagate stuff fly lately. Why not Thorn? Because they're complicit in the cover-up and not to be questioned. Spooky, but people need to consider that new boss may not be different from the old boss, or that the new boss is somehow compromised.

E2: Also, there has been a lot of dirt flying in Florida surrounding this stuff, and the second I mentioned the brushfire being a possible cover-up I got smart-cookie shadow-banned from t_d and then r/conspiracy.

E3: Also this post doesn't show up in my comment history when I look, for at least the last 5 minutes

sirylj ago

Well, never mind about being unbanned. I saw the reply option when I initially went over there, but I just tried messaging the mods and it said I'm still muted, and the reply option is gone again. Still have 2 more days to go.

sirylj ago

r/PedoFiles is set to private, but I just made v/PedoFiles.

sirylj ago

My temp ban at The_Donald is over now. I'll make a post about the Ankara assassination and see what happens.

I noticed this reply to your comment:

Needs to be up higher - that CTR is trying to push Pizzagate comports with the "close but not quite, we prefer to call it Pedogate" insider rumors

Do you have any other info about this? I've used both PedoGate and PedoFiles in addition to PizzaGate at times.

edit: Also, I don't know how much you use archives, but has a bookmarklet for one-click archiving of pages, and you can add before a url to archive it using Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

The bookmarklet makes it really convenient to save pages right after making a post and to catch deletions, changes, etc.

sirylj ago

I was recently shadow banned from The_Donald for asking questions about the Ankara assassination in the Alex Jones AMA.

My comments were deleted, and I was banned without receiving any message, just getting a red error message when trying to post about it outside of the AMA saying "you can't post/submit here" (can't remember the exact wording), and refreshing the submit page gave me a 404 style page that said "forbidden (".

After a while, some of my initial comments were undeleted and I received a 3 day ban, but later ones about comments being deleted are still gone.

I've posted about this elsewhere:

roundhouse1776 ago

The Donald has been compromised for awhile now. It's been turned into an echo chamber circle jerk. All the empty content posts and stuff that doesn't promote any useful discussion gets voted straight to the top. It's sad to see because if they used their active community for good, they could be a real force like they were during the election campaign.