Piscina ago

I'm trying to downvote this. If you are serious about wanting to protect children, your efforts should be concentrated on investigating Comet, Podesta and especially Clinton Foundation. When I see this kind of behaviour, it leads me to believe you are trying to derail and muddy the waters.

sirylj ago

PleadingtheYiff from Disobedient Media just released this article: Democrat Propaganda Group Shareblue Has Ties To Chinese Government, Host Of Foreign Special Interests


Comments from The_Donald post about this:



This is from our own u/PleadingTheYiff, isn't it?



It is. And this article the first in a series I will be doing on Chinese infiltration of the United States over time. I hope to bring you another this week.



ASolo ago

Agreed. David Seaman had the opportunity to continue his expose of Pizzagate but was either horribly frightened off from the investigation or was cucked by those neo-con fascists at the 'deplora'ball', that goofball looked like he was having way too much fun at that insulting event of bipartisan idiots, just as he had that permagrin on one of his close to last videos of him and his gal pal, turn up the professionalism a notch there blossom.. Hitlery in no way deserved to win and neither does this lubavitcher occultist and his incestuous cabal of satanists including alex jones, roger stone, and drumpfs 'mommy' and mk handler from the grave roy cohn.

If Seagull was serious he would have covered some of the peripheral findings of Yoichi Shimatsu and his ten essay expose'. Although he wrote for rense who also shills for trump his insights into the media establishment that tried to suppress Pizzagate is unparralleled, like his findings on Snopes and their connection to leather and bondage, the legal (and illegal) online meds and child pornography industry, the craigslist killer, Eryn O Bryn and her illustrious porn career. Yoichi also goes into detail about the Podesta email and the handkerchief, the pool party and outlines a very plausible scenario that suggests the Sandlers, that family that created the 80's housing bubble, were using their private time to massage potential clients for the Clinton Foundation, most notably Hans Wyss, a bioengineering prosthetics producer. Not to mention the Clinton Foundations mole in the UN Jens Stoltenburg and it's connection to the child extortion rings set up in the Ukraine. Let us not even go into the Haitian Silsby, Maccoby, Alefantis common council meeting etc etc. ALL of this information was covered extensively by Yoichi Shimatsu and this forum virtually IGNORES all of his writing, BUT, I see a few of the smart ones are really applying heat to that Maccoby connection and how he stuck up for Alefantis for wanting his establishment to stay open after midnight. The Folger, Maccoby, Alefantis, Puello, Silsby, Clinton, Haiti is the big ticket. Did you see David Seaman cover any of this? No.

David Seaman does deserve credit for hammering away at this the way he did and has opened more than a few doors for people to see some of the underbelly of the establishment in it's raw form. I think David scratched a little too deep and got scared at what he saw and that is the reason he backed off so quickly. This work is not for the faint of heart and it takes it's toll. This is one reason why we have to trust some of the wisdom of seasoned veterans like Shimatsu and his years of witnessing this kind of child trafficking and it's accompanying horrors in the Asian countries that he is from. His organizations have helped shut down more than one international child porn sharing and production enterprise in the world, and one that might have led to the death of the internet's own boy. I think someone with enough wit and intelligence could formulate a template from which many branches would connect the entire deck of cards through those ten essays alone. I know it sounds aggrandizing to promote his materials so enthusiastically, but he is the only one that has been able to collate and condense some of the work of the early reddit and voat material into digestible chunks instead of the chaos and deleterious nature voat has become in this matter. There's so much material and so many divergent opinions no one can come to any kind of coherent consensus. Just as it has been planned out to be.

WTF does it matter anyway man, these people have got ALOT of power and it seems most of us are simply just along for the ride to see what kind of a shit show this world ends up to be.

Good luck Y'all... God Bless and God Speed

Clinker ago

Stop with the name-calling. It is counter-productive to spend effort on deciding who is a shill and who isn't. Yes, there are many shills here trying to discourage the truth, posting untrue stuff to de-legitimize the effort. Most of the time they are obvious. They should be ignored. But at this point, our job is already done. President Trump has sent clear signals that the FBI is truly going to take action with his child-trafficking executive order, and his comments before and during Session's confirmation. The FBI is almost certainly going to have better evidence than we have. I would be surprised if they weren't keeping an eye on what is happening here; I'll bet some of the stuff we've uncovered will be useful to them. But they also won't be fooled by garbage posted by shills. If the very best posts are being deleted, well, that is information also, isn't it?

TLDR: the worst thing we can do to this forum is degenerate into paranoia where we aren't talking about the subject at hand any more. The best way to handle shills is to downvote and ignore.

Mellowmountain ago

This is fucked.. so where do we compile evidence now? should we start a new /v/pedogate?

Also, I had the same feeling about Seaman, like someone said "we'll send you a bunch of money if you do a flatearth video" Shit's just getting ridiculous.

pierrebezukhov ago


Faustian ago

I'm a dummy, and I misread. Fair play. Maybe message the mods and ask them to post a sticky on voat etiquette, requesting the userbase downvoat content that is clearly irrelevant. It will help them do their job, and it will get folks used to the voat way.

Faustian ago

So, what are you *advocating?

Faustian ago

Voats handle it. You have the occasional posts in system subs that are clearly voat manipulated, but they are far and few between. For the most part, the voats handle the content. If you see a post that is clearly voat manipulated, you cross post to v/whatever or v/protectvoat. People see your post, go to the link and downvoat it to counter. As the rules stand, one could make a strong argument that the post violates Rule 2 and even Rule 1, but you could make the same argument for half the posts in the sub. So, you think a post that got 489 upvoats and multiple positive comments should be deleted? A post the community is interested *in supersedes the rules, imo.

Faustian ago

I agree with you on the meta, but likely disagree with you on everything else. I'm one of the people that thinks the voats can handle the content, for the most part. When you have around 1000 users in a sub on any given day, they can easily upvoat and downvoat content based on relevance without help. What they upvoat and downvoat should not be up to mods. It should be up to users Deleting posts that get upvoated, posts the community is interested in, is anti-voat. If I understand you correctly, you want the mods to label and delete by designating folks as shills regardless of how interested the community is in the post, is that right? It seems like a dangerous path towards more censorship.

Faustian ago

Seems like you're advocating for even more rules. The more language, words, a rule has, the more interpretation of that rule is required. If you think they are subjectively enforcing their rules now, what do you think will happen if more rules are made?

ZeroPointNow ago

Hmm. Interesting.

ZeroPointNow ago

Ok that's a match - I agree on an affiliation.

ZeroPointNow ago

Looking at Millennium Report - the writing style is different from Craddick/Yiff. Craddick puts an 'executive summary' and lays his stuff out like a legal document for his disobedientmedia.com and ZeroHedge contributions - as he is a law school graduate. Lots of structure, lots of bullet points, goes very deep. Craddick is also very open about his child trafficking / Clinton / Silsby / Pizza research under his own name and brand (Yiff / Disobedient Media).

Here's an example of his style. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-03/questions-remain-shifting-narrative-conflicting-testimony-indicate-cover-quebec-terr

Maybe Yiff/Craddick knows the guy who runs Millennium Report and has submitted content, but while I can't say for sure - I don't think he runs the site.

ZeroPointNow ago

PleadingtheYiff is William Craddick. He runs disobedientmedia.com - not Millennium Report.

TheHolyGrail ago

My Bad, this is pizzgate shills.

TheHolyGrail ago

My guess (and by guess I mean God tells me) ArmySeer is Mossad.

TheHolyGrail ago

I would say 90% of the people here are shills.

SpikyAube ago

I just went and looked up the stuff about Clinton and that company and turns out she was linked to them in a different way, giving the $500 million despite them having a reputation for mismanagement, fraud and waste of money and resources. So I pointed out what you had said to the OP and included the new info.

I'm happy to do my best to fix mistakes and don't want to attack anyone. Let me know next time you see something you think is evidence of mod shillery and I'll sort it out or find out what the reasons were and give a full explanation. It is important for there to be trust I think.

gopluckyourself ago

will take a look I was out of town this last weekend and am just now getting back into the swing of things.
my advice for anyone looking into this tho. Continue to use /v/pizzagate but get into small focused research groups. figure out what aspect of the investigation you want to tackle and make a plan to do so then execute. We need an updated definition as well as concrete areas of interest to move forward. I like voat I think it's great but this isn't the end all be all of dedicated research it's just an imageboard for people to post their findings.
Maybe I should put together a post about this type of thing.....

SpikyAube ago

I'm a mod and it's not compromised - it's just that everyone's so paranoid (understandably so) that when you don't agree with a mod's decision, or you think something's important and they don't, or they make a mistake or overlook something, instead of accepting that sometimes we'll disagree or make mistakes etc, you immediately go to 'they're all shills waaaaaaaa.'

Your last example, the mod probably gave the OP the benefit of the doubt and didn't look into it as thoroughly as you, so didn't have that realisation that the connection wasn't really anything significant. They took the OP's word, which was a mistake as they should have checked it out properly before flagging it, and thought it sounded like a interesting lead. I'll go and have a look at that post now.

Honestly, if they are all shills then I don't know why they asked me to join in. You are looking at everything with such a fixed paranoid filter on, I can't imagine a scenario or a subverse in which you wouldn't think everything was controlled by shills and would be happy to give people the benefit of the doubt. At some point, we all have to do that with this stuff.

If anything, you are coming across like a shill, by constantly trying to discredit v/pizzagate and make people feel wary of going there, thus dispersing those people who are looking into it, and making it more difficult for them to organise and share findings. Is that your end goal? What is your goal - you want to move everyone off Voat and into your own little online PGI trap?

See - it's easy to make everything seem like shilling.

SterlingJB ago

Personally think she might be just a little cray-cray w/o affiliation. She stopped commenting altogether on George and Dave's reality TV tom clancey novel about a week ago after many a CAPs and ! rants. I comment there too, I think this new era of reality TV is interesting, but he definitely doesn't like to respond when you point out continuity errors in his narrative style. Edit: George and Dave, the cut offs make for great cliff-hangers, but only make sense if you're live streaming. Just my two cents

Jem777 ago

Armyseer you are a shill. Stop posting this crap. You are obviously a paid shill at this point and give no credit to the massive work being done here and many other places. You are obvious and so incredibly stupid to think that you can twist the narrative in your handlers direction📽. Go away

had_enough ago

This sucks but it's not unexpected, they'll stop at nothing to keep this under wraps.

sleepingbeautycan ago

If the pleadingtheyiff is the same as the reddit one, that person did amazing pizzagate investigation work. I'm glad you have found a place to investigate where you can control what gets to the top page. Cheers.

o0shad0o ago


(1) I'd like to see more examples of this disinformation.

(2) What exactly would you propose regarding this specific example, the AdvaMed post. Removing the tag? Deleting the article?

archons ago

So why the hell don't we use one of the other pizzagate subvoats that aren't compromised?

gopluckyourself ago

/v/pizzagateuncensored literally doesn't have a mod

Lunari ago

"abortionburger was made a mod today (2/6/2017)."


Whelp, if it wasn't already clear enough that the voat PizzaGate sub has been compromised for quite a while now - that right there should make it pretty fucking clear.

chordwonder ago

They blackmail or threaten harm to them & their loved ones.

chordwonder ago

I remember her from the Casey Anthony case. She did the same thing there. Anyone gets close to the truth, she tries to intimidate them. That doesn't work on me. It makes me double-down.

chordwonder ago

I am 1chordwonder on gab & votable.

chordwonder ago

I agree. LaDonnaRae from Gab went nuts when I posted about the DC clean River project(massive tunnels system the director of law was emailing his creepy construction notes about to faculty & students). She went crazy & I knew I was onto something. I've seen her on other forums & she's definitely w/the bad guys. I told her I do not shut up...lol. She got down voted too. I haven't has any probs on Votable & they have a pretty good pizzagate board.

sirylj ago

LaDonnaRae acts too crazy for most people to take her seriously, but that just adds to the image of crazy PizzaGate researchers. All I've ever seen her do on Gab is call other people fake researchers and anti-Semitic, and repost the same blog post over and over.

chordwonder ago

She became EXTREMELY upset when I discussed "construction notes" in Podesta emails, which talk about massive DC water tunnel project near Georgetown University. That tunnel project needs investigated & Georgetown U does too. One professor was selling "respectful & amicable" beanie babies, so his visiting parents wouldn't find out about them. There is also an onsite daycare at Georgetown U. These things really need investigated.

porqueno ago

chordwonder ago

Gab.ai & Votable.com don't censor you.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I have been reading alternative news 10 years. I am seeing disinformation and PsyOps everywhere lately. And I put up with porn on 4chan and 8Ch prior to election. It's very bad lately. Unfortunately for Team Black WE KNOW. Some of us know exactly what is going on, even more than some of "them". Most days I wish I didn't know to tell the truth.

SterlingJB ago

It's a war of competing psyops. Could be unified, but seems like different factions are competing for your belief.

TheHolyGrail ago

Win the battle before you enter it, become... The Holy grail of trolling, A Schizophrenic Autist, willing to talk to yourself from multiple accounts in order to socially engineer audience bias.

Like I'm doing now ;)

pizzaequalspedo ago


PizzaGate711 ago


Dasistnichtgut ago

Can't help but think armyseer and Millenial_Falcon are the same person. Or at least cut from the same clothe. Now he's playing the victim...please.

chordwonder ago

They suck. I think they work for the pedos.

Don-Keyhote ago

I do notice they make zero effort to clean up the board, delete reposts, make stickies, coordinate and connect leads, basically don't do shit. So shills or not they can blow me.

Singleservename ago

Have to say I agree about the AdvaMed shitpost. Very suspicious to see such flimsy research upvoated into the hundreds within hours.

Then read the excessive praise. Then see the discussion degenerate into pro-life agitation.

Also, haven't seen ANY serious research for days here.

SpikyAube ago

Maybe I am being too kind, but I really think a lot of people who spend time reading about PG but not really doing their own research, just look at it almost like a massive online interactive political thriller/mystery horror game or story. Not like they think of it that way consciously and obviously they know it's real, but I think people just trust that researchers have been thorough, or that someone else will point it out if it's not accurate, and if it seems juicy or like it could lead somewhere, or has new information then people will up vote it and praise it. I think it's worth remembering that humans are lazy and make mistakes and have differing opinions to one another and can do things incompetently, without being evil pedo-protecting shills.

Silverlining ago

massive online interactive political thriller/mystery horror game

Oouch! That hit a nerve.

DefenderOfTruth ago

This exactly. I think we've established PG is too big to be organized well here at Voat. It's hard for me to jump in and see where the holes are and there are a bunch of disjointed posts to boot. I just keep praying Trump and/or some good guys who are high up will use their legal power and resources to bust the trafficking system.

This whole thing is overwhelming to me and it's so easy to misinterpret something, comment, then be called a shill. Come on! I've read most of @AbortionBurger 's comments and don't see any issue with her. She has jumped to conclusions like the rest of us at times, but genuinely seems like she wants to help.

I too am getting tired of these "all mods are evil" posts.

chordwonder ago

This will be deleted soon. I agree. Anyone gets too close to truth, they delete it. Most of us know it. The deleted posts are the ones we need to see. This whole forum was set up to draw out & censor pizzagate investigators, IMO.

jangles ago

So, you must work for ......?

jangles ago

They have the wool over your eyes.

jangles ago

You are mistaken