had_enough ago

we can only wake the sheeple up to one conspiracy at a time and the galvanizing one is pedophilia. All the others like 9/11 chemtrails etc leave room for the mind to object, but no sane person could ever knowingly defend pedophilia so when this breaks it will pave the way for the others to come out later. People can't grok that 3,000 of our own were murdered by cheney & gang on 9/11, but once it comes out they rape and murder kids 9/11 will not seem so far fetched. Just my two cents, pedophilia is not the only "conspiracy" going, it's just the nastiest of all of them.

sunajAeon ago

You have your nerve calling me Aj, the MR on chemtrails is the topic, dummy, and his info is in line with Dane Wiginnton

derram ago