sirylj ago

Copying again from identitarian thread- UPDATE:

So the first comment is back now, but the others are still deleted, and I'm still shadow banned without any message telling me.

Here's the archive of the first comment deleted: 23 Feb 2017 02:29:15 UTC

Here's the archive of it live: 23 Feb 2017 05:12:57 UTC

Still doesn't explain why it was deleted in the first place (wasn't because of spam, I didn't repost it until after the first one was deleted), or why they shadow banned me for just bringing it up, especially now that it's back in the thread.


sirylj ago

Copying a more detailed breakdown from another comment in identitarian:

Comment I'm replying to:-

Buddy he could have collapsed one way, then rolled over as he died. He's fat as fuck and its a 9mm so it probably didnt go through. He could have been bleeding internally without a ton leaking out.

It was on film. Bodies get darker when the blood stops pumping, unless they're losing all then blood, blood turns blue/darkish as cells use up oxygen.

My comment:-

Those are all valid points, but this is also about why they would delete the posts about this in the Alex Jones AMA and why they would shadow ban me for asking them.


Yes, he is large. The way he fell, it was pretty much directly to his left, crumpling at his knees and waist. He might have fallen at a bit of an angle, but even if he did, he would have had to roll at most 90 degrees or a bit less in a counter clockwise circle to get to the final position he was in. In the picture of him, he is laying straight backwards with his arms completely straight out to both sides. This is a weird position for him to end up in given how he fell. It would be more likely that he was either crumpled or slight straightened out, and point to the left, or a bit of an angle upwards. But his final position is completely backwards in a cross position as if he fell straight back.

He could have bled internally, and I'll get to the possible body double of the shooter, but given how much blood was in the pictures of the shooter, it is odd that there is not one drop of visible blood around the ambassador. If he fell straight back, it should have pooled at least a tiny bit under or around him, or be visible soaking into the back of his clothes. And if he rolled a bit from his initial position to his final position, it would also be reasonable that there would be at least tiny amounts of blood between to the two positions.

There's also the possible "directors", about 3-4 people who are around the corner of the wall and don't seem to be worried or panicked at all. There body language does not match what is happening. Someone has just been shot, and everyone else in the picture is trying to get to cover, kind of around the corner with some still in light of sight of the shooter. All of them are cowering down, crouched, hands up for some in a bit of a protective stance. None of them are standing straight, and they all looked worried. And then there is this anomaly of 3-4 people who are all the way pas the corner, and they are all standing completely straight, good posture, arms at their sides or seemingly holding equipment. They are looking at the people that are cowering or crouched, but they have zero reaction, not looking around at anything, standing there seemingly calm and not at all in the same state of distress that everyone else is in.

This picture has the ambassador and these people in the frame, from a position past the ambassador's podium and farther to the left of it, as if from the top right corner of the room if facing the podium.

Then there is the shooter's hands. They appear to be photoshopped in several pictures. When pointing up and down, his finger seems unnaturally long, This could obviously just be a long finger, but it seems almost a third longer than it should be. Even if his finger isn't photoshopped, it appears that his hand is in two other images (one might be the same as the pointing one). It appears that he has 6 fingers, that it is an image of a closed fist with an extra long index finger pasted onto it. When you space out the fingers on his hand, if he only has five fingers, then his pinkie or ring finger end up being twice as thick as any of the other fingers.

In another image with him holding the pistol, it appears that he is cupping one hand in the other, as if playing rock paper scissors, and the gun seems to be photoshopped behind the hands instead of within one hand with the other cupping it.

The shooter also appears different than the last picture of him shot, other than just the skin color, which does appear darker without the rest of the image darkening, but like you said, that could be blood loss (but again that makes me wonder why there wasn't a single drop of visible blood anywhere around or on the ambassador).

But putting the skin color/shade aside, the hairline, eyebrows and sideburns don't seem to match up exactly between the pictures of the dead shooter and when he is still alive. The hairline looks just slightly different if a few spots, as well as the flair of his eyebrows. But his sideburn is the one that changes the most. In the earlier pictures, his left sidburn curves on the inside corner over his ear without touching it, and goes down to just above the lobe of his ear. It is fairly thin and long, a bit flat, and looks more like a rectangle with the one inside curve.

In the picture of the dead shooter, though at a different angle, the sideburn appears to be shoter and wider, and a bit bushier. The inside curve is slightly different, and when you rotate and put the images side by side, even at different angles, you can see that the sideburn in the second imaged doesn't reach down to the same physical part of the ear as the first one. You can see this by looking at the inside lobe and structure of the ear. It's not much, but it is visible.

After all of this, there was a funeral ceremony. Soldiers were carrying his casket. In close up images and videos of this, you can see that the front two soldiers are holding the casket up with their fingers curled in a fist. There is a visible gap of air between their fingers and their hand, so the weight of the coffin would be entirely or mostly on their fingers and not on their palm or entire hand. If the ambassador's body was in the coffin, and as you say and I have acknowledged, he is fairly large and heavy, yet they appear to be holding up the coffin with just their fingers curled over with visible air gaps between their fingers and their hands. This wouldn't really be feasible or practical if his body were in the coffin, especially for maintaining their grip on the casket, which also seems to come into play in the next few moments, As they come forward to place the coffin on some sort of table, they seem to bobble it for a moment as they lower it. In video and repeating gifs of this moment, you can see the coffin quickly move up and down before they regain complete control over it, and it seems as if the coffin is empty, as it wouldn't move in the same with if it were weighed down by the ambassador's body. It looks like an empty box just shaking for a moment.

Aside from all of the above, there is also some occultish symbology throughout. This obviously doesn't add as much to the case as anything above does, but the ambassador's body is in a crucifix position, the shooter points up and down at the same time (as above, so below), and the dead body has the leg curled over in a 4, like the hangman or joker card, I can't recall which right now. Like I said, this isn't nearly as tied to center of this case as the rest of the above is.

And in the end, there's the question as to why this was deleted multiple times, and why I was shadow banned without receiving the normal temporary/permanent ban message, and why the question wasn't allowed to remain in the thread, unanswered or not.

Sorry for the length, I'm just trying to get all the details in.