GeorgeT ago

Jeff's interview with Jim Rothstein was awesome. He is right on the money. Robert David Steele said the same

Bolux ago

Reminds me of Mr. Creosote.

samhara ago

Unable to distinguish between substance and surface?

Ignorance is the only slavery?

blackguard19 ago

Can't metz with the Fetz.

Antiracist2 ago

Here he says Hillary is a double and Michelle is a tranny.

A philosopher of science. Jesus Christ.

At least I feel better about myself now.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Bojangles, how do you explain these types of people? Apparently intelligent, but buy into pizzagate, or at least claim to.

What fucking world am I living in?

Pizzagate is so strange.

wtf_is_happening ago

Are you blind? Open your eyes. So much visual evidence that Michelle IS a tranny. (But you're pushing us off topic. Whatever.)

blackguard19 ago

He says Hillary used at least 2 doubles during the campaign, which she did. And Michael Obama is a tranny unless you think it's normal for women to have penises.

Antiracist2 ago

Wouldn't a maxipad make more sense?

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

blackguard19 ago

I've never seen a maxi pad that looks so much like a ding-dong, but that's not the only evidence for this theory.

Antiracist2 ago

How is that evidence that she's a tranny?

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Mooka_Molaka ago

As a ladyperson who has dealt with all kinds of menstruation-related products & bullshittery, except for the period cup -GTFO.

Of my kitty.

b/c the only cups in the bathroom should be maybe a toothbrush holder - but cover your toothbrush b/c even when you close the lid to flush, toilet water gets aerated & spreads a fine mist of piss-poo - unless you're into that - and the other cup could maybe be those old Dixie Cup dispenser disposable paper cups from back in the olden days, and none of those should go in your hoo-ha either.

Those of you who enjoy & want to defend your menstrual cup...well /grats. I guess it's like your own sort of trophy cup. Stanley Cup or something.

Except the blood from hockey is mostly coming from the likes of Ogie Oglethorpe or The Hanson Brothers, who btw, are some patriotic fuckin' heroes

Anyway, as I was saying before I drifted over into Derpy I Digress Land, I'm going to respond to the question that was posed;

Wouldn't a maxipad make more sense?

No. Never, ever have I ever had a maxi pad SWINGING BACK & FORTH OR TO AND FRO IN MY PANTS AS I DANCED. Nor would I be wearing white pants to go dance on the Ellen Show while having my period. But personally, that's just me & b/c endometriosis is a fucking bitch.

Not to mention that maxi pads don't swing in any way shape or form. They have adhesive that sticks to your underwear. And a majority of them have "wings" where they fold over the edges of the crotch-panel portion of your panties. Those have adhesive tape too. One big stripe of adhesive down the center (panty side down or you're gonna have a bad time) and two more wings over the edge of each leghole/crotch panel. Adhesive on those wings/foldover tabs and the center strip is comparable to that like on a diaper.

Point is? That thing is not going to slide up the front of your panties or spanx and suddenly just nestle upside your pubic bone. It's not going anywhere.

Don't act like you all didn't want this intriguing lesson in menstrual paraphernalia. You know you're still reading this. And now learning info you didn't even know you wanted to know!

you weirdoperv

And no type of menstrual pads, clothing or undergarments has EVER caused this suspicious bulge/bump/"lady-penis" that has shrunken from taking estrogen-progesterone hrt (hormone replacement therapy) for the transition.

The only tucking method(s) or "garment" of any type that seems believable in some of these suspicious twig 'n' berries photos & videos is "gaff panties"

I don't care if BHO & Michael are gay, or "Michelle" is trans or otherkin or whatever or however they choose to live their lives.

Just don't be a hypocritical LIAR about it.


edited to correct Hanson Brothers/Slapshot clips

blackguard19 ago

Well they have children that are not theirs..... she has a penis..... Obama calls her "Michael"..... her ring finger is longer than her pointer finger..... she is 5'11"..... has the proportions of a man......

2 + 2 = ?

Mooka_Molaka ago

I've tried to find a picture of her pregnant but so far no luck.

I find that a bit odd.

blackguard19 ago

Well apparently there's not even photos of the small children with her, like during the nursing stage or whatever.

And Sasha and Malia look basically nothing like Barack and Michelle but uncannily similar to Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt.

Laskar ago

It's good to see that Fetzer is not shying away from taking a stand on this.

Thanks for posting this.

dickface8 ago

Fuck Frankenstein

Mooka_Molaka ago

Aw, come on.
He's Good Enough, He's Smart Enough and Doggone it, People Like Him!

bopper ago

Fetzer knows Cynthia McKinney and Roger Stone (who knows Trump) ... not giving up hope. Too many people know, and everybody's connected. Another guy, thanks to the interwebs, that I am one degree of social media separation from. Fetzer goes as far back as the JFK assassination. Always good to hear him talk on this pedo blackmail topic.

samhara ago

See what a real courageous investigator [with the actual academic credentials and achievements for the accomplishment] says and does publicly. Do you think Dr. Fetzer is afraid to be sued for libel? No Way. He can back up everything he says.

GeorgeT ago

Fetzer is a heavyweight. He is on the money!