tt7 ago

Yeah at first I was going to say she might just be a lazy PGer, but you might be onto something.

-- Obligatory disclaimer: Submitted with the hope it shows up in comment history and upvotes are counted, without me having to remind 'the algorithm' --

e: Hey algorithm why don't you pop this comment onto my comment history stack? Lol the censorship is real. Everyone here look into Polk County, Florida brushfires which covered up a massive destruction of evidence and possible smuggling of children out of the state.

Don-Keyhote ago

I haven't heard disinfo from him. He's been on this awhile and almost alone so I'd cut him some slack. There's no similarity to Cassandra that I can see

Mommyplayer571 ago

And he tweets and periscopes his daughter who is a newborn. He doesn't understand these pedos are real. I've been watching him a few weeks. RightSide Broadcasts picked him up so he is all "puffed up". Yeah I can smell Narcisists a mile away when their mask comes off.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Today and yesterday Cernovitch offensive, talking about how much sex he gets, how handsome, how intelligent he is. Really sickening. It almost seemed by design as Seaman is a bit off the deep end lately, although his marijuana use might be responsible for the craziness. I kind of like Seaman on and off, although he did party with Pettibones at the deplorable deploriball. I mean who did they think they were kidding with that one.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I am suspicious of all large twitter acts (except verified major public figures ). They ban up and coming truth tellers unless they have a fatal flaw or are handled (sometimes covertly handled by so called insiders who are supposed leaking but in actuality handling.

cantsleepawink ago

Your article is full of all the names I consider to be 'agents' steering the entire narrative. And that BBC trending blog is the same one that recently put out this disgusting misinformation piece:

2016DLG ago

what you've laid out here is very convincing. I'm so disheartened at this revelation, and feel really bad having just made a contribution to these people. :(

derram ago :

allnighttom on Twitter: "@CassandraRules @0HOUR1___ the end is near for hillary....something big is about to happen" :

BREAKING: I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons : The_Donald :

How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business | PolitiFact

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