Ang68 ago

I'm sorry but if you didn't know that his nickname actually came from Wikileaks...& you believe people who call him "Skippy" are controlled opposition...then honestly I question YOUR motives.

Newfind ago

Makes more sense.

Don-Keyhote ago

Maybe 3am west coast time I post a thread about David Geffen/interscope records, by daybreak it's gone and the Wikipedia image of their pedologo is scrubbed then I repost explaining rules and get banned for spamming immediately.

This is prima facie evidence that he is a shill, spread the word on the sub since I can't

Edit: by he I mean millennial faggot of course and another called sensitive I think

MostPostersAreShills ago

Surprised that nobody is upvoting this. I had always thought maybe he is controlled opposition because the same 2 users keep posting him tweets here.

sound_of_silence ago

what do you see at the current false narrative?

druhill007 ago

Thank you for this question

sound_of_silence ago

which parts do you believe are real?