G0P2 ago

Happy Easter

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

This isn't the real @Puttitout. His writing syntax is so different than it was. It's not him.

aileron_ron ago

I to survived corona, I took one sip of that piss water and to this day remember the horrible taste. I imagine it like sucking on dog dick

boekanier ago

You survived? Why not, most people get better again.

MadWorld ago

COVID-50 <- You want to be HERE.





COVID-19 <- You are HERE.







Make sure you can stock up enough toilet paper to survive COVID-50. The time to start collecting toilet paper is NOW. Make sure you are prepared for COVID-50 (((Global Plannedemic))).

TheEqualizer ago


Mustard_Monkey ago

@PuttItOut a single sticky showing us you are alive is great. A daily update or weekly would be fantastic from this day forth. Please clean up VOAT too many retards have snuck in and Reddited this site up.

Manintights ago

looks like someone got bored during lockdown and decided to come back.

heygeorge ago

Fuck you forgot to ban dearjulius.com

Mustard_Monkey ago

Please clean up some of these user names based of their website names. Some verses need to be punted too.

edgydude69 ago

Best post ever in voat.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Excellent information; I shall be sure to pass it on!

EnigmaticSimian ago

What a douche canoe. Fuck off.

DontBeRacist ago

That's not how it works. You have to eat the toilet paper.

i_scream_trucks ago

im getting the feeling you might be just a little bit full of shit.

Kehar ago


Bojangles ago

shut up you unfunny faggot

@antiracistMetal @eagleshigh

eagleshigh ago

generate ago

Open us to the world, make pages public. There are only three people left here - me, you and one faggot who may be also me or you. And do fucking search don't be like pajeet

Libtardscum ago

I can't argue with science

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Hur Dur, I glow in the dark, lets joke about the new (((meme))) on voat, Her Der!

Fuck off @PuttItOut, you've been glowing in the dark for a couple years at least.

We all know this is a honeypot, stop pretending you're Justin.

Maybe we should rename you to (((Justein)))

Bridgeheadprod ago

Is this real life?

Ol_Hickery ago

HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Where the fuck have you been? Is this even you? You can see ive been coming here for a while. Im sure you can figure that out. Wtf is going on there guy? I fuckin love you and this site... But..... Whom has the helm???

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Now thats a fucking shitpost.

Nice to see you bro.

surfsup ago

Fo'bid da covid!

AnarchicAlpaca ago

fake and covid

Ocelot ago

Why don't you respond to someone, nigger?

Folke ago

your benevolent, patient, wise, beautiful (women can verify this)

beautiful ? Handsome is what people call good looking men. So what are you calling yourself, huh fag?

Kazara ago

VOAT is just proven to be an obscure, irrelevant site. I really hoped for more.

GoodGodKirk ago

Of course it rains in california when a virus pandemic hits. Not any other time...

garthbartham ago

Gay as fuck. Why don't you tell us about your porcelain clown and Beanie Babies collections.

scrimmmy ago

Jesus fucking Christ. Didn't I warn you against wet anything in chy- na? Take your aquarium cleaner and call Menon the am

bossdigital ago

I had it in January.

Workingsteel ago

This place turned to shit man. Sad day.

garthbartham ago

QRV has always been a shit hole.

TopTierCIAShill ago


Overland_bound ago

I just noticed the COVID virus 🦠 in the VOAT logo! Very good.

Drstrangebeard ago

hiya, putt! welcome back!

fireinthebowl ago

fucking legend

VandalayIndustries ago


Welcome back man! Love ya! ❤️ And yes, mucho homo involved!

MaunaLoona ago

How was Mexico, Moot? Oops, wrong site & decade.

Redcobra ago

Hello hope you are well

Action_Bastard ago

But will you survive AIDS?

SparklingWiggle ago

Just no. You are wrong. There is no way I can prove otherwise so enjoy your fantasy.

mxcviel ago

Thanks for coming back :)

Patrice_oneal_ ago

He's back baby! Missed you, word around was that the fbi got to you

bcboncs ago

Garbage post is garbage.

Fried-Laptop ago

is covid-18 available at the giant tp palace on cap'n calebs island?

Tallest_Skill ago

hehe you think you have it all figured out don't ya......Reported to mom.

Tallest_Skill ago

try again ass wipe......I am @Tallest_Skil and I don't wiggle or sparkle

wokeasfook ago

Why the fuck is this a global sticky?

Was there something of relevance in there that I'm missing?

This is fucking stupid.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Was there something of relevance in there that I'm missing?

There is, you're just too stupid to see it. And those of us that do are all laughing at you.

wokeasfook ago

You're here 30 days and you've already been found out.

Putt being valiantly defended by 30 day old kike accounts.

I'm sure you're an agitated white; you're a glow in the dark kike.

Daily reminder: your genetics are shit. You belong to the ugliest tribe on the planet both inside and outside.

Brush your teeth you're disgusting.

physicscat ago

You are adorable.

fightknightHERO ago

HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Sn0w1 ago

I guess my paper jam advice worked then

Awisegrasshopper ago

Why on earth did you post this @PuttItOut?

wokeasfook ago

And why is it a global sticky?

70times7 ago

To mock you.

wokeasfook ago

Me personally, what an honor.

70times7 ago

You can be a Q'er and say "putt said toilet paper. That means to wipe all our hdds."

But no. Its a more general spit in your mouth gentile dog kinda insult.

jewsbadnews ago

Fuck you @PuttItOut, just let someone else run the site if you aren't, this is why there has been no growth.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

I wish that the other users on this site were as chill as the owner

torpoolocc ago

You mispelked compromised.

Beast-mode-freak ago

Why can I only search back 3 months with the search feature? Can you change it to 6 months at least please? I wanted to revisit some of the early CoVid-19 posts from Nov/December and I am unable to. Thanks in advance.


Reddit_traitor ago

Use searchvoat.co

Beast-mode-freak ago

Thanks bro.

Cincosiber ago

Thanks @PuttItOut keep up the good work. Us goats love your updates

SparklingWiggle ago

What the fuck are you blathering about? I have no alts. I do have an original account that still exists but I do not use. What account do you think is an alt and why?

Chimaira92 ago

What the fuck is with this psy-op like response after a very long hiatus?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Looks weirdly suspicious and specific.

ColdSteam ago

Legendary, Boss!

Rotteuxx ago

I noticed he's still thinking about you, while on Facebook with his Jewish friends.

maga1234 ago

How about snain? (snow and rain). Just had some fall here... thanks for the laugh.

bdmthrfkr ago

Based and hot-sauce pilled.

fuspezza ago

This isnt putt its april fools you idiots

YogSoggoth ago

Should have asked me how to turn Red Dot™ into Crystal™, an that could have been avoided. There is no way to reverse that cure yet, unfortunately.

Lakswjnsiz ago

God this is why i love this place and you GUISE!!!


Star_Trek_Q ago

April Fool's!

sunshine702 ago

Hi Putt.

I also hear Windex works - according to a Big Fat Greek at a Wedding.

I_I_I__I__I_I_I ago

I have been censored and can only post once per 24 hours. Idk why or what I did any way you could unban me please?

recon_johnny ago

Oh yeah? What beer did you drink with them?

Busty_Neckbeard ago

This post has a suspicious number of primes

I think putts may have been replaced by a Jew...

Rotteuxx ago

We can't even mod our own sub.

We're like mods in exile wandering the wasteland, forever branded.

DarkObelisk ago


You got a better outcome then I did.

All I got was a cough and a lousy T-Shirt to show for surviving Corona

earlymac ago

I'll pass. I'm waiting on COVID-20. They say the graphics are much better.

BigFatDaddy ago

And I thought using COVID-16 for BBQ sauce was hardcore. Putt, you magnificent bastard, stop eating Bat Wings. If you give us COVID-20 next, my wife will kick your ass for sticking our kids at home all day again.

xenoPsychologist ago

well, thats an amazing story.

SparklingWiggle ago

Amalek died for our sins. Were you trying to as well? Really, it's been a while. I hope your okay. I hope you are still flexible enough to suck your own dick. Please tell us what has been going on. Thank you for the ability to speak freely.

novictim ago

Truly ground breaking.

PuttItout, this needs to be posted in the Journal of the American Medical Association or NEJM.

Get well soon!


I have recently procured an entire Container of toilet paper, from Turkey not China and will soon begin construction on my great toilet paper fortress which will take several months. My Mega-Fortress will be constructed high up in a remote mountain location which I cannot, for security reasons disclose at this time. I leave you wonderful people now in good health and with the warmest of wishes for a long and spectacular existence! Good day fellow goats and best wishes:) STUPIDLAMER out.

Revodude2 ago

I needed that laugh !!!

Buff_Awesome ago

God damn it Putt. Why aren't you moderating more on our free speech website? Don't you know that free speech requires moderation? How else am I supposed to avoid things that I disagree with? ABSENTEE ADMIN!

SparklingWiggle ago

Moderate. I just want the fucking maintenance message to go the fuck away.

sherrybean ago

Bat is tasty. Best way to stop. Impossible Bat. - Stolen from Norm MacDonald.

worldofmadness ago

Fuck you Putt, you fucking sell out. And COVID-19 does not exist, just like your sincerity.

offender ago

Can you please ban @Crensch and @Joe_McCarthy ?

Crensch ago

How's @heygeorge doing these days? Y'all keeping socially distant?

offender ago

We keep our dicks at least 6" away from each other.

Crensch ago

A tranny, eh?

He doesn't seem like he could do better; plausible.

theoldones ago

@Crensch has done nothing wrong

@Joe_McCarthy though is an openly jailbait-chasing pedophile and his "barely legal" porn posts 100% break voat TOS

Chempergrill ago

We should ban @theoldones too for being a weak fake viking who can't rape or dox.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My guess is that all of you people calling for me to be banned will get about as much action as my request that downvoting be abolished so as to stop idiots from driving off intelligent people. But keep up the pinging if you want. You're like the 4th I've got since this thread was opened demanding that action be taken against me.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No. There's you lying. Again. Give it a rest.

Octoclops ago

acts like a pedo, has an autistic fit when someone calls him a pedo

They aren't sending their best, folks.

theoldones ago

here's some things you have said among the links i just posted

21 there. I wouldn't have minded seeing her doing that at 15 if that helps.


If I'm going to break the law it'll be a lot more interesting than with a 15 year old fucking herself, believe me.


land of pedos. I think I'll visit there and fuck your girls.


I think this hysteria over 'pedos' mostly comes from uptight Americans.

(RE: article about an age of consent being 13)


"I'm just looking forward to the day when 15-16 year olds can do solo videos. Imagine Alicia or Alizée doing them at that age? But I think I'd prefer to see your sister.

and here is the the porn you posted

VIOLATION 1: "barely legal blonde goes solo (under 7 minutes)"

VIOLATION 2: https://m.anysex.com/206335/

Joe_McCarthy ago

Thanks for reposting that 'violation' from anysex.com. She does arguably look underage. It's just that you don't obtain kiddie porn on above ground sites like that.

You might know this. Or might if you weren't an idiot. In any case you just reposted it. So I guess you are a violator yourself.

theoldones ago

@PuttItOut just to doublecheck, 15 years old is young to breach voat TOS, yes?

as i understand it, voat follows US law in regards to the exploitation of minors

Joe_McCarthy ago

There are no examples of porn featuring 15 year olds posted. Not by me anyway. So do please stop wasting the man's time.

theoldones ago

There are no examples of porn featuring 15 year olds posted. Not by me anyway. So do please stop wasting the man's time.

BULLSHIT you just said the porn you linked looked like the girl was underage, then combine that with all the comments you make explicitly wanting to fuck a 15 year old

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah. She looks like she could be underage. That video is from 21Naturals though. Protip: 21Naturals is not a kiddie porn site.

You're not only wasting Putt's time. You're wasting everyone's time. Certainly mine. I'm done with your ass. Be glad I'm not in your face right now though. Bitch.

theoldones ago

Yeah. She looks like she could be underage. That video is from 21Naturals though. Protip: 21Naturals is not a kiddie porn site.

You're not only wasting Putt's time. You're wasting everyone's time. Certainly mine. I'm done with your ass. Be glad I'm not in your face right now though. Bitch.

we have you on camera saying multiple times you would fuck a 15 year old child. you arnt talking your way out of this one.

nigger_plz ago

I wonder if Corona beer has skyrocketing sales. Useless media doesn't cover those important stats.

allahead ago

Decided to come back on April Fool's Day. Nice.

cynicaloldfart ago

As usual, I'll let the music speak for me


partnparcel ago

This is not Putt folks

JesusDrowning ago

Hopefully you're really back, putt.

Wolfspider ago

Good to know that you are still kicking. I will try to find some of that hot sauce, it sounds great!

kammmmak ago

Good to hear from you King OP. Must be one hell of a story.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Putt is gonna just pop up after how long? Fuck this guy. This site isn't what it used to be

Inaminit ago

Tell us how you really feel...

albatrosv15 ago

Could you please give co-ownership to someone who is like... more stable(pun intended!) than you?

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

I dig his Mamba-like qualities.

hankkimball ago

Benevolent, pffft. What do you take us for?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Happy to hear Corona Chan didn't kill ya but the sites been raped by a pack of wild injuns since last time you made an announcement.

Anywho, you stay safe and healthy


SoonerJJ ago

I hear running uphill is the best way to get ahead of it.

kammmmak ago

April Fucking Fool's Day.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Putt, unmod @Crensch for being a fucking censoring faggot. I got banned from his sub for "forum sliding." I've literally never made a single submission anywhere, let alone in v/GreatAwakening, and comments don't "slide" anything.

Crensch ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

I double checked: it was for "race based division." Lmfao.

Listen up you fucking imbecile: forcing a multiracial society on ethnically homogenous nations is the race based division. If you support a multiracial America, then you're on Team Deep State, not me.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Worse still, they post their bullshit in other subs.

Attac ago

I always thought the faggots become admins, but now I know that admins become faggots.

heygeorge ago

@puttitout pls fix soapboxbanhammer stickies

Kungflu_Master ago

So you're bored too, huh?

Ihatesports ago

Hello mr. Putt. Can you please address some of his concerns and questions;


what crises?

No moderation whatsoever at any level.

Site owner disappeared for over a year and refuses to tell us anything.

Site sold off to a mystery source which owner refuses to explain.

Site confirmed to now be owned by jews.

No new boards can be created. No explanation for this.

Literally year old spambot accounts still allowed to post.

No explanation of donations/advertising being shut down.

No explanation for long site outages that everyone has apparently already forgotten.

No explanation for the rampant, pervasive error message that is clearly a hoax.

No explanation for why the site has been allowed to bleed viewership and membership since the fucking Tarrant debacle.

Cannonfodder ago

This in no way sounds like Putt, thanks for the sad joke.

woadowl ago


Wiserman ago

Remember, post no death threats, otherwise Voat is closed and gone.

CaptnObvius ago

Reminds me of the 'bat shit crazy' flu, its often mis-diagnosed as Trump Derangement Syndrome, but its far worse, it affects every part of these people's lives. They're out there trying to save a climate from changing, like its been doing for millions of years, they're trying to kill babies, even the ones born alive, they are attacking people with common sense, hitting them with bicycle locks, they even believe that buses run on unicorn farts, not electricity from a coal/gas fired plant, I mean these people are 'bat shit crazy'. Its terrible.

Window8866 ago

Putti @Crench says you’re the only one who could get my old password l! COME BACK!!!!

kestrel9 ago

So from the looks of the logo, voat tests positive for COVoat19 ;) It turns the 'few' bannable zombie goats into fat encased black face protein molecules. From the looks of it, v/news is highly infected.

Scientists have found that if you surround yourself in a giant fort of toilet paper and tie it together with baby wipes it takes the power away from COVID-19.

@Inaminit may end up being the last goat standing. https://files.catbox.moe/kcip98.png https://voat.co/v/whatever/3695433

But even he wasn't ahead of the curve in protecting his cat like these precognizant cat owners who created a safe room using toilet paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWJ_bP0bWR8

Keep up the social distancing! goats!

Inaminit ago

Good to see you around, Birdie!

kestrel9 ago

Good to see you too Ina :)

ALIENS2222 ago

Happy April Fools Day Putt. And remember, theres Aliens.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

*Also, is it true you've been waiting for the Qult to implode before you return?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Hey Putt, I'm going to relent, and it's okay if you make me an admin now. Still not doing much unless I get paid. (Send Charmin)

TheLoneQuanger ago

This is a STUPID sticky

Eru777 ago

Please balance your upvoats and downvoats and downvoat me twice

TheBuddha ago


I'll not waste your time. I'm just saying hello. No need to respond.

PuttItOut ago

Hi Buddha.

toobaditworks ago

Can you please ban these .ly spammers???

TheBuddha ago

Hope you're having as much fun as you can and I hope don't fall for my imposter(s).

Don't ban 'em on my behalf, however. I kinda like the flattery! They amuse me.

As for Voat, I am just not really in the mood to write a novella. Pretty much every one of the smart people have now left and the only people that remain are those that add negative value. The mentally ill and mentally handicapped now far outnumber the sane and not retarded. I'm pretty sure it's too far gone to attract users of any value.

Meh... We still have a guitar thread, so there's that. Stay safe, Putt. Stay safe.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

On the subject of your guitar playing....same as your posting style. Contrived. Forced. You hit the right chords but there is no substance. No soul. I believe that is why you play the type of music you do. Hard rock/metal isn't just noise. It rips your chest open and grabs your heart. Your playing mimics the noise but that is it. To me it sounds like a copy of a copy. Diluted.

But I do appreciate the effort.

TheBuddha ago

Once again, you demonstrate your erroneous belief that you are qualified to make statements of fact.

It's pretty easy to fix this.

Think better, not more.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I was just stating my opinion. You know, saying what I believe. I don't know why that bothers you so much. Once again your intelligence is in question. A smart man would know there is value in other people's opinions and not act like theirs is all that matters.

edit: You were an only child.

TheBuddha ago

Your opinion is unqualified and about as valid as your opinion on rocket science. Why you insist on doubling down on it is something you may wish to examine.

And, once again, you're wrong - again. I have siblings.

I bet you don't learn anything from this exchange. I bet you still keep 'thinking' that you're correct, that you understand, or that you're even capable of having valid views. You're not. Worse, you're not smart enough to understand that you're not.

I'm just gonna put you on ignore. The odds of you saying something smart are so small that it's not worth my time. Enjoy your life.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

LOL...what a loser.

TheBudhha ago

Meet me in the super secret chat. I wish to discuss some things.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Was thinking I still had a link to the super secret chat, but now realizing that might have been a year or more ago.

incellivision ago

We know you're not Justin.

Mumbleberry ago

Nice work getting rid of the "allforfun" spammers. Do the "dearJulius" ones next.

Locknltx ago

April Fools!

Ps4Freedom ago

Yay Putt!!! ::happy dancing round and round the fort:: Woot woot

ShiningForce ago

By the grace of god, faggots will behold he hath returned.

Broseefus_ ago

you're not funny nigger

iDontShift ago

so much win. thanks for the laugh.

tastelessinvective ago

Hi Putt. I hope you're weathering Corona-Chan comfortably. Thanks for keeping Voat going.

Conspirologist ago

Happy new 1st April fool. Fuck Coronavirus and the batshit crazy elite.

SpunRecord ago

you are gay

maaaxheadroom ago

Hey @puttitout make @maaaxheadroom a mod on all sbbh subs. Thank you.

MinorLeakage ago

April Fools! You got me good you silly pretender!

Deshy ago

:D glad you made it through, knew you would!

hugs you have no idea how happy I am to see you around these parts, no idea...

N :)

Lag-wagon ago

Fake and gay

thirdsargon ago

Please allow Vdare links @PuttItOut

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Does this mean I have to move out of your room? @heygeorge said I could have it. And I already decorated.

heygeorge ago

Nah, he’s still not coming back

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


GhostSkinAlt13 ago

Who pays for Voat?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

China. Duh.

Covid-20 ago

Buenos dias, fuckboi.


i just bought an entire container of toilet paper so I'll be ptrpared when the menace comes my way. I'llleave you now to begin construction of mytp fort Enjoy your quarantine,

ardvarcus ago

We would be more enthusiastic about your return, and would laugh harder at your funny story, if you hadn't abandoned us for months without a word of explanation (and still no explanation, just a funny story).

Edenz ago

Logged back in and noticed voat drama, I think it was possibly real.... was something about a guy or gay weird freak named Joe_McCarthy, the guy was once a ' patriot libertarian nationalist' he transformed shifted and started spamming Blacked pornography, dirty abusive gang bang crap and other human trafficker crap across voat .... maybe he even admitted doing this stuff and said PuttItOut was weak, absent and wasnt going to do jack shit?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#101426) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Edenz: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

FullLeisureSuit ago

Timing is suspect.

argosciv ago

Says the 6 day account.

Here's some fun timing, kevdude nuked his R3BIRTH account just 2 days prior to @PuttItOut's submission.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Kev still cycles new accounts faster than me, that bastard.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

That's interesting.

Firevine ago

Good to see ya, Putt. Ban the fuck out allforfunlife.

argosciv ago

He did that a little earlier.

Lamp_shade ago

Maybe you niggers could stop posting bullshit and fix the site?

cyclops1771 ago

I noticed the warrant canary didn't get a "Last edit" update. I guess that means we are all still under alphabet control?

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Canary is dead. once the canary is dead, it doesn't come back. there's no pet semetary for warrant canaries.

cyclops1771 ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yes, since he said the poor thing kicked the bucket a while back. Was probably that Chinese bird seed.

BigFatDaddy ago

Chinese bird seed


cyclops1771 ago

Warrants expire, though, I assume, and the canary can be resuscitated?

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Warrants expire


cyclops1771 ago

Some do, depending on their issuance legal entity and their type. Arrest warrants do not. Search warrants usually have a time element. They are not forever.

If not "expire", perhaps revoked, or recalled, or countrmanded would be a better term for you?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I don't know how that works, but you can assume comments receive some attention.


I made an earthbag hut innawoods and filled the bags with dried beans. If shit hits the fan then I can eat my walls.

Hamnegg ago

Hahaha. I copy/pasted your post in my Facebook group, with a few changes. Everyone got a kick out of it. Hope you didn’t mind me stealing your story.

DarkRonin ago

Hahaha posting shit on Facebook is the coolest, dude! Especially copy and pastes from other people. Hahaha!

Vindicator ago

Nice to see you pop your head up out of the foxhole, @PuttItOut.

Have a Quarantine Cake to celebrate! https://files.catbox.moe/bidy3f.jpg

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That is some terrible looking tp. Chinese?

Vindicator ago

They're Quarantine cakes, made by a bakery in Texas. :-)

No6 ago

If you're banning spam please check out links containing these:




think- ago

Admit that the corona crisis (caused by you, as we now know) is a secret plot to free all goats.... :-)

Wild goats run riot in quiet Welsh town: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8HzLLWcuJ0

scoopadoop ago

where have you been these last 3 months for real though?

Desolation ago

Great to hear from you, PuttitOut.

scoripowarrior ago

soooo..April Fool's ???? LOL

test_pattern ago

then how will we keep updated on "anus licking?"

gabara ago

I hear you shaved your beard. PICS! PICS! PICS!

ArielQflip ago

Open up creation

Battlefat ago

Everyone who downvoted you is a bat eating Chinese shill

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Kill yourself.

Battlefat ago

Will do

noob_tube ago

Post pics

EpiPendemic ago

fake and gay my mom told me that this user is dead IRL

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Looks like ur glowing man....

Pllatinum ago

I'm not mad. Just disappointed.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Both ftw!

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Fuck off, absentee landlord.

TheStapler ago

He's a SADIST!

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Do you mean STATIST?

Reverse-Flash ago

He meant SATANIST!

TheAntiZealot ago

The differences between the three are but nuances.

23184258? ago

How do we claim squatters rights?

Reverse-Flash ago

You can't do squat.

Eualos ago


RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Possession 99% of the law.

DillHoleBagHands ago

This was sure as fuck not the post I was expecting today.

Glad to see the post nonetheless!

Plant_Boy ago

Good god, the communists have brainwashed Putt with their cheap knock-off Tabasco sauce!

Humansized ago

take care of the fucking site retard. this place has turned into such a shithole while you log on once every few months to post some stupid fucking joke. there was a time when your jokes were appropriate but you were fulfilling your role still, not just some token appearance.

anoncastillo ago

Whoever hacked Putt's account for April Fool's Day, A+ trolling. Here, here.

Reverse-Flash ago

Fooled everybody, if even for a short time. Well done, indeed.

truckboattruck ago

Old yeller came home

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Met with nothing but demands and ire.

You faggots in this comment section need to get a life.

Skaal21 ago

Wtf is this - why is this a sticky on a research board?

HeyJeorge ago

Look at the Qew, too stupid to understand what a Global Sticky is. He probably never even visits the front page, just stays in his quarantine zone.

Skaal21 ago

Oh I see - this is where the waste-of-life fags come to circle jerk. Sorry, don’t have time to gurgle cum with you kikes. Oy vey!

The_Venerable ago

Welcome back.

slowcrash101 ago

What is this reddit tier shit?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Putt has tried to move on with his life, but voat is the millstone around his neck. That, or this is the new guy pretending to be Putt.

Ocelot ago

Second one. Definitely the second one.

CarlosDangerCA ago

Pics of said TP fort!

ExpertShitposter ago

That's what happens when you have unprotected sex chats with shitposters and those SBBH kikes.

Yo momma thought you better than that.

MayorMcBullshit ago

Alex Jones helped me combine my DNA with Charmin Ultra Soft, Wuhan Fruit Bat, Owen Shroyer and Rachel Maddow. dont you get it?? i AM the cure, niggerfaggot. now sign yp for my OnlyFans page, goyim!! welcome back putt

StudSupreme ago

We need an emoticon library.

Some samples:



There's others, if needed.

CanIPlay2 ago

I survived Corona and all I got was this lousy tee shirt. We miss you, Putt. Come back with your pimp hand and start slapping bitches.

thedirtypuma ago

This must be an April fools joke which means RIP @putt

Broc_Lia ago

I love you man, but things are beginning to slide around here D:

Maybe assign a few janitors to the major subs? Spam has gotten spammy.

Palindromedan ago

v/all is turning into a Billy May’s commercial on steroids of Joe McCarthy’s porn, random Crensch in-fighting and Biblefag posts. It’s starting to make me yearn for the days of Lord Steven Christ’s concave anus.

Broc_Lia ago

Honestly I never visit /v/all. By the sounds of things that's a good decision.

Inaminit ago

Amen to that, Lad. It's enough to make one want to swing a shillelagh instead of a hammer.

FireSauce ago

Can I be benned?

petevoat ago

Alive and kicking I see

Phosgene76 ago


argosciv ago

Eyy! Good to see ya around mate. Should have seen my face when I noticed the updated logo. Came straight to v/all to see if anyone had noticed and then saw your sticky.

argosciv ago

PS: Please, for the love of toilet paper, open up – or allow for special-case-requests – subverse creation, @PuttItOut.

SIayfire122 ago

Chinese bot confirmed. Plz ban.

Boyakasha ago

Glad to hear from you and glad you’re doing well.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

So this is what happens when Putt drunk posts at noon.

UncleTedWasRight ago

i'm torn between this and epic april fools troll by the NSA

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Anything's possible.

Ruad9 ago

Option C: Putt and the team has spent 10 months staging the next version of Voat's auto-immune system, and this thread was carefully crafted to be used for the final data collection before activation and execution. By carefully canvassing the responses, voting habits (since he's admitted to looking at those in the past and isn't likely to stop doing it, just saying so), and tone of conversation, the final critical decisions can be made.

Especially curious since the entire tone is appropriately April fools-ish not serious. That's super-triggering bait to Voat's more determined cancerous elements with nothing but time on their hands.

NoisySilence ago

This guy Voats. Hard.

odinist ago

Seems legit.

Welcome back, faggot. <3

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

WTF!!! It's biblical!!! @PutItOut Ras risen!!!

P.S. COVID-18 is perfectly safe on chicken wings and it’s better than Tabasco. Fact.

Great! I almost threw mine out.

crazy_eyes ago

Hi putt!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

wtf? Site update? Anything else? Or is this it, big guy?

TwistedSista ago

You don't really believe you're talking to Putt do you?

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Lamp_shade ago

Its scary but i think a lot of these retards do.

Nalbarcam ago

seems attention-whory

what about the data of what's going on? many of use are too jaded to expect responses at this point

VicariousJambi ago

many of use are too jaded to expect responses at this point

the canary hasn't been updated in nearly a year.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

He already said it died. That was months back.

VicariousJambi ago

Oh are you referring to that unverifiable chat image or did he actually comment on it?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Commented. Undoubtedly in his past 19 pages of comments. Probably in the last one or two.

VicariousJambi ago

Tried to dig around a little. Haven't seen anything yet but I dont feel like going through 19 pages of comments to find it

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

At least they're not faking an update. I don't remember the exact wording, but I think he might have referenced some people getting a little too far to the extreme side. Or implied that.

Tallest_Skil ago

It was suggested to me by Putt (this was forever ago) to stop telling other users to kill themselves. I responded by continuing to tell them to kill themselves, but also openly saying that I want to be dead, too.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Balanced scales. Who can argue with that.

Rotteuxx ago

@Puttitout is probably going to get an anal probing by the FBI just for making this post.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I want to hear about Edon and PIA

CognitiveDissident5 ago

So do we all.

anamazonslittle ago

Welcome back nigger.

twistedmac11 ago

So...more jokes and dancing around issues instead of addressing them?

chirogonemd ago

This is like your dad who walked out when you were 4 coming to see you when you're 32 and saying, "Found some cigarettes."

G0P2 ago

Decode his post like a q larper would.

toobaditworks ago

Putt used COVID-18. This refers to 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government. The Storm is Coming Patriots.


JunOS ago

Patriot, I agree as all Patriots should. Good work, Patriot.

-A fellow Patriot

toobaditworks ago


twistedmac11 ago

Bat wings = vampires. Vampires are the DS satanic illuminati because they drink blood. It also means adrenochrome

COVID-19 = 1+9 = 10

Putt is signaling to the white hats to begin the 10 days of darkness to take down the DS

The reference to toilet paper means he's cleaning up the shit

A toilet paper fort keeps us shielded from the shit

Dark to light

Think mirror

Putt is Q



.....how was it? That took some serious mental gymnastics

Uncle_Slob ago

I'm reading this like, wtf, so he came here to say nothing?! Spreading the eating bat bullshit. Putt is gone.

Diper ago

It's April 1st, I think it is a great bit of a post to make today

The_Ghost ago

Only if he makes a serious post tomorrow.

Diper ago

You are right.

Sadly not really the result

Guy_Gadbous ago

Lighten up, Francis....

MuckeyDuck ago

SGT Hullka - Maybe one of these guys will save your life.

John Winger- And then again maybe they want.

Gigglestick ago

... want what?

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

the hyper-inflating dollar

Bremertonbruiser ago

That's my guess. @Is911

HeyJeorge ago

Each time it gets more and more unhinged, too.

Although, it's a good way to deal with the usual sparring with users. Typically it boils over quickly, he gets angry, and goes back to Galt mode silence.

Maybe this new approach will see him stick around longer.

FriedChicken ago

Each time it gets more and more unhinged, too.

It’s a lot of pressure.

Free speech and dgaf. that’s all there is to it. This isn’t a community, it’s a platform.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

A lot of these people can't be reasoned with and think the sole admin of one of the most controversial sites on the web owes them an explanation for everything that happens on a place they get to visit for free.

That being said, it would be nice to know what, if anything, will happen now that PIA is owned by Israelis, but @putitout doesn't owe us anything.

Being a site admin is a thankless job to begin with, much less being the site admin of a place where a significant portion of the user base thinks everything in the world is a Jewish plot against them personally, and tend to lash out against any perceived threats like a bunch of whiney entitled bitches instead of sucking it up like men.

twistedmac11 ago

Personally, I don't want an explanation for everything. But I don't think it's too much to ask to have an admin who actually logs in and handles shit every once in a while. Instead, he disappears for months on end and then logs on to crack a joke, then disappears again. It just seems like he doesn't care to deal with the issues some users would like addressed, which is one of the parts of being an admin. If he can't manage that, or if he's too busy, or whatever, then fine, but at least put someone else in charge who can handle things when he's not around.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Yeah, it would be nice.

As the saying goes: Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster.

fuckinghell ago

To be fair, Voat gets more and more unhinged as time goes on.

Honk honk, I guess.

we_kill_creativity ago

Voat gets more and more unhinged as time goes on.

And here I was thinking it's been relatively calm lately...?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You must have the Q subs blocked.

we_kill_creativity ago

No actually, I don't, and I participate in the daily. If they bother you so much, or even at all...why don't you block them...?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

It takes more than most can give to get me to block out reality.

Tallest_Skil ago

I participate daily

They’ve banned every other legitimate user on the entire website. The reasons are always “Other” or “you’re unpopular so you’re banned” or “you put pronouns on your panties.” None are legitimate ban reasons on this website. And yet you’re still allowed to contribute there.


we_kill_creativity ago

Which Q sub are you talking about specifically? QRV, greatawakening?

And yet you’re still allowed to contribute there.


Well you're obviously implying that I'm somehow "in on it" in regards to some vague Q plot going on with the Q related subs, so quit being bashful about it and just state in plain terms what you think is going on and how you think I'm related to it. I can save you time though, I'm not.

You can look at my post and commenting habits and then check out my CCP scores etc. You'll see that I've been here for five years, I'm a fairly popular commenter all over Voat, I post somewhat regularly but not a whole lot...

I've been participating on Voat long before Q was even a thing and I haven't noticed a substantial change in the "mood" of Voat since the Q subs came here. From what I've witnessed there's very little cross over between "original Voat" and the Q subs, except...

...people like you who comment in QRV "ARRESTS OR GTFO!!!!" all the time trying to annoy away a group of people who largely don't even care about the rest of Voat enough to participate, let alone "ruin it"...

Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck, I keep forgetting about the other ones. GA, yeah. Are you banned from that one?

been here for

Yeah, I actually remember you. Seemed odd, is all.

fuckinghell ago

I was thinking in general but you're right, things have been pretty calm the last couple of months.

DOD-AgentThyme ago

Better keep those ear plugs in for what's about to happen.

we_kill_creativity ago

I don't follow...?

Tallest_Skil ago

20 day old account and the only thing it has even said is that comment. You can just ignore everything it says.

fuckinghell ago

Oh yeah?

Rellik88 ago

Wait its 4-1. Is this a trick?

partnparcel ago

Yes. It’s not him

BoomerHater1488er ago

Where the fuck are you from that you format calendar dates that way?

SparklingWiggle ago


Tallest_Skil ago

How many times have you said “the first of April”? You say “[month name] [ordinal date] [year]” so why shouldn’t it be written like that, as well?

Wahaha ago

I say "half past ten", too, yet I write 10:30AM.

Chimaira92 ago

Plenty of people say "its the first of April" instead of "April first" here in Australia.

I guess thats why we take the more logical stance to writing it in the format of [day][month][year] :P

BoomerHater1488er ago

I read that in my head as, "Four One." but if he had said, "4/1" then I'd probably have read it as, "April 1st."

vandilx ago

Always nice to hear from you, Putt. Always wishing you the best. And thanks for the continued existence of Voat.



BarbaricHamSammy ago

I like my COVID-19 with a dash of salt from all these hoes on here riding your giant voat donger...

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Glad you're in good health @PuttItOut. Thanks for all you do for this dive bar corner of the internet.

justalittlecancer ago



At this point I'm not sure I have any reason not to believe him...

White_pride_cis ago

@maroonsaint said that if you returned, he was going to release all of the pm'd dick pics... He claimed it would be the fappening 3. Thanks for that @puttitout...

Wowbagger ago

@maroonsaint we demand product! ;-) but make it seem like you're not enjoying it.

anamazonslittle ago

Sorry maroon, bets a bet. Let's see em.

BB-3 ago

He survives!

Demonsweat2 ago

Can you please ban a domain for us?

justalittlecancer ago

Oy vey, asking the (((owner))) to do some actual work, eh?

Demonsweat2 ago

At least I'm not being greedy.

MrBateman ago

Body Snatcher!

No6 ago

Hey what is that 15 minute cron job actually doing?

I won't buy the conspiracy explanation even from you. It's a workaround for something really embarassing, isn't it?

FBI-AgentSmith ago

It's for us.

offender ago

Thanks for keeping America safe from shitposters!

ATF-AgentDrake ago

Wait, are we using the same feed, or do we have different data collections?

Phantom42 ago

So, FBI, CIA, and the ATF are here?

Well... Howdy glowniggers. Do the higher-ups at least give you some decent coffee or is it just the shitty kind for the "grunts"?

NoisySilence ago

If the agencies are in fact assigning more than 2 agents to this site its a serious waste of tax dollars.

Phantom42 ago




Can you guys gripe to your bosses and they gripe to theirs and so on about this? Hell, they're probably using all of your tax money to do it.

Just trying to help y'all out. You guys aren't so much to blame. Come join the reformed Abwehr when the Pan-Atlantic Reich comes around!

Wowbagger ago

My guess is it's covering up for shitty, exploitable code.

No6 ago

Mine too. I didn't really expect an answer.

BrennKommando ago

Cryptic.. Good seeing you back, but can we address the elephant in the room? What's the status of Voat staying around? I imagine you have seen some of the posts speculating what's going on.

kestrel9 ago

Cryptic.. Good seeing you back, but can we address the elephant in the room?



Inaminit ago

They didn't have to use it twice...

MPreg ago

Putt is a mason. As evidenced by the "builder" rant. Expect chaotic evil from putt.

anoncastillo ago

Aren't the masons lawful evil? I thought it was the kike pedo bankers who were chaotic evil.

Tallest_Skil ago

How’d you miss me posting this over and over?

anoncastillo ago

So the current political situation is just Jews dicking each other over to decide which group of Jews gets to rape our kids?

No wonder you're so blackpilled.

Tallest_Skil ago

The history of the world is jews dicking each other, forcing the goyim to pick a side, and then claiming they were oppressed after the goyim kill each other over someone else’s complaint. Purim. Passover. The bolshevik/zionist false dichotomy of the early 20th century. Over and over and over.

buzzword only jews say

Truth has nothing to do with emotion. I’m depressed because of the truth of the world. The truths themselves are dispassionate. And you know I’m right.

anoncastillo ago

DEVON STACK IS JEWISH???? Say it ain't so! I mean, I already knew Spencer was a kike puppet, Mike Enoch married a kike, Daily Stormer lets kikes write for them, etc. but I wanted to think there was at least one fucking person in the alt-right sphere who wasn't a kike or kike puppet. :(

alele-opathic ago

I missed it, and your posts + a couple other users are basically my front page for Voat (typing in just 'vo' into my browser takes takes me straight to you/ chirogone's / tsilent's comment pages).

I actually needed this as I haven't been able to make a solid link myself, I only have one site that claims they are functionally the same from the standpoint of Christian beliefs, but I was looking for something more substantial.

TerribleTrannyBreath ago

Masons are just joo pedo puppets

But you might be right about the dnd or whatever classification

videocodec ago

So if it didn't blind.you can you get rid of the spam and porn? Welcome back.

Acen ago


Aryanawakening ago

Yeah right nigger you may have survived the hoax you but you didn't survive the glow niggers

Ozzsanity ago

I wonder if the families of the thousands dead and dying thing Covid is joking matter. Please let us know when someone you care for dies from this crap. I want to tell you a joke about it.

Macska ago

Cancer kills more people. The drugs for cancer kills more people. Communism kills more people. Flu kills more people. Car accidents kills more people. Surgical malpractice kills more people. But hey let's destroy economies and nations by forcing a lock down for a virus that has less than 5% morbidity rate.

xenoPsychologist ago

diarrhea even kills more people.

Ozzsanity ago

A lockdown was not forced on Disney. I wonder what their motivation was to shut down their Billion dollar theme parks?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Nor amazon

Macska ago

The motivation is to deliberately tank the economy and then buy it all up. Or something. I'm not evil I can't figure out their game plan. Also do not forget Covids parent disease SARS also killed over half a million people in.... 06? 08? No lockdown then. In America alone 80,000 people died from the Flu in 17-18 season.

Hey go be first in line for that vaccine Bill Gates has for ya that Israel has been working on in one big coincidence for like half a year now.

Ozzsanity ago

You have no idea what it is you just know something is up. Please check back in a couple of months and explain again how it's just a cold. By the way, you do know that The Leader has now declared it much worse than the flu. You have to keep up on his talking points.

Macska ago

Speaking of the rhinovirus!!!! Every year about 50,000 people die from the cold and complications stemming from it and guess what.... it has no cure.

Ozzsanity ago

You know what's weird. The hospitals are not overrun with rhinovirus patients. But hey I am guessing all the nurses and doctors are in on the act and more than likely the hospitals are really empty. Those tents in Central Park are set up for some sort of elite cocktail party. Yep I am on to their trickery.

slumbermachine ago

Wait, you actually believe the news?

Ozzsanity ago

I didn't until The Leader said this was a vicious attack by the virus and hundreds of thousands will be dying if we come out of it OK. The Leader has now told me what to think.

51rH0n3y84d93r ago


usernameisnotthis ago

thank you for all you do

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

A real builder would have went to tel aviv if you had COVID 19.

FlatAndUnmoving ago

"Builders" are childish sodomite transgenders and they love their satanic fake jew masters.

Vladimir_Komarov ago


QCrumbCatcher ago

Arrests or GTFO!

ConcreteGaloshes ago

no shit.

Acerphoon ago


Did Covid-18 also infect the servers or why does it always crash? What happened with voat?

Slipstream ago

Expecting real answers from Puttitout. How cute.

bbqchipz ago

I can hear the cockroaches scattering already.

gramman74 ago

For the love of GOD block Allforfunlife.com!

KingMortales ago

What the fuck is that? I keep seeing people here upset by it and I've never seen it posted.

gabara ago

𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲



𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀

𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵:


Handroid7 ago

Who is this supposed to depict?

FightKevinOwens ago


Brainpod ago

"It just works."

gabara ago

He is correct. The executable launches. Yes. After that point you're basically fucked.

Brainpod ago


toobaditworks ago


gabara ago


toobaditworks ago

I'm so ready for my g𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀!

gabara ago

First you have to log 1000 hours as an intern for me -- I mean Todd Howard.

toobaditworks ago

Ok. Here's my resume. There's no calculators involved is there?

Drstrangebeard ago

dammit, gabby. why you always gotta be so evil?

gabara ago

What'd I do now?

Drstrangebeard ago

someone told me you were one of the bad guys. cant member who. probably more fake news. nemind.

gabara ago

I got kicked out of SBBH for banning trigglypuff and rotteuxx for a few hours. So now I'm sdbh. Also Beatle got back with Gothamgirl so it's basically the apocalypse so stock up on bacon and bagals

Drstrangebeard ago

I heard an interesting theory today. bagels are jewish. they are a bread form of worship for the synagogue of satan. baag'al. its made to look like a human butthole. did I say "interesting"? I meant "stupid". you've banned me from sbbh like...….dozens of times. I assumed it was how banhammerers show affection.

gabara ago

Bagels are Polish. The Jews stole credit.

Drstrangebeard ago

wilford Brimley warned me about bagels. I think carbohydrates might be evil.

XxGetRektNiggerxX ago


DrSelfAppointed ago

Literal Nigger-Faggots > Obsidian > Bethesda

Not that hard to be better than Bethesda

XxGetRektNiggerxX ago

True, although I'd say Activision, Blizzard, and EA are worse.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Also true.

gabara ago

Post a new video, Kevin.

XxGetRektNiggerxX ago

Didn't you call me Kevin once before? I'm not Kevin lol. Just an old /pol/fag who got tired of the 10 shills per 1 real poster ratio.

gabara ago

Stop doing so many Sims 4 episodes. It should be PS2 games all the damn time.

jewsbadnews ago


newoldwave ago


Ol_Hickery ago

This guy named todd takes it in the ass. Typical voat love story.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Unben me, fegit

HateCumbuckets ago

What you do?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I dindu nuffins, mang

Inaminit ago


gabara ago

y tho

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its a major violation of my rights. You wait until I become mod somewhere. I will ban you so hard your eyes will spin.

gabara ago

You wait until I become mod somewhere.

[Rolls eyes] Oh yes, I am so fooled!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I resigned from a bunch of mod positions for you and that wasn't good enough, was it, poutine eater?

gabara ago

You what?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I did. and now you benned me for more than two days like Crensch would do. You're just being a poor mans Crensch except you can walk.

gabara ago

Hey yeah, hey, hey did you know you were banned? You should have asked me or @clamhurt_legbeard to removed it, silly.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

If I'd have thought I would have. I'm so dippy sometimes

gabara ago

I banned you? Let me check

albatrosv15 ago

Oh look who is religious now.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Dear Leader PuttItOut,

If I may so inquire by piggybacking off the top comment. There was talk at the water cooler that a certain subforum, /v/GreatAwakening, of the bastion of free speech known as Voat was, dare I say, banning people for speech. Obviously, I was taken aback by this and with great concern immediately reached out to the moderator of said subforum, @Crensch, and inquired if there were any truth to the scandalous rumor that he was being quote, "an edgelord faggot". I was promptly banned from that subforum. When I conveyed my concerns to @Crensh, he informed me as such, "I can do whatever the fuck I want faggot, it's in the rules, so eat a fat cock and die".

True to his word and without even posting something at the /v/GreatAwakening, I was banned and no longer able to participate in their reindeer games. Typically, I wouldn't be bothered by such shenanigans, but this particular subforum has risen to the top of Voat and currently takes up half the front page of Voat. I understand completely that I can simply block the subform and remove myself from many conversations from Voat, but that is how Reddit started. First I was banned from one forum, then many, and eventually all. I would prefer if Voat didn't follow the same path as Reddit, unless that is your intentions.

So, if possible, could you please do to that forum what you did to the QRV forum. Make it anonymous and open it back up to all users, not just those that one user @Crensh deems worthy to be a part of. Nobody wants to come to a website where one wrong word removes them from the ability to join in conversations.

Thank you for you time.

Crensch ago


obvious-throwaway- ago

How many alt accounts are you up to now cripplekike?

LlamaMan ago

Ah the classic turn to 'banning something I dont like'. I literally have never seen anything from that sub and will likely continue to not see anything.

You cant have it both ways

obvious-throwaway- ago

It is half of the front page and what all new people to Voat see. If you don't see it, you have it blocked. I didn't ask to have it banned, I asked for it to become anonymous and/or removed from the front page of Voat. It can still exist, it just shouldn't be shown on the front page.

From a website perspective, having half of the front page of your website that claims, "Voat - Have your say" doesn't make a lot of sense if new people are immediately banned for saying something that one person disagrees with. The only reason people come to Voat is because it allows free speech. Anyone who doesn't care about free speech is already using Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, or Faceberg. There are far to many platforms that censor speech out there for anyone to come to this little website to practice censored speech. If @PuttItOut wants this website to continue, his only choice would be to allow free speech, specially on articles that fill up his front page. Without free speech, this website is nothing. Then again, rumor is he now works for some Jews and will most likely release all our IP addresses and personal information on the web so we are all doxxed and end up unpersoned, homeless or in prison.

LlamaMan ago

So let me get this straight, your solution to free speech is to remove free speech for some groups?

Boy that sounds familiar.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Try reading a comment before replying to it. Feel free to quote where I say, "BAN THE FORUM" or "BAN SPEECH".

I said, not that you'll read this, that the forum should be either opened up for everyone or not appear on the front page. The front page of a website that claims "free speech" shouldn't have half it's front page littered with articles that half the people on this website can't comment on because of one solitary single user with 50 alt accounts.

LlamaMan ago

Read the whole thing, mental illness and all.

forum should be either opened up for everyone or not appear on the front page - both of these are currently true.

obvious-throwaway- ago

it literally is open for everyone.

I can go to any Jew media site and "READ" their "OPINIONS". I come to voat to comment on articles, not fucking read others opinions on them. Every single media site already has that, what the fuck would be the point of coming here? You dim fuck, alt account for cripplekike, people come to voat to comment on things because they are censored everywhere else. I, and half the people here, can't comment on that forum because the kripplekike has his little feelies hurt and wants to feel powerful from his fag chair and wants to tell others what they can and can't say. Fuck Voat and fuck PuttItOut if he is going to allow one faggot to completely ruin this website.

LlamaMan ago

If you got banned from a subverse for breaking their rules why not move on with your life? Instead of constantly bringing them up furthering their viewership?

Why does this effect you so much on such a personal level?


obvious-throwaway- ago

What the fuck is with people 2 or 3 words from a post and then feeling the necessity to comment on it? I was banned for something I said NOT ON THE SUBVERSE. It's important because it's called slippery slope you complete fucking nigger. Why the fuck did you come to Voat in the first place, not enough faggots for you over at Reddit?

LlamaMan ago

Because Voat used to feel like the internet pre mass usage. Now it just feels like a republican pussy site where people want control just as bad as any other site.

It's not a slippery slope, they can do what they want, that is the point. Getting personally offended and constantly being enraged in a simple debate is going to drive you to the grave.

Good luck on your conquest.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The Kikes are picking off websites one by one. We are no longer allowed to go outside and talk with people, if we lose our ability to talk about things the Jews don't want us talking about, then you tell me what avenue is left?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Putt names Crensch and Srayzie as "builders" so he sides with them

Rotteuxx ago

When did he name croonsch a builder?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Didn't he? Or am I mistaken? I know he named Srayzie as a builder but I thought he also said Crensch.

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, twaz Kev, Virge & Srayzie I believe.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Okay. Then I stand corrected. Thanks

heygeorge ago

He also admitted to dropping the ball 100% on that.

Notice all of the named Builders have vaporized.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I wont let him live it down, though. He sides with fucktards, other than Kev, I like Kev.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

kev is cool, and a righteous dude.

heygeorge ago

I, too, am kevdude!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

maybe even @gabara

DanglingGoatBalls ago

we could even invite @rotteuxx, @voatcontainmentguard, and the whole crazy crew,

VoatContainmentGuard ago

My body is ready for a good ol' fashioned SBBH meet-up, but with social distancing. and midget hookers! With 10% more Herpes!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I too, am kevdude

well hell, we need to throw a huge kevdude party. We might even invite @deshy if we can get her to behave :)

Deshy ago

well hell, we need to throw a huge kevdude party.

Fawshure I miss him...

We might even invite @deshy if we can get her to behave :)

Lol... yeah that’s gonna be hard you lazy fiend!

@heygeorge don’t mess with me, you know @kevdude has gone to the woods to be one with nature... ;)

I think he just ran out of TP, as putts confessed to stealing it all earlier today...

tokui ago

There's more than one Q related verse you can spam. Why you hot for crunch?

Tallest_Skil ago


Virtually every single other legitimate user of this website has also been banned on GreatAwakening, and with NO VIOLATIONS OF EVEN THEIR MADE UP RULES LISTED. They even ban people for “overwhelming unpopularity.” They all need to be removed from Voat entirely.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

No matter how hard this faggot gets buttfucked, he always claims victory.

Tallest_Skil ago

defending Q-LARP now

Yeah, I don’t expect anything of value from you anymore.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Or, because you’re a bot...there’s always that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Without knowing what I proved you wrong about, I can only tell you to cry more.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao I was banned for "forum sliding" or something retarded that isn't even possible on Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

@Crensch benned me for saying bye to @Srayzie.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Banned me for saying trust the plan

glownig ago

Though it does not happen any more in ages, Crensch banned people for complaining that others were unfairly being banned by him. Now those logs and messages do not show up. But that was a LONG WHILE AGO.

I thought the actual controversy died down ages ago?


Theyre jews leading idiots. What else do you expect

DanijelStark ago

"Oy vey , shut it down !"

  • Tallest_Kike

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you’re complaining about whites being censored by jews

Why not kill yourself since you’re too retarded to read English?

DanijelStark ago

You , and some others here behave 100 % like a rotten kikes ...

You claim transparency and claim youre against kikery - while doing it whole the time . Putting yourselves above others , like you own this place . Making double standards - a standard .

And then you deflect the topic with typical "uh, muh, youre retarded" ...

Anyone with an IQ above 30 sees through the morons like you and sees who you truly are .

SaxonWolfcock ago

Shhhh...he thinks hes effectively influencing us with his posts. He has the tallest skil in all of tel aviv, dontcha know!

How terrifying.

DanijelStark ago

Every single time its the same story with those idiots . Every single time they eat the same bait . Every single time the same downvote and upvote kikebrigade goes out in 10-15 mins to give them the illusionary "edge" . Every single time they use the same method of deflection and gaslighting .

In short time , they wont matter anymore , because they wont have a medium to latch onto .

steven_feelsperg ago

Pretty easy when working from the same JIDF warehouse. Probably initiated by a floor monitoring, bagle eating kike supervisor. Imagine, if you will:

"Oy vey!" cries out the thick necked jewess as the anti-semetic posts are updated on her greasy non-5G wireless tablet. The crumb ridden kikekubs momentarily pause, more from the ear piercing screech than the fictional exasperation of pain, and wait for the next command. "The goyim are knowing on voat #3739691!" The yid brigand open a new tab and wring their hands before instinctively releasing a torrent of rhetoric honed by thousands of years of treachery.

SaxonWolfcock ago

The comical side of it is that they go through alllll of this trouble just because they are deeply jealous of white people. Just tics on our back hoping we dont get wise and shake them off.

What a sad existence.

VicariousJambi ago

It's easy to spot the jews because they have to constantly put others down.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you do things jews never do and demand the entirety of the jewish world be destroyed

You fail so horrifically.

[list of psychoses without substantiation or citation]

[just more personal attacks]

lol, answer my questions about your god you fucking race traitor coward.

Talc ago

I have a feeling this spammer has another few domains up their sleeve.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

corona is a DISTRACTION from the economy

Belrick ago

Small minded retards can only envision one threat a time.

Chinese virus is as deadly to many as economic destruction and authoritarian takeovers are.

This is a Tri force strike

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

1 threat (economy) and 1 DISTRACTION (wu flu)

Belrick ago

Dead ppl disagree with your retarded premise.

The priests may seize the beating hearts in a naked power grab but that doesn't mean that the volcanic erruption didn't occur!

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Keep believing Fake News, Kike

Belrick ago

Ho back to r/politics cut cock muslim

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hi kike.

Shotinthedark ago

The economy is shit because of Corona

TheManyHands ago

It was crashing already. The plandemic was just a cover for suppressing dissent and collapsing the economy in a controlled fashion so they remain on top.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

WRONG. tuberculosis killed 1.6 Million

Shotinthedark ago

WRONG. Some of those people died from syphilis and a lonely heart!

SnapAwake ago

🤣 👌🏻

gosso920 ago

Corona is the destruction of the economy.

Calling the common cold "Coronavirus" is the same as referring to water as Dihydrogen monoxide.

PygmyGoat ago

There was a whole anti-diluvian civilization that was wiped out by Dihydrogen Monoxide. Dangerous stuff that.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago


philmchawk ago

6 trillion in QE before virus but you think it was the virus lmao.

GritD2 ago

Did you know almost 5000 people die annually from Dihydrogen monoxide, in their own homes!

toobaditworks ago

I just smoked some of that shit and I'm fine.

GritD2 ago

A fire in the sky?

TheSeer ago

But why would the Commies do this? I just can't figure it out!

Sacrifice some of their own people, and their economy in the short term? shocked face

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I will only upvote 2 comments and this is one of them.

gramman74 ago

it's done! check out the banned domains

toobaditworks ago

And all it took was toilet paper, April fools and a deadly world-wide virus.

Inaminit ago

... And there was much rejoicing.

ruck_feddit ago

You're doing God's work.

ExpertShitposter ago


Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Corona is a DISTRACTION the hyper-inflating dollar


Welcome back asshole, we missed you.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


Glipglup ago

Fuck off. You keep trying to do this but it's not going to work.

You can NEVER come back and just waltz right in like before, "putt". You have already been called out on your BS.

Memorexem ago

Holy crip, he's a crapple.

Welcome back, you fuck. Thought the Clinton's got ahold of you again. Glad to see it was just a case of the Wuhan.

Mind if I score some of that sweet sweet TP from you? Been wiping with Chinese takeout menus and those are getting to be in short supply. ;P

Roughpatch ago

100 hundred years from now: Toilet paper was the cure.

pcdude ago

It makes me very happy to see you posting. Seriously. Even if the government is not letting you tell us all sorts of things, it’s good to know they haven’t assassinated you yet; unless, of course, this is my FBI agent using your account, in which case sorry that you’re in Guantánamo Bay.

PuttIsAtranny ago

@puttitout is a tranny and a mason

opa_was_SS ago

Holy Fuck! Welcome Home!

antiracistMetal ago

Fuck you. We don't need you any more.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re not funny. Explain what has happened to the site.

VapidKoala ago

Original putt wasn't so glib. Either he's changed a lot or it's not him.

The disturbing culture shift here returning after years is clear to see.

I miss Atko.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

An imposter wouldn't recognize The Buddha.

Ocelot ago

Yeah it sounds like some kike faggot who thinks he's funny.

Mr_big ago

Be careful putt @Tallest_Skil has been reporting people and stealing their foreskins. He is very sneaky

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re thinking of the impersonation account that violates the rules.

Mr_big ago

No you snuck in my house with a jar of nacho cheese and raped my dog.

doginventer ago

Patient #Zero meet Impatient #9000 :)

we_kill_creativity ago

What crises is the site currently in that you're so bothered about?

I'm not saying there's nothing odd, but Voat's been odd since I first joined, which was just about at the beginning, so, oddly enough, odd is normal for Voat. In other words...aside from some shills and bots I've thought things have been pretty tame for the last month or so.

Tallest_Skil ago

what crises

  1. No moderation whatsoever at any level.
  2. Site owner disappeared for over a year and refuses to tell us anything.
  3. Site sold off to a mystery source which owner refuses to explain.
  4. Site confirmed to now be owned by jews.
  5. No new boards can be created. No explanation for this.
  6. Literally year old spambot accounts still allowed to post.
  7. No explanation of donations/advertising being shut down.
  8. No explanation for long site outages that everyone has apparently already forgotten.
  9. No explanation for the rampant, pervasive error message that is clearly a hoax.
  10. No explanation for why the site has been allowed to bleed viewership and membership since the fucking Tarrant debacle.

There’s more. This is off the top of my head.

AR47 ago

He don't owe any of us a fucking thing. Really he don't and that is pissing me off just as much as you.

I been here as long as he has, and actually helped to form many of the communities within whoaverse. It was us that made voat viable with content creation and the original subs. He wasn't here doing shit. Atko was, and if he did anything no one ever said a word about it.

I gave lots and lots of time to this place, and now.....doesn't mean a damn thing. Most my content was wiped before I deleted my adhdferret name. All the image hosts that have fallen, Reddit subs that have always come here.

It is all a fucking design that took me a long time to realize it.

Best you can do is at least try to make bonds with the few last real folks here that you think you can. Admin has given up, and I don't blame him really. Don't think he wanted it to begin with, and when someone offered to bank roll it.....gave him a chance to wipe his hands with it.

He stopped implimenting new features....stopped new communities from being formed ...it is just a confine of the mind now.

VandalayIndustries ago

Damn! Its either real, REAL BAD!! Or.....you’re tampon needs changing.

Hmmm..... (pulls out coin....flips in air.... heads....)

offender ago

Look at the description for the removed domain:

Rule Violation: Spam; Description: I was told by at least two people to do this.


we_kill_creativity ago

Yes, I'm aware of all of that, but it apparently doesn't alarm me as much as you. Like I said, it's all been odd from the beginning, so none of that makes my alarms bells go a ringy-dingy-dingy. Just like I have no idea what "Q" actually is, I have no idea what Voat actually is, just like I have no idea what most things on the internet really are. I'm not sitting here trembling because of it either.

You know what stands out to me the most? The fact that Voat has just been sitting here while more and more of the internet becomes more like here and yet there's been no major media campaign against here. I'm more intrigued by that than anything you listed.

I browse by hot and new and all>new everyday. There are some things that you listed that I find merely annoying, but I find Voat to be, for the most part, functioning just fine. I find the experience and the discussions and interactions I have here to be mostly intelligent and fulfilling. In other words, I don't see the site as the dumpster fire that you apparently do.

I would like to know more about the things you listed and ultimately see them get fixed, but that also how I am about almost everything.

TheManyHands ago

Voat is literally at the top of the list of websites people want banned, second only to the Thai fuck shack.

Pcpoet09 ago

my roommate . was stunned to find out that my favorite place to post is here.....my answer back was that if I posted what wanted to post on Redditt I would be banned. bonus posting her is that I get to harass real racial identitarians here.

Manintights ago

It's okay to be white

Pcpoet09 ago

yes it is ok to be white.

MemeWar2020 ago

It's okay to be white.

Pcpoet09 ago

yes it is ok to be white

Shotinthedark ago

None of the internet that I've seen is becoming like voat. Voat is down every 10 min or so for me, it's been broke awhile

we_kill_creativity ago

None of the internet that I've seen is becoming like voat.

Dude...read YouTube comment sections on videos about Jews. It's all becoming more like Voat.

Voat is down every 10 min or so for me, it's been broke awhile

But then it comes back up...it's annoying, but it's nothing more than that.

If you're basing the culture war on what you're seeing on social media then you'll think we're losing...that's the entire purpose of social media...Oh twitter said "#hateDonaldTrump" is trending...they have bots that make that happen. Most of us realize that and aren't using Twitter trending to base our perception of reality on.

If you base your idea of us "winning" on how many people have swastika tattoos you'll be disappointed. If you base it on how many people are waking up to the fact that there's a war on white culture you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Tucker fucking Carlson has basically named the Jew recently. Maybe it's because I was a successful athlete, and most of you aren't, but it's ok to feel like you're winning.

Tallest_Skil ago

read YouTube comment sections

Congratulations on falling for literal jewish propaganda. They tailor their algorithm to show you comments with which you agree, while SHADOWBANNING the comments for everyone else. Fucking imbecile.

If you're basing the culture war on what you're seeing on social media then you'll think we're losing

On what else are you basing it, then?

Oh twitter said "#hateDonaldTrump" is trending

Good. Fuck Trump.

If you base your idea of us "winning" on how many people have swastika tattoos you'll be disappointed.

Immediate reductio ad absurdum fallacy. Immediate jewish recontextualization of national socialism as being “neo-nazis”, which the national socialists called untermenschen. How interesting.

If you base it on how many people are waking up to the fact that there's a war on white culture you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Provide citation for your claim, then.

Tucker fucking Carlson

Paid by jews to read jewish scripts on jewish television. Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling.

has basically

No, he has not.

it's ok to feel like you're winning.

Not when you’re losing it isn’t.

Shotinthedark ago

Unless your in prison swastika tattoos are stupid. I mean like voat by being able to freely say what you want.

we_kill_creativity ago

How has Voat stopped you from saying anything?

Shotinthedark ago

I never said it has

Tallest_Skil ago

the complete destruction of the last website where whites are allowed to speak doesn’t alarm me

Then kill yourself. What good are you to anyone, least of all your race?

more of the internet becomes more like here

Literally the exact opposite is happening. You’re clinically insane.

Mr_big ago

You want him to kill himself so you can put your finger in his bum and steal his foreskin. Do not kill yourself dude sont listen to skil he is a pervert

we_kill_creativity ago

You have a very odd mindset and I'm starting to feel bad for you. Have a great day kid!

Tallest_Skil ago


You’re clinically insane.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

No one likes you.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, shlomo. If you think anyone’s going to believe that, you’re even more insane than we know you to be already. Run along since you’re too afraid to hold a conversation.

VicariousJambi ago

Have you never talked to tallest_skil before? lmao

Try asking him what hes ever done, how many jews hes taken out himself. He comes up with decent insults every once in a while, even.

Tallest_Skil ago

Fun fact, coward who can’t even reply to me directly: your illiteracy only makes your inability to disprove what I say that much more embarrassing.

VicariousJambi ago

Dude I've talk to you plenty of times before lmao, dont feel like getting into it when I know it'll just devolve into you telling me to kill myself.

I mean all you ever do is hate hate hate hate

kinda like the jews



Mr_big ago

He want your corpse’s foreskin

Tallest_Skil ago





zech7 ago

you're a dunce

Tallest_Skil ago

Still no argument, huh, race traitor? That’s okay. We all know your god is a hoax. Run along now.

zech7 ago

keep proving me right. I love this time we spend together.

Tallest_Skil ago




Prove wrong one thing I have said, either about your god or about anything else. Next reply. I want the statement and a citation to back it up. Do this or you admit you’re here to shill and nothing more.

zech7 ago

I admit that in this moment I'm here, thinking how much more of a complete asshole dunce can one be?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting your god is a proven hoax and that you’re incapable of proving wrong a single thing I’ve ever said. Piss off, coward.

zech7 ago

You and I are here for different reasons. Evidence is that you encourage who disagrees with you to commit suicide.

I am here to learn and you are here to bring death to healthy discourse. Thats what you do. Hence: you are a dunce. prove me wrong.

Tallest_Skil ago

who disagrees with you

Truth is not a matter of agreement. Disprove anything I’ve said.

I am here to learn

And yet whenever I teach you something, you reject it because it hurts your feelings. So kill yourself, please.

zech7 ago

I don't reject truth...I reject you....because you are an asshole. You carry plenty of truth, but you should learn to exhibit 'the way' before 'the truth' so you may be more effective at reaching people.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t reject truth

Said the Q-LARPer.


I don’t give a fuck. You’re openly hostile to not only truth itself, but to my continued existence and the existence of my people. You deserve pain.

zech7 ago

i’m not hostile to the truth. and i’m not a q larper. you told me

to kill myself after i posted an article describing Q as a deception. you are too deeply angry to see common ground with those around you, and you burn bridges and now you’re alone.

Tallest_Skil ago

i’m not a q larper


Goddamn, confused you for someone else. Sorry.

zech7 ago

haha! i tried to tell you!

VicariousJambi ago

10/10 pilpul rabbi

Tallest_Skil ago





Explain why hate is bad.

VicariousJambi ago

ahh, good ole voat, the classic "no im not a jew, you're a jew!" fight.

And I was more referring to constantly being focused on hate all the time, which is all I've ever really ever see coming out of your account. Although I haven't been on here as much lately.

Got anything positive to say?

Tallest_Skil ago

being focused

Explain. Why. We. Shouldn’t. Hate.

VicariousJambi ago

Oh, thought I did, my apologies. Constantly being focused on negative things like fear, anger and hate is basically just letting the jews live rent free in your head. I mean look what they promote, fear, anger, hate, degeneracy. The more you think about jews the more you think about that shit by proxy. I for one don't want to be like a jew that focused on the negative aspects of life all the time.

You already know they're evil and control everything, so focus on positive things in life. Love, family, God, hobbies, beauty. jews do not deserve an extra second of though in your head. Why waste extra thoughts or energy on them, they dont deserve it.

But I'm sure this is going to spun into something like "you're saying dont hate jews" or "you're trying to get people to ignore the problem" which completely misses the point

BoomerHater1488er ago

Hate isn't negative you dumbass.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hate is your soul’s immune system. And, by extension, your nation’s.

You don’t seem to get it. When you recognize that it has all gone wrong, you are hated for it. People don’t just hate you–they wish death and violence upon you and upon everything that you love and hold dear. The façade of “tolerance” and “acceptance” goes right out the window when you don’t want your entire identity defined by your sexual fetishes. When you want to be successful and make something of yourself without excuses or handouts. When you would prefer your nation keep to itself and other nations do the same. When you object to the fruits of your labor being stolen from you, and the fruits of your loins brainwashed against you. By God, they will hate you. Should you ever want to see the fruits of your labor–to truly own what you have wrought with all of that blood and sweat–they will want to see it taken from you. That’s the most sickening thing of all. For all the noise–all the screaming and whining and yelling they do–it is only to appeal to someone stronger than they, and stronger than you, to do their dirty work. Because their cowardice knows no bounds, limits, or shame. You would pray to God for the strength to carry on, and they ridicule and spit at you for it while in the same breath praying to the State to come and smite you. Not with lightning, floods, plagues, but with guns, tanks, and drones.

So I ask you, is it wrong to hate them? I would say that it is not wrong to hate someone who would seek to silence everything you say, to discredit everything you do, and destroy everything you create. Why humor them as “equals” at all? The answer is simple: We must be better. We must be the shining example. Where they seek to tear everything down, we must be the builders, the creators. You must be that shining light on the hill, that übermensch–not the biting, spitting child they wish you to be. We must all be better if we are to right what has gone wrong. To rend this new dark age asunder from the perverts and liars that would corrupt all that is good in the world. There are no supernatural heroes to discover and thwart the conspiracies of those who govern us, our society, and our money. We’re only normal people, stuck in a horrible world, and told every day that we have no power to fix things. There are no nuanced villains who toe the line between good and evil, some of whom think they’re heroes and are poised to fix the world. There are only knowingly, willfully evil, greedy jews and their non-jewish puppets.

There is no cutting-edge technology–nanomachines, cybernetics, and the like. Technology is mostly stagnant now, only progressing when a jew and his friends stand to make money from it. All modern technologies are derived from broad scientific ideas which were first laid down 60 years ago, or in the 1960s at the latest. That goes for all fields, but let’s talk about spaceflight specifically. What have we seen since Werner Von Braun designed the Rocketdyne F1? No real advancement to rocketry. Oh, we have made plenty of new engines since then, but they’re all weaker. Moreover, we’ve seen no new types of rocket engine. Modern rockets operate under the same principle as the ones which took us to the Moon 50 years ago, just with different fuel mixtures. Certainly there have been hundreds of proposals and studies for innovative rocket engines and even more exotic types of propulsion through space. Why have none come to fruition physically? Multicultural societies don’t advance technologically. When everyone “hunkers down,” refusing to engage socially or work to improve the community, we see technological stagnation. After all, in a multicultural society, there is little reason to expend energy for the sake of others, because those others aren’t your kind. When everyone around you is of another race–another species–your subconscious brain knows that it is dangerous to the survival of your species for you to waste energy on others when it should be directed toward your own children. There’s no guarantee that a society made up of people other than yourself will want your children to survive, so your brain tells you that it’s counterproductive to support anyone but your closest relatives. Everyone else follows suit. No trust in society means no cooperation. No cooperation means no advancement.

Jews run society, but they aren’t interested in advancing the state of humanity. With every step forward comes the uncertainty that their power may collapse–that people may gain independence from them and control of themselves again. That’s not a unique psychological affectation, just a strong one. This is why the Internet was such a global upheaval and why jews have fought so long and so hard to control it. They’ve used everything from social engineering (to herd people like cattle into just a handful of websites, which they control) to draconian censorship laws (to govern what you can and can’t say online) to outright blocking or deleting entire websites (so that information which questions their power can’t be distributed). Why? Because the Internet was a step forward. It allows communication and the spread of ideas faster than the plans and control system of those in power. It was real progress, and as such it had to be stopped. The Internet has also reminded them of the necessity of controlling all speech. Without censorship of new ideas, progress is no longer stifled. Without total narrative control, their power slips and they may find themselves with their white enemies at their gates.

Instead of progress, they give us stagnation. The same thing, over and over, packaged in a new box so that it feels fresh to the masses who eat it all up. Derivative technologies. No breakthroughs. No leaps forward. No advancements. No extensions to lifespan. Meanwhile, they use government-sponsored monopolies to crush their competition. They use the body politic to stifle anyone who would willingly lose money on a venture for no more reward than the hope of spreading messages or spurring humanity along a bit. If the world remains like this, we will never see a cure to stop human aging or a meaningful extension to lifespan. We’ll never see human colonies on other planets. We’ll never solve the energy crisis by using fission and fusion nuclear power. We’ll never mine asteroids to save us from the scarcity of rare metals used in industry and technology. We will, however, soon see “full dive” virtual reality computer systems. They’re already spreading Hollywood propaganda in favor of this. Why? Because our reality is so terrible that people are screaming for any “escape” they can get. And since jews refuse to allow anyone to slaughter them and obtain true freedom, they offer prepackaged “freedom” in the form of a hedonistic virtual world where “you can do anything”… Anything which they allow, that is. Jews mandate that every step of society’s changes must be legislated and controlled–socially–to make it a hole from which it is impossible to escape. This is how our species dies. Jews to the core, rotting from within. Destroyed by the virus that controls us, infecting every aspect of our lives and keeping us in our little cages so it can leech from us until we wither and die for the nourishment of this parasitic life form we know as jews.

“Thus evil may be found in anger, when one is angry more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one's anger is deserving of praise.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas; Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 158

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/bestof submission by @alele-opathic.

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alele-opathic ago

Another classic.

Technology is mostly stagnant now [...]

Absolutely true. Some of us (myself included) are trying to do something about this (I know there are others from the first big submission I made here), but, since the infrastructure for research is gone, you have to bootstrap it yourself. This means you need a job that pays well enough to give you cash for testing equipment on the side without working you too hard that you don't have time to use it. In many cases, if you have a family, this becomes impossible, which is why most of us (myself included, as with every other individual who pushed science forward) was a bachelor.

Not going to call myself a genius, but genius is a funny thing; it doesn't reproduce genetically since every genius, no exceptions, is a genetic dead end. Anyway, just musing on things.

Multicultural societies don’t advance technologically.

This isn't why - (((they))) began putting the brakes on around the turn of the last century, beginning, as close as I can tell, with Maxwell. We then began moving from experiment physics to theoretical physics, and, once the old experiment physicists died off, we finally had no new technology. Financial assistance for experimental physics died in the 1920s-ish (I'm having trouble pinning an exact date here), and the last 'free research' lab was Bell Laboratories, which stopped their program mid 1930s.

Obviously adding additional ethnicities beyond the jews we already had didn't make anything easier.

Without censorship of new ideas, progress is no longer stifled.

This is only one of the factors stifling technological progress - the biggest ones are turning up the screws on the economic rat-race + elimination of financial assistance/stipends/etc that experimental researchers relied on + eliminating entirely the framework of experimental research.

This post was a joy to read.

VicariousJambi ago

This is exactly why I added the last bit, misses the point.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, bye. You tried, you failed.

VicariousJambi ago

Ok, see ya around. I'm sure in another year you'll still be here saying the same old things like you have for the past 5. I'll know where to find you if I need to be called a retard or something.

Happy trails!

BearDolphin1488 ago

You're the loser fsggot and it's so obvious to anyone reading

Tallest_Skil ago


Spectacular job. You’re the reason I keep being right, you know.

VicariousJambi ago

See, I could insult back or keep this up for longer, but since I know you want the last word you can just take it. I know you're amazing at bait so I'm just saying this is the last time for right now, swearsies.

Please at least make the last insult a funny one!

Tallest_Skill ago

my foreskin is itchy. Which is kind of weird as it is in a jar in the basement.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I will have the last word of this exchange.

Kungflu_Master ago

We've never really had moderation though. I think you're just missing Putt. Feeling abandoned by your pseudo mom. We all are a bit.

lanre ago

Why are you still using it if you know it's a Jew/Mossad/FBI honeypot designed to catch you?

Tallest_Skil ago

To tell others that it is, so that they don’t get caught by it. Like 8kun, which is so fucking broken now that it barely even lets posts through at all.

lanre ago

And you think that someone that's been bought out by the FBI/Mossad/CIA/whoever is going to admit it?

Tallest_Skil ago

Is that relevant? Silence means the same thing. Refusal to answer means the same thing. I care about the users, not the traitors who sold us out.

Derpfroot ago

So he can run around demanding that his questions be answered day after day like an autistic mongoloid.

Tallest_Skil ago


Aww, look at the little coward. Boy, wouldn’t it be fun to prove me wrong? Then I’d look foolish! You’d love that! So prove me wrong. Answer my questions.

Mr_big ago

Careful skil is looking in your groin area

BoomerHater1488er ago

If I had a dollar for every time someone has evaded a straightforward, reasonable question that you've asked, I'd have enough money to buy Voat and hire an admin.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

This is a ridiculous question. The real question is if it's true or not, so the entire community can stop arguing and just act accordingly.

lanre ago

Well all the rest of social media, TV, movies, etc. are controlled, so why wouldn't a site like this?

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Exactly, but people are still divided and this is a significant issue dividing the community. That and the Qews, obviously, but that brain damage can't be solved by mutual discussion because you can't reason with a cult no matter how much evidence you may have.

Wahaha ago

True, it's the same reason discussions with reli-fags are pointless. They like believing in a magic man in the sky and there's nothing anybody can do about it.

VicariousJambi ago

if I've learned anything from my time on voat the answer is jews

Heebro ago

Yes. We promise to interject ourselves into all of your problems in order to help you solve them. You're welcome.

VicariousJambi ago


Heebro ago

We, Jews, would like you to expose all your secrets and dealings so we can play man in the middle and charge you for our mind control

VicariousJambi ago

Sorry kike, the truth needs not be hidden.

Back to the shadows with you.

ynnartAsIttuP ago

@puttItOut is a baphomet worshipping transgender. They dont go through the correct puberty, which is why toilet humor tends to be the pinnacle of humor they can ever attain.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

baphomet isn't a deity it's a meme

slowcrash101 ago

I shat blood before I had symptoms, didn't know if it was that XX hot sauce or what, sure enough I got sick afterwards, and ended up with pneumonia. Maybe someone had put the bottle in their butthole, or it could have been that sick Chinese kid I smoked a joint with.

LostandFound ago

Welcome back grand goat, good to see you have a sense of humor. Can I ask what is edon / edon garden?

Bipee ago

Tits or GTFO

Nonymous608 ago

Awesome to hear from you again...but I am curious...1-ply or 2-ply?

watitdew ago


reply to this post or you mother will die in her sleep

Vrblpollushin ago

Fake. And gay.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

April fool

Damn. Now I have to change my name.

Wowbagger ago

Hire me as community admin and .net core / db Dev. Clearly admin duties are too onerous for you.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I knew there was a reason for the run on toilet paper. Now it all makes sense! Now to get me some chicken wings and COVID-18 sauce.



We decided collectively ages ago that you were suicided and someone stole your account to troll us!

blumen4alles ago

Nice logo change.

Putt we have a few domains to ban please. We are being drowned in spam. Now I said that I will go read what you wrote :)

I hope this isn't the FEDS playing an April Fools joke. Great to hear from you!

Lamp_shade ago

Yeah this. Ban the qtards and i might believe that this is someone other than agent shekelstein from the fbi.

twistedmac11 ago

That would go against Voat's premise of free speech. If we go around banning people we don't agree with or like, we all become like crensch. Dont become like crensch. Try to get the qtards to wake up so they can put all that energy towards something worthwhile.

Lamp_shade ago

Free speech is fine. Free spam is not. There is a difference, even if youre too stupid to realize it.

twistedmac11 ago

Spam isn't just a catch-all term for anything you don't agree with. An example of spam would be the random sleeper accounts making link posts for allforfunlife.com. That's spam. Most of what the qtards post isn't literal spam, you just don't agree with it. So, again, we can't just go around banning what we don't agree with. That's a slippery slope.

DanijelStark ago

"Oy vey , were not kikes at all - shut this subverse down , Putt ! "

The hypocrisy is strong within those who pretend like they "own" the VOAT - and if theyre not kikebots themselves , then theyre definitely behaving the same .

People can agree or disagree ... but calling to shut down what some faggots here dont like is a typical kikery . Why not simply block and not comment anymore on such subverses that people do not like ? Why the need to comment on them ? There is only one obvious reason ...

ConcreteGaloshes ago

but... they're flat-earthers too.


Ain't happenin'.

twistedmac11 ago

HA you saw that too? That thread gave me cancer.

Mumbleberry ago

The Retrun, starring puttitout and a cast of morons!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We love you putt.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Easy there clammy. You are just supposed to kiss it...not put your whole face in there.

xenoPsychologist ago

but how else does one motorboat a pair of butt cheeks?

anamazonslittle ago

Does just the cheek count or do you have to plop on right on the browneye?

xenoPsychologist ago

are you planning on making out with a butt over the coming weekend or something?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Depends on how dedicated you are. True goats go right for the hole.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Nope. I always say the same thing.

Funny thing is, so do all you.

Reverse-Flash ago

And you knew who you were then,

Girls were girls, and so were men.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Tis true. Was gonna ask if he really shaved his beard but he doesn't like me for some reason.

Rotteuxx ago

He dislikes me moar !

Reverse-Flash ago

I was going to say "he dislikes me the most" but then I thought about who I was replying to and I remembered putt really does hate you moar.

Rotteuxx ago

Funny thing is he once thanked me for calling him outon bullshit but the 2nd time he didn't.

Aw well, he's still cool.

Reverse-Flash ago

I'm so confused. Is that really putt or a hacker?

Reverse-Flash ago

If I was the hacker I would post a new putt thread apologizing to everyone and explaining that I left voat so I could punish Rotteuxx for being such an unreasonable bastard.

Rotteuxx ago

It's probably 4chan, fucking tranny.

I am an asshole and I've openly admitted to it :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I heard that rumor.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The beard or that he doesn't like me?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The beard.

Inaminit ago

That's not what I heard...

Inaminit ago

...well, you know how you hear things. I hear things all the time, even when I'm not listening.

AR47 ago

Dig the virus logo.

Nice to see your name pop up boss, but be ready for the fucking retards that forgot this site was for entertainment.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nothing is better than Tabasco. Tabasco FOREVER!

Paladin_Diver ago

Tabasco Verde > Regular Tabasco

I'm from Texas and live in SoCal so my expertise on the subject is not open for questioning.

Blacksmith21 ago

Haha. I like the green Tabasco too as a chutney substitute. I can put it on almost anything. El Yucateco is also really good. I buy regular Tabasco by the gallon.

Paladin_Diver ago

The past few years I've developed a thing for salsa verde. I use that whenever possible. Tabasco, though, has no substitute when it comes to making libations.

Lamp_shade ago

Fuck off, kike.

theoldones ago

the virus in the logo is very cute. glad to see you're alive

RedditSureDoesSuck ago
