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antiliberalsociety ago

(Check back for updates)

Pay back your donors you fraud

Original template

Source of the pic (He deleted the video after I made this)

He said the screencap wasn't accurate so here's one from another video

Another Meme

List of ignored questions:

Just look at them You're even friends with race mixers on there

(He went and deleted them after this post, but in time they reappear)

(After crying about being doxxed, his account disappeared. He claims he was banned for "muh pro white content!" I tend to believe he deleted it until things cool down.)

The post where I discovered his GoFraudMe wasn't even closed yet (he finally shut it down after I called him out)

He admits buying rifles with the money

Despite it being specifically against GoFundMe rules, listed as fraudulent activity

And he lied about being unemployed by his own admission

"I got my trusty Trump hat here, they're going for $5,000 on Ebay" So, a hat is more important than food? Source

The irony

Not the first time he was called out

Nor the second

Nor the last

It's like you want the left to have an easy target on us

This is what they're saying and it will undoubtedly be used in an effort to shut us down

Was the purpose of your discord server to give them more ammo on the right?

And your posts on here calling for violence another Jewish trick?

Or a carefully worded post giving the left something to use that's all too easy to take out of context?

And calling for violence again, and again, and again, and fucking again, pushing the idea of civil war which the Jews want because a fractured nation is easier to conquer?

After calling him out, he called for censorship on Voat

@TexasVet Any luck with contacting the FBI over calling out your fraud?

The backstory

His fear me! threat

Immediately after he says he's going to because fee fees and mental anguish.

Triggered when exposed

Even though they're corrupt

October 10th 2018 comment history

He continues to this day to try to silence the truth about him citing social media as violations of privacy.

Even though he doxxed himself and then cries about being doxxed.

See a post from a year ago 4/3/18 that he deleted 3/30/19 trying to hide the fact he did it himself, and to promote his "upcoming rally with Paul Nehlen" where he called for others to join this militia and go to the border- only to bitch out at the last minute exposing his faggot LARP Screenshot for when he deletes it

Bonus: His pledge to Reddit

His cry posting about being "stalked" that got shot down as "not gangstalking"

I guess it's to be expected from a typical r-aww cat faggot

His whine video that got 79 views out of 1,000 followers and posting it on Voat, Reddit, Gab, Facebook, Twitter, and God knows where else. This is the video he claims debunks my accusations yet he cherry picked everything I was saying and didn't answer to shit. A sapling account attempted to help him out by promoting that video, but got destroyed in the comments and deleted the account

He is so worried about his image, he accuses anyone of downvoting him as being one of my alts, flat out complains about losing CCP, and whines that no one counters it

The post:

He created a new subverse, set the downvote CCP to 100, and bans anyone calling him on his fraud and his reasoning is "no infighting" (Reminds me of some goat, I swear...) (He reset it to 0 after no one could see his posts. Most are negative now)

TexasVet gay?

TexasVet Spreading fake news Confirmed fake he posted a picture of a jail roster and assumed he was dead based on the charge of murder. The image came from 8chan

The colossal faggot didn't even google to see if it was true. It was a fake.

Other examples:






TexasVet has moved onto veiled threats

Witness the birth of this post 10/16/18

I could go on but you get the picture, his argumentative tactic looks familiar and he is every definition of the word FRAUD. (I'd add more but I've reached the 10,000 character limit)

antiliberalsociety ago

Part 2

Examples of his behavior continued:





he doxxed himself then complained to putt he was being doxxed

In addition to calling for the abandonment of the swastika and supporting communism he recently promoted the collapse of our nations and THAT would "begin the building of a white ethnostate." He legitimately just promoted the niggerizing of white people by becoming governmentally dependent, like say, they do in communist nations. He posted it in his little commie sub where his love for freedom of speech ends with a gulag style execution via banhammer of all who speak wrongthink.

Just have a look at the banned comments log. How many subs do you know of have an "Off Topic" rule that results in instabanning that isn't SBBH style?


As you're probably aware there's several posts in this sub demonstrating his blatant plagiarism. I'm going to consolidate them all here for convenience.

He plagiarized obvious-throwaway- and I include my test results that he promptly failed.

He stole copypasta from /pol/ trying to pass it off as his own and Rellik88 did a fine job calling him on it.

He downloaded a YouTube vid and uploaded it to his own channel passing it off as his own, tomdogg busted him faghanded.

The kickoff of his plagiarism started when oldzeke caught him changing a Voat copypasta trying to pass this fake and gay story off as his own. He edited in attribution only after that post got attention.

He even copied mine where I noticed after a few hours, it showed up on his gab. So that lead to my test mentioned earlier:

Original post with no attribution given.

His whole gab page is nothing but Voat's front page.

I found a funny picture and sat on it for a few days to make sure it wasn't trending on any other site. After making sure it wasn't reposted somewhere, I posted it here and it was pretty popular Then I waited. 2 hours later, sure as shit this fraudulent faggot kiked it for his own popularity points.

After continuing my honesty enforcement on him, he keeps reverting back to his upcoming lawsuit against me that his "lawyer" promised him victory on. This was my response to him:

Problem is, you have to prove mental anguish. And if you can prove internet posts exposing your fraudulence caused mental anguish, then that would require a check into your mental health. Regardless, right now it's just internet posts. By "going forward" you would only be bringing upon yourself an official investigation into your fraud and with it, your firearms and calls for civil war.

I wonder if you'll include the real enemy in your lawsuit. If you didn't, that's only going to make it look like you're working for them.

So by all means, do what you will. I kind of hope you do, so I could expose your repeated calls for violence and civil war

Imagine what said jury will do with that... And ALL the other evidence I posted, that you will try to use as the grounds for your little lawsuit lol.

You are guilty of Theft By Swindle, and you have attempted to start a militia to begin a civil war. Let that sink in as you run to the same legal system you claimed is corrupt for protection.

I have received no answer since.

SearchVoatBot ago

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european ago


thatguyiam ago

This fagot is jus gonna make am alt

MadWorld ago

Most of your links have been archived on, including snapshots. In case he deletes his stuff or another image host goes down, you should be able to find a copy there.

I am also quoting what @Mumbleberry said, in case you are accused of doxxing with his facebook or linkedin accounts, as if you did all this on your own.

His YT channel had the links to his FB etc on it until he removed them. His friends list on FB is hidden now too, was full of niggers and muzzy fags

antiliberalsociety ago

Doxxing doesn't include information that he voluntarily uploaded to the internet. He can cry that all he wants, it'll go nowhere. He's PISSED because now his image is taking a punch, that narcissistic faggot.

kneo24 ago

Are you finding that the word "sock" (in reference to sock puppet) is becoming normal, or used by a select group of individuals? I'm seeing it more and more, but used by questionable individuals.

antiliberalsociety ago

He's probably kiking it from plebbit, since that's the only way you get noticed over there and I've linked to at least two of his accounts on there. He's the first one I've seen use it.

kneo24 ago

For a while there, @alphabeteicalanon and their alt, @astonisher666 (noticed who got banned for upvote manipulation?) were using it on me. Apparently I have a "sock army", and that I'm also a "sock". I just kind of wonder if it's a pattern. These 3 accounts in question used the same tactics.

  • Write some bullshit.
  • Somoene Call them out on it.
  • Play the victim and double down on the bullshit.Cry more about the downvotes, everyone against them is part of some "sock" thing.*

It's probably nothing more than just shitty different groups of people using it, but I'm sure you know as well as I do everyone has a pattern to their writing style.

antiliberalsociety ago

I noticed TexasVet no longer comments, can't help but wonder if he got warned for the same thing. The only ones ever defending him are all 6 months or younger accounts.