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sguevar ago

@TexasVet always defrauding in some way. Gofundme, Victim card and stealing stories for internet points.

@antiliberalsociety XD

antiliberalsociety ago

I was just on his gab not too long ago. Look at his posts, they're all Voat front-pagers. He even stole mine FFS.

sguevar ago

Wow that is simply sad sean... Youare even taking content from the guy you called the FBI on... @TexasVet... Pathetic.

WolfShepherd ago

You just use his real name?

antiliberalsociety ago

Seeing as it's his entire internet persona that he himself advertises, yes.

WolfShepherd ago

That's fucking gay

sguevar ago

Two month account that is not even aware that the user doxxed himself a few years back and calls out gay the fact that I used his name.

Should I even dignify this with a direct answer or will you look into @TexasVet and his defrauding skills....

WolfShepherd ago

You raging faggot, I was calling texasvet gay.

sguevar ago

Who is raging? The only one that is raging here is you.

Here educate yourself:

Have a nice day son,

WolfShepherd ago

Lmao you faggot

sguevar ago

You triggered 2 month account is quite funny.

WolfShepherd ago

I create new accounts every 6 months. Unlike you other faggots who are obsessed with your notoriety on voat. Calling out niggers, kikes and faggots is what I do, faggot.

sguevar ago

I create new accounts every 6 months.

Admits on using alts - and hence opens the door to dishonest behavior.

Unlike you other faggots who are obsessed with your notoriety on voat.

I honestly don't care about my Voat points. But you can't really argue that I jumped in to a wrong assumption if you create accounts every 6 months and then start asking about the u/TexasVet matter like the fact that use his first name that btw he doxxed himself on his Godfundme defrauding scheme.

Calling out niggers, kikes and faggots is what I do, faggot.

Also you can keep using preaching to the choir tactics if you want. It will take way more than that for me to even consider your stance.

The fact that you create mutiple accounts that possible you keep using or can use in order to brigade others shows already how untrustworthy you are. Hence you calling people out is more of an oxymoron than anything else as you use (((jews in the letter))) tactics to do your works... so have a nice day my dear (((stooge))).

WolfShepherd ago

You're so paranoid you're delusional. Thought you were better than that.

I only have one account at a time, no brigading.

You're making shit up to make yourself feel better.

Also learn how to write proper English, fuck.

Do better, you raging faggot. Have fun when the FBI shows up at your door!

sguevar ago

You're so paranoid you're delusional.

And yet I don't have to create alt accounts. Plus you are telling this to the, I think, the only voater that is not concerned with being doxxed. Try harder son.

Thought you were better than that.

Your thoughts are irrelevant to me, I thought I had made that clear in my past comment.

You're making shit up to make yourself feel better.

I am not the one spewing preaching to the choir rhetoric here son.

Also learn how to write proper English, fuck.

Mistakes can happen I can live with that.

Do better, you raging faggot.

Nice projection son. Have a nice day,

WolfShepherd ago

Well he people who are actually helping the world are worried about being doxxed.

You're a useless individual and you should feel bad.

sguevar ago

Not really but then again that is difference between you and I. I am not afraid of the world...

WolfShepherd ago

I can send a few people over to your house if you'd like?

You're fucking delusional haha

Hope you stay safe

sguevar ago

No weapon forged against me shall prosper.

WolfShepherd ago

You vs a mob of people isn't going to fare well for you. Liberals are fucking insane, you need to be careful with your personal information.

If you don't need to use your second amendment rights, you're not using your first amendment rights.

Don't be overconfident.

Deus Vult.