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R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Good catch op.

@texasvet wtf faggot?

Titanbikes4ever ago


GumbyTM ago

Steers and queers.....

......No horns on this one.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GoFraudMe submission by @antiliberalsociety.

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Goys-R-Us ago

Wow, this guy really is a piece of shit. @Texas_Vet where is the money you stole from your GoFundMe contributors you toothless fuck?

TestForScience ago

Damn, dude.
That guy gets the shit kicked out of him every day on Voat, check out his profile.

antiliberalsociety ago

The jew will tell you he was beaten, but he will not tell you why he was beaten.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I remember when people were defending this faggot.

AleiMira ago

Question - I will share posts or links to twitter to help spread the message. Should I give credit?

oldzeke ago

It's normal to share links without credit. What this faggot did was change a couple small details to pass a story off as his own.

heygeorge ago

You shamed him into editing his post to give attribution.

thelma ago

Only two things come from Texas : steers and queers

And I don't see no horns on @TexasVet ...

antiliberalsociety ago

I already knew, but I get tired of exposing all his shit all the time.

Go to his gab, scroll down the page, then compare it to our front page.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Niggertown ago

What do you expect from a ZOG bot? When they aren't calling precision airstrikes on childrens hospitals to deal with 14 year old insurgent snipers they are stealing content from based Voat users.

I live in San Diego. Zogbots are the fucking worst people in the city.

BushChuck ago

@TexasVet is a fraud, a liar, and will burn in hell for the valour he stole.

GoylentGreen ago

Oh this is some next level jewing right here.

kneo24 ago

DeadBeatNigger ago

Have we ever seen TexasVet's DD214?

One-Way_Bus ago

He got out with the wonderful rank of specialist.

Anon83 ago

That was unnecessarily stupid on his part... No wonder (((THEY))) aren't worried about uprisings...

virge ago

It's an example of the level of Internet smarts for most of the Boomers and misc. individuals who opted for Military Service.

All other things aside, a startlingly high number of them can't take the fire of the majority smart enough to keep their personal information private in a world where personal information is literally like chum to the sharks.

Wolfspider ago

Mentally ill Reddit cuckold revealed!

Hysterical ago

Why would he dox himself?

antiliberalsociety ago

I dunno, you tell me

kneo24 ago

He already doxxed himself through his go fund me where he frauded people and was called out on it.

DintDoNothin ago

Ha ha ha busted. Bye bye

version7 ago

I'm surprised he's still here.

WhitePaladin ago

He so is a glow nigger. Jesus, probably a CIA dyke with short hair.

Goys-R-Us ago

This is true. Fake and gay tend to flock together.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Space is fake and gay.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're fake and gay.

Goys-R-Us ago

So the moon isn't in space? Is that what you're saying?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

This year NASA decided the moon is within earths atmosphere.

Goys-R-Us ago

It's not like they're saying you could breath on the moon without oxygen tanks. I don't believe most of what NASA says anyway. They lie about probes on Mars, they lied about the moon landings and they lie about a bunch of other stuff. So who cares what they say about atmosphere?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm not saying that either.

This should be an obvious issue when considering orbital mechanics and friction but more illustrative on the point that they are deceptive liars making shit up every few years that contradicts previous "proven science".

Goys-R-Us ago

Gotcha. Yes they are liars. 57 million per day. Some say it's a break away civilization in the making. I say good, get the fuck out.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

In the making? 1947, Highjump/fishbowl/ CIA/ Roswell.

I think it already happened and its not the first time . The human timeline is an obvious lie just look at the megalithic sites and their supposed "dating" clearly a faith promoting fabrication of history designed to limit our range of available thought and information to conform us to an easier state of Jewish subjugation and control. The great pyramids had salt water in them. Smithsonian is cabal controlled.

Of course you can't break away when there is no where to go. No spin. No curve.

Goys-R-Us ago

If they'd achieved a break away civilization, doesn't that mean they're going somewhere else?

I completely agree our history is controlled bullshit. Not sure about flat earth though. That's a stretch. I think it's used to discredit by association.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

If they'd achieved a break away civilization, doesn't that mean they're going somewhere else?

Disruptive class technologies, why leave (if they even could) when they have such a nice goyium farm? I understand however the option of a stay behind force resonates with their modus operandi.

Who knows what it is honestly.

The moon is 27% of the size as earth, the largest observable satellite to parent ratio. Despite this the sun and moon appear to be the same size due to the sun being 400x larger and 400x further away, while still maintaining the same transitional velocity across the horizon.

If you're not familiar with barycenter's please glance. So being that this system travels around Sol which orbits the galactic center which is being accelerated in its outward expansion due to the big bang and hence entropy. Yet you've never felt it. Transitional verses linear speed across a sphere, think about it. Polar verses equator delta. Now factor in barycenter effect and picture each vector of orbit as it transitions across its parent. You've never felt it.

Coriolis force applies to bullets but not planes? Centrifugal force is due to the inertia of kenetic energy of matter in an orbital vector of motion to the outside, or rather away from the center of rotation.

Oh wait whats this? Centripetal force says that lighter dense objects in the same scenario move towards the center due to a force? Does not the lighter material move toward the center due to being displaced by the heavier material? If you were to place a board horizontal to the ground and attach two clear pitchers of water on either end and then spin this board while maintaining its level you'll see that the water moves away from the center and outward. Attach a string to a cork and attach the other end to the base of the inside of the pitcher you'll see that the cork moves towards the center.

Did the cork move towards the center due to this magical centripetal force? Or did it move towards the center due to being displaced and in effect the centrifugal force?

Start thinking for yourself on everything. They do two for one experimentation. Gravity is fake. Density bouncy mechanics. No spin. No curve.

There is only one as in singular picture as admitted by NASA to be the only non composite "full" image of earth. It would be shame if the goyium knew where they were living.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'd have to go back and refresh my memory on all of my college physics classes. There's a reason I didn't become a physicist, lol.

So was Newton deliberately deceiving us with the rest of the scientific community going along with it? You have to admit, it's a pretty big chunk to bite off to believe that all physics that we're taught today is wrong.

Is what you're referring to the electric universe paradigm? I'm open to new ideas but this might be a bit over my head.

Ultimately you're saying the earth is not a globe? Or the earth is a globe but not spinning? Big bang sounds like absolute bullshit to be sure. An infinitely dense point? Yeah sure.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential & inherent in it. And this is one reason why I desired you would not ascribe {innate} gravity to me. That gravity should be innate inherent & {essential} to matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of any thing else by & through which their action or force {may} be conveyed from one to another is to me so great an absurdity that I beleive no man who has in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent {acting} <7v> consta{ntl}y according to certain laws, but whether this agent be material or immaterial is a question I have left to the consideration of my readers.

Thats from Newton himself. The guy never proposed ANY of this. They have trapped you in a mathematically sound world that does not reflect reality. I'm saying i've been seriously studying this for about 8 years and all i can say is there is some shit going on and at this point its my more of my own personal cognitive dissonance rather than a lack of argumentation that makes me say "who the fuck knows?".

Again. No spin, No curve.

Goys-R-Us ago

That is a good quote. Common sense suggests that gravity, as it is commonly understood, creates action at a distance in zero time (faster than light). That doesn't necessarily refute Einsteins theory of relativity or SR (can't remember which) if no information is transmitted though.

Look man, I'm stupid. Spell it out for me. Are you saying we live on an infinite plane? I'm open to ideas but I'm also very skeptical.

The few things I've concluded that go against the zeitgeist is that man never landed on the moon, AGW is bullshit, nukes don't exist as we understand them to and history has been fucked with bigly (i.e. the history we're taught isn't even close to true history).

Beyond that, especially with physics, I'm probably just not smart enough to know one way or the other. The curvature of the earth seems real based on watching the body of a boat disappearing before the mast does. Of course I've never done that experiment myself so in the spirit of doubting Thomas, I don't know. If there is no curve and boats really do disappear over the horizon, how do you explain that with a flat earth?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm at the point that i CAN"T prove its not an infinite plane and the only evidence to the contrary is supplied by the synagogue of satan.

The curvature of the earth seems real based on watching the body of a boat disappearing before the mast does.

Convergent lines of perception bring anything to a single point, thing of electric poles on a long straight road into the distance to coming to a point. The boat does not go around a curve, the waves are obstructing your view of the lower point of the ship first as it converges into the distance of your perception.

Stand up higher and you'll see further but no matter how high you go the horizon will always fall to your eye level. You can use super infrared equipment and see through a lot of atmospheric distortion to distances well behind the curvature projection. Hell the nikon p900 alone produced a wave of people who realized what was going on.

Now go through the podesta leaks with tom delonge fag to the stars project and the disclosure movement. Do the satanists worship transdemionsal spirits that they say are aliens? Or are they just loons and freaks using an extraterrestrial threat to unify humanity under one rule? I think space if fake and gay which makes aliens fake and gay. Look at all the fucks associated with it and its incessant presence in media.

Goys-R-Us ago

If I am to interpret : infinite plane -yes. Aliens worshiped by the elite - no. The elite attempting to unify the world into a one world government by faking aliens - yes. Space is fake and gay - yes.

Do I have that right? I'm not mocking you, just trying to understand where you are coming from.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You got it. It looks like its an infinite plane however no one has crossed Antarctica over its center to the other side of the globe, the only faggot you'll find if you search is some queer joker who went across the tip. I mean the real center.1947? Admiral Byrd? highjump? Fishbowl? CIA? Roswell? No ones done it. If you have not considered what a flat earth would look like here go you.

Corpse_washer ago

Yup. Thats why the landing was possible.

Goys-R-Us ago

The landing never happened.

Corpse_washer ago

Im not convinced. The only thing you can be sure is that the footage was fake. There is a reason the US worked together with the commies in space while there was a ground cold war.

Myan ago

I just hope they are alts of each other, this is sad... but funny

sguevar ago

@TexasVet always defrauding in some way. Gofundme, Victim card and stealing stories for internet points.

@antiliberalsociety XD

antiliberalsociety ago

I was just on his gab not too long ago. Look at his posts, they're all Voat front-pagers. He even stole mine FFS.

sguevar ago

Wow that is simply sad sean... Youare even taking content from the guy you called the FBI on... @TexasVet... Pathetic.

WolfShepherd ago

You just use his real name?

antiliberalsociety ago

Seeing as it's his entire internet persona that he himself advertises, yes.

WolfShepherd ago

That's fucking gay

sguevar ago

Two month account that is not even aware that the user doxxed himself a few years back and calls out gay the fact that I used his name.

Should I even dignify this with a direct answer or will you look into @TexasVet and his defrauding skills....

WolfShepherd ago

You raging faggot, I was calling texasvet gay.

sguevar ago

Who is raging? The only one that is raging here is you.

Here educate yourself:

Have a nice day son,

WolfShepherd ago

Lmao you faggot

sguevar ago

You triggered 2 month account is quite funny.

WolfShepherd ago

I create new accounts every 6 months. Unlike you other faggots who are obsessed with your notoriety on voat. Calling out niggers, kikes and faggots is what I do, faggot.

sguevar ago

I create new accounts every 6 months.

Admits on using alts - and hence opens the door to dishonest behavior.

Unlike you other faggots who are obsessed with your notoriety on voat.

I honestly don't care about my Voat points. But you can't really argue that I jumped in to a wrong assumption if you create accounts every 6 months and then start asking about the u/TexasVet matter like the fact that use his first name that btw he doxxed himself on his Godfundme defrauding scheme.

Calling out niggers, kikes and faggots is what I do, faggot.

Also you can keep using preaching to the choir tactics if you want. It will take way more than that for me to even consider your stance.

The fact that you create mutiple accounts that possible you keep using or can use in order to brigade others shows already how untrustworthy you are. Hence you calling people out is more of an oxymoron than anything else as you use (((jews in the letter))) tactics to do your works... so have a nice day my dear (((stooge))).

WolfShepherd ago

You're so paranoid you're delusional. Thought you were better than that.

I only have one account at a time, no brigading.

You're making shit up to make yourself feel better.

Also learn how to write proper English, fuck.

Do better, you raging faggot. Have fun when the FBI shows up at your door!

sguevar ago

You're so paranoid you're delusional.

And yet I don't have to create alt accounts. Plus you are telling this to the, I think, the only voater that is not concerned with being doxxed. Try harder son.

Thought you were better than that.

Your thoughts are irrelevant to me, I thought I had made that clear in my past comment.

You're making shit up to make yourself feel better.

I am not the one spewing preaching to the choir rhetoric here son.

Also learn how to write proper English, fuck.

Mistakes can happen I can live with that.

Do better, you raging faggot.

Nice projection son. Have a nice day,

WolfShepherd ago

Well he people who are actually helping the world are worried about being doxxed.

You're a useless individual and you should feel bad.

sguevar ago

Not really but then again that is difference between you and I. I am not afraid of the world...

WolfShepherd ago

I can send a few people over to your house if you'd like?

You're fucking delusional haha

Hope you stay safe

sguevar ago

No weapon forged against me shall prosper.

WolfShepherd ago

You vs a mob of people isn't going to fare well for you. Liberals are fucking insane, you need to be careful with your personal information.

If you don't need to use your second amendment rights, you're not using your first amendment rights.

Don't be overconfident.

Deus Vult.

goblin_ghost ago

Who fucking cares Jesus christ. You faggots are worse than high-school girls sometimes.

Aufag ago

The majority of accounts on voat are astroturfed

heygeorge ago

Voat thrives on drama

Corpse_washer ago

Audible kek

Thornamajig ago

How do you know who copied from who, or if they're the same person just 2 names on different platforms?

Thornamajig ago

TexasVet on Gab posted at 15:53 UTC Maxoverdrive posted here same day at 12:52pm

Are the timestamps on Voat all UTC? Not sure. Just trying to see who posted first, though they could still be same person I guess

PuttItOut ago

All UTC on V

Thornamajig ago

Thank you sir!

Therefore Maxoverdrive can answer if that's his Gab account or was plagiarized

Goys-R-Us ago

Besides the fact that the original story was fake and gay.

Myan ago

i spent like 5 minutes to see if its some kind of copypasta, I couldnt find anything

Goys-R-Us ago

"the few islamists who come into the store are much more abrasive and demanding than usual, but when he puts his foot down they shut the fuck up - like they're trying to claim 'territory', but when they meet real opposition they immediately back down. The jews who come into the store, who were before much more talkative and demanding, now just buy what they want and try to get out as quickly as possible. The 'problem jews', which I'm sure every store in America can relate to, are no longer 'problematic'. They just grab their shit, keep their heads down, and try to get out as quickly as possible." . . .

Does that sound like something a grocery clerk would observe? Young women coming on to him because they want protection? It's ludicrously fake IMO.

Corpse_washer ago

Sounds legit.

Don-Keyhote ago

Dude literally stole that comment, abt this dudes stolen comment, from me LOL

Hysterical ago

I don't know, I remember reading it and while it was definitely cringe worthy we're talking about a grown man living as a grocery clerk. Doesn't surprise me that he would be making these sorts of things up to cope with his own failures.

antiliberalsociety ago

Speaking of, I asked him once if he's repressing his insecurities since his brothers are all more successful than he is despite him being the oldest. He called upon Putt to ban me for doxxing him despite him doing it to himself where he included this and this.

He deleted that post just before calling on putt to ban me, but rest assured it's his

Ocelot ago

Or OP's friend is just a lying fuck and OP is extremely gullible.

Goys-R-Us ago

Maxoverdrive has always been a dumbass.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Wow, this is one cringe inducing mother fucker.

Jehoshaphat ago

True. TexasVet is a huge faggot. Cant hide behind a big-boy name, you pansy fuck.

cyclops1771 ago

Why not?

He stole their money, what's a story compared to that?

SandHog ago

I bet he'd really like to steal the story about him stealing their money. That way noone could call him out on his bs.

EpiPendemic ago

Does this mean we are in a sandbox and we all are in an echo chamber? I tried to get info from multiple sources online but it seems impossible I feel like I end up in a fake sanbox of unoriginal reported crap with the same shit begin feed to me.. I do do my part to provide OC. I cross post a lot but this seems like blatant plagiarism if not the same guy posting it. It reads like an urban legend and it is a stupid premise you can't gauge the temperature of the nations based on a convenience store in Oregon.

Inquisitioner ago

If you want OC, that's what chans are for. Voat is a nice hub for commenting on material reposted from elsewhere.

antiliberalsociety ago

Most of the time I post OC it's brigaded by sapling trolls with little to no scp/ccp

WolfShepherd ago

Yes, welcome to voat. They're trying to infest this site like they did with Reddit

heygeorge ago

@TexasVet are you a piece of shit?

antiliberalsociety ago

I'll answer. Yes

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Run down on how he scammed a go fund me? I've stood up for @texasvet a few times since i did not see the logic behind the criticism for previous occasions on the content alone which means i'm missing context. Do i care if he re-posts copy pasta? Nope. Perhaps he does it all the time as a way of sharing? Do i care if he blatantly acts like he wrote it? Nope.

4 days ago he shared another post about living in texas. I'm not sure the guy is claiming credit for internet points and i'm all for anyone shamelessly stealing/ sharing posts made here so that more people are exposed to the JQ.

antiliberalsociety ago

I'd like to know exactly WHY you defend him, after all he's done

kneo24 ago

He's not reposting copy pasta, he's making posts as if they are his own. If you don't care about blatant plagiarism, you have loose morals and can be easily ignored.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Plagiarism? You really think that counts with anon shit what are you some kind of fucking goofy fag? Hey nigger, did you even bother to read what i stated?

4 days ago he shared another post about living in texas. I'm not sure the guy is claiming credit for internet points

So which is it? Stealing or reposting? Where did he claim he was the OP on the gab? Why would the lack of fucks equate to low morals?

@heygeorge any background on that go found me scam you can provide im not familiar with that incident although i've heard about it prior.

heygeorge ago

From what I’ve read, @TexasVet made a video or some sort of plea for money because he was so broke and had no job etc. People donated a decent bit of money, then he spent some of it on buying himself a gun.

@antiliberalsociety knows all about it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Wow. @texasvet really? You are a fucking piece of nigger shit if you did this that's some real low IQ morals against your fellow man. Keep spreading the JQ but the moment you try to profit off it you are demon hell spawn get your fucking fat slob self together. Pathetic!

WolfShepherd ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

are you some @texasvet alt or something?


WolfShepherd ago

No, you cuck. You're just a fucking retard is all.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

So you're defending @texasvet and his accused behavior of being a nigger? (this makes you a nigger too)

WolfShepherd ago

You mean what you started out doing? Hahaha you're very retarded

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I wasn't standing up for the guy i was gathering context prior to judgment but thats clearly out of your abilities to comprehend.

WolfShepherd ago

I've stood up for him

Literally a quote from your parent comment.

I'll tell you again, you're retarded for more than one reason.

Do better.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yes, unequivocally.

heygeorge ago

Yes, I’m asking @TexasVet to respond.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Good luck getting a jew to incriminate theirselves

brandon816 ago

Good catch