Anarchy99 ago

Most young men I meet seem to be autistic. Which means they cannot raise a family without outside assistance. Hard enough as it is being normal. Men seem to be more interested in playing with their trucks and toys than raising a family now.

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NosebergShekelman ago

You hateful goys need to stop thuis!! Those poor black people you all found over there in Africa need your help and understanding. You should go up to every black male that you see and give him a hug and apologize to him. Bring him home and let him bang your wife. Its the only way, gpyim. Shaloms™✡️ and praise israel's purity

friendshipistragic ago

This is why I’m moving out to the middle of nowhere with my family

Mememan27 ago

No war is probably coming.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Not until 2025

Mememan27 ago


But I doubt it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

There are ways to know this

fightknightHERO ago

When DOTR starts i'll believe it

as much as i hope for a Race War the Kikes have demoralized a lot of the population... you do have faith in Normies to fight for survival?

copper_spartan ago

In my sphere, a lot of people think something is going to give eventually, but the possibility doesn't seem to be affecting anyone's mood or actions. Most are hyper-focused on their career, and hobbies if they're younger, families if they're older.

Bottled_Tears ago

Glad you see something positive. As a restaurant worker I don't. I still see the annoying shit that is being fed to society and only getting worse.

DintDoNothin ago

Can I come move in with your group?

indreams ago

I'm serious but unfortunately not ready for a man yet- my BMI is 24.3 and I've been working to lower it to around 21 first to be in good shape for a husband (I had a BMI of 31 before I was red-pilled!). Is there a subvoat or something for finding a person to date? I would love to meet a good man.

KimBellend ago

Weight control should not be a problem. Lower your carb consumption. Don't eat seed-oils (poison). Make sure your edible fats are lard, palm oil (cheap), coconut oil.

indreams ago

I know, I count my calories/fast using MFP. I’m down 50 pounds but I know my current BMI (24) is still too high even if it’s “healthy”. I plan on being an appropriate BMI in two months.

TradMan ago

I respect your commitment to respecting yourself, virtue attracts the best of men.

What race are you?

Phantom42 ago

Oh, ohhhhh it is.

I've said it many times before, but those who don't know:

I'm just some 19yo dude in college, and ever since Senior year of high school I've certainly felt something "shift". There's a tension under everything anymore, like a violin but the sounds gets more and more high-pitched/intense as time marches on.

Then you have some people posting on Twitter "Why is everyone working out? Lol. Joining the military?" And there will be a bunch of white dudes in a pic going at it.

No, something has changed. Not to the degree that Mr. Clerk has seen, but I'm in the middle of a fucking college and anything goes at those places...

Regardless, I await the fire. Gott mit uns.


I just posted yesterday about overhearing a guy pedpilling another about the USS LIBERTY

Titanbikes4ever ago

Stop trying to social program is into having a civil war. Jew faggots like you would love to see that. We would waste all our resources and time fighting each other and then you swoop in with your carpet bag full of tricks to fuck with the wretched survivors

Phantom42 ago

Who said we stop after the civil war?

We bring this shit worldwide and send Israel straight to Hell.

curiouserdude ago

I think your friend has just been lifting or got a buzz cut and people are treating him with more respect.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You're right that most people don't read that stuff - what they respond to is how OTHERS act. Everyone can feel a change in how the larger communities around them are behaving. Once a critical mass of white people got redpilled and changed their behavior, others followed instinctively. Now you know who the cultural leaders are.

MisterPills ago

I completely agree.

I want what he says to be true, but what’s more likely is the conversations he’s having with OP are projecting into his real world and thus his behavior or appearance is causing people to treat him different.

Woman have never been more fucked up sluts. Jews can’t help themselves and are not jewing less. Muslims are more emboldened in the US than ever before. Asians are always sort of the exact way he describes.

Things are changing....but not for the better.

NeoGoat ago

Unfortunately, I'm tempted to agree with @curiouserdude also.

Smokybubbles ago

The problem with all this conflict is that the groups promototing divisive shit actually do want us all to kill each other. The groups you are complaining about are only useful idiots. If you beat up a dude wearing a sports team's hat, it doesn't hurt the sports team.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Excellent post. I've noticed it too I'm not fat, have my teeth, job, own car, place and I don't dress and act like a bitch. I am almost 40 and have women 24-54 hitting on me all the time. I see these bitches obviously getting turned on when I am at the swimming pool. You can see it, even the ones with shitty black or whigger boyfriends. You can see it on them . If they are dating bums, junkies or both they are craving for better. The ones dating the limp wristed guys are the worst. They are not shy at all about their hunger.

The 'new' wore off of white women. They're being treated like absolute shit now. White guys are sick of it and many of them just dropping out of the whole thing. The ones that aren't, if we get a decent woman we make sure to keep them. The church crowds have completely segregated themselves from everyone else. People are scared or just don't even want to deal with them at work. Work environments are having a hard time keeping anyone working under these women. Just no one wants to deal with them in anyway. No one wants to deal with the crazy, man hating ball busters at work. They're having a tough time getting decent people to stay working under them and they're getting sued now. No one wants to date them. They're lonely as fuck and can't hide it anymore. No one wants to deal with the welfare rats. A lot of people won't even bother using them as dump and runs anymore. The fat chicks, no one even wants to fuck them but junkies and losers. They were sold a package of lies and they got what they wanted. Now they're starting to realize what it is. No one wants to deal with them, their bastards and their attitudes. Get fucked because that's all you're getting.

You can really see it all hit home with liberals, especially white liberals. They haven't been embraced by all their 'comrades in arms' No even bothers to hate them anymore. They just don't want to deal with them. They get no respect by minorities. They are looked down on. They've banned everyone from FB, Twitter, etc. etc. and now they have no one to argue with. The only way they know how to get along with one another is to gang up on some perceived 'Nazi' or become outraged about some fake hate crime but no one gives a fuck anymore. No one is even given them attention enough to argue with them. I cut any leftist family and friend out of my life about 18 months ago and it has been sooo much better. You do not need people like that in your life. Anyone supporting the destruction of their own race, nation and supports killing babies and child sterilization/transgenderism is not someone you need in your life at all, in any capacity. People have gotten to the point where they will be a field tech, landscaper or work construction so they won't have to put up with crazy leftists in the office. Nothing is getting done and when it does get done it gets done by contractors that have left those jobs and went to work with other companies that actually do the work.

People are beginning to get scared of whites. No one fucks with me. The super fats are fatter and people are tired of them too. They even hate each other, just like most libs hate each other. People just don't want to deal with them and we're not going to put up with their shit either. The welfare benefits are and will continue to be cut as they keep paying for welfare for the illegals. Belts are getting tighter. Welfare bastards may have to go without new IPHONES this year!!! (gasp) White men will now go homeless, live alone, work jobs paying less before we go to work and have our balls busted and live with a shitty woman with kids that aren't ours. Many of us are killing ourselves or living at home forever. I don't support suicide, homelessness or living at home but at least they're not being dickstands and ATMs for these filthy, immoral goddamn whores and at least they're not in the office listening to liberals go on about white privilege while they're underpaid and do all the work.

Fuck this. We're collectively tired of it. They may hate you for being conservative but THEY WILL RESPECT YOU. Hit the weights guy. Hit the firing range. Walk like a man and not goddamn Smegul. Don't be belligerent to any of these people but walk around like you don't give a fuck. The bullshit is up. It's obvious by the size of the Beto/Trump rallies and all the Clinton/Obama speaker attendance that this shit goose is cooked. The illusion is up.

People are tired of the virtue signaling, the whining, the panic attacks and the screaming. They wanted to ban all voices of dissent and now people are sick and tired of dealing with them. They can stew in the shit they created. I don't pay attention to these fat whores. They can hang that nasty cunt or those fatasses or those tits out all they want. I'm not even glancing. I don't fuck pigs, of any color because I'm not into beastiality. Take something resembling decent care of yourself or GTFO. I treat death fat dudes the same way. Their opinions mean less than shit to me. I'm not nice to them. I let them know immediately the disgust the fuck out of me. I always pretend they stink every time they are around me. If you're so fat you're not mobile you are sub human to me.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

People are beginning to get scared of whites who are still human. No one fucks with me.

I agree but I occasionally get people who think I'm some kind of bitch but I never give in to their insecurities.

BushChuck ago

Had some nigger with an accent ask me for directions today.

I gave him directions to the airport.

Wrote them down and everything, but only using numbers, cause he doesn't read English.

I wonder if he got the point.

nukeclear ago

I hate using this word but that is actually the cringiest thing I’ve ever read on this site. Nice LARP, although the part on niggers is true.

CaptainBurrito ago

Online I take it?

QuickMafs ago

Cashier here, foreign shitskins have not gotten more polite. Less than a month ago i spent 20 minutes arguing with one after I wouldn’t sell beer to him without an idea

VoatVoyeur ago

I wouldn’t sell beer to him without an idea

Good, if he's that dumb he shouldn't drink

NeoGoat ago


14WordsToFreedom ago

.22LR to center mass will still stop all but the most drugged up threats, won’t it?

NeoGoat ago

Fatally wounding and immediately stopping are 2 different things. If someone is really coming at you, unless you hit a major organ, artery, or bone, he may not drop. This is why larger calibers are important. Police don't carry. 22s.

Phantom42 ago

I mean... Soft armored targets, maybe. .22 rounds are funny little buggers. They like to get in and bounce around a bit.

I'd rather have something more powerful though, in all honesty.

VoatVoyeur ago

If it penetrates their t-shirt.

YouAreASlave ago

Fuck off, you LARPing shitheel.

BradenDash ago

Not as intense, but I noticed that people say Merry Christmas a lot more, with no hesitation or remorse, or second guessing, and also, people aren’t ashamed to say they eat McDonald’s like how it was back in the Obama era. I think a lot more people know what’s going on than what it seems on the forefront for sure...

ForTheUltimate ago

If you think shit will hit the fan soon. Join v/emergencynation

Wazhappenin1 ago


Very interesting. A paradigm shift May be sensed before it happens. Like animals and earth quakes?!

All white men need to be prepared ASAP no excuses. If you don't prepare now you'll be a niggar later.


I'd say that when RBG is finally declared 187 and Trump gets another SC pick then we can count on the left to go batshit crazy! Whatever happens first, RBG or no gibs or someone high up actually getting arrested. Whichever spark sets them off first.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The lighting will strike before you hear the thunder.

ForTheUltimate ago

I'm not smelling shit. You guys are too slow. I remember when everyone believed MSM bullshit and I thought: if they don't get it now, they'll never get it. and I was wrong. wtf is wrong with you? it was as obvious then as it is now. In fact, it was MORE obvious back then. instead I had to read psycho-analytic shit for why people bought the official 9/11 conspiracy hook line and sinker.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

access to information DRAMATICALLY increased and that's what is driving the change. 20 years ago it was not easy to locate multiple angles of proof that so many things were pure lies.

ForTheUltimate ago

not from 2012.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it has though, and really started to pick up right around then.

ForTheUltimate ago

well if you can show me how ''it has though'' that'll clarify my worldview cuz I don't see it. We had the internet before that and there were plenty of videos, forums and websites on it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

While the underbellies always existed there wasn't ever critical mass. That happened through a combination of factors, but most significant was the censorship of relatively normal topics - gamergate being a significant catalyst in this. This drove a lot of smart and capable people into those dark underbellies where they were able to use the information that was simmering MUCH MORE EFFECTIVELY than had been done in the past. Further, they expanded and refined it. At the same time, an enormous amount of new information was being created and it all snow-balled.

Post 2012 election seems to have been "go-time" for the commie coup in the USA. Once Obama got a second term they immediately moved to implement their muslim brotherhood/globohomo operation.

ForTheUltimate ago

This only explains why more of some people learned these things.

None of this explains how 80% of people bullshit in the first place.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

What is the NPC meme

ForTheUltimate ago

This upsets him because these girls are young enough to be his daughter, but they just don't seem to care - whereas before, they did.

hah loser. we use to marry girls in their 12-18s.

DontBeRacist ago

In one sense things for niggers are not changing. Wherever niggers are things will always be shitty and violent. They probably don't think about killing each other and eating each other for food, but they were born for that kind of depravity.

ALIENS2222 ago

Yeah your lifestyle sounds just like mine actually. Nice to see another outlaw out here in the PNW. But yeah I have noticed many changes as well. I am in the WV and I see a few Trump flags around. The mexicans keep their fucking heads down and look really worried when they see me taked out my phone and fuck with it while ominously looking at them. :) I never have to deal with niggers but I still see the fucking haji women in swarms standing around the bus stop near the Jewniversity. Also swarms of Chinese... Always in their 20s. Always driving a new BMW or Mercedes and always mailing shit... boxes and boxes and boxes of shit being mailed. Its really strange.

Now, the county governments are VERY short on money for code enforcement which means just about anyone can do anything as long as they dont piss off their neighbors. I have been squatting in a cabin I build for years and years now. Never got any attention. If you guys are in Oregon then make sure you are paying attention to this tidbit...

Housing prices have been grossly inflated here by artificial means. They make housing scarse as fuck then hand out home-sites only to special people. IN particular I know of a guy (connected college professor from out of state) that got a homesite (which will raise the value of yuour land by about 100k - 150k) completely outside the rules as they are written. The system is breathtakingly corrupt. Knowing this means that just like Vegas, the only way to win is to NOT PLAY... So you guys keep that in mind. Try to stay outside of the system as much as possible.

There is another thing I noticed as well... These signs abound around the state. The website changed but used to have a form to 'sign up' where they collected TONS of personal infomration with a thinly veiled statement of "I will not comply with any gun confiscation". People are signing up for this which is basically an information collection site showing name and address and phone etc etc of dumbfucks who tell (probably the gov) that they will break a firearms law if one comes into play. Boy I wonder who is going to get the Swat-Team treatment first? Enquiring minds want to know... LOL

If you or your friends control any land or want to have land to control in the future then get up to speed on ALLODIAL TITLE. This is so important for everyone to understand and, honestly, you seem like the right type of people. I have a massive pile of links and infomation collected for like 5 years now about what Allodial Title is and how it works and how it is the basis of freedom in this nation. It is very important. There will be a transitionary period. If there is a transitionary period then many of these changes can come into play if enough people KNOW.

With even mild violence, major changes can happen. Allodial Title is Constitutional land ownership. 2A is Constitutional gun ownership. Gold and silver are Constitutional money. Everyone is awoken to the 2A and the financial thing but the Allodial Title is SOOOOOOO IMPORTANT and nearly no one understands.

VoatVoyeur ago

Also swarms of Chinese... Always in their 20s. Always driving a new BMW or Mercedes and always mailing shit... boxes and boxes and boxes of shit being mailed. Its really strange.

They're selling fentanyl.

I have a massive pile of links and infomation collected for like 5 years now about what Allodial Title is and how it works and how it is the basis of freedom in this nation. It is very important.

Please paste them, I've never heard of this before now, property taxes into seizure is why I never wanted to own real estate.

ALIENS2222 ago

Below is a clip of a conversation by somene who claims to know a lot about this stuff talking about how to go learn about the system. I am in the process of figuring out how my own county does this shit so I can get my land out of it.

Anyway, by what methodology do you claim the authority that you are the owner of the land?

If this methodology is administered by some other authority, have you granted this authority to act in the interests of the greater whole? Or does the taxing authority have any specific duties to represent YOUR interests? If so or not, what are the limits and operational rules?

See...again, how does one think they have RIGHTS when they submit to an authority structure to which they have no basic understanding of the rules of engagement?


Unless you do some work to learn the rules under which you operate, you will be serfs FOREVER! And I can guarantee this will be the outcome for your LOT.

Stupid cretins!

OK. There will be no intelligent signs of life so no point continuing.

Just for amusement purposes, ONE of you show some initiative and send your local land taxing authority a letter of inquiry. Ask them some iteration of the following:

1) By what authority do you levy a tax against my property? 2) Do you, as a taxing authority assert any claim of ownership, lien, attachment, encumbrance or otherwise, against the parcel in question 3) Has the parcel in question been pledged as collateral, generally or specifically, in any capacity whatsoever against any debt or obligation of a governmental agency or private entity? 4) Is there any claim recorded against this property, and are there any arrears or payments due to release any prior claims in order for clear title. 5) What is the procedure and amount necessary to obtain allodial title for the property in question 6) What is the procedure to have the property in question removed from the tax roles?

General questions:

1) By what methodology is the tax applied to assure an impartial apportionment of the tax burden. 2) If property valuation is the operational methodology, why is an objective measure, such as square meter not used instead. 3) How many parcels are defined in the area of the taxing authority. 4) What is the total area of the taxing authority, and of this area, how many are taxable parcels. 5) Of the untaxed parcels and land, list each and every reason why these properties are not taxed. 6) How many properties have received tax exemptions, and what is the lawful basis of exemption?

etc etc.

Start doing research and start asking questions. It would be fitting if a few of you figured out the property tax fraud, since it is the basis of all the other frauds as well.

Spyder ago

Is this akin to sovereign citizenship? I ask because that shit does not work legally.

ALIENS2222 ago

No... Neither of these fit that. They are both different. In all honesty my guess is that this stuff is LEGAL and REAL but not RESPECTED so that means you will spend the rest of your life in the court room.

Tubesbestnoob ago

When it happens boys, be sure to keep your dogs healthy by only feeding them well-cooked nigger meat. Groids are very diseased but are high in protein.

Goys-R-Us ago

I think the scumbags at the top are manipulating us into violence like they have for thousands of years. There is nothing new under the sun.

Don-Keyhote ago

The notion that a grocery clerk has enough meaningful interactions to make these judgements is pretty absurd and larpy (held his ground against the "islamists" trying to stake a claim inside HIS DELI SECTION!).

Goys-R-Us ago

Lol, I didn't even read that far but you're right, it's laughably fake.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TransAthelete69 ago

I get hit on by girls, usually though it is friends of friends who know that I am not a poorfag like their peers. I get hit on by younger girls often enough though. I am taken thankfully, plus avoided the aids that is going around thanks to ((())))

smokratez ago

Edit: ahh, pissed off the white trash? Do you shits honestly think I care? I'm at nearly 6,000 CCP - what the fuck do you think you're going to do? Make me laugh at your impotence? I already laugh at that, along with every other woman you've ever dated....

Shit is changing? You no longer consider white people trash?

Hand_of_Node ago

That's a quote from OP? Perhaps he was referring to the subset of white people who are trash, so he identified them as "white trash". They do exist, you know.

smokratez ago

Read the rest of the quote.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Your friend’s observations match what I see in the city as well. Men pulled back instinctively after the hysterical way women responded to the HRC cult and women have noticed and are changing their behavior in response.

Trump is a stabilizing force and will keep things together through 2024. Once he is out of office expect the deluge.

Glipglup ago

Gay larp

lord_nougat ago

Gay larp? Glarp! Glipglarp!

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont think this is true because the price of bullets is still reasonable.

HansWithTheGas ago

I just shated the same sentiment with some of my close goyfriends. Dems bringing the JQ to the forefront is helping and should be applauded

Goys-R-Us ago

Anecdotal at best. He works as a grocery clerk, he can't be the sharpest tool in the shed.

by2inthemorning ago

Don't be too sure ,there's been a few well off people my husband has come across working janitorial jobs. They're bored and just want something do. Mind you they're not the best workers according to my husband but they are out there.

Goys-R-Us ago

I don't look down on anyone working a job. The guy with the highest IQ in the world was a bouncer on Long Island for awhile. I just don't believe this particular story.

Gopherurself ago


hillbilly_guy ago

I got hit on more by women in their 20s after I turned 40, than I ever did when I was in my 20s. Never understood it. Didn't know if they were seeking a sugar daddy, a daddy, or just a safe haven.

KimBellend ago

Women like older men. They think they might have resources.

hillbilly_guy ago

I do, but I'm not sharing them.

Le_Squish ago

The 20 and 30 year olds are mostly pure soy. Many young women tell me they aren't comfortable dating someone so much older but the picking for men is slim. Youthful Gen X men are cream of the crop right now especially for women that aren't a part of the tinder crowd.

Dark_Shroud ago

a sugar daddy, a daddy, or just a safe haven

It's some kind of mix of those plus many younger men needing time to de-soy themselves, especially if they went to liberal arts college.

phillyjoe ago


This reads like post Ruby Ridge 90's Ron Paul porn. But Waco won't be the rally point, just as it wasn't in the 90s.

yewotm8 ago

So he doesn't want older women but he also doesn't want younger ones? Sounds like he might be gay

waucka ago

Sounds like he would be OK with the older women if they weren't used-up thots.

Firevine ago

Or already married.

con77 ago


MisterPills ago

It really is though. Unfortunately.

It may not be an outright lie, but the cashier guy is projecting.

CaptainBurrito ago

556 green tip ammo is only $0.43 a round.

40 round magpul gen3 are $20

80% lowers are 50-60% off with EVERY manufacturer.

Dems are openly talking about forcibly removing legal guns,no longer are they 'not coming for your guns'

Cant fight back if you cant fight

Fight back when it comes

TradMan ago

Where can I find these?

DontBeRacist ago

It's great to have something in the traditional American psyche that says, "Without guns, we are helpless slaves." So far they've managed to keep making things worse while never setting off the bomb. We've needed a revolution since 1913.

KimBellend ago

They are soon going to try to force a cash-free society. That will be game over. USA will equal North Korea.

Will the AR-15s come out then, because that will the the last chance.

And who will be the targets?

goblin_ghost ago

THE people will be FED up.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


CaucasianSlavery ago

If you were the enemy, how would your first night go?

KimBellend ago

Scenario. You have a farm out in the country, sixc months after the total collapse.

Some strangers appear on your land. Five men. A mixed group. White. Black. Brown.

Do you 1) Welcome 2) Warn off 3) Ambush?

CaucasianSlavery ago

clearly I send my daughters with pie, we could use some farmhands!

goblin_ghost ago

Shout, show, shoot/warn, shoot/kill.

Not out of compassion, but because it's really not a good idea to start a blood feud in a lawless society. Omit steps 1-3 as necessary depending on characteristics of approach; do not overplay your hand and also do not show weakness. If you have needs and means for trade and they hold position at "shout," arrange for parlay under either strong overwatch (if possible) or with a high-yield explosive and a dead-man switch (if overwatch is untenable). If you haven't figured out how to rig simple explosives by then, you weren't going to last anyways.

CaucasianSlavery ago

That’s actually reasonable.

CaptainBurrito ago

I'm not that retarded

But first it would be a riot, screaming "not my president"

CaucasianSlavery ago

That sounds right, a night of long knives. Round up at night one the potent opposition. No need to kill them it’s going to be fine It’s probably a mistake just get in the van. They die from exposure dehydration starvation in some camp in a hot place. The army will be brought in because a terrible ‘virus’ must be contained if you need to erase a town here or there. A decimation first strike. Remove gibs, engage newly legalized purge. Chaos means for everyone’s benefit it’s martial law. Food chain stops.

Are we demonized enough to get the bottom %10 to do some dirty work and feel righteous? It’s an organization problem now.

Cities turn out to be the safest places, that’s where they all live after all.

So how to do countermeasures?

Would anyone know a city away if that already happened without news, selective cell phone service denial?

CaptainBurrito ago

Firstly. You're talking non-sense and leading the algorithms right to you with a keyword search.

Secondly, if you're waiting for retards to do the dirty work, you deserve to lose.

Thirdly, if you want to make war, make economic war and turn the enemy against itself.

Lastly, the only way to win the coming fight is to unify. Diversity is weakness, unity is strength.

CaucasianSlavery ago

Yeah I don’t mind a thought exercise, and I can’t be worried about algorithms, if they are that good I can’t beat them and I’ll be self censoring out of fear.

Really the big thing I see isn’t the violence potential, it’s the demoralization and subversion.
Parallel economy where our money goes back to our people is the real way to win, as you said, get in on the economic war that’s already been going on. Really it’s like there is no nation. I have begun doing my best to only hand my money to people that don’t hate me.

CaptainBurrito ago

Don't self censor, just dont use buzz words and buzz phrases. That road leads down to the npc, just be articulate and you'll draw more people in.

Philosopher warriors is the goal. Not using buzz words can even turn our enemies to our side

CaucasianSlavery ago

I wasn’t aware I was buzzwording, thanks I’ll be more conscious of that.

CaptainBurrito ago

Keep speaking up man. Once you find your voice you might be able to unite the disparate tribes of free men

Frenchfrythedog ago

green tip 556 is way cheaper these days. was able to score 1k rounds of 62 gr for under .26 a round, just gotta look around online.

CaptainBurrito ago

Online is gonna get risky with tech. I'm up in seattle so I buy in stores just to make sure I'm not tracked, though that's probably a fools errand at thos point

Bobtheviolent ago

Find a local private owned store who will order bulk and you pay cash up front

CaptainBurrito ago

Issue with that is if they're interrogated or threatened you'll stand out in the crowd

Bobtheviolent ago

In theory they will be buying ammo in larger amounts anyway so a few hundred extra wont be flagged....

CaptainBurrito ago

For me it's more the grey man issue. In in the same cultural area as like Berkeley. When whatever pops of finally does, it's not going to be about being 'flagged', they're going to round people up like the commies always have.

Watch that movie about Cambodia Angelina Jolie directed a few years ago. It's in subtitles but its graphic as fuck what happens to the mans family, and historically accurate

I think its called "First they killed my father"

Bobtheviolent ago

Flagged would mean they come for you before shtf. Which is a reason to try and avoid it. I suspect you already have a few flags as it is though

CaptainBurrito ago

Definitely, I learned how to make sarin gas back in 2013 and had a painter post up outside my house 24-7 for weeks. Considering there was a dude in there at 3 am, I know where I stand

Just because I'm fucked doesn't mean other people have to be

Bobtheviolent ago

Which is why we are both sharing ideas. Other ammo options is driving around and buying 2-4 boxes at multiple stores

CaptainBurrito ago

If it helps the lurkers, coolio foolio.

The real big issue is going to be ammo production once the economy collapses, especially for an insurgency that most likely wont have outside aid.

You know how to make smokeless powder? I've got a recipe myself if you wanna share notes lol

Bobtheviolent ago

I don't nor regular black powder. Thermite sorts don't remember ratios

CaptainBurrito ago

50/50 mix nitric acid and sulphuric acid (each pure) then dip cellulose into it, cotton or sawdust from a light white core tree should then be soaked.

Remove the cellulose and let dry. Done

-------nitric acid

To make nitric acid, get a spark plug and set it off continuously inside an airtight chamber. Chamber should have an intake and an outtake for air.

On the intake, hook up a fish air bubbler.

On the outtake have the ionized air bubble through pure water.

The water will acidifying into nitric acid of a purity equal to the purity of the starting water

------sulphuric acid

Car lead acid batteries have dilute sulphuric acid, can be baught online for cheap, or if you can get your hands on salt peter or guano you can boil or drip it into hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) Also can be found in drain cleaner with a dye

Bobtheviolent ago

Don't know all the laws but both of those acids are commercially available too. Sulfuric is slightly more dangerous. Also when looking for options beware of hydrofluoric that shit can kill you just by getting it on your skin

CaptainBurrito ago

Just sayin, if you can make it yourself. No one can track you.

Nitric acid is a controlled substance since you can crystallize it to make black powder as well. Easy as fuck to make though.

BushChuck ago

Good policy if you are using cash.

goatsandbros ago

War is inevitable, but God help anyone who starts it. We should pray for those who would.

CowWithBeef ago

Airports and airlines will be crucial. Always give your enemy a way to retreat.

KimBellend ago

It won't be that kind of war. There won't be large scale manouveurs and limitless fuel.

Gigglestick ago

Sign me the hell up. If there’s any underground and you want a mid 20’s male, I’m there. I’ve got 10k to hold myself up for enough amount of time.


Come to Appalachia

Gigglestick ago

Where’s that?


.... I mountain range stretching for Pa. to Ga.

Gigglestick ago

That’s a pretty big stretch of land there cowboy.


Exactly. And we are going to hold it all. Pick a spot and be ready to defend it

Gigglestick ago

Michigan. I’ll protect the water.

WD_Pelley ago

People shouldn't underestimate the Great Lakes region. That's a lot of water, plus the Michigan Militia is probably prepping for this shit too.

Gigglestick ago

Damn right we are.

WD_Pelley ago

Aaaawwww sheeeit.

Gigglestick ago

It’s hard enough trying to teach these fuckers about nestle and their sub companies.

Heartdisease ago

10k rounds of ammo?

indreams ago

I’m an early 20’s female I’ll join too. It’s been tough trying to find a conservative man to marry who wants a ton of white babies.

Gigglestick ago

Sup, I’m in Michigan. Where you from?

indreams ago

New York, unfortunately.

ButtonQuail ago

Try White date. Seriously. Most users don’t have pictures (for obvious privacy reasons), but just send messages to anyone who seems potentially interesting and ask for a picture after a couple message exchanges (offer yours first of course). There isn’t a huge number of females but if you cast a wide net you never know. Plus it’s free.

I’m a female member. As long as you put effort into your profile and your initial message (don’t use a copy/paste initial message, show you’ve actually read her profile and like something about it) you will stand out. Having a profile picture will also make you stand out, even if it’s a vague/less easy to identify image of yourself.

indreams ago

Thank you!

VoatVoyeur ago

Glow much?

Delacourt ago

Wanting to get together with other people who feel the same way you do =/= glowing

Threatening violent or illegal activity = glowing

Get it right dumbass.

VoatVoyeur ago


Gigglestick ago

Yeah I glow. Cause I’m filled with the Holy Spirit you gay ass heathen.

TradMan ago

Perfect 👍

MouseExperimenter ago

I live in a nig city, and while they can't help themselves from being subhuman, I sense a lot of fear.

There used to be coal burners everywhere, even attractive ones. I haven't seen one in public in months.

They all know we want them tortured and dead now and that they're outnumbered.

Too late. They overplayed their hand. I'll never go back to humanism. Crucify them all along I-95, and let them rot.

KimBellend ago

Their eggs and their labor are still worth something.

MouseExperimenter ago

Chattel owners decide then.

somewhatsmart ago

It's the opposite for me. Also live near a nig city and work in a casino in said big city. (until I graduate from the trade school and leave) I see coal burners often. Seems like I've seen an uptick actually. But casinos also bring a lot of degenerates. A lot of the white femlaes are or used to be attractive until they laid down with them.

Yea. I-95 is a shit show especially around the cities. Fucking hate driving it. Crucify them for decoration.

MouseExperimenter ago

Maybe they're clustering in degenerate places.

I live near the white flight line which is usually where I see the most coal burners. I think I started seeing less of them when all the memes against coal burners heated up.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Women are like ten times as susceptible to social pressure as men and they pay close attention to it. Women noticed when the confident, strong men around stopped looking at them or paying them attention or dating them. They felt it, quickly. They have been changing their approach for the past two years.

MouseExperimenter ago

Too bad for them.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

oh, the fun has only just begun. two more years of this and they'll see who those strong, confident men paired up with and will really lose their minds.

somewhatsmart ago

Yea, maybe they are clustering around the hipster areas and hanging around where a lot of degenerates go.

CaucasianSlavery ago

They are pawns. And they are cheaply bought. Take over tv and ten infomercials later you have a mob you point wherever you want.

DontBeRacist ago

When the government/Jews are leading your cause, you are a pawn. All of the pet groups are just pawns:




Faggots and others with deformed sexualities

and even women

They don't give a fuck about any of these groups while claiming that they are leading them to liberation and progress.

Spyder ago

There are lots of people blaming pawns or pointing to the pawns as the problem. I'm not sure whether these folks have not come the full way down the red pilled road or are shills trying to shield the real masters. You must see this. What are your thoughts?

DontBeRacist ago

I relistened to some John Mark recently. He says he's predicting a civil war between the right and left. I realized that we aren't really fighting the left. They're pawns of an even greater evil, those who control the money and many media outlets. They are also good at getting foreign governments to do what they want. If there's a civil war, I think outside forces are going to play a big role in who wins and who loses.

Native ago

You’ll see it heat up in 2021 when Trump wins re-election. There’s also the untalked about pension crisis and government debt that’s ready to pop any year now. Once that goes and the gibs disappear that’s when you know it’s about to get violent.

The amount of people on food stamps in this country will make your head explode and once they stop receiving their money heads really will explode. And retaliation will take a foot hold.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

2024 is white officially become the minority working population. If you take women out of the workforce, white men are less than 1/3 of the working population on the continent their father's conquered. Shit is going down alright. We know what happened and who did it to us. We remember the Lusitania, we remember USS Liberty, we remember 9/11, we remember the Recession. It's time for the spirit of Andrew Jackson to rise again.

It's time to kill the banks.

DontBeRacist ago

Quantanisha and her 15-20 niglets won't know what to do if they aren't getting everything for free. I guess she will try whoring herself out but her mouth and pussy are only worth $5 at best.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

who cares?


She'll whore out the kids.

LightningAndTheSun ago

If the famines of Soviet Russia are any indicator, it's going to be a whole lot worse than that.

LightestHour ago

Her kids are safe; she doesn't know the racks in her oven are removable.

Nobody tell her

DontBeRacist ago

Actually, it'll probably be Tyrone da Kang pimpin' all of them out. The nigga mama won't be worth much since she'll have some daughters 10 or older. So, she'll just be used as a handler mostly.

Gamio ago

I've started keeping a stockpile of rice. A well sealed 20 pound bag of rice will last decades providing you can keep it in a cold dry dark place and free from pests. I doubt anything will happen here but I'd rather have access to some food should something happen.

Planetoftheclown ago

Urban environment

There's little point in stockpiling SHTF supplies when you're literally surrounded by people you don't know, don't trust, can't trust and who will likely not lay down and die quietly when they see you have supplies and they don't. In other words, people will either go door to door looking for supplies or they will notice you're well fed and take it from you if they don't outright kill you for it. You're not going to ride it out. They will break in or burn you out. And there's always going to be more of them than there are of you in an urban environment. I'm not even talking race here, simply people you can't trust and who will slit your throat for a slice of bread when the SHTF.

You need mobility. You need an escape plan. You need to be able to get from point A to point B (your destination).

That means being able to carry food, water, shelter, defense (pistol + rifle) on your back and all the other little things you might need. That's 40 to 50lbs. And you need to be able to average +10 miles a day.

Gamio ago

I'm one of the very very few in my area that has access to firearms. They can go door to door, mine will be their last.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Make sure it is white rice. Brown rice has more nutrients but will spoil quickly, white rice can actually last for thousands of years.

LightestHour ago

Brown rice has more nutrients but will spoil quickly, white rice can actually last for thousands of years.

There's some kind of metaphor here, I just know it.


Buy $5 of supplies every time you go out.

Tyranaso ago

What about water and hygiene. I feel like those are overlooked. If it gets bad I don't think your plumbing is going to be working.

Shizy ago

I have a well, and natural springs nearby. I have a horse to ride to the springs and carry my water back for me. I realize not everyone has this. When I lived in a neighborhood I had a sawyer water filter that can filter a million gallons of water. It can even filter out pool water and make it drinkable. My neighbor had a pool and I had a hot tub so we would have been covered for awhile. The filter was about $70 so well worth the price.

Gamio ago

I'm in too urban an environment to really source my own water on my property (if I did a deep enough hole I would find human remains, house is built on top of a ruined church grounds) but I am about a 25 minute one way walk away from lake that's about 12 square km of freshwater which coincedentally has an extremely short river that flows directly though my town. Water would be filthy but I have filters and boiling it would kill most if not all nasty things in it.

If it ever gets to the point where I'd need to do something like and it was dangerous or an impossibility that I'd pack my shit and leave.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Keep a small stockpile of bottled water and a camping/hiking water filter straw st least.

ExplodingHead ago

Whether he's reelected or not, due to immigration Trump will be the last Republican president ever. And then Dems will really go wild.

jewsbadnews ago

Even yuge cucks like Glenn Beck talked about this briefly and Texas going permanently blue soon but quickly changed topics like it wasn't a big deal. I don't think they really care or were too pussy to really talk about it because it would mean bringing up race.

TheSeer ago

Balkanization. Many will 'self-repatriate', when things get nasty. Not the former gang and cartel members and ex-soldiers, but a lot of the families will leave if the gibs stop and the situation become extremely tense/chaotic.

KimBellend ago

Self repatriation is one element of the claim deagel makes of massive population fall in the USA by 2025.

CobraStallone ago

You can see it with the Mexicans. For the last 10 years or so more Mexicans leave the US than enter it. Mostly citing nostalgia for the homeland and a wish to reunite with their family. I don't have too much to add here except that that kind of thing should be considered when people are blackpilled into "America's gonna turn brown forever" mentality.

jthun2 ago

somalis and pakis ain't leaving.

CobraStallone ago

The niggers will never leave on their own, they've made that abundantly clear. They are a bit of an anomaly and must be dealt with in accordance. The other groups I'm not saying they'll all leave voluntarily overnight en masse; but even the poorer mestizos value going back to their own culture, most think to themselves: "I'll go to the States, work, save up money, and go back home", changing the incentives so less people enter and more people leave would be ideal to be sure.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Balkanization. For approximately thirty seconds before I start re-conquering the United States.

LightestHour ago

What's your flag gonna look like?

randomfuckingidiot ago


TheSeer ago

So what are you going to do with leftists? You realize we are stuck with them?

Shizy ago

If there really is a civil war and people have to rely on their own skills to feed themselves and stay alive, the majority of leftists will simply die out.

KimBellend ago

I think you know what has to be done.

People will have to be questioned about what the did before, in the old times. Professor of Sociology is the wrong answer.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Nothing. They're the useful idiots, their pets will eat them first.

ExplodingHead ago

The future they want for you can be seen today in San Fran or Seattle.

waucka ago

when Trump wins re-election

Or when the Democrats steal the election, Arizona-style. A Trump win results in the continuation of the current slow build-up, while a stolen election causes an explosion almost immediately. I hope the Democrats are smart enough to realize that and humble enough to know that they couldn't pull off an election theft without getting caught.

imthefox ago

i dont think they care, and trumps not very useful anyway. most people wont do anything about it

Wazhappenin1 ago

A stolen election could be a black Swan event. However DJT winning the election could also be a black Swan event. Either way an event is indeed coming

Zoldam ago

Trump is going to win. (((They))) very very rarely like to swap out presidents before they have to, not to mention even if it wasn't rigged, the dems don't have anybody still.

Patranon ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they tried it just to CAUSE a civil war. They really need a distraction.

Nonchalant ago

Nah dude they'd lose any civil war that happened. Republicans have always had the guns.

chirogonemd ago

Civil War is precisely what they want. Jacobins were integral in promoting the first US Civil War. It's the same revolutionary spirit. Look how that war reconfigured this country economically and politically.

SonofSuebi ago

People are choosing sides. Whether or not we believe it will come to fire won't stop what is obvious.

When people split in two the sides tend to fester. Look at voat, you think sites with such vitriolic speech would exist if niggers and kikes didn't exist? Of course not. We are civil men, angry with a system that has been raped and mocked since we met them in the desert so long ago.

Some people know, their tools expand to the religions of the world. Imagine the greatest redpills of all time, that time itself has been erased.

Memory-holing the news is fucking childs play compared to what they have already done to our history, beyond WW2, and before the time of Abraham

lanre ago

Yeah, I really expect a stolen election or an assassination. I think they'll risk everything to try to gain power back.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

They did it in Orange County, CA

All 6 districts.

If the general election is stolen, it will absolutely result in civil war.

GrandNagus ago

It would not serve them well as the power structures they have built the past 70 years will be deleted in such an event.

kirk_lazarus ago

Niggers fucked up when they attacked asians in the LA riots. I wouldn't mind teaming up with Asians when the Great Chimp Out happens, so long as we can set them up with their own land afterward. Maybe while we're at it we can just sweep Mexico and purge all the cartels and shit then divide up the land with the Asians

Anarchy99 ago

According to AccuWeather smoke from wildfires raging out of control all around Mexico City. Like the immigrants set Flames to the cartel

ar308 ago

Pretty much all the Asian immigrants I know are good people. Quite conservative politically (by today’s standards) as well, since they don’t put up with all the identitarian politics nonsense that’s so popular now.

It’s important to recognize that regardless of your views on race, part of being a decent person means recognizing who your allies are, and treating them appropriately. It’s a bad idea to just hate everyone who doesn’t look like you; even if for some reason you feel that way, it’s not logical or right to hate a group of people who don’t hate you and generally have the same goals as you.

Now of course, I’ve seen plenty of people of all races (Asians included) who grew up here and were indoctrinated to the radical left of identity politics, spewing anti-white male hate just like the rest of the people of those politics. That’s a politics issue, since people of all races seem to be a part of that nonsense.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Nonwhites aren't american. You'll be treated like them when the time comes

Redcobra ago

New acct ar47??

AR47 ago

Nope I am hardly here anymore. I try to keep my opinions to myself now.

Enough people here have shit to say that I don’t really need to add to it. Besides don’t you think there is enough negativity in this place?

Redcobra ago

Too much Negativity is subjective, imo society needs the voices here now more than ever. And infact without dissenting voices speaking against the absurdity of pc culture we are doomed (again imo).the pendulum must swing from one extreme to the opposite before it settles in the middle. so if the “extreme” right was more centrist the middle would still be to far left for my tastes.that said i’d still encourage you to voice your so far as whether or not you are @ar308 you can see how this acct shares a similar line of thinking to @AR47 so maybe your just part of the same “group”.who knows.

AR47 ago

It is that reason. (Part of the same group) kinda shit that drives people away.

Too many here want to think they are some kind of crusader that as mounting offense towards them. Lol couldn’t be further from the truth. The ones you think are the group indeed are just like minded folks that are not associated in any ways save they use the same platform.

The sinister element took over this place long ago, and did it quickly. Ever read how putt says “we” in his updates about the site? As in “we” are working hard to get these changes implemented.

That “we” he is talking about is them and him.

Voat was a great plan by powers that be to keep all the undesirable away from reddit.

Ever notice that the sweeping bans and subreddit quarantine happened when voat was in its rise?

I am not a member of some group as I gave up this place long ago.

zyklon_b ago

gay and gayer

ar308 ago

No, who is that?

imdrowning ago

i know some chinese, theyre fucking demons, take take lie lie hate whitey.. fuck them chinks

calfag ago

Backstabbing, moral-less, marginal hygiene cretins that only steal our IP. In business, they start the negotiations after the contract is signed. There is no contact law or personal ethics with them. I speak from experience too.

imdrowning ago

yeah I know them, they dont give a fuck about cheating the system to get ahead, Beware the Chink.

WD_Pelley ago

If Japs are yellow Aryans then Chinks are yellow jews.

jthun2 ago

Jews are way worse than Chinese. Chinese will deal with you and respect you if you are smart and savvy. Jews just hate you for being gentiles.

DontBeRacist ago

Most Asians where I'm at most likely know all about the nigger problem and are just as racist as white people. I think many of them will also be aware of how niggerish spics are as well. It seems like the social justice chinks are just a few overly emotional women. I don't ever remember seeing an East Asian guy who was a social justice fanatic. I'm sure a few are out there, but they seem to be pretty rare.

ArousedYeti ago

Sulu? Whats that faggot's name..

kirk_lazarus ago

You're touching a lot of stuff that we could unpack, but yeah overall I agree. We can't just start throwing haymakers at everybody that isn't white. But we can all agree that certain groups contribute nothing and need to go back home.

I'll leave this here because Nick Fuentes does a really good job breaking down where the dividing line is now.

Crensch ago

We can't just start throwing haymakers at everybody that isn't white.

Then you can join them when the time comes. We don't want you, or them.

kirk_lazarus ago

Then you're the same as the Jews. I don't want you either

WD_Pelley ago

Judging from this video, this guy seems alright.

watitdew ago

Basically don't act like a nigger and hate on whitey and I'm cool with anyone.

CaptainBurrito ago

Mexican Americans want nothing to do with the Mexicans. They're spitting on the names of our grandfathers who WORKED for their citizenship.

Annex mexico, purge the niggerdly. That's what most AMERICANS that came from Mexico would want.

When my Abuela went to Mexico in 2005 before she died, she came back disgusted and said that land was not Mexico. Bigger culture corrupts all other cultures, that's why the jews push for its spread. It's the down syndrome of civilization

Crensch ago

Read the Constitution, Paco. The only legitimate citizens are white Europeans. Your taco nigger families citizenship is a farce forced upon us by the Jews.

Do you think the Uncle Tom niggers are going to get a free pass? Why would you think you're any different?

nukeclear ago

Nowhere in the constitution does it say that.

Crensch ago

It doesn't say anything about any immigration or citizenship, does it? Which makes a America what?

nukeclear ago

It doesn't say anything about a shit ton of things, retard. That logic is flawed beyond belief.

Crensch ago

When was the first Immigration Act, genius? It had to be spelled out specifically before other people could become citizens. Are you literally retarded?

CaptainBurrito ago

Because I'm of higher genetic quality than you sir, my people conquered everyone else. Everyone. I come from Aztecs and Italian conquistadors from my mother, and cowboys and viking warriors from my father. I know berserker rage and the violence of the jaguar.

Read the constitution as well, theres something called states rights. If you want an ethno state, take idaho, Oregon, and a few others. The US is a federation, not a single nation. It's time we start treating each state as an independent nation.

I dont need you to be my friend, and you don't need to be mine. But the degenerate needs to be purged before we can have it out.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and hannibal is at the gates. We can bicker in our homes, or unite for the fight that will define our generation.

If we dont, who's going to purge the rest of the world as we fight over the ashes?

Spyder ago

If you stand against the jew with us there will be a place for you. Even the SS had a few non Germans in it. We are losing this war too badly to fight amongst what otherwise could be friends. Our children won't marry, but you are not my enemy. Don't let the divide and conquer lead you to despair or nihilism.

CaptainBurrito ago

Man, I'm fighting for the species man, like if we make it to the stars we're going to speciate anyways, and I dont know you on a personal level, so I agree we will not mingle blood. But this next century is what's going to define what people are to come.

Why are trannies and faggots in charge of everything. Like seriously man, this shit is so much bigger than race now. It's like straight up the degeneracy every ancient civilization said would happen at the end of time.

Like fuck man, load up and hold strong as an American. We dont need to like each other, but they come for one of us they come for all of us.

And they're coming for your people and I've got your back.

Cause they ain't Americans, they're traitors.

altaccounttwo ago

Tower of babel?

VoatsHeadDipshit ago

European ethnostate in The USA does not include people who aren't European.

randomfuckingidiot ago

You'll do. We cant get all pureblood up in this bitch or we wont have anyone left hardly.

Mostly viking, part Irish, I'd have to rape an pillage myself

VoatsHeadDipshit ago

And spics will not do. Southern Europeans give Whites all the tanned, sunny, warm, urban, party happy diversity we'll ever need.

jthun2 ago

You do realize that they are dark eyed and dark haired because of muslim conquests, right? The ancient histories and paintings clearly indicate the greeks were light haired and light eyed.

VoatsHeadDipshit ago

I just said they were tanned bro damn

VoatsHeadDipshit ago

Vikings are Scandanavian, are they not the definition of White? And while we're at it my fellow dumbfuck, let's not forget to add in your history of laughing at White Genocide;

  1. Suspect who threw little boy from mall balcony was previously rejected by many women in mall, came back with intent to kill someone: Complaint submitted by bdmthrfkr to news

randomfuckingidiot -11 points (+0|-11) 24 days ago

Theres one less tacky my family bumper sticker

  1. GENOCIDE ALERT: More Europeans leaders sayng there is no such thing as a white man. submitted by mattsixteen24 to news

randomfuckingidiot -2 points (+0|-2) 8 months ago

Yeah we'd be better off.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I can get behind this

Crensch ago

... to stab them in the back before they stab us in the back?

WrongThunk ago

Congratulations, BurritoMuncher, you've run into the epitomy of the neo-nazi stereotype. This stereotype was invented by the kikes, and was rapidly adopted by retards and sheep that tattoo their faces to better embrace this kike stereotype. You see, if these white niggers had ever actually read Mein Kampf or educated themselves on the 3rd Reich, they would understand that National Socialism is all about love, not hate. Overwhelming love for your own race. The Nazi army was the single most diverse army in the world, employing even niggers and kikes in battle. One of Hitler's best friends was a kike, and a founding member of the SS. A National Socialist would agree with you completely, you have your home, we have ours. You can visit us, we can visit you, we can be allies, friends, etc. But never shall we mix. I encourage you to understand that it will take a lot of time and effort to defeat the kike brainwashing of all our peoples, and rise above it.

Spyder ago

This response is 100% accurate and needs to be understood. Hitler was such a racist he had kikes in SS, square that fucking circle. Separate distinct peoples cooperating together was the message.

Crensch ago

Congratulations, WrongThunk, you've pretended to know something you don't, which is par for the course for people like you. I'm not a Nazi, I'm better than a Nazi. I don't give a shit what was written in Mein Kampf, or what happened in the 3rd Reich. They SHOULD have gassed 6 million Jews, but they weren't what I am.

Phantom42 ago

I'm a proud National Socialist.

You're entirely right on this one. 100% without a doubt.

CaptainBurrito ago

Thank you, the only addition to all that I would suggest is that eugenics works, and mixing does need to occur on a limited level to promote the species/ control speciation. Mutation and hybridization are tools not to be feared, but to be controlled and channeled

SearchVoatBot ago

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Trousersnake1488 ago

Hmmm. This is suspicious. Taco person wants white diversity for white people's sake.. sounds familiar.

If you think mutations can be summed up to justify mixing and creating mudbloods, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't really know much about genetics.

The most frustrating thing about studying anything is seeing others butcher the principles of ones field and twist it for their self interest.

Diversity of genetics is is the same as argument the kikes make for diversity, you're just making an excuse. As long as people aren't fucking their families, no one is going to inbreed.

Crensch ago

There's at least a couple of these new accounts going around pushing "muh based taco niggers" and other Jewish bullshit.

CaptainBurrito ago

No you retard, genetics requires variations and mutations. LITERALLY why men exist. Women can only clone, and any population set with too similar genetics becomes weak and eventually dies off.

Go fuck your sister like the arabs do and watch your people get dumber.

Go eat nothing but carrots and go see what happens to your body.

Diversity is only dangerous without unity and assimilation. A garden can be diverse with weeds, or with properly cultivated species.

But you dont have a degree in a science field do you

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol you're exactly the kind of faggot I am refering to. Lol women clone??? Like sea anemonies?

What is an allele? Do you know?

What are the principles of natural selection, you faggot. You can even look em up for yourself because it's obvious you are either a nigger or a retard, or both

Trousersnake1488 ago

Each study and everything you posted backs up my statements. Are you just trying to lie or are you really just that good of a representation of your mongoloid race that you genuinely can't understand white men's words?

Fucking retard taco shitskin. Go back to those papers you posted and look at the names.. how many faggot beaners do you see?

I swear, the only thing that makes me want to kill you 3rd world retards more than your looking at your kind is listening to your species attempt to understand the world that whites have bestowed upon you... It's pathetic.

You type in english (white) and are somehow proud of Spanish??? (Your white conquered language) SPAIN Even your Mexican heritage music is really just GERMAN POLKA music.. but I'm sure you knew that lol.

Such a proud people, you're entire la raza is nothing more than unwanted rape babies from willingly spread whore legs of your great grandma to Spanish conquistadors

CaptainBurrito ago

Yeah idiot, if you understood a 2 sex species and the origins of the evolution of sexuality you'd understand that the evolution of the male zygote is a MUTATION, and prior to this MUTATION of the genetic code, females (those with XX chromosomes) had to self replicate somehow prior to this emergent evolutionary step.

Or do you think gender is assigned? Are you a tranny?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Thats a retarded way to descrobe the proposed evolution of the two sexes... To anthropomorphize the evolution of ameobas while not providing any context is stupid on your point.

Dude, you're literally just making this shit up and sticking buzzwords into whaat you think a smart person might say.. again, can't tell of trolling or just retard spic.

When you say male zygote.. do you actually mean the y chromoson?

If you apply linear adjectives to any process of evolution, it highlights how you fundamentally don't grasp the underlying concept of natural selection..

Quick, if you are at least any bit versed in Evo theory, there is a concept that listed and mentioned in practically every class/book on Evo... Do you know what is it? It is a property of evolution.. if youve studied Evo above an art student faggots level of understanding, you'd know.

It's that evolution is not liniear; that there is no goal, it just is and just happens, descent either modification. And therefore, to apply human goals or objectives (like the fucking retards who say survival of the fittest or darein award to things they notice around them) is to completely not understand what the topic is.

Here , start here.

I'm ignoring your other questions because they aren't relevant to what I'm talking about.

Just curious, and I'm serious. What level of Evo bio have you taken? For coursework, or do you just 'read' it in your free time, and if so, from what sources?

CaptainBurrito ago

When you say male zygote.. do you actually mean the y chromoson?

A male zygote is the embryo that is male with a y chromosome. Glad you don't understand this normal term.

It's that evolution is not liniear; Yes retard. Mutation is what drives nonlinear emergence of traits. But I guess my big words make your tiny brain hurt.

that there is no goal, it just is and just happens, descent either modification. See my last statement. And if the mutation is useful it is passed on as it aids in survival.

And therefore, to apply human goals or objectives (like the fucking retards who say survival of the fittest or darein award to things they notice around them) is to completely not understand what the topic is.

I'm not applying any of this dim wit. You are denying that key aspects of evolution exist to try and hold onto some misguided attempt to feel superior, yet you are too dumb to understand what you are saying.

The rest of your comment is retarded and I don't think you have the background knowledge to even understand why you're retarded on the matter. Guess my white privilidge is showing.

Great come back, sorry this taco nigger just fucked you in the add royally

Trousersnake1488 ago

What do you think about that?

CaptainBurrito ago

Nigga, I ain't watching your videos, or your links. Be a Man and use your own words. I only provided links I found in 4 seconds of searching each, each relating unto mine argument. Now quit being a child and have a discussion or continue to feel the persistent wrath of taco Tuesday.

You're some sort of white supremacist or whatever, I dont care what your identity politics are, I dont subscribe to the dialectic of degeneracy.

White genocide is occurring because dick tards like you get hung up on semantics (semite) of vocabulary and opponent rather than sitting down and getting to the root of an issue. And the premise behind this argument is your inability to link multiple sources of information together and understand that I'm trying to help your people.

You aren't supreme, you're human, and humans together united for a cause are the only thing that changes the world.

Race is not a cause

Survival is a cause

Adaptation is driven by survival

Successful adaptation facilitates positive survival rates

White people are dying out globally, I am trying to help you fucks.

But you dont understand cause and effect well enough to get that, so keep causing dude, keep lubing up your butthole. Cause your people gave power unto women and faggots by not uniting the power of humanity like you should have.

If your people want to survive as a race, and your people are my people too, I am a hybrid of several subspecies by racist terms, but I dont care.

Humanity has been and always will always speciate.

So I cant stop that, but I can be a father unto nations, so let me be a new species, I dont care

Your people gave power to women and faggots. We could have had global peace, but you gave power to women and faggots

And who di you think is most easily manipulated by Jewish propaganda

Women and faggots

So STFU and figure out that you have allies in this fight to come. All the UN predictions on weather are wrong.

The sun is heating up, and we tipped the scales to extinction 5 years ago.

So we can either unite now, and take back power from women or faggots

Or we are all going to have to watch humanity come up against fermis paradox because women and faggots have power and are letting in a bunch of pre-home sapien sapiens.

Black folk are the base form right after monkeys, asians bred with donosovians and the midgets peoples of the south Pacific.

White people bred with Neanderthals and that species

Aryans were the blue eyed blond natives if the Himalayan mountains that traveled to the Germanic lands in prehistoric times.

You dont even know what you're talking about. You're like a trained monkey, unable to understand the full implications of what you have been taught in your life. Like koko the chimp,you make words with such vigor, as though only having recently been able to comprehend that you had a voice.

Can I now show you a mirror?

Can you comprehend that it is you, or will you deny it

Trousersnake1488 ago

Don't care, I'm sorry you spent so much time writing that post. Oh well

CaptainBurrito ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

This is weird now. Oh well

CaptainBurrito ago

Each study and everything you posted backs up my statements. Are you just trying to lie or are you really just that good of a representation of your mongoloid race that you genuinely can't understand white men's words? idiot. You're just mad I have science to back me up.

You type in english (white) and are somehow proud of Spanish??? (Your white conquered language) SPAIN Even your Mexican heritage music is really just GERMAN POLKA music.. but I'm sure you knew that lol. Umm, Mexico is a colony. Germans moved there in the 1500s. Spanish is not a white conquered language, spanish the language of the conqueror. Nahuatl is the natives tongue. And yes, the conquistador conquered. Those are my ancestors. But you dont understand how class structure works in mexico.

How can a whore willingly spread her legs AND be raped?

Truly you are a mind to be reckoned with.

Trousersnake1488 ago

.... Can't tell if you're trolling or just a shitskin retard at this point.

Either way, If you think you're gonna to sell the idea of "smart" spics to the white nationalists in order to not get (((deported))), good luck.

*** That's right, white man, the science says you need us shitskin people, so you don't inbreed**

Classic shitskin move, even in attempt to try and understand white men's science, the motivation is still based in the lust after white women.

CaptainBurrito ago

Not at all what I've advocated for. But you're wanting to balkanize the US because you're too dimwitted to understand how geo politics works, or how big this country really is

Well, considering you're the white guy you're advocating for, it's no wonder white chicks search out other races for breeding. You're weak of mind

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. You have no idea if I'm attractive or not and I have no idea whether you are attractive or not. What we at least do know is that your skin is the color of shit and mine is not.

The only weakness of mind I have displayed is to treat you like an equal, and thinking that you could, at the very least, spit back the memorized writings of greater white men whithout adding your own retarded version of it, but alas.

CaptainBurrito ago

Equal, you have only acted by these words sir

"Keep ones mouth shut and let others think you and idiot, rather than opening them and proving them correct" This is America motherfucker, we are founded on that great concept known as "fuck you", and I appreciate the discourse as, but I know you're ugly because there is no humility in your words, only the degredation of another, and that makes your soul ugly, unworthy of love. Just as the Arab screams "I am better than you" so have you. Just as the jew screams "I am better than you", so have you. Just as the bigger screams "deeze nutz" so have you. Like a dog without wit you snarl at one that would fight for your people.

Regardless of how dim witted you are, you are my countrymen. If you're just trying to balkanize after the fall, you're just pushing back the hordes 1 generation.

We need a federation again, and to treat each political faction as getting only 1 state, rather than the whole union.

Or do you want to fall to the armies of the globalists? Of Israel or the rothschilds, or whatever other faction comes to power next? Or do you want freedom to be who you are around people like you, and to contribute to the next step in evolution? Because the trannies and the other NPC hordes that have gone insane have control of education and immigration and the female psyche

Quit being a bitch and start fighting the real enemy

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol again, can't tell if trolling or just retard. Of course it's Jews, and your kind wouldnt be parasitizing us whites if they weren't rooted so deep. Either way, you are no countryman of mine so for your sake, good luck convincing other white nationalist. At least I know your kind won't shoot me, and then I'll just undermine your structure from within. Mozzletoff.

. It's funny, at work, a "conservative" spic the other day said the same thing and everyone just cringed when they heard him, in his Spanish accent, refer to "our" founding fathers.. the vehicle went silent after and it made me want to puke.

But Si amigo! It's what Jefferson and Jackson wold have wanted! Lol please. Save your kumbaya faggot shit for others, tacobell.

Now leave me be, I need to get back to my favorite movie, chappie.

CaptainBurrito ago


CaptainBurrito ago


CaptainBurrito ago

All you have is name calling fool.

Say my mane, SAY MY NAME!!



CaptainBurrito ago

I'm not trying to convince white nationalists, I'm trying to convince Americans. Its something you cant do

Trousersnake1488 ago

By referencing your retarded understanding of genetics and natural selection to argue that it's in the genetic interest of white women to mix with less species. You're just a typical shitskin savage, nothing more, nothing less.

Ever wonder why you don't see white men arguing your same retard ideas for your women or other women? (Maybe asian women, but thats just because they are disappointed and have failed at the current system).

Tell ya what, give us Enrique Iglesias and you can have Kathy Griffin. Ps, totally not gay but he is a good looking guy... Is he Mexican?

CaptainBurrito ago

No it's not in the genetic interest of white women to do that. What's in their interest is getting with intelligent, strong men, you're not at my level foot soldier. When the war comes, you're gonna be taking command, and I'm going to be giving them. This war is bigger than race, it's about the species, and we can degrade into decadence, or we can conquer the world once more. But you're from one o e the slave races of Europe. You are no Ubermensch. You are no Viking, no Conquistador, no Crusader, of no knightly blood. You're cannon fodder

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah yeah yeah, read my other post, I changed it

CaptainBurrito ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. No, I mean I added more. I wanted to attempt to understand your 'wlmen are clones' statement

Crensch ago


High quality.

Pick one.

And actual whites don't need subhumans as their allies. Anything that looks like a taco nigger gets removed. We can do the DNA tests later. Enjoy living in your fantasy land where your subhuman family continues to live happily.

King_Leopold_II ago

Of you don't mind, what's the cut off from the DNA test?

Crensch ago

You're an angry, disaffected white man who has watched his homelands get invaded by almost literally every other race on the planet.

I'm not guessing the cutoff will be very forgiving.

King_Leopold_II ago

What would you say to some at worst is 7/8 white? The other 12% is white/native American.

Crensch ago

I don't know.

I do know that if I was past the cutoff, I'd beg to be allowed to keep killing subhumans; when that was finished, I'd thank them, and slit my own throat in front of everyone.

SRS-Airbag ago

Look dude, do you have blacks because of their skin color? No. You dislike their culture and propensity for violence. Capt burrito embodies everything hired want from society. He is brown, so what? If he has Western values, I welcome him as a brother. You should too.

KimBellend ago

You know the Spanish saying, "Raise ravens and they will peck out your eyes"?

Genetics matters.

SRS-Airbag ago

People smart enough to value Western culture and Western values must be inclined to be genetically compatible.

Trousersnake1488 ago

No, you're wrong, faggot. I get it, you're heart is in the right place,. Ut that's not how genetica work. You'll get a bullet too, if it were up to me

Crensch ago

Browns aren't human. They are subhuman, and they are not allies of white people.

Mixed breeds are even worse than full-blood on either side. Mentally ill at extreme rates. Genes are all that matter. He has the genes of a failed species.

nukeclear ago

Nothing wrong with teaming up with some well-minded spica during the boogaloo. He will have to be neutered when it’s over, of course

Crensch ago

What criteria would you use to weed out the bad ones? Do you have some kind of DNA test that can reliably predict their behavior?

Crensch ago

Are you going to be the one that determines which are well minded? If you are set for that job because you pushed for it and your pet Taco niggers start killing or raping whites, will you take responsibility for that?

nukeclear ago

you really don't go outside enough

Crensch ago

Is thinking about the realities of a situation too much for you, nigger?

Antiracist10 ago

Genes are all that matter.

Your brain is an idiot, you dumb faggot.

CaptainBurrito ago

Aztecs: conquered and decimated all other natives for hundreds of years. 80,000 human sacrifices a year, built a floating city with a pyramid on top. Allowed the white man to enter because their gods foretold of a white man coming to bring peace to the world. LITERALLY killed all other natives preparing this land for Europeans and the people of God.

I look like a Norwegian retard. And you know not of the art of war.

But you're probably attracted to your sister or your aunt. Nationalists are gonna have a field day with niggers like you. You're just a white skinned nigger, unworthy of carrying the torch of western civilization

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol... Against other retards. And then got decimated themselves against the first contact of whites they meet. Do what you must, but I know I'm killing all taco niggers when it goes down

Crensch ago

80,000 human sacrifices a year,


CaptainBurrito ago

If you have to de-humanize your enemy to kill them, then you are weak.

Crensch ago

I don't have to dehumanize anything. My enemies are subhuman. They accomplish nothing. They destroy everything they come across.

And what's most pathetic is they try to humanize themselves in order to feel equal to whites, despite never having accomplished anything in their entire histories.

CaptainBurrito ago

Quite the inferiority complex you have there. Haven't done anything of note in your life have you?

Crensch ago

How does it feel to know that your genetics don't even grant you the possibility of doing something of note in your life?

Whites are better because they can. Whites are better because they do. Whites are better because even if they don't make some huge splash in the history books, they are still better than any subhuman walking the Earth.

Blood is all that matters, and yours is tainted with taco nigger.

jthun2 ago

oh knock of the racial determinism. Most whites these days are fucking lazy. They aren't remotely competitive with east asians at school, for instance.

you seem to forget that populations have distributions of IQ, etc. There are smart blacks like Thomas Sowell, but the bulk of them are idiots.

What you are doing here is picking on an individual, not using stats about the population as a whole to argue against immigration.

White IQ is declining due to dysgenic reproduction. We aren't what we used to be, and even though I don't want to see non-white immigration, it's too late to complain about people who were born here. The time to stop third world immigration was in the 60s.

Crensch ago

oh knock of the racial determinism.

You mean the only thing that matters?

Most whites these days are fucking lazy.

You mean the only race that consistently outperforms others in every facet of life? kek.

They aren't remotely competitive with east asians at school, for instance.

Because the slant-eyes are only good at studying and memorizing shit. They can't put one idea with another without being told specifically to do so. Think I'm joking? Ask a non-pozzed academic.

you seem to forget that populations have distributions of IQ, etc.

I didn't forget a thing.

There are smart blacks like Thomas Sowell, but the bulk of them are idiots.

Nobody gives a shit. If SHTF I'd end Tomas Sowell just as soon as I'd end Trayvon. Their RACE is a cancer, and no amount of Sowells will ever make up for the Trayvons.

Then again, if there were more Sowells, niggers wouldn't be so hated, and maybe wouldn't be sparking the coming race war, but there aren't. They're all too stupid, and Sowell only has your attention because he is a nigger with a barely average white IQ.

What you are doing here is picking on an individual, not using stats about the population as a whole to argue against immigration.

I don't give a shit about the individuals of a race of violent, low-IQ cannibals. I don't care how smart he is; his entire race needs to go extinct, and that includes him.

White IQ is declining due to dysgenic reproduction.

Bullshit. Remove the niggers, half-niggers, taco niggers, and kikes that they try to slip into the stats in various studies and whites are far more intelligent than even the Asians that everyone is so head over heels for.

We aren't what we used to be, and even though I don't want to see non-white immigration, it's too late to do anything about mixed-race people who were born here.

Thanks for the story, Jew.

The time to stop third world immigration was in the 60s.

Whites have conquered more with far less. We'll do it again. Go side with your based niggers, because real whites won't think twice about putting you down for a dirt nap.

CaptainBurrito ago

Awe honey, did I hit a soft spot? You've never fucked a 10 have you? Or saved a life? No, you're alone without any love given to you by anyone.

Niggers and jews only have power because people like you wasted the glory of your ancestors.


Crensch ago

Leave it to a nigger to link his self-worth to the low self-esteem THOTs he fucked.

That tells me, and anyone reading this, exactly what they need to know about you. You're not one of us, you are just like all your Taco nigger brethren that would try to rape a white woman because your own kind are too disgusting to look at.

CaptainBurrito ago

Hahahhaha You have no idea keyboard warrior. A thot can never be a 10

But your genetics are inferior. All you have is your skin color. Your mind is weak, you are ugly and unloved, and you are unworthy of this world.

Kill yourself before your foolishness loses this war for your betters

Crensch ago

Any white woman is a 10 to a subhuman like you.

CaptainBurrito ago

No, just the high iq ones

You make me feel really good about myself. Like seriously, you're one of the dumbest human beings I've had the honor of comparing myself to. Your genetics have no place in this world uggo

Crensch ago

Keep telling yourself whatever you need to tell yourself, Paco. Your family won't survive what's coming, and when the DNA tests roll out, neither will you.

CaptainBurrito ago

Like you could even do a genetic test on anything, and licking your dads nut out your sister doesn't count

Crensch ago

This is your level. Degenerate insults.

You make me feel really good about myself.

Sounds like that doesn't happen too often. Is it because you're part taco nigger? I wouldn't feel good about myself if I was part taco nigger, either.

CaptainBurrito ago

Actually this was just fun :) gave me something to do between tasks

nukeclear ago

Cope, bro. No civil or race war is coming up soon. We're just gonna get bled off slowly. And I've had Hispanic friends in the marines who have done much more for America than your fat loser ass ever has. Buckle up.

Bottled_Tears ago

Do you go out enough? As restaurant, I can feel the intensity and hatred of most colored people to the white workers. It's insane seeing the escalation compared to last year. And rude as hell. Every time some mudslime is being rude I'm just thinking to my head "fucking shit skin".

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Thanks for the entertaining story, Jew. What happens to your kind will make the tortures of yesteryear seem delightful in comparison

nukeclear ago

I'm white, probably whiter than you. I actually go outside and have seen reality. The notion that some kind of race war is going to happen is fantasy.

Crensch ago

You're a race traitor if you are white. Maybe you'll manage to escape to some shithole country where you can virtue signal about your subhuman shitskins as they take everything from you and rape and beat everyone you love to death.

nukeclear ago

I WANT a racewar too, retard. But I know it isn't likely to happen.

Crensch ago

Defeatist blackpill Jew wants to convince others that he's just like us!

"Hello fellow racewarians!"


nukeclear ago

Delusional as fuck. Also - Post eyes to prove your whiteness, glownigger.

Crensch ago

"Doxx yourself, to prove you're a goyim, goyim!"

You're really fucking stupid, Jew. Notice how you needed to resort to IRL attacks on my whiteness; I didn't need to attempt to do anything of the sort with you. I read your words and figured you out without the nigger crutch you're asking for here.

nukeclear ago

eye color = doxxing

Crensch ago

Cool, guarantee me that they aren't tracking people by their irises, or that they cannot get retinal info from an image.

Can you do that?


nukeclear ago

implying they can't already easily locate you from voat alone

Crensch ago

implying I haven't done my due diligence for anyone but the alphabet agencies, and lower-level scumbags could use eye-tracking software at the city level quite easily.

Crensch ago

80,000 human sacrifices a year


watitdew ago

There is nothing about the US being a white ethnostate in the constitution, you're thinking of the first immigration act of congress. Although it's pretty obvious that a european ethnostate was the intent they just never even imagined that we would be letting what is happening transpire. Hi I'm going to stalk your comment history now until you love me.

jthun2 ago

no, it clearly uses the term 'posterity' for a reason.

watitdew ago

Fair point

Crensch ago

You dumb fuck, the United States was a white ethnostate with absolutely no immigration allowances until the Naturalization Act of 1790, we're only white European males in good standing could become citizens.

The Immigration Act is unimportant, however, because the only ones that will be allowed to stay are the ones of the same stock as the original citizens.

Are you a literal nigger? You seem about as stupid as one. Is that why your daddy never loved you?

watitdew ago

I mean of course it was a white ethnostate because the founders apparently found that to be so implicitly obvious that they didn't explicitly state it in the constitution, which is all I was pointing out and also your a nigger.

Crensch ago

Take a look at the behaviors of niggers.

Do they like to cause unneeded pain and suffering on white people? Do they get off on it? Do they feel like bigger men when they do?

I wonder what you have in common with them?

watitdew ago

Buddy fwiw @artofchoke helped me out with my raccoon problem. Her buddy helped me tear the ceiling in the porch up and he took the two surviving ones to hopefully be taken care of. The one that fell down was injured and had to die. These things happen.

BushChuck ago

*niggardly - means you are a cheap fuck. a Scrooge-type.

Anarchy99 ago

niggars are Jews

CaptainBurrito ago

You ever met a nig that wasnt when it came to sharing?

NoTrueScotsman ago

You missed the point that they're different words, they have different meanings and origins. Nigger comes from words that mean "black", niggardly comes from words that mean "stingy" or "careful".

CaptainBurrito ago

No I get that. I'm just pointing out synchronicity. Niggardly has never had a good connotation though, and has always been something derogatory, to the point that it's how the king James bible translated what God did not want people to become. Its antithetical to brotherly love

CaptainBurrito ago

Remember black folk hate niggers too. Chris rock used to have that one stand up sketch. But the jew pushed for ebonics n shit in the 90s and decimated the few decent blacks communities left

watts2db ago


Gigglestick ago

I’d chill with a chinc before I ever swag with a spic.

nukeclear ago

Conservative spics are infinitely more based than bugmen.

Crensch ago

Spics aren't human. They never had the genetic possibility of becoming more than subhuman filth.

It doesn't matter about "muh based taco nigger", and comparing them to bugmen doesn't actually make them human.

jewsbadnews ago

The Mayans and Aztecs had good genes, it was the nigger Spaniards who lowered their IQs, get woke.

DeadFox ago

Who let you on the computer grandpa?

waterniggas ago

then move to mexico

nukeclear ago

I hate spics in general, but when I was in the marines I had a couple good spic friends. Our cause already resonates with only a small percentage of the population and we need all the help we can get.

Chadsden ago

Wise words