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Goys-R-Us ago

Besides the fact that the original story was fake and gay.

Myan ago

i spent like 5 minutes to see if its some kind of copypasta, I couldnt find anything

Goys-R-Us ago

"the few islamists who come into the store are much more abrasive and demanding than usual, but when he puts his foot down they shut the fuck up - like they're trying to claim 'territory', but when they meet real opposition they immediately back down. The jews who come into the store, who were before much more talkative and demanding, now just buy what they want and try to get out as quickly as possible. The 'problem jews', which I'm sure every store in America can relate to, are no longer 'problematic'. They just grab their shit, keep their heads down, and try to get out as quickly as possible." . . .

Does that sound like something a grocery clerk would observe? Young women coming on to him because they want protection? It's ludicrously fake IMO.

Corpse_washer ago

Sounds legit.

Don-Keyhote ago

Dude literally stole that comment, abt this dudes stolen comment, from me LOL