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kirk_lazarus ago

Niggers fucked up when they attacked asians in the LA riots. I wouldn't mind teaming up with Asians when the Great Chimp Out happens, so long as we can set them up with their own land afterward. Maybe while we're at it we can just sweep Mexico and purge all the cartels and shit then divide up the land with the Asians

CaptainBurrito ago

Mexican Americans want nothing to do with the Mexicans. They're spitting on the names of our grandfathers who WORKED for their citizenship.

Annex mexico, purge the niggerdly. That's what most AMERICANS that came from Mexico would want.

When my Abuela went to Mexico in 2005 before she died, she came back disgusted and said that land was not Mexico. Bigger culture corrupts all other cultures, that's why the jews push for its spread. It's the down syndrome of civilization

Crensch ago

Read the Constitution, Paco. The only legitimate citizens are white Europeans. Your taco nigger families citizenship is a farce forced upon us by the Jews.

Do you think the Uncle Tom niggers are going to get a free pass? Why would you think you're any different?

CaptainBurrito ago

Because I'm of higher genetic quality than you sir, my people conquered everyone else. Everyone. I come from Aztecs and Italian conquistadors from my mother, and cowboys and viking warriors from my father. I know berserker rage and the violence of the jaguar.

Read the constitution as well, theres something called states rights. If you want an ethno state, take idaho, Oregon, and a few others. The US is a federation, not a single nation. It's time we start treating each state as an independent nation.

I dont need you to be my friend, and you don't need to be mine. But the degenerate needs to be purged before we can have it out.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and hannibal is at the gates. We can bicker in our homes, or unite for the fight that will define our generation.

If we dont, who's going to purge the rest of the world as we fight over the ashes?

WrongThunk ago

Congratulations, BurritoMuncher, you've run into the epitomy of the neo-nazi stereotype. This stereotype was invented by the kikes, and was rapidly adopted by retards and sheep that tattoo their faces to better embrace this kike stereotype. You see, if these white niggers had ever actually read Mein Kampf or educated themselves on the 3rd Reich, they would understand that National Socialism is all about love, not hate. Overwhelming love for your own race. The Nazi army was the single most diverse army in the world, employing even niggers and kikes in battle. One of Hitler's best friends was a kike, and a founding member of the SS. A National Socialist would agree with you completely, you have your home, we have ours. You can visit us, we can visit you, we can be allies, friends, etc. But never shall we mix. I encourage you to understand that it will take a lot of time and effort to defeat the kike brainwashing of all our peoples, and rise above it.

CaptainBurrito ago

Thank you, the only addition to all that I would suggest is that eugenics works, and mixing does need to occur on a limited level to promote the species/ control speciation. Mutation and hybridization are tools not to be feared, but to be controlled and channeled

SearchVoatBot ago

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Trousersnake1488 ago

Hmmm. This is suspicious. Taco person wants white diversity for white people's sake.. sounds familiar.

If you think mutations can be summed up to justify mixing and creating mudbloods, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't really know much about genetics.

The most frustrating thing about studying anything is seeing others butcher the principles of ones field and twist it for their self interest.

Diversity of genetics is is the same as argument the kikes make for diversity, you're just making an excuse. As long as people aren't fucking their families, no one is going to inbreed.

Crensch ago

There's at least a couple of these new accounts going around pushing "muh based taco niggers" and other Jewish bullshit.

CaptainBurrito ago

No you retard, genetics requires variations and mutations. LITERALLY why men exist. Women can only clone, and any population set with too similar genetics becomes weak and eventually dies off.

Go fuck your sister like the arabs do and watch your people get dumber.

Go eat nothing but carrots and go see what happens to your body.

Diversity is only dangerous without unity and assimilation. A garden can be diverse with weeds, or with properly cultivated species.

But you dont have a degree in a science field do you

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol you're exactly the kind of faggot I am refering to. Lol women clone??? Like sea anemonies?

What is an allele? Do you know?

What are the principles of natural selection, you faggot. You can even look em up for yourself because it's obvious you are either a nigger or a retard, or both

Trousersnake1488 ago

Each study and everything you posted backs up my statements. Are you just trying to lie or are you really just that good of a representation of your mongoloid race that you genuinely can't understand white men's words?

Fucking retard taco shitskin. Go back to those papers you posted and look at the names.. how many faggot beaners do you see?

I swear, the only thing that makes me want to kill you 3rd world retards more than your looking at your kind is listening to your species attempt to understand the world that whites have bestowed upon you... It's pathetic.

You type in english (white) and are somehow proud of Spanish??? (Your white conquered language) SPAIN Even your Mexican heritage music is really just GERMAN POLKA music.. but I'm sure you knew that lol.

Such a proud people, you're entire la raza is nothing more than unwanted rape babies from willingly spread whore legs of your great grandma to Spanish conquistadors

CaptainBurrito ago

Yeah idiot, if you understood a 2 sex species and the origins of the evolution of sexuality you'd understand that the evolution of the male zygote is a MUTATION, and prior to this MUTATION of the genetic code, females (those with XX chromosomes) had to self replicate somehow prior to this emergent evolutionary step.

Or do you think gender is assigned? Are you a tranny?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Thats a retarded way to descrobe the proposed evolution of the two sexes... To anthropomorphize the evolution of ameobas while not providing any context is stupid on your point.

Dude, you're literally just making this shit up and sticking buzzwords into whaat you think a smart person might say.. again, can't tell of trolling or just retard spic.

When you say male zygote.. do you actually mean the y chromoson?

If you apply linear adjectives to any process of evolution, it highlights how you fundamentally don't grasp the underlying concept of natural selection..

Quick, if you are at least any bit versed in Evo theory, there is a concept that listed and mentioned in practically every class/book on Evo... Do you know what is it? It is a property of evolution.. if youve studied Evo above an art student faggots level of understanding, you'd know.

It's that evolution is not liniear; that there is no goal, it just is and just happens, descent either modification. And therefore, to apply human goals or objectives (like the fucking retards who say survival of the fittest or darein award to things they notice around them) is to completely not understand what the topic is.

Here , start here.

I'm ignoring your other questions because they aren't relevant to what I'm talking about.

Just curious, and I'm serious. What level of Evo bio have you taken? For coursework, or do you just 'read' it in your free time, and if so, from what sources?

CaptainBurrito ago

When you say male zygote.. do you actually mean the y chromoson?

A male zygote is the embryo that is male with a y chromosome. Glad you don't understand this normal term.

It's that evolution is not liniear; Yes retard. Mutation is what drives nonlinear emergence of traits. But I guess my big words make your tiny brain hurt.

that there is no goal, it just is and just happens, descent either modification. See my last statement. And if the mutation is useful it is passed on as it aids in survival.

And therefore, to apply human goals or objectives (like the fucking retards who say survival of the fittest or darein award to things they notice around them) is to completely not understand what the topic is.

I'm not applying any of this dim wit. You are denying that key aspects of evolution exist to try and hold onto some misguided attempt to feel superior, yet you are too dumb to understand what you are saying.

The rest of your comment is retarded and I don't think you have the background knowledge to even understand why you're retarded on the matter. Guess my white privilidge is showing.

Great come back, sorry this taco nigger just fucked you in the add royally

Trousersnake1488 ago

What do you think about that?

CaptainBurrito ago

Nigga, I ain't watching your videos, or your links. Be a Man and use your own words. I only provided links I found in 4 seconds of searching each, each relating unto mine argument. Now quit being a child and have a discussion or continue to feel the persistent wrath of taco Tuesday.

You're some sort of white supremacist or whatever, I dont care what your identity politics are, I dont subscribe to the dialectic of degeneracy.

White genocide is occurring because dick tards like you get hung up on semantics (semite) of vocabulary and opponent rather than sitting down and getting to the root of an issue. And the premise behind this argument is your inability to link multiple sources of information together and understand that I'm trying to help your people.

You aren't supreme, you're human, and humans together united for a cause are the only thing that changes the world.

Race is not a cause

Survival is a cause

Adaptation is driven by survival

Successful adaptation facilitates positive survival rates

White people are dying out globally, I am trying to help you fucks.

But you dont understand cause and effect well enough to get that, so keep causing dude, keep lubing up your butthole. Cause your people gave power unto women and faggots by not uniting the power of humanity like you should have.

If your people want to survive as a race, and your people are my people too, I am a hybrid of several subspecies by racist terms, but I dont care.

Humanity has been and always will always speciate.

So I cant stop that, but I can be a father unto nations, so let me be a new species, I dont care

Your people gave power to women and faggots. We could have had global peace, but you gave power to women and faggots

And who di you think is most easily manipulated by Jewish propaganda

Women and faggots

So STFU and figure out that you have allies in this fight to come. All the UN predictions on weather are wrong.

The sun is heating up, and we tipped the scales to extinction 5 years ago.

So we can either unite now, and take back power from women or faggots

Or we are all going to have to watch humanity come up against fermis paradox because women and faggots have power and are letting in a bunch of pre-home sapien sapiens.

Black folk are the base form right after monkeys, asians bred with donosovians and the midgets peoples of the south Pacific.

White people bred with Neanderthals and that species

Aryans were the blue eyed blond natives if the Himalayan mountains that traveled to the Germanic lands in prehistoric times.

You dont even know what you're talking about. You're like a trained monkey, unable to understand the full implications of what you have been taught in your life. Like koko the chimp,you make words with such vigor, as though only having recently been able to comprehend that you had a voice.

Can I now show you a mirror?

Can you comprehend that it is you, or will you deny it

Trousersnake1488 ago

Don't care, I'm sorry you spent so much time writing that post. Oh well

CaptainBurrito ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

This is weird now. Oh well

CaptainBurrito ago

Each study and everything you posted backs up my statements. Are you just trying to lie or are you really just that good of a representation of your mongoloid race that you genuinely can't understand white men's words? idiot. You're just mad I have science to back me up.

You type in english (white) and are somehow proud of Spanish??? (Your white conquered language) SPAIN Even your Mexican heritage music is really just GERMAN POLKA music.. but I'm sure you knew that lol. Umm, Mexico is a colony. Germans moved there in the 1500s. Spanish is not a white conquered language, spanish the language of the conqueror. Nahuatl is the natives tongue. And yes, the conquistador conquered. Those are my ancestors. But you dont understand how class structure works in mexico.

How can a whore willingly spread her legs AND be raped?

Truly you are a mind to be reckoned with.

Trousersnake1488 ago

.... Can't tell if you're trolling or just a shitskin retard at this point.

Either way, If you think you're gonna to sell the idea of "smart" spics to the white nationalists in order to not get (((deported))), good luck.

*** That's right, white man, the science says you need us shitskin people, so you don't inbreed**

Classic shitskin move, even in attempt to try and understand white men's science, the motivation is still based in the lust after white women.

CaptainBurrito ago

Not at all what I've advocated for. But you're wanting to balkanize the US because you're too dimwitted to understand how geo politics works, or how big this country really is

Well, considering you're the white guy you're advocating for, it's no wonder white chicks search out other races for breeding. You're weak of mind

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. You have no idea if I'm attractive or not and I have no idea whether you are attractive or not. What we at least do know is that your skin is the color of shit and mine is not.

The only weakness of mind I have displayed is to treat you like an equal, and thinking that you could, at the very least, spit back the memorized writings of greater white men whithout adding your own retarded version of it, but alas.

CaptainBurrito ago

Equal, you have only acted by these words sir

"Keep ones mouth shut and let others think you and idiot, rather than opening them and proving them correct" This is America motherfucker, we are founded on that great concept known as "fuck you", and I appreciate the discourse as, but I know you're ugly because there is no humility in your words, only the degredation of another, and that makes your soul ugly, unworthy of love. Just as the Arab screams "I am better than you" so have you. Just as the jew screams "I am better than you", so have you. Just as the bigger screams "deeze nutz" so have you. Like a dog without wit you snarl at one that would fight for your people.

Regardless of how dim witted you are, you are my countrymen. If you're just trying to balkanize after the fall, you're just pushing back the hordes 1 generation.

We need a federation again, and to treat each political faction as getting only 1 state, rather than the whole union.

Or do you want to fall to the armies of the globalists? Of Israel or the rothschilds, or whatever other faction comes to power next? Or do you want freedom to be who you are around people like you, and to contribute to the next step in evolution? Because the trannies and the other NPC hordes that have gone insane have control of education and immigration and the female psyche

Quit being a bitch and start fighting the real enemy

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol again, can't tell if trolling or just retard. Of course it's Jews, and your kind wouldnt be parasitizing us whites if they weren't rooted so deep. Either way, you are no countryman of mine so for your sake, good luck convincing other white nationalist. At least I know your kind won't shoot me, and then I'll just undermine your structure from within. Mozzletoff.

. It's funny, at work, a "conservative" spic the other day said the same thing and everyone just cringed when they heard him, in his Spanish accent, refer to "our" founding fathers.. the vehicle went silent after and it made me want to puke.

But Si amigo! It's what Jefferson and Jackson wold have wanted! Lol please. Save your kumbaya faggot shit for others, tacobell.

Now leave me be, I need to get back to my favorite movie, chappie.

CaptainBurrito ago


CaptainBurrito ago


CaptainBurrito ago

All you have is name calling fool.

Say my mane, SAY MY NAME!!



CaptainBurrito ago

I'm not trying to convince white nationalists, I'm trying to convince Americans. Its something you cant do

Trousersnake1488 ago

By referencing your retarded understanding of genetics and natural selection to argue that it's in the genetic interest of white women to mix with less species. You're just a typical shitskin savage, nothing more, nothing less.

Ever wonder why you don't see white men arguing your same retard ideas for your women or other women? (Maybe asian women, but thats just because they are disappointed and have failed at the current system).

Tell ya what, give us Enrique Iglesias and you can have Kathy Griffin. Ps, totally not gay but he is a good looking guy... Is he Mexican?

CaptainBurrito ago

No it's not in the genetic interest of white women to do that. What's in their interest is getting with intelligent, strong men, you're not at my level foot soldier. When the war comes, you're gonna be taking command, and I'm going to be giving them. This war is bigger than race, it's about the species, and we can degrade into decadence, or we can conquer the world once more. But you're from one o e the slave races of Europe. You are no Ubermensch. You are no Viking, no Conquistador, no Crusader, of no knightly blood. You're cannon fodder

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah yeah yeah, read my other post, I changed it

CaptainBurrito ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. No, I mean I added more. I wanted to attempt to understand your 'wlmen are clones' statement