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kirk_lazarus ago

Niggers fucked up when they attacked asians in the LA riots. I wouldn't mind teaming up with Asians when the Great Chimp Out happens, so long as we can set them up with their own land afterward. Maybe while we're at it we can just sweep Mexico and purge all the cartels and shit then divide up the land with the Asians

ar308 ago

Pretty much all the Asian immigrants I know are good people. Quite conservative politically (by today’s standards) as well, since they don’t put up with all the identitarian politics nonsense that’s so popular now.

It’s important to recognize that regardless of your views on race, part of being a decent person means recognizing who your allies are, and treating them appropriately. It’s a bad idea to just hate everyone who doesn’t look like you; even if for some reason you feel that way, it’s not logical or right to hate a group of people who don’t hate you and generally have the same goals as you.

Now of course, I’ve seen plenty of people of all races (Asians included) who grew up here and were indoctrinated to the radical left of identity politics, spewing anti-white male hate just like the rest of the people of those politics. That’s a politics issue, since people of all races seem to be a part of that nonsense.

Redcobra ago

New acct ar47??

AR47 ago

Nope I am hardly here anymore. I try to keep my opinions to myself now.

Enough people here have shit to say that I don’t really need to add to it. Besides don’t you think there is enough negativity in this place?

Redcobra ago

Too much Negativity is subjective, imo society needs the voices here now more than ever. And infact without dissenting voices speaking against the absurdity of pc culture we are doomed (again imo).the pendulum must swing from one extreme to the opposite before it settles in the middle. so if the “extreme” right was more centrist the middle would still be to far left for my tastes.that said i’d still encourage you to voice your so far as whether or not you are @ar308 you can see how this acct shares a similar line of thinking to @AR47 so maybe your just part of the same “group”.who knows.

AR47 ago

It is that reason. (Part of the same group) kinda shit that drives people away.

Too many here want to think they are some kind of crusader that as mounting offense towards them. Lol couldn’t be further from the truth. The ones you think are the group indeed are just like minded folks that are not associated in any ways save they use the same platform.

The sinister element took over this place long ago, and did it quickly. Ever read how putt says “we” in his updates about the site? As in “we” are working hard to get these changes implemented.

That “we” he is talking about is them and him.

Voat was a great plan by powers that be to keep all the undesirable away from reddit.

Ever notice that the sweeping bans and subreddit quarantine happened when voat was in its rise?

I am not a member of some group as I gave up this place long ago.

zyklon_b ago

gay and gayer

ar308 ago

No, who is that?