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Voat4CBD ago

I'm in, 100%. White paper it is!

RyanDiaz ago

stop it

Honkler ago


ArielQflip ago

It's gotten that good if posted paper is being investigated. Watch all copier paper turn an ugly yellow or unbleached natural and we cannot wear white to work anymore. Oh shit! No bleach! Have to go back to Blueing. Honk!

Sheeitpost ago


magic3383 ago

It's brilliant. Peak optics for optics cucks too.

bdmthrfkr ago

There is no phase 2.

TrevorLahey ago

The only non-racist page is black print on black paper. Plus it's good for the toner business.

Civil_Warrior ago

This could be a thing.

selpai ago

This is hilarious, but i wonder if they can be pushed that far.

Holonomic ago

Where all da white paper at?!

voatusernamevoat ago

aka what was originally planned.

Shotinthedark ago

Oh lawdy! It's dat rayciss white paper again.

Derpfroot ago

Just like "despite" is now known (and will get you b&).

Sara12738 ago

Best video with proofs which showing there is creator of this universe

Who is Satan and why there is evil Best video about this with proofs

Monkey using phone like humans .. . .

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Or...just skip all this and remove matzoh

lanre ago

I saw graffiti of this in a bathroom stall in the middle of nowhere. It must be catching on.

Wonder_Boy ago

The original meme boards

HST ago

Trap threads were different back then

Wonder_Boy ago

No backup back then

Satirical ago


binrobinro ago

That' racist against the Old Romans.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The Old Romans weren't multicultural enough so we had to add Romans of Another Tribe.

HST ago

Those bloody RATs

carnold03 ago

We could get blacks in on this by pointing out the removal of black letters from white backgrounds is fundamentally anti-black and anti-American, too.

lionofthenorth ago

Speaking of gotten this bad, has anyone that is dumb enough to have a smartphone and Snapchat seen the shitty news section of it? It’s absolutely vile degeneracy that doesn’t even try to be subtle. Articles about smoking weed, sex, pornhub, various vapid degenerate bullshit, orange man bad firmware, pictures of dudes kissing, I could go on. Who the fuck would let their children use this app? This is repulsive and is definitely corrupting kids. How is this legal?

Civil_Warrior ago

It's the parents responsibility to raise their child. This world is not safe for a full grown man with military training. HOW CAN YOU LOGICALLY EXPECT GIVING UP FREEDOM TO MAKE IT CHILD SAFE????

You had kids. Don't make it the world's problem. It's your problem. Own your child's future, don't beg for bigger govt in order to get you off the hook of parenting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

leting children use apps

LightestHour ago

letting children use the Internet

fixed that for you

citifouronesix ago

Wikipedia and other educational resources are online, my guy.

xiego ago

Follow snapchat.degeneracy on Instagram

version7 ago

Wasn't this the point all along?

VicariousJambi ago

I don't think so. We keep underestimating their stupidity, it knows know bounds.

KrazyKlownKlub ago

It's like the IOTBW paper infuriates them for two reasons. One is that they hate that a lot of people know that such a message has to be put out there. Two, they can't stop people from doing it or reading the signs. It's a nightmare for them.

headfire ago

Generating nightmares for the crazies is trivially easy, because they're doing it to themselves.

Sara16476 ago

Best video with proofs which showing there is creator of this universe

Who is Satan and why there is evil Best video about this with proofs

Monkey using phone like humans

beece ago

Disproving the theory that anything worth saying once is worth saying twice.

Disproving the theory that anything worth saying once is worth saying twice.

Whitworth ago

The next step after that is to write “It’s OK to be white” in phosphorescent ink onto normal fliers.

Watch these nutcases start going over bulletin boards with a black light to remove the invisible hate speech.

awakeawareinma ago

WW3 is gonna be lit fam ;)

Apathy ago

I was thinking of doing something like this, but I'll save it for election season. Basically show every black ghetto (with blacks in the background) and show how we need immigrants to come fix everything. Maybe a picture of a single black mom with 5 kids, and how she needs Jose to take care of her. Make it feel racist against blacks, insinuate to replacing them, and while making insane demands of the "immigrants".

Anon331717 ago

Sounds like you might have read State of Emergency by Steve Pieczenik

theoldguy ago

But a white piece of paper implies it's OK to be white!

Kalergi ago

TV news just ran ablurb about fan at Cubs game flashing racist OK sign. The Cubs Organization is investigating.

Honk-didely Honk.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Inevitability of gradualness: Just a few years until 'Oxygen is racist.' If that can be pulled off, it will be the greatest troll of all time.

cantaloupe6 ago

Oxygen - is incredibly offensive - it's atomic weight is 16 aka 14+2 that's a dog whistle for 14 words and two genders.

Civil_Warrior ago

I herd time is racist from a fat nigger sheboon.

SerialChiller ago

What is the font called? I want to change all my correspondence to use the font.

spamyak ago

Segoe UI Light seems like a pretty close match if you're talking about the signs.

Satirical ago

Yeah but it's owned by Microsoft.

Ubuntu font is very close to segoe UI, and is free and open source.

spamyak ago

Ubuntu is kinda funky and rounded. If we're talking about open fonts then Open Sans Light, Lato Light, or perhaps Roboto Light are good options.

ArielQflip ago

Two cent

Kalergi ago

Comic Sans is favored in Clown World.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Bad idea, you would spark riots of people complaining about the use of COMIC SANS!!!!!

i_scream_trucks ago

I had a legit idea along these lines

print out shitloads of fliers that are either white letters on plain black background or black on plain white

all you put on it is "ITS OK TO BE"

watch heads explode trying to figure out who is baiting who and how.

folgeyharry ago

I like that. I'd also like to see a poster half black on white and half white on black. It'd say “It's ok to be black” on one half and “It's ok to be white” on the other.

Makes whoevers tears it down have to confront their hypocrisy directly.

insanitea ago

I live in the perfect sort of neighbourhood for this. Ima do it.

Kalergi ago

just: "It's"

Civil_Warrior ago

This is genius.

Do iiiiit!!!




I proposed the same ideas during the aftermath of the first campaign.

I kept getting kicked off of 8chan and had my threads deleted because

Hurdurr, there is no round 2, don't change the message.

Accelerationism has changed their minds.

White tshirts, white caps, white flags will be the symbology behind the white identity movement

Civil_Warrior ago

This is made of awesome.

VicariousJambi ago

I usually have pretty good composure at work, but god damn that was a funny one.

white_male30 ago


Wooden_door ago

Holy fuck rofl

notanexit ago


recon_johnny ago

Found the fellow shitlord.

I hate fats.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Living rent free in their heads.

Because they know we're right.

DayOfThePillow ago

The latest one they are pushing is DON'T DEBATE THEM. Hahaha, it's comical. "These people are right so don't you dare fucking talk to them!" LOL

Civil_Warrior ago

I'm smart so I don't debate fascists, because that's what all fascists want, open uncensored debate of proven facts instead of FEELINGS. it's so much more noble to be clueless, pointless, mindless and a pawn in a Jew game of chess to the death.

No debating!!! Fascists debate!!!

Mylon ago

Debate can be a double edged sword. For example, there's nothing to be gained debating a creationist. If anything, it gives their belief more credibility by putting it on a pedestal where it needs to be critiqued, as if it had any merit at all. I could see the same reasoning being used for other topics.

Climhazzard ago

Don't get me wrong, I highly believe in cause-and-effect to the point to where I believe determinism is highly probable. That is to say that I believe the world is the way it is now, in its whole and all of its minute details, exactly because the world was the way it was the moment before, and back to the beginning of time, or through an infinite past-time.

Yet, I notice the cataloguing of fossils is biased, and highly insufficient (incomplete). It is obvious the straw-man that evolutionists fight against, that "God created all the animals as they were and they do not change because God created them that way" or whatever creationists argument they spin. Starting to see how dumb the argument sounds against creationist? I don't even believe in a god, but I can smell bullshit.

I don't have a collection of fossils to examine to draw my own conclusions, so I have to rely on the authority of other people. I see bullshit arguments coming from both sides, so I can't believe either side. I believe in the data, or I just plain don't know.

Free speech and debate leads to truth. And (paraphrasing), a learned man can entertain an idea he does not believe to be true.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error."

-from John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

Mylon ago

Gaps in the fossil record is a silly argument. It's the God of the Gaps all over again. The only way the fossil record would ever be complete was if we had a complete fossil of every organism ever alive. Or, perhaps the complete fossil of every ancestor of a particular species so we could track every minute change throughout history. Then we could truly claim there are no gaps in the fossil record!

The troubles with creationism are many. It is based on a story in a book. It makes no predictions and offers no insight as to how the world works. It is equally as useful as Pastafarianism insofar as a theory for how the world came to be.

Evolution is fact. We have witnessed it in action within our lifetimes. The "theory" of Evolution regards the paths evolution has taken in the past. Not whether evolution is possible or not.

Popularity doesn't even come into it. Creationism is a belief with no ground in reality and it's opposition to genuine science makes it detrimental to science.

DayOfThePillow ago

"There is nothing to be gained by debating a creationist"

Of course there is, the theory of evolution started by debating creationists. If people had never debated creationists you would still believe in it, I think you are missing the point entirely. Everything should be debated and only those with weak minds or part of a cult think otherwise. If you were confident in your views you would debate them, being part of the evolution cult and refusing to debate others with other views is cult behavior.

Mylon ago

I'm talking about debating creationists today. Context matters. There is nothing useful in debating creationists today, except positioning them next to respected scientists and by proxy treating the young Earthers as respectable people.

BordelonLoop ago

"everything should be debated." nope. take the case of pedophiles. well, maybe. we should debate if they die slowly or just take one in the head immediately.

DayOfThePillow ago

Pedophilla would never be illegal if it wasn't debated.... derrrrrp. Use your head.

BordelonLoop ago

it wasn't debated. derrrp. use your head.

DayOfThePillow ago

Of course it was that's how laws are passed. Fact is you say that's not up for debate, fine, then the left says your views aren't up for debate, what has it lead to apart from two cults trying to shut each other up?

Debate them, tell them fucking kids is wrong, stopping a debate is the tactics of the left if you agree with it FOR ANY SUBJECT then don't complain when you are shut up and persicuted for wanting to debate immigration for example.

BordelonLoop ago

the time for talk has come and gone. the sides are shored up. people innately know what is good and what is evil. this is why i come to voat. i hear plenty viewpoints and often reexamine my stances. here we can offer up the fine details. but for the most part, we are of one sane mind. no, debating them doesn't work. however, mocking them ruthlessly might.

DayOfThePillow ago

Yeah i wasn't trying to be a dick in my first comment but everything needs to be open to debate otherwise we give them the power to silence us whenever wherever. Anyway I agree that's why we're on voat. Hopefully it's not too late for debate because we all know what the only other alternative is....

BordelonLoop ago

yes, everything needs to be open to debate. abso-fucking-lutely. but, as we can all witness in these time we are living, nothing is open for debate in society at large. so we find, we seek out and do our damnedest to protect these few places left that are free to debate. i was taught at an early age to develop "rhino hide." i think most of us here have it.

Mylon ago

What if my point is that there is a case where debate is off the table? Is that idea open for debate?

BordelonLoop ago

circles, circles!!! but yes, we have that debate here. but now the debate is voting even worth it?

Treefart ago

I think they were already debating that

Deplorablepoetry ago

Fuck you and everything you think’s that for a debate..., faggot?

Mylon ago

Very enlightening. I appreciate your input, Flat Earther.

CantDentTheBrent ago

That's always been the case.

prairie ago

Debate is a while male invention. It doesn't allow for diversity of facts and logic. /s

DayOfThePillow ago

Just keep pointing out that only a cult doesn't debate other people, because the quickest way to find out you are part of a cult is to debate someone outside of the cult. If they are not completely gone it will get them thinking.

not_saying_a_thing ago

This is one of the tactics I tried about 5 or 6 years ago when the mindvirus hit. I lost about 90% of my friends and was unable to bring any of them back. Only the conservatives and the Christians will bother with me anymore, and even with my being basically just a classical liberal that hates niggers and jews, I'm the furthest right out of all of them. Shit's retarded.

Libtardscum ago

Normie dont do thinking

Whitworth ago

There was a link posted recently to some tweet from an idiot who tried to claim the exact opposite. Her mother pleaded with her to not go out to debate with cultists. She claimed it was because debate is a tool used to confuse you and manipulate you into doing something against your better interests. I wish I had saved that post. It’s like, “No, your mother was afraid that you’re such a dumb npc you’d get recruited into a cult after a couple minutes of talking to them. That’s on you, not the concept of debate.”

shittyanalagyguy ago

You already said she has a Twitter

dudelol ago

Self reflection isn't the left's strong suit

Civil_Warrior ago

Because they are morons and niggers. When a nigger reflects this happens

DrShitlord ago

No kind of mental activity that requires thinking is the left's strong suit. That's why you can't argue with them and go for their fee-fees.