The ADL makes a Twitter post about helping YouTube censor (((their))) platform. 600 comments later and 99.9% of all the replies are calling them out for being anti-White. We are legion. (
submitted 5.6 years ago by TexasVet
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16tons 5.6 years ago
If They Want To Take This Tweet & It's Replies Down. We've Got a Copy of this Beautiful Red Pill
antiliberalsociety 5.6 years ago
I wouldn't take anything this Kike lover posts too seriously
This is coming from the guy who begged us for money then buys rifles with it instead and when I called him on it, he called for censorship on Voat and even went to the FBI
He's also famous for plagiarism where he steals from here and changes the wording to make it "his" on gab
Just look at his comment history
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16tons ago
If They Want To Take This Tweet & It's Replies Down. We've Got a Copy of this Beautiful Red Pill
antiliberalsociety ago
I wouldn't take anything this Kike lover posts too seriously
This is coming from the guy who begged us for money then buys rifles with it instead and when I called him on it, he called for censorship on Voat and even went to the FBI
He's also famous for plagiarism where he steals from here and changes the wording to make it "his" on gab
Just look at his comment history